



From 08/03/2016 to 06/04/2016


10:07 AM SciQLOP Bug #679: difficulties testing filedownloader
QTEST_MAIN doesn't build a QCoreApplication, that's normal. If you need one then build one:... Alexis Jeandet
09:54 AM SciQLOP Bug #679 (Closed): difficulties testing filedownloader
While attempting to test DownloadFile() from FileDownloader, I get the following error message :


10:49 AM LFR-FSW Task #677 (Closed): Ajouter au SUM info sur HK_LFR_MAG_FIELDS_FLAG
Salut Philippe.
En effet, cette info est dans la SRS >= 1.9 (QR de décembre 2015) et j'ai omis de le reporter dans l...
bruno katra


04:20 PM SciQLOP Bug #665 (Closed): plot tab increment is wrong
Tabs should now increment correctly. Anonymous
12:15 PM SciQLOP Bug #669 (Closed): user can remove data from database while it is still plotted
Users can no longer remove data from database while it is still plotted. Anonymous
11:39 AM SciQLOP Task #661 (Closed): Remove hard coded path
Removed every known hard coded paths from QLop.
File is now directly downloaded instead of downloaded data put in a ...
11:35 AM SciQLOP Bug #672 (Closed): Application does not respond in preference panel
We temporarily disabled the crypto module for your PNST executable.
That's why you couldn't access to this feature i...
11:30 AM SciQLOP Bug #666 (Resolved): Zoom on time series is way to fast
Zoom/Unzoom has been fixed and should be usable by all mouses, pads etc. Anonymous
11:29 AM SciQLOP Task #660 (Resolved): disable PyQLop until updated
PyQlop has been disabled temporarily Anonymous
11:27 AM SciQLOP Task #663 (In Progress): Improve filter performance in space data tree
After investigation, it seems that the lack in performance is due to :
- a huge number of calls to Regexp's match fu...
11:23 AM SciQLOP Task #668 (Closed): data tree shouldn't show dataset, component etc.
Data Tree no longer displays node names. Anonymous
11:21 AM SciQLOP Feature #664 (Closed): Add progress bar in time selection window
Added waiting cursor when data URL is being created Anonymous


05:27 PM SciQLOP Bug #670 (Closed): PYTHONPATH
problem with my .profile... everything's ok Nicolas Aunai


10:24 PM SciQLOP Task #674 (New): code comments
I've openned multiple files in the code and have seen no comment except the licence header.
This should be corrected...
Nicolas Aunai
10:10 PM SciQLOP Feature #673 (New): code must be documented
The code is not currently documented.
Functions/modules/classes etc. should be fully documented with the doxygen sys...
Nicolas Aunai
09:55 PM SciQLOP Bug #672 (Closed): Application does not respond in preference panel
h1. Symptoms
On my mac:
QLOP > Preferences > Space data AMDA Settings
If I check the box Use AMDA personnal set...
Nicolas Aunai
09:49 PM SciQLOP Bug #671: code crashed after trying to move plot widget
The bug occurs only when move the plot widget after having plotted something, not when starting the application with ... Nicolas Aunai
09:45 PM SciQLOP Bug #671 (Closed): code crashed after trying to move plot widget
I tried to move the plot widget around and the program crashed : ... Nicolas Aunai
09:42 PM SciQLOP Bug #670 (Closed): PYTHONPATH
pythonpath should be read by sciqlop python module so the user can use his own code/packages Nicolas Aunai
09:37 PM SciQLOP Bug #669 (Closed): user can remove data from database while it is still plotted
h1. Symptom
It is not normal the user can remove data from the database while it is still in use by one of the plo...
Nicolas Aunai
09:34 PM SciQLOP Bug #666: Zoom on time series is way to fast
correction : it is too fast, and also, I cannot unzoom... Nicolas Aunai
09:26 PM SciQLOP Bug #666 (Closed): Zoom on time series is way to fast
h1. Symptom
The zoom on time series is not controlable. On my mac I must hit cmd+mouse wheel, and then it immediat...
Nicolas Aunai
09:30 PM SciQLOP Task #668 (Closed): data tree shouldn't show dataset, component etc.
In the data tree of the space data module, I shouldn't see in the tree the words "component" or "parameter" or "datas... Nicolas Aunai
09:28 PM SciQLOP Bug #667 (Closed): UT time vs local time
h1. Symptom
I'm not entirely sure the time selection is correct.
On the plot I see the time in UTC+1, does this c...
Nicolas Aunai
09:24 PM SciQLOP Bug #665 (Closed): plot tab increment is wrong
h1. Symptom
I plot data in tab 1, I close tab 1, I plot data in "new tab" and a tab name "tab 2" appears.
Tab num...
Nicolas Aunai
09:21 PM SciQLOP Feature #664 (Closed): Add progress bar in time selection window
User should be able to see the progress of the download. Nicolas Aunai
09:20 PM SciQLOP Task #663 (In Progress): Improve filter performance in space data tree
h1. Symptom
The data tree filter should filter data as the user types. It takes about 1 sec on my macbook air to f...
Nicolas Aunai
09:17 PM SciQLOP Bug #662 (Closed): Data tree does not show up on Mac when launching application
h1. Symptom
The data tree in the space data module does not show up on the mac app when clicking on the icon to la...
Nicolas Aunai
03:45 PM SciQLOP Task #661 (Closed): Remove hard coded path
DL file instead of download data
remove all hard coded paths
03:30 PM SciQLOP Task #659 (Resolved): Remove useless old files
Removed from project Anonymous
03:05 PM SciQLOP Task #659 (Closed): Remove useless old files
at least the following files shouldn't be anymore in QLop source tree:
* src/SocExplorerPlot.h \
* src/QCustomPlot/...
Alexis Jeandet
03:18 PM SciQLOP Task #660 (Closed): disable PyQLop until updated
The following line in should be commented out or removed until the code is updated:
Alexis Jeandet


03:42 PM LFR-FSW Bug #450 (Closed): SSS-CP-EQS-526 non conforme par rapport à ICD >= 3.3

Traité et approuvé au niveau du projet
Veronique bouzid
03:28 PM LFR-FSW Bug #245 (Feedback): synchronisation des snapshots
JIRA 627 :
After several improvements on swf resync algorithm, the centering precision of swf has a jitter which i...
bruno katra


05:47 PM LFR-FSW Bug #658 (Closed): HK_LFR_TIMECODE_INVALID is set after the boot sequence

Voici une configuration qui apres la sequence de boot postionne le champ HK_LFR_TIMECODE_INVALID à 1 au lieu du cha...
Veronique bouzid
03:28 PM LFR-FSW Bug #657 (Closed): HK_LFR_xE_CNT doesn't manage the wrap of 8bits counter error

En Analysant le passage à zero des compteurs d'erreurs suivants (HK_LFR_TIMECODE_MISSING et HK_LFR_TIME_NOT_SYNCHRO...
Veronique bouzid
02:51 PM LFR-FSW Support #656 (Closed): SHow to validate HK_LFR_VHDL_SM field

En analysant le script /opt/VALIDATION_R3/lfrverif/LFR_SVS/SVS-0078/
Le champ HK_LFR_VHDL_SM e...
Veronique bouzid
02:47 PM SciQLOP Feature #654 (Resolved): Horizontal Zoom
Fixed by adding a new method to the QtChart library. Anonymous
11:31 AM SciQLOP Feature #654 (Resolved): Horizontal Zoom
Zooming horizontally (along X axis only) must be implemented.
As far as I know, this feature is not available direct...
01:53 PM LFR-FSW Task #613 (Closed): Validation SWF 22s
Veronique bouzid
01:53 PM LFR-FSW Task #633 (Closed): Mise à jour SRS /SVS/SVR
Veronique bouzid
01:53 PM LFR-FSW Task #633: Mise à jour SRS /SVS/SVR

Modifs intégrées dans le SUM et les documents SRS/SVS
Veronique bouzid
01:51 PM LFR-FSW Task #655 (Closed): Mise à jour SRS et SVS / TC > 228 bytes

Mettre à jour la SRS et les tests associés dans la SVS pour expliquer
- comment est traitée la reception d une TC ...
Veronique bouzid
01:42 PM LFR-FSW Bug #649: CCSDS_TC_PKT_MAX_SIZE wrong: detection of a TC with wrong length

Le script qui permet de valider le requirement de la SSS SSS-IF-DPS-EQ-180 se trouve dans /opt/VALIADATION_R3/lfrve...
Veronique bouzid
01:32 PM LFR-FSW Bug #649: CCSDS_TC_PKT_MAX_SIZE wrong: detection of a TC with wrong length
Les fichiers de test ont été rangés dans le repertoire /home/validation/data/R3/ Veronique bouzid
11:27 AM LFR-FSW Bug #245: synchronisation des snapshots
Nombreuses modifications/améliorations faites par Paul entre et (tracés dans #612 #616 #618 #624 #6... bruno katra
11:25 AM SciQLOP Bug #641: amda PAD download
According to Elena Budnik, this feature is not yet implemented. Anonymous
11:23 AM SciQLOP Bug #639 (Resolved): TimeSeries are not displayed properly in plotEngine
It was due to a low dynamic in time because of times coded in huge float.
Resolved by coding the delta in time fro...
11:14 AM SciQLOP Bug #642 (Resolved): plot tab name/increment is wrong
This bug has been fixed.
It was due to a forgotten method in PlotPanel class.


03:21 PM LFR-FSW Bug #569 (Closed): [QR R3] SUM : nombreuses corrections mineures
bruno katra
03:08 PM LFR-FSW Bug #651 (Closed): LEON power down mode status in SUM
Ok info ajouté au SUM 1.2 bruno katra
02:56 PM LFR-FSW Bug #651: LEON power down mode status in SUM
Dans un forum sur le Leon3, j'ai trouvé l'explication suivante:
RTEMS has an idle task which is scheduled when no ...
paul leroy
02:22 PM LFR-FSW Bug #651 (Closed): LEON power down mode status in SUM

Tout ce que je peux dire est que dans la doc grip.pdf (screenshot joint), au niveau de l'IP Leon3, on peut lire qu'...
bruno katra
02:38 PM LFR-FSW Bug #652: memory map to be added in SUM and/or SDD
Pistes laissées par Philippe Plasson :
The attached linker script (GericosCoreDemoApp_linker_script.txt) is an exa...
bruno katra
02:34 PM LFR-FSW Bug #652: memory map to be added in SUM and/or SDD
J'ai retrouvé l'issue JIRA :
Voici les infos fournies par Paul :
bruno katra
02:30 PM LFR-FSW Bug #652 (Closed): memory map to be added in SUM and/or SDD
J'ai livré à Philippe des informations en décembre par l'intermédiaire d'une issue JIRA sur le memory map. Informatio... bruno katra
01:50 PM LFR-FSW Task #620:
Fichiers sources et headers de la version paul leroy
10:32 AM SciQLOP Bug #650 (Closed): Spectro + linear plot in the same scroll area
When we put a spectrogram and some linear plots together in the same scroll area,
data in linear plots disappear an...
09:21 AM LFR-FSW Bug #649: CCSDS_TC_PKT_MAX_SIZE wrong: detection of a TC with wrong length

Voici des précisions:
dans mon exemple, la commande TM_LFR_TC_EXE_CORRUPTED est envoyée par la fonction tc_check_l...
Veronique bouzid
08:27 AM LFR-FSW Bug #649 (Closed): CCSDS_TC_PKT_MAX_SIZE wrong: detection of a TC with wrong length

Le requirement suivant est passé de design a test.
Command packets (DPU Software to RPW analyzer flight software)
Veronique bouzid

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