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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2134 Bug Stalled Low Emission d'une raie à 96Hz par LFR Alexis Jeandet 22/03/2021 11:41 AM Actions
1029 Bug Stalled Low La tâche AVGV semble s'arrêter lorsque l'on repasse en STDBY sur l'EM2 uniquement Alexis Jeandet 22/03/2021 12:07 PM Actions
96 Bug Rejected Normal DMA latency to access External memory Jean-Christophe Pellion 02/12/2016 01:10 PM Actions
97 Bug Rejected Normal TM_LFR_HK: sauts de HK_LFR_DPU_SPW_PKT_SENT_CNT bruno katra 24/03/2017 12:03 PM Actions
508 Bug Closed Normal Field DESTINATION_ID into TM_LFR_KCOEFFICIENTS_DUMP non compliant Veronique bouzid 02/10/2015 04:10 PM Actions
65 Bug Closed Immediate TC_LFR_LOAD_NORMAL_PAR: pas de vérif sur SY_LFR_N_ASM_P, S_LFR_N_BP_P0, SY_LFR_N_BP_P1. bruno katra 13/06/2014 04:06 PM Actions
1066 Bug Closed Normal "Failure on LFR booting process" après TC_LFR_RESET Alexis Jeandet 13/12/2018 02:51 PM Actions
241 Bug Closed Normal 2 petits pb avec le SGSE thomas chust 07/10/2015 06:04 PM Actions
179 Bug Closed Normal ACQUISITION_TIME a une valeur erronée sur certains produits au bout de plusieurs heures de test sur l'EM. thomas chust 22/07/2014 03:56 PM Actions
560 Bug Closed Normal activer la vérification du cache du Leon3FT bruno katra 26/02/2016 12:20 PM Actions
113 Bug Closed Normal Affectation des champs de TM_LFR_HK en fin de boot du LFR bruno katra 13/06/2014 05:34 PM Actions
641 Bug Closed High amda PAD download Nicolas Aunai 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
567 Bug Closed Normal Analyse Logiscope FSW : Several coding rules violations to be fixed bruno katra 12/01/2017 03:39 PM Actions
807 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Don_Enumeration Severity is Medium William Recart 03/10/2018 07:03 PM Actions
801 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Don_Initialisation_P2 Severity is High William Recart 03/10/2018 06:35 PM Actions
808 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Don_Separee Severity is Medium paul leroy 13/01/2017 04:56 PM Actions
811 Bug Closed Normal Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : metric Comment frequency Alexis Jeandet 27/03/2019 11:08 PM Actions
813 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : metric Cyclomatic number William Recart 26/04/2017 03:23 PM Actions
812 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : metric Maximum nesting level William Recart 26/04/2017 03:22 PM Actions
814 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : metric Number of direct calls William Recart 26/04/2017 03:24 PM Actions
796 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : rule Don_Initialisation_P1 Severity is High paul leroy 03/10/2018 06:27 PM Actions
802 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : rule Tr_Accolades Severity is High paul leroy 03/10/2018 06:38 PM Actions
803 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_BoucleSortie Severity is High paul leroy 13/01/2017 04:02 PM Actions
804 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_ModelFonction Severity is High paul leroy 03/10/2018 06:39 PM Actions
810 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_OperCond Severity is Low paul leroy 26/04/2017 02:45 PM Actions
805 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_OrdreChoix Severity is High paul leroy 13/01/2017 04:03 PM Actions
806 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_ParenArg Severity is High paul leroy 24/04/2017 12:36 PM Actions
809 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_Parenthèses Severity is Medium William Recart 03/10/2018 07:06 PM Actions
897 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 modifiée tag 322 (c0603702c8c8) : Don_ArtVariables Severity is Low William Recart 26/04/2017 03:24 PM Actions
3125 Bug Closed Normal Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.2.0.21 : Tr_Parenthèses Severity is Medium Alexis Jeandet 10/12/2018 03:40 PM Actions
3122 Bug Closed Normal Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.2.0.21 : LFR_basic-parameters : Don_Enumeration Severity is Medium thomas chust 10/12/2018 03:47 PM Actions
3124 Bug Closed Normal Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.2.0.21 : LFR_basic-parameters : Don_Initialisation_P1 Severity is High thomas chust 08/10/2018 09:41 PM Actions
3121 Bug Closed Normal Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.2.0.21 : LFR_basic-parameters : Tr_OperCond Severity is Low William Recart 10/12/2018 03:47 PM Actions
3123 Bug Closed Normal Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.2.0.21 : LFR_basic-parameters : Tr_Parenthèses Severity is Medium Alexis Jeandet 10/12/2018 03:39 PM Actions
3126 Bug Closed Normal Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.2.0.21 : Tr_Pragma Severity is Medium Alexis Jeandet 03/10/2018 07:15 PM Actions
672 Bug Closed Normal Application does not respond in preference panel 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
89 Bug Closed Low Attente de la première TM_LFR_SCIENCE_BURST_CWF_F2/TM_LFR_SCIENCE_NORMAL_SWF_Fx supérieure à sa période bruno katra 27/01/2017 02:42 PM Actions
472 Bug Closed Normal Bistream 1.1.85 pb temps ASM et CWF_LONG thomas chust 07/10/2015 06:08 PM Actions
476 Bug Closed Urgent Bistream 1.1.88 tests ctc200_2015_07_23 thomas chust 22/06/2018 05:08 PM Actions
496 Bug Closed Urgent Bistream 1.1.89 tests ctc200_2015_09_10 paul leroy 12/10/2015 07:52 AM Actions
354 Bug Closed Normal Bit HK_LFR_CALIB_ENABLED n'est pas géré Veronique bouzid 05/06/2015 01:58 PM Actions
42 Bug Closed Normal bruit suspect sur la carte mini-lfr II Alexis Jeandet 28/07/2015 05:34 PM Actions
621 Bug Closed High Bug while downloading CDF files through Sciqlop's space data module 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
3941 Bug Closed High Calcul des BP2 erroné pour F2 [ avec matrices unitaires] bruno katra 06/10/2022 11:12 AM Actions
743 Bug Closed Normal calcul des PA_LFR_RW_MASK à partir des CP_RPW_SC_RWX_FY Veronique bouzid 27/01/2017 02:07 PM Actions
649 Bug Closed High CCSDS_TC_PKT_MAX_SIZE wrong: detection of a TC with wrong length Veronique bouzid 17/01/2017 04:30 PM Actions
911 Bug Closed Normal champ HK_LFR_PAS_FILTER_ENABLED non mis à jour apres envoi TC_LFR_LOAD_FILTER_PAR Veronique bouzid 03/02/2017 11:02 AM Actions
912 Bug Closed Normal champ HK_LFR_SC_POTENTIEL_FLAG passe à OFF Veronique bouzid 03/02/2017 10:55 AM Actions
869 Bug Closed Normal champ SY_LFR_PAS_FILTER_DELTA_F de TM_LFR_PARAMETER_PAR non initialisé à la valeur par défaut si pas de TC_LOAD_FILTER_PAR paul leroy 29/12/2016 04:11 PM Actions
456 Bug Closed Normal champs PA_BIA_ON_OFF AND al de TM_LFR_SCIENCE_NORMAL_BP*_F* ne sont pas mis à jour / TC_LFR_UPDATE_INFO Veronique bouzid 06/10/2015 12:12 PM Actions
(1-50/318) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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