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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
869 Bug Closed Normal champ SY_LFR_PAS_FILTER_DELTA_F de TM_LFR_PARAMETER_PAR non initialisé à la valeur par défaut si pas de TC_LOAD_FILTER_PAR paul leroy 29/12/2016 04:11 PM Actions
867 Bug Closed Immediate Fonction setFBinMask: Calcul masque erroné Veronique bouzid 18/01/2017 01:33 PM Actions
866 Bug Closed High Nouveau TIMEGEN : impossible de déclencher le trigger de type tickout Alexis Jeandet 29/12/2016 05:21 PM Actions
865 Bug Closed Immediate Fonction setFBinMask erronée Veronique bouzid 18/01/2017 01:34 PM Actions
864 Bug Closed Urgent Mauvais BIN filtrée suite à reception d'un UPDATE_INFO avec les fréquences RW : décalage de 1 bruno katra 24/01/2017 06:05 PM Actions
863 Bug Closed Urgent Produits SCIENCE : périodes des ACQUISITION_TIME et TIME non nominaux avec TIMEGEN Alexis Jeandet 13/12/2018 02:49 PM Actions
862 Bug Closed Urgent Valeurs des masques RW erronées dans TM_LFR_PARAMETER_DUMP bruno katra 02/02/2017 03:55 PM Actions
850 Bug New Urgent [IMPORTANT] amélioration de l'opération de shaping dans le VHDL LFR Jean-Christophe Pellion 02/12/2016 01:09 PM Actions
814 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : metric Number of direct calls William Recart 26/04/2017 03:24 PM Actions
813 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : metric Cyclomatic number William Recart 26/04/2017 03:23 PM Actions
812 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : metric Maximum nesting level William Recart 26/04/2017 03:22 PM Actions
811 Bug Closed Normal Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : metric Comment frequency Alexis Jeandet 27/03/2019 11:08 PM Actions
810 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_OperCond Severity is Low paul leroy 26/04/2017 02:45 PM Actions
809 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_Parenthèses Severity is Medium William Recart 03/10/2018 07:06 PM Actions
808 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Don_Separee Severity is Medium paul leroy 13/01/2017 04:56 PM Actions
807 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Don_Enumeration Severity is Medium William Recart 03/10/2018 07:03 PM Actions
806 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_ParenArg Severity is High paul leroy 24/04/2017 12:36 PM Actions
805 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_OrdreChoix Severity is High paul leroy 13/01/2017 04:03 PM Actions
804 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_ModelFonction Severity is High paul leroy 03/10/2018 06:39 PM Actions
803 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Tr_BoucleSortie Severity is High paul leroy 13/01/2017 04:02 PM Actions
802 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : rule Tr_Accolades Severity is High paul leroy 03/10/2018 06:38 PM Actions
801 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : Don_Initialisation_P2 Severity is High William Recart 03/10/2018 06:35 PM Actions
796 Bug Closed Low Analyse Logiscope LFR_3.1.0.4 : rule Don_Initialisation_P1 Severity is High paul leroy 03/10/2018 06:27 PM Actions
743 Bug Closed Normal calcul des PA_LFR_RW_MASK à partir des CP_RPW_SC_RWX_FY Veronique bouzid 27/01/2017 02:07 PM Actions
741 Bug Closed Normal Point labels do not appear on mousehover 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
740 Bug Closed Normal OpenGL series remanence after disabling OpenGL on a plot Nicolas Aunai 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
739 Bug Closed Normal Times with high precision appear stacked 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
738 Bug Closed Normal [QCdf] CDF_TIME_TT2000 correction Alexis Jeandet 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
720 Bug Closed Normal Linked Plots don't work as intended 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
719 Bug Closed Normal The "M" feature in Plots in order to rescale the plot in not working as intended 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
715 Bug Closed Normal R3+: field SY_LFR_PAS_FILTER_ENABLED into TM_LFR_HK Packet never updated Veronique bouzid 19/08/2016 11:42 AM Actions
713 Bug Closed Normal Curves of plots are sometimes displayed where they shouldn't be 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
709 Bug Closed Normal Plot Legend is no longer displayed Nicolas Aunai 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
708 Bug Closed Normal Plot Minimum Size 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
707 Bug Closed High R3+ : dans TM_LFR_PARAMETER_DUMP toutes les valeurs relatives aux RW et PAS FILTER sont à 0 au démarrage Veronique bouzid 18/01/2017 12:12 PM Actions
703 Bug Closed High R3+ : HK_LFR_LE_CNT is wrong for each HK after the first one Veronique bouzid 17/01/2017 03:37 PM Actions
679 Bug Closed Normal difficulties testing filedownloader Nicolas Aunai 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
672 Bug Closed Normal Application does not respond in preference panel 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
671 Bug Closed Normal code crashed after trying to move plot widget 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
670 Bug Closed Normal PYTHONPATH Alexis Jeandet 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
669 Bug Closed Normal user can remove data from database while it is still plotted 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
667 Bug Closed Normal UT time vs local time 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
666 Bug Closed Normal Zoom on time series is way to fast 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
665 Bug Closed Normal plot tab increment is wrong 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
662 Bug Closed High Data tree does not show up on Mac when launching application Nicolas Aunai 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
658 Bug Closed Normal HK_LFR_TIMECODE_INVALID is set after the boot sequence Veronique bouzid 02/06/2016 09:02 AM Actions
657 Bug Closed Immediate HK_LFR_xE_CNT doesn't manage the wrap of 8bits counter error Veronique bouzid 06/02/2017 10:49 AM Actions
652 Bug Closed Normal memory map to be added in SUM and/or SDD bruno katra 13/12/2018 02:39 PM Actions
651 Bug Closed Normal LEON power down mode status in SUM bruno katra 08/03/2016 03:08 PM Actions
650 Bug Closed High Spectro + linear plot in the same scroll area Nicolas Aunai 14/02/2019 10:28 AM Actions
(101-150/355) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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