##// END OF EJS Templates
Fixed bug, now minor and major frame pulses have the good width....
Fixed bug, now minor and major frame pulses have the good width. (one sck period and not one word clock period)

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r222:b37e19fe4c0b alexis
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292 lines | 7.7 KiB | text/x-vhdl | VhdlLexer
-- TOP_GSE.vhd
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
library lpp;
use lpp.lpp_usb.all;
use lpp.Rocket_PCM_Encoder.all;
use lpp.iir_filter.all;
use lpp.general_purpose.all;
library techmap;
use techmap.gencomp.all;
use work.config.all;
entity TOP_EGSE2 is
generic(WordSize : integer := 8; WordCnt : integer := 144;MinFCount : integer := 64;Simu : integer :=0);
Clock : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
DataRTX : in std_logic;
DataRTX_echo : out std_logic;
SCLK : out std_logic;
Gate : out std_logic;
Major_Frame : out std_logic;
Minor_Frame : out std_logic;
if_clk : out STD_LOGIC;
flagb : in STD_LOGIC;
slwr : out STD_LOGIC;
slrd : out std_logic;
pktend : out STD_LOGIC;
sloe : out STD_LOGIC;
fdbusw : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
fifoadr : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
BUS0 : out std_logic;
BUS12 : out std_logic;
BUS13 : out std_logic;
BUS14 : out std_logic
end TOP_EGSE2;
architecture ar_TOP_EGSE2 of TOP_EGSE2 is
component CLKINT
port( A : in std_logic := 'U';
Y : out std_logic
end component;
signal clk : std_logic;
signal clk_48 : std_logic;
signal sclkint : std_logic;
signal RaZ : std_logic;
signal rstn : std_logic;
signal WordCount : integer range 0 to WordCnt-1;
signal WordClk : std_logic;
signal MinFCnt : integer range 0 to MinFCount-1;
signal MinF : std_logic;
signal MinFclk : std_logic;
signal MajF : std_logic;
signal GateLF : std_logic;
signal GateHF : std_logic;
signal GateDC : std_logic;
signal GateR : std_logic;
signal Gateint : std_logic;
signal NwDat : std_logic;
signal NwDatR : std_logic;
signal DATA : std_logic_vector(WordSize-1 downto 0);
signal MinFVector : std_logic_vector(WordSize-1 downto 0);
Signal PROTO_WEN : std_logic;
Signal PROTO_DATAIN : std_logic_vector (WordSize-1 downto 0);
Signal PROTO_FULL : std_logic;
Signal PROTO_WR : std_logic;
Signal PROTO_DATAOUT : std_logic_vector (WordSize-1 downto 0);
Signal clk80 : std_logic;
signal cgi : clkgen_in_type;
signal cgo : clkgen_out_type;
DataRTX_echo <= DataRTX; --P48
ck_int0 : CLKINT
port map(Clock,clk_48);
RaZ <= cgo.clklock;
CLKGEN : entity clkgen
generic map(
tech => CFG_CLKTECH,
clk_mul => CFG_CLKMUL,
clk_div => CFG_CLKDIV,
freq => BOARDFREQ, -- clock frequency in KHz
clk_odiv => CFG_OCLKDIV, -- Proasic3/Fusion output divider clkA
clkb_odiv => CFG_OCLKDIV, -- Proasic3/Fusion output divider clkB
clkc_odiv => CFG_OCLKDIV) -- Proasic3/Fusion output divider clkC
port map(
clkin => clk_48,
pciclkin => '0',
clk => clk, -- main clock
clkn => open, -- inverted main clock
clk2x => open, -- 2x clock
sdclk => open, -- SDRAM clock
pciclk => open, -- PCI clock
cgi => cgi,
cgo => cgo,
clk4x => open, -- 4x clock
clk1xu => open, -- unscaled 1X clock
clk2xu => open, -- unscaled 2X clock
clkb => clk80, -- Proasic3/Fusion clkB
clkc => open); -- Proasic3/Fusion clkC
gene3_3M : entity Clk_Divider2
generic map(N => 10)
port map(
clk_in => clk,
clk_out => sclkint
Wcounter : entity Word_Cntr
generic map(WordSize => WordSize ,N => WordCnt)
port map(
Sclk => Sclkint,
reset => rstn,
WordClk => WordClk,
Cnt_out => WordCount
MFGEN0 : entity work.MinF_Gen
generic map(WordCnt => WordCnt)
port map(
clk => Sclkint,
reset => rstn,
WordCnt_in => WordCount,
WordClk => WordClk,
MinF_Clk => MinF
MinFcounter : entity Word_Cntr
generic map(WordSize => WordCnt ,N => MinFCount)
port map(
Sclk => WordClk,
reset => rstn,
WordClk => MinFclk,
Cnt_out => MinFCnt
MFGEN1 : entity work.MajF_Gen
generic map(WordCnt => WordCnt,MinFCount => MinFCount)
port map(
clk => Sclkint,
reset => rstn,
WordCnt_in => WordCount,
MinfCnt_in => MinFCnt,
WordClk => WordClk,
MajF_Clk => MajF
LFGATEGEN0 : entity work.LF_GATE_GEN
generic map(WordCnt => WordCnt)
port map(
clk => Sclkint,
Wcount => WordCount,
Gate => GateLF
DCGATEGEN0 : entity work.DC_GATE_GEN
generic map(WordCnt => WordCnt)
port map(
clk => Sclkint,
Wcount => WordCount,
Gate => GateDC
--GateDC <= '0';
--GateLF <= '0';
GateHF <= '1' when WordCount = 120 else
'1' when WordCount = 121 else '0';
SD0 : entity Serial_driver2
generic map(Sz => WordSize)
port map(
Sclk => Sclkint,
rstn => rstn,
Sdata => DataRTX,
Gate => GateR,
NwDat => NwDat,
Data => DATA
proto: entity work.ICI_EGSE_PROTOCOL
generic map(WordSize => WordSize,WordCnt => WordCnt,MinFCount => MinFCount,Simu => 0)
port map(
clk => clk,
-- reset => not MinF,
reset => rstn,
MinfCnt_in => MinfCnt,
WordCnt_in => WordCount,
USB2: entity work.FX2_WithFIFO
generic map(CFG_MEMTECH,use_RAM)
port map(
clk => clk,
if_clk => if_clk,
reset => rstn,
flagb => flagb,
slwr => slwr,
slrd => slrd,
pktend => pktend,
sloe => sloe,
fdbusw => fdbusw,
fifoadr => fifoadr,
wen => PROTO_WR,
rstn <= reset and RaZ;
SCLK <= Sclkint;
Major_Frame <= MajF;
Minor_Frame <= MinF;
--Minor_Frame <= MinFclk;
gateint <= GateDC or GateLF or GateHF;
Gate <= gateint;
if rstn = '0' then
GateR <= '0';
elsif Sclkint'event and Sclkint = '0' then
GateR <= Gateint;
end if;
end process;
BUS0 <= WordClk;
BUS12 <= MinFVector(0);
--BUS13 <= MinFclk;
--BUS14 <= '1' when WordCount = 0 else '0';
BUS13 <= MinF;
BUS14 <= MajF;
MinFVector <= std_logic_vector(TO_UNSIGNED(MinfCnt,WordSize));
if rstn = '0' then
PROTO_DATAIN <= (others => '0');
PROTO_WEN <= '1';
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
NwDatR <= NwDat;
if NwDat = '1' and NwDatR = '0' then
-- PROTO_DATAIN <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PROTO_DATAIN) + 1 );
PROTO_WEN <= '0';
PROTO_WEN <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end ar_TOP_EGSE2;