##// END OF EJS Templates
MiniSpartan6: added ftdi chip config to switch between UART and Async FIFO. added few WIP designs with either spwlight core, FIFO_deom IP... Libs: added SpaceWire Light IP (Works really well!) started design of ahb_ftdi_fifo -> same protocol than AHBUART but over FTDI's Async FIFO interface. This might lead to much faster transfers UP to 12MB/s.

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r681:9d85f9f8f05a default
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r681 --
-- SpaceWire Transmitter
-- This entity translates outgoing characters and tokens into
-- data-strobe signalling.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.spwpkg.all;
entity spwxmit is
port (
-- System clock.
clk: in std_logic;
-- Synchronous reset (active-high).
rst: in std_logic;
-- Scaling factor minus 1, used to scale the system clock into the
-- transmission bit rate. The system clock is divided by
-- (unsigned(divcnt) + 1). Changing this signal will immediately
-- change the transmission rate.
divcnt: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Input signals from spwlink.
xmiti: in spw_xmit_in_type;
-- Output signals to spwlink.
xmito: out spw_xmit_out_type;
-- Data Out signal to SpaceWire bus.
spw_do: out std_logic;
-- Strobe Out signal to SpaceWire bus.
spw_so: out std_logic
end entity spwxmit;
architecture spwxmit_arch of spwxmit is
-- Registers
type regs_type is record
-- tx clock
txclken: std_ulogic; -- high if a bit must be transmitted
txclkcnt: unsigned(7 downto 0);
-- output shift register
bitshift: std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
bitcnt: unsigned(3 downto 0);
-- output signals
out_data: std_ulogic;
out_strobe: std_ulogic;
-- parity flag
parity: std_ulogic;
-- pending time tick
pend_tick: std_ulogic;
pend_time: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- transmitter mode
allow_fct: std_ulogic; -- allowed to send FCTs
allow_char: std_ulogic; -- allowed to send data and time
sent_null: std_ulogic; -- sent at least one NULL token
sent_fct: std_ulogic; -- sent at least one FCT token
end record;
-- Initial state
constant regs_reset: regs_type := (
txclken => '0',
txclkcnt => "00000000",
bitshift => (others => '0'),
bitcnt => "0000",
out_data => '0',
out_strobe => '0',
parity => '0',
pend_tick => '0',
pend_time => (others => '0'),
allow_fct => '0',
allow_char => '0',
sent_null => '0',
sent_fct => '0' );
-- Registers
signal r: regs_type := regs_reset;
signal rin: regs_type;
-- Combinatorial process
process (r, rst, divcnt, xmiti) is
variable v: regs_type;
v := r;
-- Generate TX clock.
if r.txclkcnt = 0 then
v.txclkcnt := unsigned(divcnt);
v.txclken := '1';
v.txclkcnt := r.txclkcnt - 1;
v.txclken := '0';
end if;
if xmiti.txen = '0' then
-- Transmitter disabled; reset state.
v.bitcnt := "0000";
v.parity := '0';
v.pend_tick := '0';
v.allow_fct := '0';
v.allow_char := '0';
v.sent_null := '0';
v.sent_fct := '0';
-- Gentle reset of spacewire bus signals
if r.txclken = '1' then
v.out_data := r.out_data and r.out_strobe;
v.out_strobe := '0';
end if;
-- Transmitter enabled.
v.allow_fct := (not xmiti.stnull) and r.sent_null;
v.allow_char := (not xmiti.stnull) and r.sent_null and
(not xmiti.stfct) and r.sent_fct;
-- On tick of transmission clock, put next bit on the output.
if r.txclken = '1' then
if r.bitcnt = 0 then
-- Need to start a new character.
if (r.allow_char = '1') and (r.pend_tick = '1') then
-- Send Time-Code.
v.out_data := r.parity;
v.bitshift(12 downto 5) := r.pend_time;
v.bitshift(4 downto 0) := "01111";
v.bitcnt := to_unsigned(13, v.bitcnt'length);
v.parity := '0';
v.pend_tick := '0';
elsif (r.allow_fct = '1') and (xmiti.fct_in = '1') then
-- Send FCT.
v.out_data := r.parity;
v.bitshift(2 downto 0) := "001";
v.bitcnt := to_unsigned(3, v.bitcnt'length);
v.parity := '1';
v.sent_fct := '1';
elsif (r.allow_char = '1') and (xmiti.txwrite = '1') then
-- Send N-Char.
v.bitshift(0) := xmiti.txflag;
v.parity := xmiti.txflag;
if xmiti.txflag = '0' then
-- Data byte
v.out_data := not r.parity;
v.bitshift(8 downto 1) := xmiti.txdata;
v.bitcnt := to_unsigned(9, v.bitcnt'length);
-- EOP or EEP
v.out_data := r.parity;
v.bitshift(1) := xmiti.txdata(0);
v.bitshift(2) := not xmiti.txdata(0);
v.bitcnt := to_unsigned(3, v.bitcnt'length);
end if;
-- Send NULL.
v.out_data := r.parity;
v.bitshift(6 downto 0) := "0010111";
v.bitcnt := to_unsigned(7, v.bitcnt'length);
v.parity := '0';
v.sent_null := '1';
end if;
-- Shift next bit to the output.
v.out_data := r.bitshift(0);
v.parity := r.parity xor r.bitshift(0);
v.bitshift(r.bitshift'high-1 downto 0) := r.bitshift(r.bitshift'high downto 1);
v.bitcnt := r.bitcnt - 1;
end if;
-- Data-Strobe encoding.
v.out_strobe := not (r.out_strobe xor r.out_data xor v.out_data);
end if;
-- Store requests for time tick transmission.
if xmiti.tick_in = '1' then
v.pend_tick := '1';
v.pend_time := xmiti.ctrl_in & xmiti.time_in;
end if;
end if;
-- Synchronous reset
if rst = '1' then
v := regs_reset;
end if;
-- Drive outputs.
-- Note: the outputs are combinatorially dependent on certain inputs.
-- Set fctack high if (transmitter enabled) AND
-- (ready for token) AND (FCTs allowed) AND
-- ((characters not allowed) OR (no timecode pending)) AND
-- (FCT requested)
if (xmiti.txen = '1') and
(r.txclken = '1') and (r.bitcnt = 0) and (r.allow_fct = '1') and
((r.allow_char = '0') or (r.pend_tick = '0')) then
xmito.fctack <= xmiti.fct_in;
xmito.fctack <= '0';
end if;
-- Set txrdy high if (transmitter enabled) AND
-- (ready for token) AND (characters enabled) AND
-- (no timecode pending) AND (no FCT requested) AND
-- (character requested)
if (xmiti.txen = '1') and
(r.txclken = '1') and (r.bitcnt = 0) and (r.allow_char = '1') and
(r.pend_tick = '0') and (xmiti.fct_in = '0') then
xmito.txack <= xmiti.txwrite;
xmito.txack <= '0';
end if;
-- Update registers
rin <= v;
end process;
-- Synchronous process
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
-- Update registers
r <= rin;
-- Drive spacewire output signals
spw_do <= r.out_data;
spw_so <= r.out_strobe;
end if;
end process;
end architecture spwxmit_arch;