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446 lines | 15.7 KiB | text/x-vhdl | VhdlLexer
-- Test application for spwstream.
-- This entity implements one spwstream instance with SpaceWire signals
-- routed to external ports. The SpaceWire port is assumed to be looped back
-- to itself externally, either directly (tx pins wired to rx pins) or
-- through a remote SpaceWire device which is programmed to echo anything
-- it receives.
-- This entity submits a series of test patterns to the transmit side of
-- spwstream. At the same time it monitors the receive side of spwstream
-- and verifies that received data matches the transmitted data pattern.
-- Link mode and tx bit rate may be programmed through digital inputs
-- (presumably connected to switches or buttons). Link state and progress of
-- the test are reported through digital outputs (presumably connected to
-- LEDs).
-- Note: there is no check on the integrity of the first packet received
-- after the link goes up.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.spwpkg.all;
entity streamtest is
generic (
-- System clock frequency in Hz.
sysfreq: real;
-- txclk frequency in Hz (if tximpl = impl_fast).
txclkfreq: real;
-- 2-log of division factor from system clock freq to timecode freq.
tickdiv: integer range 12 to 24 := 20;
-- Receiver front-end implementation.
rximpl: spw_implementation_type := impl_generic;
-- Maximum number of bits received per system clock (impl_fast only).
rxchunk: integer range 1 to 4 := 1;
-- Transmitter implementation.
tximpl: spw_implementation_type := impl_generic;
-- Size of receive FIFO.
rxfifosize_bits: integer range 6 to 14 := 11;
-- Size of transmit FIFO.
txfifosize_bits: integer range 2 to 14 := 11 );
port (
-- System clock.
clk: in std_logic;
-- Receiver sample clock (only for impl_fast).
rxclk: in std_logic;
-- Transmit clock (only for impl_fast).
txclk: in std_logic;
-- Synchronous reset (active-high).
rst: in std_logic;
-- Enables spontaneous link start.
linkstart: in std_logic;
-- Enables automatic link start on receipt of a NULL token.
autostart: in std_logic;
-- Do not start link and/or disconnect current link.
linkdisable: in std_logic;
-- Enable sending test patterns to spwstream.
senddata: in std_logic;
-- Enable sending time codes to spwstream.
sendtick: in std_logic;
-- Scaling factor minus 1 for TX bitrate.
txdivcnt: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Link in state Started.
linkstarted: out std_logic;
-- Link in state Connecting.
linkconnecting: out std_logic;
-- Link in state Run.
linkrun: out std_logic;
-- Link error (one cycle pulse, not directly suitable for LED)
linkerror: out std_logic;
-- High when taking a byte from the receive FIFO.
gotdata: out std_logic;
-- Incorrect or unexpected data received (sticky).
dataerror: out std_logic;
-- Incorrect or unexpected time code received (sticky).
tickerror: out std_logic;
-- SpaceWire signals.
spw_di: in std_logic;
spw_si: in std_logic;
spw_do: out std_logic;
spw_so: out std_logic );
end entity streamtest;
architecture streamtest_arch of streamtest is
-- Update 16-bit maximum length LFSR by 8 steps
function lfsr16(x: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable y: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- poly = x^16 + x^14 + x^13 + x^11 + 1
-- tap positions = x(0), x(2), x(3), x(5)
y(7 downto 0) := x(15 downto 8);
y(15 downto 8) := x(7 downto 0) xor x(9 downto 2) xor x(10 downto 3) xor x(12 downto 5);
return y;
end function;
-- Sending side state.
type tx_state_type is ( txst_idle, txst_prepare, txst_data );
-- Receiving side state.
type rx_state_type is ( rxst_idle, rxst_data );
-- Registers.
type regs_type is record
tx_state: tx_state_type;
tx_timecnt: std_logic_vector((tickdiv-1) downto 0);
tx_quietcnt: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
tx_pktlen: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
tx_lfsr: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
tx_enabledata: std_ulogic;
rx_state: rx_state_type;
rx_quietcnt: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
rx_enabledata: std_ulogic;
rx_gottick: std_ulogic;
rx_expecttick: std_ulogic;
rx_expectglitch: unsigned(5 downto 0);
rx_badpacket: std_ulogic;
rx_pktlen: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
rx_prev: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
rx_lfsr: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
running: std_ulogic;
tick_in: std_ulogic;
time_in: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
txwrite: std_ulogic;
txflag: std_ulogic;
txdata: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
rxread: std_ulogic;
gotdata: std_ulogic;
dataerror: std_ulogic;
tickerror: std_ulogic;
end record;
-- Reset state.
constant regs_reset: regs_type := (
tx_state => txst_idle,
tx_timecnt => (others => '0'),
tx_quietcnt => (others => '0'),
tx_pktlen => (others => '0'),
tx_lfsr => (1 => '1', others => '0'),
tx_enabledata => '0',
rx_state => rxst_idle,
rx_quietcnt => (others => '0'),
rx_enabledata => '0',
rx_gottick => '0',
rx_expecttick => '0',
rx_expectglitch => "000001",
rx_badpacket => '0',
rx_pktlen => (others => '0'),
rx_prev => (others => '0'),
rx_lfsr => (others => '0'),
running => '0',
tick_in => '0',
time_in => (others => '0'),
txwrite => '0',
txflag => '0',
txdata => (others => '0'),
rxread => '0',
gotdata => '0',
dataerror => '0',
tickerror => '0' );
signal r: regs_type := regs_reset;
signal rin: regs_type;
-- Interface signals.
signal s_txrdy: std_logic;
signal s_tickout: std_logic;
signal s_timeout: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal s_rxvalid: std_logic;
signal s_rxflag: std_logic;
signal s_rxdata: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal s_running: std_logic;
signal s_errdisc: std_logic;
signal s_errpar: std_logic;
signal s_erresc: std_logic;
signal s_errcred: std_logic;
-- spwstream instance
spwstream_inst: spwstream
generic map (
sysfreq => sysfreq,
txclkfreq => txclkfreq,
rximpl => rximpl,
rxchunk => rxchunk,
tximpl => tximpl,
rxfifosize_bits => rxfifosize_bits,
txfifosize_bits => txfifosize_bits )
port map (
clk => clk,
rxclk => rxclk,
txclk => txclk,
rst => rst,
autostart => autostart,
linkstart => linkstart,
linkdis => linkdisable,
txdivcnt => txdivcnt,
tick_in => r.tick_in,
ctrl_in => (others => '0'),
time_in => r.time_in,
txwrite => r.txwrite,
txflag => r.txflag,
txdata => r.txdata,
txrdy => s_txrdy,
txhalff => open,
tick_out => s_tickout,
ctrl_out => open,
time_out => s_timeout,
rxvalid => s_rxvalid,
rxhalff => open,
rxflag => s_rxflag,
rxdata => s_rxdata,
rxread => r.rxread,
started => linkstarted,
connecting => linkconnecting,
running => s_running,
errdisc => s_errdisc,
errpar => s_errpar,
erresc => s_erresc,
errcred => s_errcred,
spw_di => spw_di,
spw_si => spw_si,
spw_do => spw_do,
spw_so => spw_so );
-- Drive status indications.
linkrun <= s_running;
linkerror <= s_errdisc or s_errpar or s_erresc or s_errcred;
gotdata <= r.gotdata;
dataerror <= r.dataerror;
tickerror <= r.tickerror;
process (r, rst, senddata, sendtick, s_txrdy, s_tickout, s_timeout, s_rxvalid, s_rxflag, s_rxdata, s_running) is
variable v: regs_type;
v := r;
-- Initiate timecode transmissions.
v.tx_timecnt := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.tx_timecnt) + 1);
if unsigned(v.tx_timecnt) = 0 then
v.tick_in := sendtick;
v.tick_in := '0';
end if;
if r.tick_in = '1' then
v.time_in := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.time_in) + 1);
v.rx_expecttick := '1';
v.rx_gottick := '0';
end if;
-- Turn data generator on/off at regular intervals.
v.tx_quietcnt := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.tx_quietcnt) + 1);
if unsigned(r.tx_quietcnt) = 61000 then
v.tx_quietcnt := (others => '0');
end if;
v.tx_enabledata := senddata and (not r.tx_quietcnt(15));
-- Generate data packets.
case r.tx_state is
when txst_idle =>
-- generate packet length
v.tx_state := txst_prepare;
v.tx_pktlen := r.tx_lfsr;
v.txwrite := '0';
v.tx_lfsr := lfsr16(r.tx_lfsr);
when txst_prepare =>
-- generate first byte of packet
v.tx_state := txst_data;
v.txwrite := r.tx_enabledata;
v.txflag := '0';
v.txdata := r.tx_lfsr(15 downto 8);
v.tx_lfsr := lfsr16(r.tx_lfsr);
when txst_data =>
-- generate data bytes and EOP
v.txwrite := r.tx_enabledata;
if r.txwrite = '1' and s_txrdy = '1' then
-- just sent one byte
v.tx_pktlen := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.tx_pktlen) - 1);
if unsigned(r.tx_pktlen) = 0 then
-- done with packet
v.tx_state := txst_idle;
v.txwrite := '0';
elsif unsigned(r.tx_pktlen) = 1 then
-- generate EOP
v.txwrite := r.tx_enabledata;
v.txflag := '1';
v.txdata := (others => '0');
v.tx_lfsr := lfsr16(r.tx_lfsr);
-- generate next data byte
v.txwrite := r.tx_enabledata;
v.txflag := '0';
v.txdata := r.tx_lfsr(15 downto 8);
v.tx_lfsr := lfsr16(r.tx_lfsr);
end if;
end if;
end case;
-- Blink light when receiving data.
v.gotdata := s_rxvalid and r.rxread;
-- Detect missing timecodes.
if r.tick_in = '1' and r.rx_expecttick = '1' then
-- This is bad; a new timecode is being generated while
-- we have not even received the previous one yet.
v.tickerror := '1';
end if;
-- Receive and check incoming timecodes.
if s_tickout = '1' then
if unsigned(s_timeout) + 1 /= unsigned(r.time_in) then
-- Received time code does not match last transmitted code.
v.tickerror := '1';
end if;
if r.rx_gottick = '1' then
-- Already received the last transmitted time code.
v.tickerror := '1';
end if;
v.rx_expecttick := '0';
v.rx_gottick := '1';
end if;
-- Turn data receiving on/off at regular intervals
v.rx_quietcnt := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.rx_quietcnt) + 1);
if unsigned(r.rx_quietcnt) = 55000 then
v.rx_quietcnt := (others => '0');
end if;
v.rx_enabledata := not r.rx_quietcnt(15);
case r.rx_state is
when rxst_idle =>
-- get expected packet length
v.rx_state := rxst_data;
v.rx_pktlen := r.rx_lfsr;
v.rx_lfsr := lfsr16(r.rx_lfsr);
v.rx_prev := (others => '0');
when rxst_data =>
v.rxread := r.rx_enabledata;
if r.rxread = '1' and s_rxvalid = '1' then
-- got next byte
v.rx_pktlen := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.rx_pktlen) - 1);
v.rx_prev := s_rxdata & r.rx_prev(15 downto 8);
if s_rxflag = '1' then
-- got EOP or EEP
v.rxread := '0';
v.rx_state := rxst_idle;
if s_rxdata = "00000000" then
-- got EOP
if unsigned(r.rx_pktlen) /= 0 then
-- unexpected EOP
v.rx_badpacket := '1';
end if;
-- count errors against expected glitches
if v.rx_badpacket = '1' then
-- got glitch
if r.rx_expectglitch = 0 then
v.dataerror := '1';
v.rx_expectglitch := r.rx_expectglitch - 1;
end if;
end if;
-- resynchronize LFSR
v.rx_lfsr := lfsr16(lfsr16(r.rx_prev));
-- got EEP
v.rx_badpacket := '1';
end if;
v.rx_badpacket := '0';
-- got next byte
v.rx_lfsr := lfsr16(r.rx_lfsr);
if unsigned(r.rx_pktlen) = 0 then
-- missing EOP
v.rx_badpacket := '1';
end if;
if s_rxdata /= r.rx_lfsr(15 downto 8) then
-- bad data
v.rx_badpacket := '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end case;
-- If the link goes away, we should expect inconsistency on the receiving side.
v.running := s_running;
if r.running = '1' and s_running = '0' then
if r.rx_expectglitch /= "111111" then
v.rx_expectglitch := r.rx_expectglitch + 1;
end if;
end if;
-- If there is no link, we should not expect to receive time codes.
if s_running = '0' then
v.rx_expecttick := '0';
end if;
-- Synchronous reset.
if rst = '1' then
v := regs_reset;
end if;
-- Update registers.
rin <= v;
end process;
-- Update registers.
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
r <= rin;
end if;
end process;
end architecture streamtest_arch;