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Fusion avec JC
Fusion avec JC

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720 lines | 27.0 KiB | text/x-vhdl | VhdlLexer
-- This file is a part of the GRLIB VHDL IP LIBRARY
-- Copyright (C) 2003 - 2008, Gaisler Research
-- Copyright (C) 2008 - 2010, Aeroflex Gaisler
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-- Package: sparc_disas
-- File: sparc_disas.vhd
-- Author: Jiri Gaisler, Gaisler Research
-- Description: SPARC disassembler according to SPARC V8 manual
-- pragma translate_off
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library grlib;
use grlib.stdlib.all;
use grlib.sparc.all;
use std.textio.all;
package sparc_disas is
function tostf(v:std_logic_vector) return string;
procedure print_insn(ndx: integer; pc, op, res : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
valid, trap, wr, rest : boolean);
procedure print_fpinsn(ndx: integer; pc, op : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
res : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
dpres, valid, trap, wr : boolean);
function ins2st(pc, op : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)) return string;
package body sparc_disas is
type base_type is (hex, dec);
subtype nibble is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
type pc_op_type is record
pc, op : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
end record;
function tostd(v:std_logic_vector) return string;
function tosth(v:std_logic_vector) return string;
function tostrd(n:integer) return string;
function tohex(n:nibble) return character is
case n is
when "0000" => return('0');
when "0001" => return('1');
when "0010" => return('2');
when "0011" => return('3');
when "0100" => return('4');
when "0101" => return('5');
when "0110" => return('6');
when "0111" => return('7');
when "1000" => return('8');
when "1001" => return('9');
when "1010" => return('a');
when "1011" => return('b');
when "1100" => return('c');
when "1101" => return('d');
when "1110" => return('e');
when "1111" => return('f');
when others => return('X');
end case;
type carr is array (0 to 9) of character;
constant darr : carr := ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9');
function tostd(v:std_logic_vector) return string is
variable s : string(1 to 2);
variable val : integer;
val := conv_integer(v); s(1) := darr(val / 10); s(2) := darr(val mod 10);
function tosth(v:std_logic_vector) return string is
constant vlen : natural := v'length; --'
constant slen : natural := (vlen+3)/4;
variable vv : std_logic_vector(vlen-1 downto 0);
variable s : string(1 to slen);
vv := v;
for i in slen downto 1 loop
s(i) := tohex(vv(3 downto 0));
vv(vlen-5 downto 0) := vv(vlen-1 downto 4);
end loop;
function tostf(v:std_logic_vector) return string is
constant vlen : natural := v'length; --'
constant slen : natural := (vlen+3)/4;
variable vv : std_logic_vector(vlen-1 downto 0);
variable s : string(1 to slen);
vv := v;
for i in slen downto 1 loop
s(i) := tohex(vv(3 downto 0));
vv(vlen-5 downto 0) := vv(vlen-1 downto 4);
end loop;
return("0x" & s);
function tostrd(n:integer) return string is
variable len : integer := 0;
variable tmp : string(10 downto 1);
variable v : integer := n;
for i in 0 to 9 loop
tmp(i+1) := darr(v mod 10);
if tmp(i+1) /= '0' then
len := i;
end if;
v := v/10;
end loop;
return(tmp(len+1 downto 1));
function ireg2st(v : std_logic_vector) return string is
variable ctmp : character;
variable reg : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
reg := v;
case reg(4 downto 3) is
when "00" => ctmp := 'g'; when "01" => ctmp := 'o';
when "10" => ctmp := 'l'; when "11" => ctmp := 'i';
when others => ctmp := 'X';
end case;
if v(4 downto 0) = "11110" then return("%fp");
elsif v(4 downto 0) = "01110" then return("%sp");
else return('%' & ctmp & tost('0' & reg(2 downto 0))); end if;
function simm13dec(insn : pc_op_type; base : base_type; merge : boolean) return string is
variable simm : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := insn.op(12 downto 0);
variable rs1 : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := insn.op(18 downto 14);
variable i : std_ulogic := insn.op(13);
variable sig : character;
variable fill : std_logic_vector(31 downto 13) := (others => simm(12));
if i = '0' then
if (simm(12) = '1') and (base = dec) then
sig := '-'; simm := (not simm) + 1;
sig := '+';
end if;
if base = dec then
if merge then
if rs1 = "00000" then
return(sig & tost(simm));
end if;
if rs1 = "00000" then
if sig = '-' then
return(", " & sig & tost(simm));
return(", " & tost(simm));
end if;
end if;
end if;
if rs1 = "00000" then
if simm(12) = '1' then return(tost(fill & simm));
else return(tost(simm)); end if;
if simm(12) = '1' then return(", " & tost(fill & simm));
else return(", " & tost(simm)); end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
function freg2(insn : pc_op_type) return string is
variable rs1, rs2, rd : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
variable i : std_ulogic;
rs2 := insn.op(4 downto 0);
rd := insn.op(29 downto 25);
return("%f" & tostd(rs2) &
", %f" & tostd(rd));
function creg3(insn : pc_op_type) return string is
variable rs1, rs2, rd : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
variable i : std_ulogic;
rs1 := insn.op(18 downto 14);
rs2 := insn.op(4 downto 0);
rd := insn.op(29 downto 25);
return("%c" & tostd(rs1) & ", %c" & tostd(rs2) & ", %c" & tostd(rd));
function freg3(insn : pc_op_type) return string is
variable rs1, rs2, rd : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
variable i : std_ulogic;
rs1 := insn.op(18 downto 14);
rs2 := insn.op(4 downto 0);
rd := insn.op(29 downto 25);
return("%f" & tostd(rs1) & ", %f" & tostd(rs2) & ", %f" & tostd(rd));
function fregc(insn : pc_op_type) return string is
variable rs1, rs2 : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
variable i : std_ulogic;
rs1 := insn.op(18 downto 14);
rs2 := insn.op(4 downto 0);
return("%f" & tostd(rs1) & ", %f" & tostd(rs2));
function regimm(insn : pc_op_type; base : base_type; merge : boolean) return string is
variable rs1, rs2 : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
variable i : std_ulogic;
rs1 := insn.op(18 downto 14);
rs2 := insn.op(4 downto 0);
i := insn.op(13);
if i = '0' then
if (rs1 = "00000") then
if (rs2 = "00000") then return("0");
else return(ireg2st(rs2)); end if;
if (rs2 = "00000") then return(ireg2st(rs1));
elsif merge then return(ireg2st(rs1) & " + " & ireg2st(rs2));
else return(ireg2st(rs1) & ", " & ireg2st(rs2)); end if;
end if;
if (rs1 = "00000") then return(simm13dec(insn, base, merge));
elsif insn.op(12 downto 0) = "0000000000000" then return(ireg2st(rs1));
else return(ireg2st(rs1) & simm13dec(insn, base, merge)); end if;
end if;
function regres(insn : pc_op_type; base : base_type) return string is
variable rs1, rs2, rd : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
variable i : std_ulogic;
rd := insn.op(29 downto 25);
return(regimm(insn, base,false) & ", " & ireg2st(rd ));
function branchop(insn : pc_op_type) return string is
variable simm : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
case insn.op(28 downto 25) is
when "0000" => return("n");
when "0001" => return("e");
when "0010" => return("le");
when "0011" => return("l");
when "0100" => return("leu");
when "0101" => return("cs");
when "0110" => return("neg");
when "0111" => return("vs");
when "1000" => return("a");
when "1001" => return("ne");
when "1010" => return("g");
when "1011" => return("ge");
when "1100" => return("gu");
when "1101" => return("cc");
when "1110" => return("pos");
when "1111" => return("vc");
when others => return("XXX");
end case;
function fbranchop(insn : pc_op_type) return string is
variable simm : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
case insn.op(28 downto 25) is
when "0000" => return("n");
when "0001" => return("ne");
when "0010" => return("lg");
when "0011" => return("ul");
when "0100" => return("l");
when "0101" => return("ug");
when "0110" => return("g");
when "0111" => return("u");
when "1000" => return("a");
when "1001" => return("e");
when "1010" => return("ue");
when "1011" => return("ge");
when "1100" => return("uge");
when "1101" => return("le");
when "1110" => return("ule");
when "1111" => return("o");
when others => return("XXX");
end case;
function ldparcp(insn : pc_op_type; rd : std_logic_vector; base : base_type) return string is
return("[" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]" & ", " & "%c" & tost(rd));
function ldparf(insn : pc_op_type; rd : std_logic_vector; base : base_type) return string is
return("[" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]" & ", " & "%f" & tostd(rd));
function ldpar(insn : pc_op_type; rd : std_logic_vector; base : base_type) return string is
return("[" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]" & ", " & ireg2st(rd));
function ldpara(insn : pc_op_type; rd : std_logic_vector; base : base_type) return string is
return("[" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]" & " " & tost(insn.op(12 downto 5)) & ", " & ireg2st(rd));
function ldpara_cas(insn : pc_op_type; rs1, rs2, rd : std_logic_vector; base : base_type) return string is
return("[" & ireg2st(rs1) & "]" & " " & tost(insn.op(12 downto 5)) & ", " &
ireg2st(rs2) & ", " & ireg2st(rd));
function stparc(insn : pc_op_type; rd : std_logic_vector; base : base_type) return string is
if rd = "00000" then
return("[" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]");
return(ireg2st(rd) & ", [" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]");
end if;
function stparcp(insn : pc_op_type; rd : std_logic_vector; base : base_type) return string is
return("%c" & tost(rd) & ", [" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]");
function stparf(insn : pc_op_type; rd : std_logic_vector; base : base_type) return string is
return("%f" & tostd(rd) & ", [" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]");
function stpar(insn : pc_op_type; rd : std_logic_vector; base : base_type) return string is
return(ireg2st(rd) & ", [" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]");
function stpara(insn : pc_op_type; rd : std_logic_vector; base : base_type) return string is
return(ireg2st(rd) & ", [" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]" & " " & tost(insn.op(12 downto 5)));
function ins2st(pc, op : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)) return string is
constant STMAX : natural := 9;
constant bl2 : string(1 to 2) := (others => ' ');
constant bb : string(1 to 4) := (others => ' ');
variable op1 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
variable op2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
variable op3 : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
variable opf : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
variable cond : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable rs1, rs2, rd : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
variable addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
variable annul : std_ulogic;
variable i : std_ulogic;
variable simm : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
variable insn : pc_op_type;
op1 := op(31 downto 30);
op2 := op(24 downto 22);
op3 := op(24 downto 19);
opf := op(13 downto 5);
cond := op(28 downto 25);
annul := op(29);
rs1 := op(18 downto 14);
rs2 := op(4 downto 0);
rd := op(29 downto 25);
i := op(13);
simm := op(12 downto 0);
insn.op := op;
insn.pc := pc;
case op1 is
when CALL =>
addr := pc + (op(29 downto 0) & "00");
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "call" & bl2 & tost(addr));
when FMT2 =>
case op2 is
when SETHI =>
if rd = "00000" then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "nop");
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "sethi" & bl2 & "%hi(" &
tost(op(21 downto 0) & "0000000000") & "), " & ireg2st(rd));
end if;
when BICC | FBFCC =>
addr(31 downto 24) := (others => '0');
addr(1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
addr(23 downto 2) := op(21 downto 0);
if addr(23) = '1' then
addr(31 downto 24) := (others => '1');
addr(31 downto 24) := (others => '0');
end if;
addr := addr + pc;
if op2 = BICC then
if op(29) = '1' then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & 'b' & branchop(insn) & ",a" & bl2 &
return(tostf(pc) & bb & 'b' & branchop(insn) & bl2 &
end if;
if op(29) = '1' then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fb" & fbranchop(insn) & ",a" & bl2 &
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fb" & fbranchop(insn) & bl2 &
end if;
end if;
-- when CBCCC => cptrap := '1';
when others => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "unimp");
end case;
when FMT3 =>
case op3 is
when IAND => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "and" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
when IADD => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "add" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when IOR =>
if ((i = '0') and (rs1 = "00000") and (rs2 = "00000")) then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "clr" & bl2 & ireg2st(rd));
elsif ((i = '1') and (simm = "0000000000000")) or (rs1 = "00000") then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mov" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "or " & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
end if;
when IXOR => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "xor" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
when ISUB => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "sub" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when ANDN => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "andn" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
when ORN => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "orn" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
when IXNOR =>
if ((i = '0') and ((rs1 = rd) or (rs2 = "00000"))) then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "not" & bl2 & ireg2st(rd));
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "xnor" & bl2 & ireg2st(rd));
end if;
when ADDX => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "addx" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when SUBX => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "subx" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when ADDCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "addcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when ANDCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "andcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
when ORCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "orcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
when XORCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "xorcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
when SUBCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "subcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when ANDNCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "andncc" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
when ORNCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "orncc" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
when XNORCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "xnorcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
when ADDXCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "addxcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
when UMAC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "umac" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when SMAC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "smac" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when UMUL => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "umul" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when SMUL => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "smul" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when UMULCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "umulcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when SMULCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "smulcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when SUBXCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "subxcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when UDIV => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "udiv" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when SDIV => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "sdiv" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when UDIVCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "udivcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when SDIVCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "sdivcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when TADDCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "taddcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when TSUBCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "tsubcc" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when TADDCCTV => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "taddcctv" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when TSUBCCTV => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "tsubcctv" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when MULSCC => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mulscc" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when ISLL => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "sll" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when ISRL => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "srl" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when ISRA => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "sra" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
when RDY =>
if rs1 /= "00000" then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mov" & bl2 & "%asr" &
tostd(rs1) & ", " & ireg2st(rd));
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mov" & bl2 & "%y, " & ireg2st(rd));
end if;
when RDPSR => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mov" & bl2 & "%psr, " & ireg2st(rd));
when RDWIM => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mov" & bl2 & "%wim, " & ireg2st(rd));
when RDTBR => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mov" & bl2 & "%tbr, " & ireg2st(rd));
when WRY =>
if (rs1 = "00000") or (rs2 = "00000") then
if rd /= "00000" then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mov" & bl2
& regimm(insn,hex,false) & ", %asr" & tostd(rd));
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mov" & bl2 & regimm(insn,hex,false) & ", %y");
end if;
if rd /= "00000" then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "wr " & bl2 & "%asr"
& regimm(insn,hex,false) & ", %asr" & tostd(rd));
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "wr " & bl2 & regimm(insn,hex,false) & ", %y");
end if;
end if;
when WRPSR =>
if (rs1 = "00000") or (rs2 = "00000") then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mov" & bl2 & regimm(insn,hex,false) & ", %psr");
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "wr " & bl2 & regimm(insn,hex,false) & ", %psr");
end if;
when WRWIM =>
if (rs1 = "00000") or (rs2 = "00000") then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mov" & bl2 & regimm(insn,hex,false) & ", %wim");
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "wr " & bl2 & regimm(insn,hex,false) & ", %wim");
end if;
when WRTBR =>
if (rs1 = "00000") or (rs2 = "00000") then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "mov" & bl2 & regimm(insn,hex,false) & ", %tbr");
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "wr " & bl2 & regimm(insn,hex,false) & ", %tbr");
end if;
when JMPL =>
if (rd = "00000") then
if (i = '1') and (simm = "0000000001000") then
if (rs1 = "11111") then return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ret");
elsif (rs1 = "01111") then return(tostf(pc) & bb & "retl");
else return(tostf(pc) & bb & "jmp" & bl2 & regimm(insn,dec,true));
end if;
else return(tostf(pc) & bb & "jmp" & bl2 & regimm(insn,dec,true));
end if;
else return(tostf(pc) & bb & "jmpl" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec));
end if;
when TICC =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & 't' & branchop(insn) & bl2 & regimm(insn,hex,false));
when FLUSH =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "flush" & bl2 & regimm(insn,hex,false));
when RETT =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "rett" & bl2 & regimm(insn,dec,true));
when RESTORE =>
if (rd = "00000") then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "restore");
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "restore" & bl2 & regres(insn,hex));
end if;
when SAVE =>
if (rd = "00000") then return(tostf(pc) & bb & "save");
else return(tostf(pc) & bb & "save" & bl2 & regres(insn,dec)); end if;
when FPOP1 =>
case opf is
when FITOS => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fitos" & bl2 & freg2(insn));
when FITOD => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fitod" & bl2 & freg2(insn));
when FSTOI => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fstoi" & bl2 & freg2(insn));
when FDTOI => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fdtoi" & bl2 & freg2(insn));
when FSTOD => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fstod" & bl2 & freg2(insn));
when FDTOS => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fdtos" & bl2 & freg2(insn));
when FMOVS => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fmovs" & bl2 & freg2(insn));
when FNEGS => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fnegs" & bl2 & freg2(insn));
when FABSS => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fabss" & bl2 & freg2(insn));
when FSQRTS => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fsqrts" & bl2 & freg2(insn));
when FSQRTD => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fsqrtd" & bl2 & freg2(insn));
when FADDS => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fadds" & bl2 & freg3(insn));
when FADDD => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "faddd" & bl2 & freg3(insn));
when FSUBS => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fsubs" & bl2 & freg3(insn));
when FSUBD => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fsubd" & bl2 & freg3(insn));
when FMULS => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fmuls" & bl2 & freg3(insn));
when FMULD => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fmuld" & bl2 & freg3(insn));
when FSMULD => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fsmuld" & bl2 & freg3(insn));
when FDIVS => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fdivs" & bl2 & freg3(insn));
when FDIVD => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fdivd" & bl2 & freg3(insn));
when others => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "unknown FOP1: " & tost(op));
end case;
when FPOP2 =>
case opf is
when FCMPS => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fcmps" & bl2 & fregc(insn));
when FCMPD => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fcmpd" & bl2 & fregc(insn));
when FCMPES => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fcmpes" & bl2 & fregc(insn));
when FCMPED => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "fcmped" & bl2 & fregc(insn));
when others => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "unknown FOP2: " & tost(insn.op));
end case;
when CPOP1 =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "cpop1" & bl2 & tost("000"&opf) & ", " &creg3(insn));
when CPOP2 =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "cpop2" & bl2 & tost("000"&opf) & ", " &creg3(insn));
when others => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "unknown opcode: " & tost(insn.op));
end case;
when LDST =>
case op3 is
when STC =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "st" & bl2 & stparcp(insn, rd, dec));
when STF =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "st" & bl2 & stparf(insn, rd, dec));
when ST =>
if rd = "00000" then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "clr" & bl2 & stparc(insn, rd, dec));
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "st" & bl2 & stpar(insn, rd, dec));
end if;
when STB =>
if rd = "00000" then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "clrb" & bl2 & stparc(insn, rd, dec));
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "stb" & bl2 & stpar(insn, rd, dec));
end if;
when STH =>
if rd = "00000" then
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "clrh" & bl2 & stparc(insn, rd, dec));
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "sth" & bl2 & stpar(insn, rd, dec));
end if;
when STDC =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "std" & bl2 & stparcp(insn, rd, dec));
when STDF =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "std" & bl2 & stparf(insn, rd, dec));
when STCSR =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "st" & bl2 & "%csr, [" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]");
when STFSR =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "st" & bl2 & "%fsr, [" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]");
when STDCQ =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "std" & bl2 & "%cq, [" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]");
when STDFQ =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "std" & bl2 & "%fq, [" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]");
when ISTD =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "std" & bl2 & stpar(insn, rd, dec));
when STA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "sta" & bl2 & stpara(insn, rd, dec));
when STBA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "stba" & bl2 & stpara(insn, rd, dec));
when STHA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "stha" & bl2 & stpara(insn, rd, dec));
when STDA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "stda" & bl2 & stpara(insn, rd, dec));
when LDC =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ld" & bl2 & ldparcp(insn, rd, dec));
when LDF =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ld" & bl2 & ldparf(insn, rd, dec));
when LDCSR =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ld" & bl2 & "[" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]" & ", %csr");
when LDFSR =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ld" & bl2 & "[" & regimm(insn,dec,true) & "]" & ", %fsr");
when LD =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ld" & bl2 & ldpar(insn, rd, dec));
when LDUB =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ldub" & bl2 & ldpar(insn, rd, dec));
when LDUH =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "lduh" & bl2 & ldpar(insn, rd, dec));
when LDDC =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ldd" & bl2 & ldparcp(insn, rd, dec));
when LDDF =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ldd" & bl2 & ldparf(insn, rd, dec));
when LDD =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ldd" & bl2 & ldpar(insn, rd, dec));
when LDSB =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ldsb" & bl2 & ldpar(insn, rd, dec));
when LDSH =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ldsh" & bl2 & ldpar(insn, rd, dec));
when LDSTUB =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ldstub" & bl2 & ldpar(insn, rd, dec));
when SWAP =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "swap" & bl2 & ldpar(insn, rd, dec));
when LDA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "lda" & bl2 & ldpara(insn, rd, dec));
when LDUBA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "lduba" & bl2 & ldpara(insn, rd, dec));
when LDUHA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "lduha" & bl2 & ldpara(insn, rd, dec));
when LDDA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ldda" & bl2 & ldpara(insn, rd, dec));
when LDSBA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ldsba" & bl2 & ldpara(insn, rd, dec));
when LDSHA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ldsha" & bl2 & ldpara(insn, rd, dec));
when LDSTUBA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "ldstuba" & bl2 & ldpara(insn, rd, dec));
when SWAPA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "swapa" & bl2 & ldpara(insn, rd, dec));
when CASA =>
return(tostf(pc) & bb & "casa" & bl2 & ldpara_cas(insn, rs1, rs2, rd, dec));
when others => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "unknown opcode: " & tost(op));
end case;
when others => return(tostf(pc) & bb & "unknown opcode: " & tost(op));
end case;
procedure print_insn(ndx: integer; pc, op, res : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
valid, trap, wr, rest : boolean) is
if valid then
if rest then grlib.testlib.print ("cpu" & tost(ndx) &": " & ins2st(pc, op) & " (restart)");
elsif trap then grlib.testlib.print ("cpu" & tost(ndx) &": " & ins2st(pc, op) & " (trapped)");
elsif wr then grlib.testlib.print ("cpu" & tost(ndx) & ": " & ins2st(pc, op) & " [" & tost(res) & "]");
else grlib.testlib.print ("cpu" & tost(ndx) & ": " & ins2st(pc, op)); end if;
end if;
procedure print_fpinsn(ndx: integer; pc, op : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
res : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
dpres, valid, trap, wr : boolean) is
variable t : natural;
if valid then
t := now / 1 ns;
if trap then grlib.testlib.print ("cpu" & tost(ndx) &": " & ins2st(pc, op) & " (trapped)");
elsif wr then
if dpres then grlib.testlib.print ("cpu" & tost(ndx) & ": " & ins2st(pc, op) & " [" & tost(res) & "]");
else grlib.testlib.print ("cpu" & tost(ndx) & ": " & ins2st(pc, op) & " [" & tost(res(63 downto 32)) & "]"); end if;
else grlib.testlib.print ("cpu" & tost(ndx) & ": " & ins2st(pc, op)); end if;
end if;
-- pragma translate_on