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r100 -- $Header: /syn/cvs/rcs/compilers/vhdl/vhd/synattr.vhd,v 2003/07/08 18:06:01 akapoor Exp $
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Synplicity, Inc. All rights reserved. --
-- --
-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction --
-- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file --
-- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice. --
-- --
-- --
-- Library name: synplify --
-- Package name: attributes --
-- --
-- Description: This package contains declarations for synplify --
-- attributes --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- Definitions used for Scope Integration ----------------
--{tcl set actel "act* 40* 42* 32* 54* ex* ax*"}
--{tcl set altera "max* flex* acex*"}
--{tcl set altera_retiming "flex* acex* apex* mercury* excalibur*"}
--{tcl set apex "apex20k apexii excalibur*"}
--{tcl set apexe "apex20kc apex20ke mercury* stratix* cyclone"}
--{tcl set apex20k "apex20k*"}
--{tcl set lattice "pLSI*"}
--{tcl set mach "mach* isp* gal*"}
--{tcl set quicklogic "pasic* quick* eclipse*"}
--{tcl set lucent "orca*"}
--{tcl set xilinx "xc* vir* spart*"}
--{tcl set virtex "vir* spartan*"}
--{tcl set virtex2 "virtex2*"}
--{tcl set stratix "stratix*"}
--{tcl set triscend "triscend*" }
--{tcl set asic "asic*" }
--{tcl set atmel "fpslic" }
--{tcl set cp_only "apex20k* excalibur* mercury apexii stratix* cyclone spartan* virtex*" }
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
package attributes is
-- Compiler attributes
-- {family *}
attribute phys_pin_loc : string; -- pin loacatin {objtype port} {desc Placement constarint for pin or pad} {physattr 1}
attribute phys_pin_hslots : string; -- pin loacatin {objtype module} {desc Set of slots or placable IO locations} {physattr 1}
attribute phys_pin_vslots : string; -- pin loacatin {objtype module} {desc Set of slots or placable IO locations} {physattr 1}
attribute phys_halo : string; -- pin loacatin {objtype module cell } {desc Halo to be used for the macros} {physattr 1}
-- syn_enum_encoding specifies the encoding for an enumeration type
attribute syn_enum_encoding : string; -- "onehot", "sequential", "gray" {noscope}
-- syn_encoding specifies the encoding for a state register
attribute syn_encoding : string; -- "onehot", "sequential", "gray", "safe" {objtype fsm} {desc FSM encoding (onehot, sequential, gray, safe)} {default gray} {enum onehot sequential gray safe safe,onehot safe,sequential safe,gray default}
-- syn_allow_retiming specifies if the register can be moved for retiming purpose
-- {family $altera_retiming $virtex $virtex2 $stratix }
attribute syn_allow_retiming : boolean; -- {objtype register} {desc Controls retiming of registers} {default 0}
attribute syn_state_machine : boolean; -- marks reg for SM extraction {noscope}
-- syn_preserve prevents optimization across registers it is
-- applied to. syn_preserve on a module/arch is applied to all
-- registers in the module/arch. syn_preserve on a register
-- will preserve redundant copies.
-- Can also be used to preserve redundant copies of instantiated
-- combinational cells.
attribute syn_preserve : boolean; -- {noscope}
-- syn_keep is used on signals keep the signal through optimization
-- so that timing constraints can be placed on the signal later.
-- The timing constraints can be multi-cycle path and clock.
attribute syn_keep : boolean; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_sharing : string; -- "off" or "on" {noscope}
-- syn_evaleffort is used on modules to define the effort to be used in
-- evaluating conditions for control structures. This is useful for
-- those modules that contain while loop or if-then-else conditions
-- that may evaluate to a constant if more effort is applied.
-- The higher this number, the higher the evaluation effort,
-- and consequently the memory requirement and CPU time. The default
-- value is 4.
-- This attribute is not recommended!
attribute syn_evaleffort : integer; -- an integer between 0 and 100 {noscope}
-- syn_cpueffort is used on modules to define the cpu effort to be used in
-- various optimizations (such as BDDs). It may take a value from 1 to 10,
-- with the default being 5. A value of 1 to 4 would result in less CPU
-- time and most likely less optimization, while a value of 6 to 10 would
-- result in longer CPU time and possibly more optimization.
-- This attribute is not recommended!
attribute syn_cpueffort : integer; -- an integer between 1 and 10 {noscope}
-- syn_looplimit my be attached to a loop label. It represents the maximum
-- number of loop iterations that are allowed. Use this attribute when
-- Synplify errors out after reaching the maximum loop limit.
attribute syn_looplimit : integer; -- the maximum loop count allowed {noscope}
-- the syn_pmux_slice attribute is used to enable the pmux optimization
-- code on/off. If on at the last architecture, it is carried on the
-- hierarcy chain until it finds an architecture in which the attribute
-- is expicitly set to off.
attribute syn_pmux_slice : boolean; -- a boolean value {noscope}
attribute syn_isclock : boolean; -- {noscope}
-- turn on or off priority mux code
attribute syn_primux : boolean; -- {noscope}
-- General mapping attributes
-- inst/module/arch
--{family *}
attribute syn_resources : string; -- spec resources used by module {noscope} {objtype cell} {desc Specifies resources used by module/architecture}
attribute syn_area : string; -- spec resources used by module {noscope}
attribute syn_noprune : boolean; -- keep object even if outputs unused {noscope} {objtype cell} {desc Retain instance when outputs are unused}
attribute syn_probe : string; -- {objtype signal} {app ~synplify_asic} {desc Send a signal to output port for testing} {enum 0 1}
attribute syn_direct_enable : boolean; -- {objtype signal} {app ~synplify_asic} {desc Prefered clock enable} {default 1} {enum 1}
-- registers
attribute syn_useenables : boolean; -- set to false to disable enable use {objtype register} {app ~synplify_asic} {desc Generate with clock enable pin}
-- registers
attribute syn_reference_clock : string; -- set to the name of the reference clock {objtype register} {desc Override the default clock with the given clock }
-- I/O registers
-- {family $lucent $apex $apexe $xilinx $quicklogic}
attribute syn_useioff : boolean; -- set to false to disable use of I/O FF {objtype global port register} {desc Embed flip-flps in the IO ring}
-- {family $xilinx $apex $apexe}
attribute syn_forward_io_constraints : boolean; -- set to true to forward annotate IO constraints {objtype global} {desc Forward annotate IO constraints}
-- used to specify implementations for dff in actel for now
-- {family $actel}
attribute syn_implement : string; -- "dff", "dffr", "dffs", "dffrs" {noscope}
attribute syn_radhardlevel : string; -- "none", "cc", "tmr", "tmr_cc" {objtype register } {desc Radiation-hardened implementation style} {enum none cc tmr tmr_cc}
-- {family asic}
attribute syn_ideal_net : string; -- {objtype signal} {desc Do not buffer this net during optimization} {enum 1}
-- {family asic}
attribute syn_ideal_network : string; -- {objtype signal} {desc Do not buffer this network during optimization} {enum 1}
-- {family asic}
attribute syn_no_reopt : string; -- {objtype module} {desc Do not resize during reoptimization} {enum 1}
-- {family asic}
attribute syn_wire_load : string; -- {objtype module} {desc Set the wire load model to use for this module} {enum -read-wireloads-}
-- {family *}
-- black box attributes
attribute syn_black_box : boolean; -- disables automatic black box warning {noscope}
-- OLD black box attributes
attribute black_box : boolean; -- disables automatic black box warning {noscope}
attribute black_box_pad_pin : string; -- names of I/O pad connections {noscope}
attribute black_box_tri_pins : string; -- names of tristate ports {noscope}
-- Black box timing attributes
-- tpd : timing propagation delay
-- tsu : timing setup delay
-- tco : timing clock to output delay
attribute syn_tpd1 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tpd2 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tpd3 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tpd4 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tpd5 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tpd6 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tpd7 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tpd8 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tpd9 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tpd10 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tsu1 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tsu2 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tsu3 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tsu4 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tsu5 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tsu6 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tsu7 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tsu8 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tsu9 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tsu10 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tco1 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tco2 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tco3 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tco4 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tco5 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tco6 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tco7 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tco8 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tco9 : string; -- {noscope}
attribute syn_tco10 : string; -- {noscope}
-- Mapping attributes
-- {family $actel $xilinx $lucent $quicklogic $altera $apex $apexe}
attribute syn_maxfan : integer; -- {objtype input_port register_output cell} {desc Overrides the default fanout}
-- {family $actel $xilinx $lucent $quicklogic $lattice $mach $virtex $virtex2 $triscend $asic $atmel $cp_only}
attribute syn_noclockbuf : boolean; -- {objtype global cell input_port module} {app ~synplify_asic} {desc Use normal input buffer}
-- {family $virtex stratix* }
attribute syn_srlstyle : string; -- {objtype cell global module} {desc Determines how seq. shift comp. are implemented} {default select_srl} {enum virtex (select_srl registers noextractff_srl) stratix(select_srl registers noextractff_srl altshift_tap)}
-- set syn_ramstyle to a value of "registers" to force the ram
-- to be implemented with registers.
-- {family $altera $apex $apexe $xilinx $lucent $quicklogic stratix* }
attribute syn_ramstyle : string; -- {objtype cell global module} {desc Map inferred RAM to registers} {default registers} {desc Special implementation of inferred RAM} {enum Virtex virtex-E spartan2 spartan2e virtex2 virtex2-pro(registers block_ram no_rw_check select_ram) xilinx_default (registers select_ram) stratix (registers block_ram no_rw_check) altera_default (registers block_ram) default (registers) all_enums (registers block_ram no_rw_check select_ram)}
-- {family $virtex2 $altera $apex $apexe $apex20k $lattice $lucent $mach excalibur*}
attribute syn_multstyle : string; -- {objtype cell global module} {default block_mult} {desc Special implementation of multipliers} {enum Virtex virtex-E spartan2 spartan2e virtex2 virtex2-pro(logic block_mult) stratix(logic lpm_mult block_mult) altera_default (logic lpm_mult) all_enums (logic block_mult lpm_mult)}
-- {family $virtex $virtex2}
attribute syn_tops_region_size : integer; -- {objtype global} {desc max. size of valid TOPS region in LUTs} {app amplify}
-- set syn_romstyle to a value of "logic" to force the rom
-- to be implemented with logic, select_rom/block_rom
-- {family $altera $apex $apexe $xilinx}
attribute syn_romstyle : string; -- {objtype cell global module} {desc Controls mapping of inferred ROM} {default logic} {desc Special implementation of inferred ROM} {enum xilinx_default (logic select_rom) altera_default(logic block_rom lpm_rom) default(logic) all_enums (logic select_rom block_rom) }
-- set syn_pipeline to a value 1 to pipeline the module front of it
-- {family $altera $apex $apexe $xilinx}
attribute syn_pipeline : boolean; -- {objtype register} {desc Controls pipelining of registers} {default 1} {desc Special implementation of pipelined module}
-- controls EDIF format. Set true on top level to disable array ports
-- {family *}
attribute syn_noarrayports : boolean; -- {objtype global} {app ~synplify_asic} {desc Disable array ports}
-- controls EDIF port name length. Currently used in Altera
-- {family $altera}
attribute syn_edif_name_length : string; -- {enum Restricted Unrestricted} {default Restricted} {objtype global} {desc Use Restricted for MAXII; Unrestricted for quartus}
-- {family *}
-- controls reconstruction of hierarchy. Set false on top level
-- to disable hierarchy reconstruction.
attribute syn_netlist_hierarchy : boolean; -- {objtype global} {app ~synplify_asic} {desc Enable hierarchy reconstruction}
-- syn_hier on an instance/module/architecture can be used
-- to control treatment of the level of hierarchy.
-- "macro" - preserve instantiated netlist
-- "hard" - preserves the interface of the design unit with no exceptions.
-- "remove"- removes level of hierarchy
-- "soft" - managed by Synplify (default)
-- "firm" - preserve during opt, but allow mapping across boundary
-- {family *}
attribute syn_hier: string; -- {objtype module} {desc Control hierarchy flattening} {enum proASIC (soft remove flatten firm) xilinx_default(hard soft remove flatten firm) actel_default altera_default all_enums(hard soft macro remove flatten firm) lucent_default (soft macro remove flatten firm) quicklogic_default(soft macro remove flatten firm) default(soft remove flatten firm)}
-- syn_flatten on a module/architecture will flatten out the
-- module all the way down to primitives.
attribute syn_flatten : boolean; -- {noscope}
-- {family $cp_only }
attribute syn_allowed_resources : string; -- {objtype module} {desc Control resource usage in a compile point}
-- Architecture specific attributes
-- Actel
-- {family $actel}
-- syn_preserve_sr_priority is used if you want to preserve
-- reset over set priority for DFFRS. Actel FF models produce
-- an X for set and reset active. This attribute costs gates and delay.
attribute syn_preserve_sr_priority : boolean; -- {noscope}
attribute alspin : string ; --{objtype port} {desc Pin locations for Actel I/Os}
attribute alspreserve : boolean ; --{objtype signal} {desc Not collapse a net in Actel}
attribute alsfc : string ; --{noscope}
attribute alsdc : string ; --{noscope}
attribute alsloc : string ; --{noscope}
attribute alscrt : string ; --{noscope}
-- Altera
-- {family $altera $apex $apexe}
attribute altera_implement_style : string; -- placement {noscope}
attribute altera_clique : string; -- placement {noscope}
attribute altera_chip_pin_lc : string; -- placement {objtype port} {desc I/O pin location}
-- inst/module/arch: put comb logic into rom
attribute altera_implement_in_eab : boolean; -- {objtype cell} {desc Implment in Altera EABs, apply to module/component instance name only} {default 1}
attribute altera_lcell: string; -- arch attribute with values of "lut" and "car" {noscope}
-- for lcell config
attribute altera_auto_use_eab : boolean; -- {objtype global} {desc Use EABs automatically} {default 1}
attribute altera_auto_use_esb : boolean; -- {objtype global} {desc Use ESBs automatically} {default 1}
-- Apex
-- {family $apex $apexe}
attribute altera_implement_in_esb : boolean; -- {objtype cell} {desc Implment in Altera ESBs, apply to module/component instance name only} {default 1}
-- Apex
-- {family $apex $apexe}
attribute altera_logiclock_location : string; -- {objtype module} {desc Give the location of LogicLock region } {default floating}
-- Apex
-- {family $apex $apexe}
attribute altera_logiclock_size : string; -- {objtype module} {desc Give the size of LogicLock region} {default auto}
-- {family apex20kc apex20ke excalibur* mercury* cyclone stratix* acex* flex10k* }
attribute altera_io_opendrain : boolean; -- set to true to get opendrain port in APEX {objtype port} {desc Use opendrain capability on port or bit-port.}
-- {family $altera_retiming}
attribute altera_io_powerup : string; -- set to high to get IO FF to powerup high in APEX {objtype port} {desc Powerup high or low on port or bit-port in APEX20KE.}
-- Lattice
-- {family $lattice $quicklogic}
attribute lock: string; -- pin placement {objtype port} {desc Pin locations for Lattice I/Os}
-- Lucent
-- {family $lucent}
attribute din : string; -- orca2 FF placement attribute, use value "" {objtype input_port} {desc Input register goes next to I/O pad}
attribute dout : string; -- orca2 FF placement attribute, use value "" {objtype output_port} {desc Output register goes next to I/O pad}
attribute orca_padtype : string; -- value selects synth pad type {objtype port} {desc Pad type for I/O}
attribute orca_props : string; -- attributes to pass for instance {objtype cell port} {desc Forward annotate attributes to ORCA back-end}
-- Both Lucent and Mach
-- {family $lucent $mach}
attribute loc : string; -- placment attribute {objtype port} {desc Pin location}
-- Quicklogic
-- {family $quicklogic}
-- I/O attributes
attribute ql_padtype : string; -- {objtype port} {desc Override default pad types (use BIDIR, INPUT, CLOCK)} {enum BIDIR INPUT CLOCK}
attribute ql_placement : string; -- {objtype port cell} {desc Placement location}
-- Xilinx
-- {family $xilinx}
-- Instance Placement attributes
attribute xc_loc : string; -- placement (pads) {objtype port} {desc Port placement}
attribute xc_rloc : string; -- see RPMs in xilinx doc {objtype cell} {desc Relative placement specification, use with xc_uset}
attribute xc_uset : string; -- see RPMs in xilinx doc {objtype cell} {desc Assign group name for placement, use with xc_rloc}
-- I/O attributes
attribute xc_fast : boolean; -- {objtype output_port} {desc Fast transition time}
attribute xc_ioff : boolean; -- {noscope}
attribute xc_nodelay : boolean; -- {objtype input_port} {desc Remove input delay}
attribute xc_slow : boolean; -- {objtype output_port} {desc Slow transition time}
attribute xc_ttl : boolean; -- {noscope}
attribute xc_cmos : boolean; -- {noscope}
attribute xc_pullup : boolean; -- add a pullup to I/O {objtype port} {desc Add a pullup}
attribute xc_pulldown : boolean; -- add a pulldown to I/O {objtype port} {desc Add a pulldown}
attribute xc_clockbuftype : string; -- {objtype input_port} {default BUFGDLL} {desc Use the Xilinx BUFGDLL clock buffer}
attribute xc_padtype : string; -- {objtype port} {desc Applies an I/O standard to an I/O buffer}
-- Top level architecture attributes
-- number of global buffers, used only for XC4000, XC4000E
attribute syn_global_buffers : integer; -- {objtype global} {desc Number of global buffers}
attribute xc_use_timespec_for_io : boolean; -- {objtype global} {desc Enable use of from-to timepsec instead of offset for I/O constraint} {default 0}
-- Xilinx Modular Design Flow --
attribute xc_pseudo_pin_loc : string; -- {objtype signal} {default CLB_RrrCcc:CLB_RrrCcc} {desc Pseudo pin location on place and route block }
attribute xc_modular_design : boolean; -- {objtype global } {default 1} {desc Enable modular design flow }
attribute xc_modular_region : string; -- {objtype cell } {default rr#cc#rr#cc} {desc Specifies the number of CLB's for a modular region}
-- Xilinx Incremental Design Flow --
attribute xc_area_group : string; -- {objtype cell } {default rr#cc#rr#cc} {desc Specifies the region where instance should be placed}
-- Black box attributes
-- {family $xilinx}
attribute xc_alias : string; -- cell name change in XNF writer {noscope}
attribute xc_props : string; -- extra XNF attributes to pass for instance {objtype cell} {desc Extra XNF attributes to pass for instance}
attribute xc_map : string; -- used to map entity to fmap/hmap/lut {objtype module} {desc Map entity to fmap/hmap/lut} {enum fmap hmap lut}
attribute xc_isgsr : boolean; -- used to mark port of core with built in GSR {noscope}
attribute syn_tristatetomux : integer ; -- {objtype module global} {desc Threshold for converting tristates to mux}
attribute syn_edif_bit_format : string ; -- {objtype global} {desc Format bus names} {enum %u<%i> %u[%i] %u(%i) %u_%i %u%i %d<%i> %d[%i] %d(%i) %d_%i %d%i %n<%i> %n[%i] %n(%i) %n_%i %n%i}
attribute syn_edif_scalar_format : string; -- {objtype global} {desc Format scaler names} {enum %u %n %d}
attribute xc_fast_auto : boolean; -- {objtype global} {desc Enable automatic fast output buffer use}
-- Triscend
-- {family $triscend}
attribute tr_map : string; -- used to map entity to LUT {objtype module} {desc Map entity to LUT}
attribute syn_props : string; -- extra attributes to pass to EDIF for instance {objtype cell} {desc Extra attributes to pass to EDIF for instance}
-- syn_replicate controls replication of registers
-- {family $virtex $virtex2 $altera $apex $apexe $apex20k}
attribute syn_replicate : boolean; -- {objtype global register} {desc Controls replication of registers} {default 0}
-- {family $xilinx}
attribute syn_verification_options : string; -- {objtype module} {default black_box} {desc Allows a module to be defined as a black_box for verification }
end attributes;