##// END OF EJS Templates
MiniSpartan6: added ftdi chip config to switch between UART and Async FIFO. added few WIP designs with either spwlight core, FIFO_deom IP... Libs: added SpaceWire Light IP (Works really well!) started design of ahb_ftdi_fifo -> same protocol than AHBUART but over FTDI's Async FIFO interface. This might lead to much faster transfers UP to 12MB/s.

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r681:9d85f9f8f05a default
r681:9d85f9f8f05a default
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r681 --
-- SpaceWire Exchange Level Controller.
-- This entity implements exchange level aspects of the SpaceWire protocol.
-- It handles connection setup, error detection and flow control.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.spwpkg.all;
entity spwlink is
generic (
-- Reset time expressed in system clock cycles.
-- Should be 6.4 us (5.82 us .. 7.2 us) according to the standard.
reset_time: integer
port (
-- System clock.
clk: in std_logic;
-- Synchronous reset (active-high).
-- Disconnects, resets error conditions, puts the link state machine
-- in state ErrorReset.
rst: in std_logic;
-- Link level inputs.
linki: in spw_link_in_type;
-- Link level outputs.
linko: out spw_link_out_type;
-- Receiver enable signal to spwrecv.
rxen: out std_logic;
-- Output signals from spwrecv.
recvo: in spw_recv_out_type;
-- Input signals for spwxmit.
xmiti: out spw_xmit_in_type;
-- Output signals from spwxmit.
xmito: in spw_xmit_out_type
end entity spwlink;
architecture spwlink_arch of spwlink is
-- Convert boolean to std_logic.
type bool_to_logic_type is array(boolean) of std_ulogic;
constant bool_to_logic: bool_to_logic_type := (false => '0', true => '1');
-- State machine.
type state_type is (
S_ErrorReset, S_ErrorWait, S_Ready, S_Started, S_Connecting, S_Run );
-- Registers
type regs_type is record
-- state machine
state: state_type;
-- credit accounting
tx_credit: unsigned(5 downto 0);
rx_credit: unsigned(5 downto 0);
errcred: std_ulogic;
-- reset timer
timercnt: unsigned(10 downto 0);
timerdone: std_ulogic;
-- signal to transmitter
xmit_fct_in: std_ulogic;
end record;
-- Initial state
constant regs_reset: regs_type := (
state => S_ErrorReset,
tx_credit => "000000",
rx_credit => "000000",
errcred => '0',
timercnt => to_unsigned(reset_time, 11),
timerdone => '0',
xmit_fct_in => '0' );
signal r: regs_type := regs_reset;
signal rin: regs_type;
-- Combinatorial process
process (r, rst, linki, recvo, xmito) is
variable v: regs_type;
variable v_timerrst: std_logic;
v := r;
v_timerrst := '0';
-- State machine.
case r.state is
when S_ErrorReset =>
-- Wait for timer.
if r.timercnt = 0 then
v.state := S_ErrorWait;
v_timerrst := '1';
end if;
v.errcred := '0';
v.xmit_fct_in := '0';
when S_ErrorWait =>
-- Wait for 2 timer periods.
if ((recvo.errdisc or recvo.errpar or recvo.erresc) = '1') or
((recvo.gotfct or recvo.tick_out or recvo.rxchar) = '1') then
-- Note: spwrecv will never issue errpar, erresc, gotfct,
-- tick_out or rxchar before the first NULL has been seen.
-- Therefore it's ok here to bail on those conditions
-- without explicitly testing got_null.
v.state := S_ErrorReset; -- error, go back to reset
v_timerrst := '1';
elsif r.timercnt = 0 then
if r.timerdone = '1' then
v.state := S_Ready;
v_timerrst := '1';
end if;
end if;
when S_Ready =>
-- Wait for link start.
if ((recvo.errdisc or recvo.errpar or recvo.erresc) = '1') or
((recvo.gotfct or recvo.tick_out or recvo.rxchar) = '1') then
v.state := S_ErrorReset; -- error, go back to reset
v_timerrst := '1';
elsif (linki.linkdis = '0') and (r.xmit_fct_in = '1') and
((linki.linkstart or (linki.autostart and recvo.gotnull)) = '1') then
v.state := S_Started; -- link enabled; start sending NULL
v_timerrst := '1';
end if;
when S_Started =>
-- Wait for NULL.
if ((recvo.errdisc or recvo.errpar or recvo.erresc) = '1') or
((recvo.gotfct or recvo.tick_out or recvo.rxchar) = '1') or
((r.timercnt = 0) and r.timerdone = '1') then
v.state := S_ErrorReset; -- error, go back to reset
v_timerrst := '1';
elsif recvo.gotnull = '1' then
v.state := S_Connecting; -- received null, continue
v_timerrst := '1';
end if;
when S_Connecting =>
-- Wait for FCT.
if ((recvo.errdisc or recvo.errpar or recvo.erresc) = '1') or
((recvo.tick_out or recvo.rxchar) = '1') or
((r.timercnt = 0) and r.timerdone = '1') then
v.state := S_ErrorReset; -- error, go back to reset
v_timerrst := '1';
elsif recvo.gotfct = '1' then
v.state := S_Run; -- got FCT, init completed
end if;
when S_Run =>
-- All is well.
if ((recvo.errdisc or recvo.errpar or recvo.erresc) = '1') or
(r.errcred = '1') or
(linki.linkdis = '1') then
v.state := S_ErrorReset; -- error, go back to reset
v_timerrst := '1';
end if;
when others =>
v.state := S_ErrorReset; -- recover from invalid state
v_timerrst := '1';
end case;
-- Update credit counters.
if r.state = S_ErrorReset then
-- reset credit
v.tx_credit := to_unsigned(0, v.tx_credit'length);
v.rx_credit := to_unsigned(0, v.rx_credit'length);
-- update TX credit
if recvo.gotfct = '1' then
-- just received a FCT token
v.tx_credit := v.tx_credit + to_unsigned(8, v.tx_credit'length);
if r.tx_credit > 48 then
-- received too many FCT tokens
v.errcred := '1';
end if;
end if;
if xmito.txack = '1' then
-- just sent one byte
v.tx_credit := v.tx_credit - to_unsigned(1, v.tx_credit'length);
end if;
-- update RX credit after sending FCT
if xmito.fctack = '1' then
-- just sent a FCT token
v.rx_credit := v.rx_credit + to_unsigned(8, v.rx_credit'length);
end if;
-- decide about sending FCT tokens
v.xmit_fct_in := bool_to_logic( (v.rx_credit <= 48) and
(v.rx_credit + to_unsigned(8, v.rx_credit'length) <= unsigned(linki.rxroom)) );
-- update RX credit after receiving character
if recvo.rxchar = '1' then
-- just received a character
v.rx_credit := v.rx_credit - to_unsigned(1, v.rx_credit'length);
if r.rx_credit = 0 then
-- remote transmitter violated its credit
v.errcred := '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Update the initializaton reset timer.
if v_timerrst = '1' then
v.timercnt := to_unsigned(reset_time, v.timercnt'length);
v.timerdone := '0';
if r.timercnt = 0 then
v.timercnt := to_unsigned(reset_time, v.timercnt'length);
v.timerdone := '1';
v.timercnt := r.timercnt - 1;
end if;
end if;
-- Reset
if rst = '1' then
v := regs_reset;
end if;
-- Drive link level outputs.
linko.started <= bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Started);
linko.connecting <= bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Connecting);
linko.running <= bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Run);
linko.errdisc <= recvo.errdisc and bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Run);
linko.errpar <= recvo.errpar and bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Run);
linko.erresc <= recvo.erresc and bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Run);
linko.errcred <= r.errcred;
linko.txack <= xmito.txack;
linko.tick_out <= recvo.tick_out and bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Run);
linko.ctrl_out <= recvo.ctrl_out;
linko.time_out <= recvo.time_out;
linko.rxchar <= recvo.rxchar and bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Run);
linko.rxflag <= recvo.rxflag;
linko.rxdata <= recvo.rxdata;
-- Drive receiver inputs.
rxen <= bool_to_logic(r.state /= S_ErrorReset);
-- Drive transmitter input signals.
xmiti.txen <= bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Started or
r.state = S_Connecting or
r.state = S_Run);
xmiti.stnull <= bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Started);
xmiti.stfct <= bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Connecting);
xmiti.fct_in <= r.xmit_fct_in;
xmiti.tick_in <= linki.tick_in and bool_to_logic(r.state = S_Run);
xmiti.ctrl_in <= linki.ctrl_in;
xmiti.time_in <= linki.time_in;
xmiti.txwrite <= linki.txwrite and bool_to_logic(r.tx_credit /= 0);
xmiti.txflag <= linki.txflag;
xmiti.txdata <= linki.txdata;
-- Update registers.
rin <= v;
end process;
-- Update registers.
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
r <= rin;
end if;
end process;
end architecture spwlink_arch;