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r191 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- LEON3 Demonstration design
-- Copyright (C) 2004 Jiri Gaisler, Gaisler Research
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library grlib;
use grlib.amba.all;
use grlib.stdlib.all;
library techmap;
use techmap.gencomp.all;
library gaisler;
use gaisler.memctrl.all;
use gaisler.leon3.all;
use gaisler.uart.all;
use gaisler.misc.all;
use gaisler.spacewire.all; -- PLE
library esa;
use esa.memoryctrl.all;
use work.config.all;
library lpp;
--use lpp.lpp_amba.all;
use lpp.lpp_memory.all;
--use lpp.lpp_uart.all;
--use lpp.lpp_matrix.all;
--use lpp.lpp_delay.all;
--use lpp.lpp_fft.all;
--use lpp.fft_components.all;
--use lpp.lpp_ad_conv.all;
--use lpp.iir_filter.all;
use lpp.general_purpose.all;
--use lpp.Filtercfg.all;
use lpp.lpp_lfr_time_management.all; -- PLE
use lpp.lpp_lfr_spectral_matrices_DMA.all; -- PLE
use lpp.lpp_top_lfr_pkg.all;
entity leon3mp is
generic (
fabtech : integer := CFG_FABTECH;
memtech : integer := CFG_MEMTECH;
padtech : integer := CFG_PADTECH;
clktech : integer := CFG_CLKTECH;
disas : integer := CFG_DISAS; -- Enable disassembly to console
dbguart : integer := CFG_DUART; -- Print UART on console
pclow : integer := CFG_PCLOW
port (
clk100MHz : in std_ulogic;
clk49_152MHz : in std_ulogic;
reset : in std_ulogic;
ramclk : out std_logic;
ahbrxd : in std_ulogic; -- DSU rx data
ahbtxd : out std_ulogic; -- DSU tx data
dsubre : in std_ulogic;
dsuact : out std_ulogic;
urxd1 : in std_ulogic; -- UART1 rx data
utxd1 : out std_ulogic; -- UART1 tx data
errorn : out std_ulogic;
address : out std_logic_vector(18 downto 0);
data : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
gpio : inout std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- I/O port
nBWa : out std_logic;
nBWb : out std_logic;
nBWc : out std_logic;
nBWd : out std_logic;
nBWE : out std_logic;
nADSC : out std_logic;
nADSP : out std_logic;
nADV : out std_logic;
nGW : out std_logic;
nCE1 : out std_logic;
CE2 : out std_logic;
nCE3 : out std_logic;
nOE : out std_logic;
MODE : out std_logic;
SSRAM_CLK : out std_logic;
ZZ : out std_logic;
--- AJOUT TEST ------------------------In/Out-----------------------
led : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- waveform picker------
sdo_adc : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cnv_ch1 : out std_logic;
sck_ch1 : out std_logic;
Bias_Fails : out std_logic;
-- SPACEWIRE -----------
spw1_din : in std_logic; -- PLE
spw1_sin : in std_logic; -- PLE
spw1_dout : out std_logic; -- PLE
spw1_sout : out std_logic; -- PLE
spw1_en_bar : out std_logic;
spw2_en_bar : out std_logic
architecture Behavioral of leon3mp is
--constant maxahbmsp : integer := CFG_NCPU+CFG_AHB_UART+
constant maxahbmsp : integer := CFG_NCPU+CFG_AHB_UART+
CFG_GRETH+CFG_AHB_JTAG+1 -- 1 is for the SpaceWire module grspw2, which is a master
+1; -- 1 is for the waveform picker top
constant maxahbm : integer := maxahbmsp;
--Clk & Rst g�n�
signal vcc : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal gnd : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal resetnl : std_ulogic;
signal clk2x : std_ulogic;
signal lclk2x : std_ulogic;
signal lclk25MHz : std_ulogic;
signal lclk50MHz : std_ulogic;
signal lclk100MHz : std_ulogic;
signal clkm : std_ulogic;
signal rstn : std_ulogic;
signal rstraw : std_ulogic;
signal pciclk : std_ulogic;
signal sdclkl : std_ulogic;
signal cgi : clkgen_in_type;
signal cgo : clkgen_out_type;
--- AHB / APB
signal apbi : apb_slv_in_type;
signal apbo : apb_slv_out_vector := (others => apb_none);
signal ahbsi : ahb_slv_in_type;
signal ahbso : ahb_slv_out_vector := (others => ahbs_none);
signal ahbmi : ahb_mst_in_type;
signal ahbmo : ahb_mst_out_vector := (others => ahbm_none);
signal ahbuarti : uart_in_type;
signal ahbuarto : uart_out_type;
signal apbuarti : uart_in_type;
signal apbuarto : uart_out_type;
signal memi : memory_in_type;
signal memo : memory_out_type;
signal wpo : wprot_out_type;
signal sdo : sdram_out_type;
signal irqi : irq_in_vector(0 to CFG_NCPU-1);
signal irqo : irq_out_vector(0 to CFG_NCPU-1);
signal gpti : gptimer_in_type;
signal gpto : gptimer_out_type;
signal gpioi : gpio_in_type;
signal gpioo : gpio_out_type;
signal dbgi : l3_debug_in_vector(0 to CFG_NCPU-1);
signal dbgo : l3_debug_out_vector(0 to CFG_NCPU-1);
signal dsui : dsu_in_type;
signal dsuo : dsu_out_type;
--- AJOUT TEST ------------------------Signaux----------------------
constant IOAEN : integer := CFG_CAN;
constant boardfreq : integer := 25000; -- the board frequency (lclk) is 50 MHz
-- time management signal
signal coarse_time : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal fine_time : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-- Spacewire signals
signal dtmp : std_ulogic; -- PLE
signal stmp : std_ulogic; -- PLE
signal rxclko : std_ulogic; -- PLE
signal swni : grspw_in_type; -- PLE
signal swno : grspw_out_type; -- PLE
signal clkmn : std_ulogic; -- PLE
signal txclk : std_ulogic; -- PLE 2013 02 14
-- ahb status signals
signal stati : ahbstat_in_type;
--- AJOUT TEST -------------------------------------IPs-------------
--- Reset and Clock generation -------------------------------------
vcc <= (others => '1'); gnd <= (others => '0');
cgi.pllctrl <= "00"; cgi.pllrst <= rstraw;
rst0 : rstgen port map (reset, clkm, cgo.clklock, rstn, rstraw);
clk_pad : clkpad generic map (tech => padtech) port map (clk100MHz, lclk100MHz);
clkgen0 : clkgen -- clock generator
generic map (clktech, CFG_CLKMUL, CFG_CLKDIV, CFG_MCTRL_SDEN,
CFG_CLK_NOFB, 0, 0, 0, boardfreq, 0, 0, CFG_OCLKDIV)
--port map (lclk, lclk, clkm, open, clk2x, sdclkl, pciclk, cgi, cgo); -- PLE
port map (lclk25MHz, lclk25MHz, clkm, clkmn, clk2x, sdclkl, pciclk, cgi, cgo); -- PLE
ramclk <= clkm;
if lclk100MHz'event and lclk100MHz = '1' then
lclk50MHz <= not lclk50MHz;
end if;
end process;
if lclk50MHz'event and lclk50MHz = '1' then
lclk25MHz <= not lclk25MHz;
end if;
end process;
lclk2x <= lclk50MHz;
--- LEON3 processor / DSU / IRQ ------------------------------------
l3 : if CFG_LEON3 = 1 generate
cpu : for i in 0 to CFG_NCPU-1 generate
u0 : leon3s -- LEON3 processor
generic map (i, fabtech, memtech, CFG_NWIN, CFG_DSU, CFG_FPU, CFG_V8,
port map (clkm, rstn, ahbmi, ahbmo(i), ahbsi, ahbso,
irqi(i), irqo(i), dbgi(i), dbgo(i));
end generate;
errorn_pad : outpad generic map (tech => padtech) port map (errorn, dbgo(0).error);
dsugen : if CFG_DSU = 1 generate
dsu0 : dsu3 -- LEON3 Debug Support Unit
generic map (hindex => 2, haddr => 16#900#, hmask => 16#F00#,
ncpu => CFG_NCPU, tbits => 30, tech => memtech, irq => 0, kbytes => CFG_ATBSZ)
port map (rstn, clkm, ahbmi, ahbsi, ahbso(2), dbgo, dbgi, dsui, dsuo);
-- dsuen_pad : inpad generic map (tech => padtech) port map (dsuen, dsui.enable);
dsui.enable <= '1';
dsubre_pad : inpad generic map (tech => padtech) port map (dsubre, dsui.break);
dsuact_pad : outpad generic map (tech => padtech) port map (dsuact, dsuo.active);
end generate;
end generate;
nodsu : if CFG_DSU = 0 generate
ahbso(2) <= ahbs_none; dsuo.tstop <= '0'; dsuo.active <= '0';
end generate;
irqctrl : if CFG_IRQ3_ENABLE /= 0 generate
irqctrl0 : irqmp -- interrupt controller
generic map (pindex => 2, paddr => 2, ncpu => CFG_NCPU)
port map (rstn, clkm, apbi, apbo(2), irqo, irqi);
end generate;
irq3 : if CFG_IRQ3_ENABLE = 0 generate
x : for i in 0 to CFG_NCPU-1 generate
irqi(i).irl <= "0000";
end generate;
apbo(2) <= apb_none;
end generate;
--- Memory controllers ---------------------------------------------
memctrlr : mctrl generic map (hindex => 0,pindex => 0, paddr => 0)
port map (rstn, clkm, memi, memo, ahbsi, ahbso(0),apbi,apbo(0),wpo, sdo);
memi.brdyn <= '1'; memi.bexcn <= '1';
memi.writen <= '1'; memi.wrn <= "1111"; memi.bwidth <= "10";
bdr : for i in 0 to 3 generate
data_pad : iopadv generic map (tech => padtech, width => 8)
port map (data(31-i*8 downto 24-i*8), memo.data(31-i*8 downto 24-i*8),
memo.bdrive(i), memi.data(31-i*8 downto 24-i*8));
end generate;
addr_pad : outpadv generic map (width => 19, tech => padtech)
port map (address, memo.address(20 downto 2));
SSRAM_0:entity ssram_plugin
generic map (tech => padtech)
port map
--- AHB CONTROLLER -------------------------------------------------
ahb0 : ahbctrl -- AHB arbiter/multiplexer
generic map (defmast => CFG_DEFMST, split => CFG_SPLIT,
rrobin => CFG_RROBIN, ioaddr => CFG_AHBIO,
ioen => IOAEN, nahbm => maxahbm, nahbs => 8)
port map (rstn, clkm, ahbmi, ahbmo, ahbsi, ahbso);
--- AHB UART -------------------------------------------------------
dcomgen : if CFG_AHB_UART = 1 generate
dcom0: ahbuart -- Debug UART
generic map (hindex => 3, pindex => 4, paddr => 4)
port map (rstn, clkm, ahbuarti, ahbuarto, apbi, apbo(4), ahbmi, ahbmo(3));
dsurx_pad : inpad generic map (tech => padtech) port map (ahbrxd, ahbuarti.rxd);
dsutx_pad : outpad generic map (tech => padtech) port map (ahbtxd, ahbuarto.txd);
led(0) <= not ahbuarti.rxd; led(1) <= not ahbuarto.txd;
end generate;
nouah : if CFG_AHB_UART = 0 generate apbo(4) <= apb_none; end generate;
--- APB Bridge -----------------------------------------------------
apb0 : apbctrl -- AHB/APB bridge
generic map (hindex => 1, haddr => CFG_APBADDR)
port map (rstn, clkm, ahbsi, ahbso(1), apbi, apbo );
--- GPT Timer ------------------------------------------------------
gpt : if CFG_GPT_ENABLE /= 0 generate
timer0 : gptimer -- timer unit
generic map (pindex => 3, paddr => 3, pirq => CFG_GPT_IRQ,
sepirq => CFG_GPT_SEPIRQ, sbits => CFG_GPT_SW, ntimers => CFG_GPT_NTIM,
nbits => CFG_GPT_TW)
port map (rstn, clkm, apbi, apbo(3), gpti, gpto);
gpti.dhalt <= dsuo.tstop; gpti.extclk <= '0';
-- led(4) <= gpto.wdog;
end generate;
notim : if CFG_GPT_ENABLE = 0 generate apbo(3) <= apb_none; end generate;
--- APB UART -------------------------------------------------------
ua1 : if CFG_UART1_ENABLE /= 0 generate
uart1 : apbuart -- UART 1
generic map (pindex => 1, paddr => 1, pirq => 2, console => dbguart,
fifosize => CFG_UART1_FIFO)
port map (rstn, clkm, apbi, apbo(1), apbuarti, apbuarto);
apbuarti.rxd <= urxd1; apbuarti.extclk <= '0'; utxd1 <= apbuarto.txd;
apbuarti.ctsn <= '0'; --rtsn1 <= apbuarto.rtsn;
-- led(0) <= not apbuarti.rxd; led(1) <= not apbuarto.txd;
end generate;
noua0 : if CFG_UART1_ENABLE = 0 generate apbo(1) <= apb_none; end generate;
--- GPIO -----------------------------------------------------------
gpio0 : if CFG_GRGPIO_ENABLE /= 0 generate -- GR GPIO unit
grgpio0: grgpio
generic map( pindex => 11, paddr => 11, imask => CFG_GRGPIO_IMASK, nbits => 7)
port map( rstn, clkm, apbi, apbo(11), gpioi, gpioo);
pio_pads : for i in 0 to 6 generate
pio_pad : iopad generic map (tech => padtech)
port map (gpio(i), gpioo.dout(i), gpioo.oen(i), gpioi.din(i));
end generate;
end generate;
lfrtimemanagement0 : apb_lfr_time_management
generic map(pindex => 6, paddr => 6, pmask => 16#fff#,
masterclk => 25000000, timeclk => 49152000, finetimeclk => 65536,
pirq => 12) -- the IP uses 2 consecutive IRQ lines
port map(clkm, clk49_152MHz, rstn, swno.tickout, apbi, apbo(6),
coarse_time, fine_time);
-- lfrspectralmatricesdma0 : apb_lfr_spectral_matrices_DMA
-- generic map(pindex => 7, paddr =>7, pmask => 16#fff#)
-- port map(clkm, rstn, apbi, apbo(7));
--- AHB STATUS ---------------
--astat0 : ahbstat generic map(pindex => 13, paddr => 13, pirq => 14, nftslv => 3)
-- port map(rstn, clkm, ahbmi, ahbsi, stati, apbi, apbo(13));
-- stati.cerror(3 to NAHBSLV-1) <= (others => '0');
waveform_picker0 : lpp_top_lfr_wf_picker generic map(
hindex => 2,
pindex => 8,
paddr => 8,
pmask => 16#fff#,
pirq => 15,
tech => CFG_FABTECH,
nb_burst_available_size => 11, -- size of the register holding the nb of burst
nb_snapshot_param_size => 11, -- size of the register holding the snapshots size
delta_snapshot_size => 16, -- snapshots period
delta_f2_f0_size => 10, -- initialize the counter when the f2 snapshot starts
delta_f2_f1_size => 10 -- nb f0 ticks before starting the f1 snapshot
port map(
-- ADS7886
cnv_run => '1', -- stop the sampling request
cnv => cnv_ch1,
sck => sck_ch1,
sdo => sdo_adc,
cnv_clk => clk49_152MHz,
cnv_rstn => rstn,
-- AMBA AHB system signals
HCLK => clkm,
HRESETn => rstn,
-- AMBA APB Slave Interface
apbi => apbi,
apbo => apbo(8),
-- AMBA AHB Master Interface
AHB_Master_In => ahbmi,
AHB_Master_Out => ahbmo(2),
coarse_time_0 => coarse_time(0), -- bit 0 of the coarse time
data_shaping_BW => Bias_Fails
--- SpaceWire --------------------------------------------------------
spw_phy0 : grspw2_phy generic map(
scantest => 0,
tech => memtech,
input_type => 0) -- self_clocking mode
port map(
rstn => rstn,
rxclki => clkm, rxclkin => clkmn, nrxclki => clkm, -- not used in self-clocking
di => dtmp,
si => stmp,
do => swni.d(1 downto 0),
dov => swni.dv(1 downto 0),
dconnect => swni.dconnect(1 downto 0),
rxclko => rxclko);
sw0 : grspwm generic map(tech => apa3e,
hindex => 1,
pindex => 5,
paddr => 5,
pirq => 11,
sysfreq => 25000, usegen => 1, -- sysfreq not used by the core version 2? usegen?
nsync => 1, -- nsync not used by the core version 2?
rmap => 1, rmapcrc => 1,
fifosize1 => 16, fifosize2 => 16,
rxclkbuftype => 2, rxunaligned => 0,
spwcore => 2,
memtech => apa3e,
nodeaddr => 254, destkey => 2,
rmapbufs => 4, netlist => 0, ft => 0, ports => 2)
port map(rstn, clkm, rxclko, rxclko, txclk, txclk,
ahbmi, ahbmo(1), apbi, apbo(5), swni, swno);
swni.tickin <= '0';
swni.rmapen <= '1';
swni.clkdiv10 <= "00001001"; -- divisor to get a 10M Hz tx clock from the txclk input
spw1_dout <= swno.d(0);
spw1_sout <= swno.s(0);
dtmp <= not(spw1_din);
stmp <= not(spw1_sin);
spw1_en_bar <= '0'; -- V16, connected to spw2_en
spw2_en_bar <= '1'; -- T18, connected to spw1_en
txclk <= lclk100MHz;
end Behavioral;