From 05/03/2023 to 03/04/2023
- 06:02 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4069: Implement the cdf writing of results
- The cdf writing woks for data, little problem with the labels.
- 10:28 AM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4070 (Resolved): Implement function that compare two l1b cdf file data
- 06:09 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4069 (Resolved): Implement the cdf writing of results
- 06:07 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4068 (Resolved): Implement the blocks separation, calibration and concatenation after being calibrated
- 06:05 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4067 (In Progress): Create Calibrate CDF function
- Create function which take cdf data, calibrate by block the data and put the calibrated data in very basic output cdf
- 06:03 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4066 (Resolved): Implement graphical comparison between idl and python calibration
- 06:03 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4065 (Resolved): Implement blk_con IDL function
- 06:52 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4066: Implement graphical comparison between idl and python calibration
- Done for brute and block conv, with abs and relative comparison in separated boxes. Just need relative comparison pos...
- 06:50 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4065: Implement blk_con IDL function
- Woks perfectly, just need cleaning
- 02:02 PM LFR-FSW Task #4026 (Closed): Analyse GCOV
- Explication concernant la couverture
dans ce fichier
- 05:57 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4066: Implement graphical comparison between idl and python calibration
- Done for brute conv -> give really good results
- 05:56 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4066 (Resolved): Implement graphical comparison between idl and python calibration
- 05:55 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4065 (Resolved): Implement blk_con IDL function
- 05:54 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4061 (Resolved): deconvo_vec convolution part
- 05:49 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4062 (Resolved): Correct the documentation strings warnings and pylint errors (if possible)
- 05:15 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4062 (Resolved): Correct the documentation strings warnings and pylint errors (if possible)
- 04:34 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4061 (Resolved): deconvo_vec convolution part
- 04:31 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4060 (Resolved): Unit test deconvo vec (for each window type)
- 04:31 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4059 (Resolved): Trapezoid window creation
- 04:30 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4058 (Resolved): Gaussian window creation
- 04:30 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4057 (Resolved): Coscub window creation
- 04:28 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4056 (Resolved): Shift kernel
- 04:26 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4055 (Resolved): Check real/imag parts
- 04:24 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4054 (Resolved): Hanning window creation
- 04:12 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4053 (Resolved): Create deconvo_vec function (kernel part)
- Create all the deconvo_vec function, equivalent of IDL deconvo_vec, except for now what imply waveform (pre centering...
- 04:07 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4052 (Resolved): Full code documentation
- Documentation of the deconvo_vec IDL function and all python elements which will do the equiivalent
- 04:04 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4051 (Resolved): Unit test kernel_creation
- 04:02 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4050 (Resolved): Create the kernel_creation function
- kernel_creation contains the different steps to obtain what the idl code call the kernel
- complex spectrum init
-... - 12:49 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4043 (Resolved): Create the complete Kernel
- 12:48 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4038 (Resolved): Discover units test python methods and Create Unit tests of the kernel
- 05:49 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4044 (Resolved): Create unit test for corgain (ant, dfb, bessel)
- 05:49 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4045 (Resolved): Reorganise the code to have all config/metadatas in one csv file, called by the unit tests
- 05:49 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4033 (Resolved): Fourier transform (and inverse transform) function
- 07:02 PM LFR-FSW Task #3921: Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SDD
- Hello,
J'ai update le SDD, finalement comme il n'y a pas de référence à la
tache DUMB, le mieux est de ne pas en ... - 06:45 PM LFR-FSW Task #4008: Mettre à jour CalibrationMatrices_TC_TM.html (document qui décrit l'agencement des TC et TM pour les KCOEFF)
- Dernier fichier livré d'Alexis (final) renommé avec numéro de chrono.
- 01:08 PM LFR-FSW Task #4008: Mettre à jour CalibrationMatrices_TC_TM.html (document qui décrit l'agencement des TC et TM pour les KCOEFF)
- Voici la version finale, coté spec, je dirais qu'il n'y a rien à faire pour la description des paquets de télémétrie.
- 02:25 PM LFR-FSW Task #4048: Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SVerR
- Hello
Je ne suis pas arrivée à changer le label des illustrations.
Soit on laisse comme cela soit il faut compr... - 02:24 PM LFR-FSW Task #4048: Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SVerR
- Hello
Je regarde le verification_report.
Pour moi rien n a changé excepté les références à la précédente versio... - 02:24 PM LFR-FSW Task #4048 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SVerR
- Cet issue rassemble les mises à jour/ajouts à prévoir dans le SVerR :
- 02:23 PM LFR-FSW Task #4047: Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SValR
- Hello
Dans le validation report, je pense qu il faut dans l annexe 7.1 supprimer l ancien plot et mettre celui q... - 02:23 PM LFR-FSW Task #4047 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SValR
- Cet issue rassemble les mises à jour/ajouts à prévoir dans le SValR :
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