Bug #6
Task #4: WaveFormPicker Verification
Task #3: LFR EM Bistream - 0.0.2 - Validation
écriture des données snapshot f0 f1 f2 erronée
Added by paul leroy about 11 years ago.
Updated almost 11 years ago.
Il apparaît des sauts dans l'écriture des données snapshot, cf screenshot joint.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
void reset_new_waveform_picker_regs()
/** This function resets the waveform picker module registers.
- The registers affected by this function are located at the following offset addresses:
- - 0x00 data_shaping
- - 0x04 run_burst_enable
- - 0x08 addr_data_f0
- - 0x0C addr_data_f1
- - 0x10 addr_data_f2
- - 0x14 addr_data_f3
- - 0x18 status
- - 0x1C delta_snapshot
- - 0x20 delta_f0
- - 0x24 delta_f0_2
- - 0x28 delta_f1
- - 0x2c delta_f2
- - 0x30 nb_data_by_buffer
- - 0x34 nb_snapshot_param
- - 0x38 start_date
- - 0x3c nb_word_in_buffer
new_waveform_picker_regs->data_shaping = 0x01; // 0x00 ** R1 R0 SP1 SP0 BW
new_waveform_picker_regs->run_burst_enable = 0x00; // 0x04 *** [run *** burst f2, f1, f0 *** enable f3, f2, f1, f0 ]
new_waveform_picker_regs->addr_data_f0 = (int) (wf_snap_f0); // 0x08
new_waveform_picker_regs->addr_data_f1 = (int) (wf_snap_f1); // 0x0c
new_waveform_picker_regs->addr_data_f2 = (int) (wf_snap_f2); // 0x10
new_waveform_picker_regs->addr_data_f3 = (int) (wf_cont_f3); // 0x14
new_waveform_picker_regs->status = 0x00; // 0x18
// new_waveform_picker_regs->delta_snapshot = 0x12800; // 0x1c 296 * 256 = 75776
new_waveform_picker_regs->delta_snapshot = 0x1000; // 0x1c 16 * 256 = 4096
new_waveform_picker_regs->delta_f0 = 0x3f5; // 0x20 *** 1013
new_waveform_picker_regs->delta_f0_2 = 0x7; // 0x24 *** 7 [7 bits]
new_waveform_picker_regs->delta_f1 = 0x3c0; // 0x28 *** 960
// new_waveform_picker_regs->delta_f2 = 0x12200; // 0x2c *** 74240
new_waveform_picker_regs->delta_f2 = 0xc00; // 0x2c *** 12 * 256 = 3072
new_waveform_picker_regs->nb_data_by_buffer = 0x7ff; // 0x30 *** 2048 -1
new_waveform_picker_regs->snapshot_param = 0x800; // 0x34 *** 2048
new_waveform_picker_regs->start_date = 0x00; // 0x38
new_waveform_picker_regs->nb_word_in_buffer = 0x1802; // 0x3c *** 2048 * 3 + 2 = 6146
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
New bitream : LFR EM Bistream - 0.0.5
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- revision set to r303
Also available in: Atom