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jeandet -
parent child
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15 "from traitlets.config.manager import BaseJSONConfigManager\n",
16 "from traitlets.config.manager import BaseJSONConfigManager\n",
17 "path = \"/home/jeandet/.jupyter/nbconfig\"\n",
18 "cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=path)\n",
19 "cm.update(\"livereveal\", {\n",
20 " \"theme\": \"solarized\",\n",
21 " \"transition\": \"zoom\",\n",
22 " \"start_slideshow_at\": \"selected\"\n",
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34 "# TeamCity\n",
35 "\n",
36 "<center>\n",
37 "<img src=\"resources/teamcity-logo.svg\" width=\"300px\" align=\"center\">\n",
38 "</center>"
39 ]
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49 "# TC Overview\n",
50 "\n",
51 "* A powerful distributed Continuous Integration tool\n",
52 "* Rich plugin ecosystem\n",
53 "* Really customizable system\n",
54 "* Not so complex...\n",
55 "* Mostly written in Java\n",
56 "* Closed source :("
57 ]
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59 {
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66 "source": [
67 "# TC Plugins (335 on [JetBrains website](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/teamcity) )\n",
68 "\n",
69 "* Web Hooks plugin \n",
70 "* AWS S3 Artifact Storage \n",
71 "* Google Cloud Agents \n",
72 "* Docker Cloud \n",
73 "* Debian Package Server \n",
74 "* Slack Build Notifier\n",
75 "\n",
76 "\n",
77 "** Installation as simple as uploading a zip file! **\n",
78 "\n"
79 ]
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92 "source": [
93 "# Vocabulary\n",
94 "\n",
95 "* **Agent**: <span style=\"color:blue\">where stuff is done</span>"
96 ]
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106 "* **Build step**: <span style=\"color:blue\">the smallest build task subdivision</span> ( [example](https://hephaistos.lpp.polytechnique.fr/teamcity/admin/editBuildRunners.html?id=buildType:SciQLop_UnitTests) ) "
107 ]
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116 "source": [
117 "* **Build config**: <span style=\"color:blue\">a collection of build steps </span> ( [example](https://hephaistos.lpp.polytechnique.fr/teamcity/admin/editBuild.html?id=buildType:SciQLop_UnitTests) )"
118 ]
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128 "* **VCS root**: <span style=\"color:blue\">a mostly a vcs URL + some options </span> ( [example](https://hephaistos.lpp.polytechnique.fr/teamcity/admin/editVcsRoot.html?action=editVcsRoot&vcsRootId=SciQLop_HttpsHephaistosLppPolytechniqueFrRhodecodeHgRepositoriesLppSciQLOPReposS&editingScope=buildType%3ASciQLop_UnitTests&cameFromUrl=%2Fteamcity%2Fadmin%2FeditBuildTypeVcsRoots.html%3Finit%3D1%26id%3DbuildType%253ASciQLop_UnitTests&cameFromTitle=Edit%20Build%20Configuration) )"
129 ]
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138 "source": [
139 "* **Project**: <span style=\"color:blue\">a collection of build configs + VCS + settings </span> ( [example](https://hephaistos.lpp.polytechnique.fr/teamcity/admin/editProject.html?projectId=SciQLop) )"
140 ]
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146 "slide_type": "fragment"
147 }
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149 "source": [
150 "* **Build artifact**: <span style=\"color:blue\">a file or a folder produced during the build </span> ( [example](https://hephaistos.lpp.polytechnique.fr/teamcity/overview.html) )"
151 ]
152 },
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160 "source": [
161 "# LPP goals (What we want)\n",
162 "\n",
163 "\n",
164 "* Being able to build on different OS"
165 ]
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167 {
168 "cell_type": "markdown",
169 "metadata": {
170 "ExecuteTime": {
171 "end_time": "2018-01-08T19:36:05.070215Z",
172 "start_time": "2018-01-08T19:36:05.066706Z"
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179 "* Build inside a clean environment"
180 ]
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194 "* Produce compatibility matrices"
195 ]
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205 "* Being faster than Travis"
206 ]
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216 "* Customize workflow"
217 ]
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227 "# LPP Setup\n",
228 "<center>\n",
229 "<img src=\"resources/Setup LPP.png\" width=\"60%\" align=\"center\">\n",
230 "</center>"
231 ]
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236 "source": [
237 "# Available build agents\n",
238 "\n",
239 "* Based on Docker cloud plugin\n",
240 "* Virtually anything that runs either inside **Docker** or **VirtualBox**(Vagrant)\n",
241 "* Spawn on demand\n",
242 "* For now **Windows**, **Linux**(Fedora, Ubuntu), **FreeBSD** and **Mac OSX** 10.12.2(Siera)\n"
243 ]
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253 "# I want to choose where I get built!\n",
254 "\n",
255 "**Team city introduce the notion of build requirements.**\n",
256 "\n",
257 "- Agents expose [parameters](https://hephaistos.lpp.polytechnique.fr/teamcity/agentDetails.html?agentTypeId=72&tab=agentParameters)(<=> properties). [sources](https://github.com/jeandet/teamcity-docker-complete-agent/blob/master/Dockerfile#L36)\n",
258 "\n",
259 "- So for each build config ones can declare some [requirements](https://hephaistos.lpp.polytechnique.fr/teamcity/admin/editRequirements.html?id=buildType:Miniphare_Build) that the agent has to match."
260 ]
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270 "# What about reports?\n"
271 ]
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281 "# API?"
282 ]
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292 "# Time to play!"
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