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Bug 914 Masque erroné en cas de bande polluée partiellement ......
Bug 914 Masque erroné en cas de bande polluée partiellement ... Bug 862 Valeurs des masques RW erronées dans TM_LFR_PARAMETER_DUMP

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100 lines | 4.6 KiB | text/x-c | CLexer
/** Global variables of the LFR flight software.
* @file
* @author P. LEROY
* Among global variables, there are:
* - RTEMS names and id.
* - APB configuration registers.
* - waveforms global buffers, used by the waveform picker hardware module to store data.
* - spectral matrices buffesr, used by the hardware module to store data.
* - variable related to LFR modes parameters.
* - the global HK packet buffer.
* - the global dump parameter buffer.
#include <rtems.h>
#include <grspw.h>
#include "ccsds_types.h"
#include "grlib_regs.h"
#include "fsw_params.h"
#include "fsw_params_wf_handler.h"
#define NB_OF_TASKS 20
#define NB_OF_MISC_NAMES 5
rtems_name misc_name[NB_OF_MISC_NAMES] = {0};
rtems_name Task_name[NB_OF_TASKS] = {0}; /* array of task names */
rtems_id Task_id[NB_OF_TASKS] = {0}; /* array of task ids */
rtems_name timecode_timer_name = 0;
rtems_id timecode_timer_id = RTEMS_ID_NONE;
rtems_name name_hk_rate_monotonic = 0; // name of the HK rate monotonic
rtems_id HK_id = RTEMS_ID_NONE;// id of the HK rate monotonic period
rtems_name name_avgv_rate_monotonic = 0; // name of the AVGV rate monotonic
rtems_id AVGV_id = RTEMS_ID_NONE;// id of the AVGV rate monotonic period
int fdSPW = 0;
int fdUART = 0;
unsigned char lfrCurrentMode = 0;
unsigned char pa_bia_status_info = 0;
unsigned char thisIsAnASMRestart = 0;
unsigned char oneTcLfrUpdateTimeReceived = 0;
// WAVEFORMS GLOBAL VARIABLES // 2048 * 3 * 4 + 2 * 4 = 24576 + 8 bytes = 24584
// 97 * 256 = 24832 => delta = 248 bytes = 62 words
// WAVEFORMS GLOBAL VARIABLES // 2688 * 3 * 4 + 2 * 4 = 32256 + 8 bytes = 32264
// 127 * 256 = 32512 => delta = 248 bytes = 62 words
// F0 F1 F2 F3
volatile int wf_buffer_f0[ NB_RING_NODES_F0 * WFRM_BUFFER ] __attribute__((aligned(0x100))) = {0};
volatile int wf_buffer_f1[ NB_RING_NODES_F1 * WFRM_BUFFER ] __attribute__((aligned(0x100))) = {0};
volatile int wf_buffer_f2[ NB_RING_NODES_F2 * WFRM_BUFFER ] __attribute__((aligned(0x100))) = {0};
volatile int wf_buffer_f3[ NB_RING_NODES_F3 * WFRM_BUFFER ] __attribute__((aligned(0x100))) = {0};
// alignment constraints for the spectral matrices buffers => the first data after the time (8 bytes) shall be aligned on 0x00
volatile int sm_f0[ NB_RING_NODES_SM_F0 * TOTAL_SIZE_SM ] __attribute__((aligned(0x100))) = {0};
volatile int sm_f1[ NB_RING_NODES_SM_F1 * TOTAL_SIZE_SM ] __attribute__((aligned(0x100))) = {0};
volatile int sm_f2[ NB_RING_NODES_SM_F2 * TOTAL_SIZE_SM ] __attribute__((aligned(0x100))) = {0};
time_management_regs_t *time_management_regs = (time_management_regs_t*) REGS_ADDR_TIME_MANAGEMENT;
gptimer_regs_t *gptimer_regs = (gptimer_regs_t *) REGS_ADDR_GPTIMER;
waveform_picker_regs_0_1_18_t *waveform_picker_regs = (waveform_picker_regs_0_1_18_t*) REGS_ADDR_WAVEFORM_PICKER;
spectral_matrix_regs_t *spectral_matrix_regs = (spectral_matrix_regs_t*) REGS_ADDR_SPECTRAL_MATRIX;
Packet_TM_LFR_PARAMETER_DUMP_t parameter_dump_packet = {0};
struct param_local_str param_local = {0};
unsigned int lastValidEnterModeTime = {0};
Packet_TM_LFR_HK_t housekeeping_packet = {0};
unsigned char cp_rpw_sc_rw1_rw2_f_flags = 0;
unsigned char cp_rpw_sc_rw3_rw4_f_flags = 0;
// message queues occupancy
unsigned char hk_lfr_q_sd_fifo_size_max = 0;
unsigned char hk_lfr_q_rv_fifo_size_max = 0;
unsigned char hk_lfr_q_p0_fifo_size_max = 0;
unsigned char hk_lfr_q_p1_fifo_size_max = 0;
unsigned char hk_lfr_q_p2_fifo_size_max = 0;
// sequence counters are incremented by APID (PID + CAT) and destination ID
unsigned short sequenceCounters_SCIENCE_NORMAL_BURST = 0;
unsigned short sequenceCounters_SCIENCE_SBM1_SBM2 = 0;
unsigned short sequenceCounters_TC_EXE[SEQ_CNT_NB_DEST_ID] = {0};
unsigned short sequenceCounters_TM_DUMP[SEQ_CNT_NB_DEST_ID] = {0};
unsigned short sequenceCounterHK = {0};
spw_stats grspw_stats = {0};
rw_f_t rw_f;
filterPar_t filterPar = {0};
fbins_masks_t fbins_masks = {0};
unsigned int acquisitionDurations[NB_ACQUISITION_DURATION]