##// END OF EJS Templates
Updated QCustomPlot to 1.2.1.
jeandet -
r33:1de6a6ae6ebe default
parent child
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@@ -0,0 +1,373
1 #### Version 1.2.1 released on 07.04.14 ####
3 Bugfixes:
4 - Fixed regression which garbled date-time tick labels on axes, if setTickLabelType is ltDateTime and setNumberFormat contains the "b" option
6 #### Version 1.2.0 released on 14.03.14 ####
8 Bugfixes:
9 - Fixed bug that caused crash if clicked-on legend item is removed in mousePressEvent.
10 - On some systems, font size defaults to -1, which used to cause a debug output in QCPAxisPainterPrivate::TickLabelDataQCP. Now it's checked before setting values based on the default font size.
11 - When using multiple axes on one side, setting one to invisible didn't properly compress the freed space.
12 - Fixed bug that allowed selection of plottables when clicking in the bottom or top margin of a QCPAxisRect (outside the inner rect)
14 #### Version 1.2.0-beta released on 28.01.14 ####
16 Added features:
17 - Adaptive Sampling for QCPGraph greatly improves performance for high data densities (see QCPGraph::setAdaptiveSampling)
18 - QCPColorMap plottable with QCPColorScale layout element allows plotting of 2D color maps
19 - QCustomPlot::savePdf now has additional optional parameters pdfCreator and pdfTitle to set according PDF metadata fields
20 - QCustomPlot::replot now allows specifying whether the widget update is immediate (repaint) or queued (update)
21 - QCPRange operators +, -, *, / with double operand for range shifting and scaling, and ==, != for range comparison
22 - Layers now have a visibility property (QCPLayer::setVisible)
23 - static functions QCPAxis::opposite and QCPAxis::orientation now offer more convenience when handling axis types
24 - added notification signals for selectability change (selectableChanged) on all objects that have a selected/selectable property
25 - added notification signal for QCPAxis scaleType property
26 - added notification signal QCPLayerable::layerChanged
28 Bugfixes:
29 - Fixed assert halt, when QCPAxis auto tick labels not disabled but nevertheless a custom non-number tick label ending in "e" given
30 - Fixed painting glitches when QCustomPlot resized inside a QMdiArea or under certain conditions inside a QLayout
31 - If changing QCPAxis::scaleType and thus causing range sanitizing and a range modification, rangeChanged wouldn't be emitted
32 - Fixed documentation bug that caused indentation to be lost in code examples
34 Other:
35 - In method QCPAbstractPlottable::getKeyRange/getValueRange, renamed parameter "validRange" to "foundRange", to better reflect its meaning (and contrast it from QCPRange::validRange)
36 - QCPAxis low-level axis painting methods exported to QCPAxisPainterPrivate
38 #### Version 1.1.1 released on 09.12.13 ####
40 Bugfixes:
41 - Fixed bug causing legends blocking input events from reaching underlying axis rect even if legend is invisible
42 - Added missing Q_PROPERTY for QCPAxis::setDateTimeSpec
43 - Fixed behaviour of QCPAxisRect::setupFullAxesBox (now transfers more properties from bottom/left to top/right axes and sets visibility of bottom/left axes to true)
44 - Made sure PDF export doesn't default to grayscale output on some systems
46 Other:
47 - Plotting hint QCP::phForceRepaint is now enabled on all systems (and not only on windows) by default
48 - Documentation improvements
50 #### Version 1.1.0 released on 04.11.13 ####
52 Added features:
53 - Added QCPRange::expand and QCPRange::expanded
54 - Added QCPAxis::rescale to rescale axis to all associated plottables
55 - Added QCPAxis::setDateTimeSpec/dateTimeSpec to allow axis labels either in UTC or local time
56 - QCPAxis now additionally emits a rangeChanged signal overload that provides the old range as second parameter
58 Bugfixes:
59 - Fixed QCustomPlot::rescaleAxes not rescaling properly if first plottable has an empty range
60 - QCPGraph::rescaleAxes/rescaleKeyAxis/rescaleValueAxis are no longer virtual (never were in base class, was a mistake)
61 - Fixed bugs in QCPAxis::items and QCPAxisRect::items not properly returning associated items and potentially stalling
63 Other:
64 - Internal change from QWeakPointer to QPointer, thus got rid of deprecated Qt functionality
65 - Qt5.1 and Qt5.2 (beta1) compatibility
66 - Release packages now extract to single subdirectory and don't place multiple files in current working directory
68 #### Version 1.0.1 released on 05.09.13 ####
70 Bugfixes:
71 - using define flag QCUSTOMPLOT_CHECK_DATA caused debug output when data was correct, instead of invalid (fixed QCP::isInvalidData)
72 - documentation images are now properly shown when viewed with Qt Assistant
73 - fixed various documentation mistakes
75 Other:
76 - Adapted documentation style sheet to better match Qt5 documentation
78 #### Version 1.0.0 released on 01.08.13 ####
80 Added features:
81 - Added QCustomPlot::toPainter method, to allow rendering with existing painter
82 - QCPItemEllipse now provides a center anchor
84 Bugfixes:
85 - Fixed bug that clipped the rightmost pixel column of tick labels when caching activated (only visible on windows for superscript exponents)
86 - Restored compatibility to Qt4.6
87 - Restored support for -no-RTTI compilation
88 - Empty manual tick labels are handled more gracefully (no QPainter qDebug messages anymore)
89 - Fixed type ambiguity in QCPLineEnding::draw causing compile error on ARM
90 - Fixed bug of grid layouts not propagating the minimum size from their child elements to the parent layout correctly
91 - Fixed bug of child elements (e.g. axis rects) of inset layouts not properly receiving mouse events
93 #### Version 1.0.0-beta released on 19.05.13 ####
95 Quick Summary:
96 - Layout system for multiple axis rects in one plot
97 - Multiple axes per side
98 - Qt5 compatibility
99 - More flexible and consistent scatter configuration with QCPScatterStyle
100 - Various interface cleanups/refactoring
101 - Pixmap-cached axis labels for improved replot performance
103 Changes that break backward compatibility:
104 - QCustomPlot::axisRect() changed meaning due to the extensive changes to how axes and axis rects are handled
105 it now returns a pointer to a QCPAxisRect and takes an integer index as parameter.
106 - QCPAxis constructor changed to now take QCPAxisRect* as parent
107 - setAutoMargin, setMarginLeft/Right/Top/Bottom removed due to the axis rect changes (see QCPAxisRect::setMargins/setAutoMargins)
108 - setAxisRect removed due to the axis rect changes
109 - setAxisBackground(-Scaled/-ScaledMode) now moved to QCPAxisRect as setBackground(-Scaled/ScaledMode) (access via QCustomPlot::axisRects())
110 - QCPLegend now is a QCPLayoutElement
111 - QCPAbstractPlottable::drawLegendIcon parameter "rect" changed from QRect to QRectF
112 - QCPAbstractLegendItem::draw second parameter removed (position/size now handled via QCPLayoutElement base class)
113 - removed QCPLegend::setMargin/setMarginLeft/Right/Top/Bottom (now inherits the capability from QCPLayoutElement::setMargins)
114 - removed QCPLegend::setMinimumSize (now inherits the capability from QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize)
115 - removed enum QCPLegend::PositionStyle, QCPLegend::positionStyle/setPositionStyle/position/setPosition (replaced by capabilities of QCPLayoutInset)
116 - QCPLegend transformed to work with new layout system (almost everything changed)
117 - removed entire title interface: QCustomPlot::setTitle/setTitleFont/setTitleColor/setTitleSelected/setTitleSelectedFont/setTitleSelectedColor and
118 the QCustomPlot::iSelectTitle interaction flag (all functionality is now given by the layout element "QCPPlotTitle" which can be added to the plot layout)
119 - selectTest functions now take two additional parameters: bool onlySelectable and QVariant *details=0
120 - selectTest functions now ignores visibility of objects and (if parameter onlySelectable is true) does not anymore ignore selectability of the object
121 - moved QCustomPlot::Interaction/Interactions to QCP namespace as QCP::Interaction/Interactions
122 - moved QCustomPlot::setupFullAxesBox() to QCPAxisRect::setupFullAxesBox. Now also accepts parameter to decide whether to connect opposite axis ranges
123 - moved range dragging/zooming interface from QCustomPlot to QCPAxisRect (setRangeDrag, setRangeZoom, setRangeDragAxes, setRangeZoomAxes,...)
124 - rangeDrag/Zoom is now set to Qt::Horizontal|Qt::Vertical instead of 0 by default, on the other hand, iRangeDrag/Zoom is unset in interactions by
125 default (this makes enabling dragging/zooming easier by just adding the interaction flags)
126 - QCPScatterStyle takes over everything related to handling scatters in all plottables
127 - removed setScatterPen/Size on QCPGraph and QCPCurve, removed setOutlierPen/Size on QCPStatisticalBox (now handled via QCPScatterStyle)
128 - modified setScatterStyle on QCPGraph and QCPCurve, and setOutlierStyle on QCPStatisticalBox, to take QCPScatterStyle
129 - axis grid and subgrid are now reachable via the QCPGrid *QCPAxis::grid() method. (e.g. instead of xAxis->setGrid(true), write xAxis->grid()->setVisible(true))
131 Added features:
132 - Axis tick labels are now pixmap-cached, thus increasing replot performance (in usual setups by about 24%). See plotting hint phCacheLabels which is set by default
133 - Advanced layout system, including the classes QCPLayoutElement, QCPLayout, QCPLayoutGrid, QCPLayoutInset, QCPAxisRect
134 - QCustomPlot::axisRects() returns all the axis rects in the QCustomPlot.
135 - QCustomPlot::plotLayout() returns the top level layout (initially a QCPLayoutGrid with one QCPAxisRect inside)
136 - QCPAxis now may have an offset to the axis rect (setOffset)
137 - Multiple axes per QCPAxisRect side are now supported (see QCPAxisRect::addAxis)
138 - QCustomPlot::toPixmap renders the plot into a pixmap and returns it
139 - When setting tick label rotation to +90 or -90 degrees on a vertical axis, the labels are now centered vertically on the tick height
140 (This allows space saving vertical tick labels by having the text direction parallel to the axis)
141 - Substantially increased replot performance when using very large manual tick vectors (> 10000 ticks) via QCPAxis::setTickVector
142 - QCPAxis and QCPAxisRect now allow easy access to all plottables(), graphs() and items() that are associated with them
143 - Added QCustomPlot::hasItem method for consistency with plottable interface, hasPlottable
144 - Added QCPAxisRect::setMinimumMargins as replacement for hardcoded minimum axis margin (15 px) when auto margin is enabled
145 - Added Flags type QCPAxis::AxisTypes (from QCPAxis::AxisType), used in QCPAxisRect interface
146 - Automatic margin calculation can now be enabled/disabled on a per-side basis, see QCPAxisRect::setAutoMargins
147 - QCPAxisRect margins of multiple axis rects can be coupled via QCPMarginGroup
148 - Added new default layers "background" and "legend" (QCPAxisRect draws its background on the "background" layer, QCPLegend is on the "legend" layer by default)
149 - Custom scatter style via QCP::ssCustom and respective setCustomScatter functions that take a QPainterPath
150 - Filled scatters via QCPScatterStyle::setBrush
152 Bugfixes:
153 - Fixed compile error on ARM
154 - Wrong legend icons were displayed if using pixmaps for scatters that are smaller than the legend icon rect
155 - Fixed clipping inaccuracy for rotated tick labels (were hidden too early, because the non-rotated bounding box was used)
156 - Fixed bug that caused wrong clipping of axis ticks and subticks when the ticks were given manually by QCPAxis::setTickVector
157 - Fixed Qt5 crash when dragging graph out of view (iterator out of bounds in QCPGraph::getVisibleDataBounds)
158 - Fixed QCPItemText not scaling properly when using scaled raster export
161 Other:
162 - Opened up non-amalgamated project structure to public via git repository
164 #### Version released on 09.06.12 ####
166 Quick Summary:
167 - Items (arrows, text,...)
168 - Layers (easier control over rendering order)
169 - New antialiasing system (Each objects controls own antialiasing with setAntialiased)
170 - Performance Improvements
171 - improved pixel-precise drawing
172 - easier shared library creation/usage
174 Changes that (might) break backward compatibility:
175 - enum QCPGraph::ScatterSymbol was moved to QCP namespace (now QCP::ScatterSymbol).
176 This replace should fix your code: "QCPGraph::ss" -> "QCP::ss"
177 - enum QCustomPlot::AntialiasedElement and flag QCustomPlot::AntialiasedElements was moved to QCP namespace
178 This replace should fix your code: "QCustomPlot::ae" -> "QCP::ae"
179 - the meaning of QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements has changed slightly: It is now an override to force elements to be antialiased. If you want to force
180 elements to not be drawn antialiased, use the new setNotAntialiasedElements. If an element is mentioned in neither of those functions, it now controls
181 its antialiasing itself via its "setAntialiased" function(s). (e.g. QCPAxis::setAntialiased(bool), QCPAbstractPlottable::setAntialiased(bool),
182 QCPAbstractPlottable::setAntialiasedScatters(bool), etc.)
183 - QCPAxis::setTickVector and QCPAxis::setTickVectorLabels no longer take a pointer but a const reference of the respective QVector as parameter.
184 (handing over a pointer didn't give any noticeable performance benefits but was inconsistent with the rest of the interface)
185 - Equally QCPAxis::tickVector and QCPAxis::tickVectorLabels don't return by pointer but by value now
186 - QCustomPlot::savePngScaled was removed, its purpose is now included as optional parameter "scale" of savePng.
187 - If you have derived from QCPAbstractPlottable: all selectTest functions now consistently take the argument "const QPointF &pos" which is the test point in pixel coordinates.
188 (the argument there was "double key, double value" in plot coordinates, before).
189 - QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPAxis and QCPLegend now inherit from QCPLayerable
190 - If you have derived from QCPAbstractPlottable: the draw method signature has changed from "draw (..) const" to "draw (..)", i.e. the method
191 is not const anymore. This allows the draw function of your plottable to perform buffering/caching operations, if necessary.
193 Added features:
194 - Item system: QCPAbstractItem, QCPItemAnchor, QCPItemPosition, QCPLineEnding. Allows placing of lines, arrows, text, pixmaps etc.
195 - New Items: QCPItemStraightLine, QCPItemLine, QCPItemCurve, QCPItemEllipse, QCPItemRect, QCPItemPixmap, QCPItemText, QCPItemBracket, QCPItemTracer
196 - QCustomPlot::addItem/itemCount/item/removeItem/selectedItems
197 - signals QCustomPlot::itemClicked/itemDoubleClicked
198 - the QCustomPlot interactions property now includes iSelectItems (for selection of QCPAbstractItem)
199 - QCPLineEnding. Represents the different styles a line/curve can end (e.g. different arrows, circle, square, bar, etc.), see e.g. QCPItemCurve::setHead
200 - Layer system: QCPLayerable, QCPLayer. Allows more sophisticated control over drawing order and a kind of grouping.
201 - QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPAbstractItem, QCPAxis, QCPGrid, QCPLegend are layerables and derive from QCPLayerable
202 - QCustomPlot::addLayer/moveLayer/removeLayer/setCurrentLayer/layer/currentLayer/layerCount
203 - Initially there are three layers: "grid", "main", and "axes". The "main" layer is initially empty and set as current layer, so new plottables/items are put there.
204 - QCustomPlot::viewport now makes the previously inaccessible viewport rect read-only-accessible (needed that for item-interface)
205 - PNG export now allows transparent background by calling QCustomPlot::setColor(Qt::transparent) before savePng
206 - QCPStatisticalBox outlier symbols may now be all scatter symbols, not only hardcoded circles.
207 - perfect precision of scatter symbol/error bar drawing and clipping in both antialiased and non-antialiased mode, by introducing QCPPainter
208 that works around some QPainter bugs/inconveniences. Further, more complex symbols like ssCrossSquare used to look crooked, now they look good.
209 - new antialiasing control system: Each drawing element now has its own "setAntialiased" function to control whether it is drawn antialiased.
210 - QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElements can be used to override the individual settings.
211 - Subclasses of QCPAbstractPlottable can now use the convenience functions like applyFillAntialiasingHint or applyScattersAntialiasingHint to
212 easily make their drawing code comply with the overall antialiasing system.
213 - QCustomPlot::setNoAntialiasingOnDrag allows greatly improved performance and responsiveness by temporarily disabling all antialiasing while
214 the user is dragging axis ranges
215 - QCPGraph can now show scatter symbols at data points and hide its line (see QCPGraph::setScatterStyle, setScatterSize, setScatterPixmap, setLineStyle)
216 - Grid drawing code was sourced out from QCPAxis to QCPGrid. QCPGrid is mainly an internal class and every QCPAxis owns one. The grid interface still
217 works through QCPAxis and hasn't changed. The separation allows the grid to be drawn on a different layer as the axes, such that e.g. a graph can
218 be above the grid but below the axes.
219 - QCustomPlot::hasPlottable(plottable), returns whether the QCustomPlot contains the plottable
220 - QCustomPlot::setPlottingHint/setPlottingHints, plotting hints control details about the plotting quality/speed
221 - export to jpg and bmp added (QCustomPlot::saveJpg/saveBmp), as well as control over compression quality for png and jpg
222 - multi-select-modifier may now be specified with QCustomPlot::setMultiSelectModifier and is not fixed to Ctrl anymore
224 Bugfixes:
225 - fixed QCustomPlot ignores replot after it had size (0,0) even if size becomes valid again
226 - on Windows, a repaint used to be delayed during dragging/zooming of a complex plot, until the drag operation was done.
227 This was fixed, i.e. repaints are forced after a replot() call. See QCP::phForceRepaint and setPlottingHints.
228 - when using the raster paintengine and exporting to scaled PNG, pen widths are now scaled correctly (QPainter bug workaround via QCPPainter)
229 - PDF export now respects QCustomPlot background color (QCustomPlot::setColor), also Qt::transparent
230 - fixed a bug on QCPBars and QCPStatisticalBox where auto-rescaling of axis would fail when all data is very small (< 1e-11)
231 - fixed mouse event propagation bug that prevented range dragging from working on KDE (GNU/Linux)
232 - fixed a compiler warning on 64-bit systems due to pointer cast to int instead of quintptr in a qDebug output
234 Other:
235 - Added support for easier shared library creation (including examples for compiling and using QCustomPlot as shared library)
236 - QCustomPlot now has the Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent widget attribute (gives slightly improved performance).
237 - QCP::aeGraphs (enum QCP::AntialiasedElement, previously QCustomPlot::aeGraphs) has been marked deprecated since version 02.02.12 and
238 was now removed. Use QCP::aePlottables instead.
239 - optional performance-quality-tradeoff for solid graph lines (see QCustomPlot::setPlottingHints).
240 - marked data classes and QCPRange as Q_MOVABLE_TYPE
241 - replaced usage of own macro FUNCNAME with Qt macro Q_FUNC_INFO
242 - QCustomPlot now returns a minimum size hint of 50*50
244 #### Version released on 31.03.12 ####
246 Changes that (might) break backward compatibility:
247 - QCPAbstractLegendItem now inherits from QObject
248 - mousePress, mouseMove and mouseRelease signals are now emitted before and not after any QCustomPlot processing (range dragging, selecting, etc.)
250 Added features:
251 - Interaction system: now allows selecting of objects like plottables, axes, legend and plot title, see QCustomPlot::setInteractions documentation
252 - Interaction system for plottables:
253 - setSelectable, setSelected, setSelectedPen, setSelectedBrush, selectTest on QCPAbstractPlottable and all derived plottables
254 - setSelectionTolerance on QCustomPlot
255 - selectedPlottables and selectedGraphs on QCustomPlot (returns the list of currently selected plottables/graphs)
256 - Interaction system for axes:
257 - setSelectable, setSelected, setSelectedBasePen, setSelectedTickPen, setSelectedSubTickPen, setSelectedLabelFont, setSelectedTickLabelFont,
258 setSelectedLabelColor, setSelectedTickLabelColor, selectTest on QCPAxis
259 - selectedAxes on QCustomPlot (returns a list of the axes that currently have selected parts)
260 - Interaction system for legend:
261 - setSelectable, setSelected, setSelectedBorderPen, setSelectedIconBorderPen, setSelectedBrush, setSelectedFont, setSelectedTextColor, selectedItems on QCPLegend
262 - setSelectedFont, setSelectedTextColor, setSelectable, setSelected on QCPAbstractLegendItem
263 - selectedLegends on QCustomPlot
264 - Interaction system for title:
265 - setSelectedTitleFont, setSelectedTitleColor, setTitleSelected on QCustomPlot
266 - new signals in accordance with the interaction system:
267 - selectionChangedByUser on QCustomPlot
268 - selectionChanged on QCPAbstractPlottable
269 - selectionChanged on QCPAxis
270 - selectionChanged on QCPLegend and QCPAbstractLegendItem
271 - plottableClick, legendClick, axisClick, titleClick, plottableDoubleClick, legendDoubleClick, axisDoubleClick, titleDoubleClick on QCustomPlot
272 - QCustomPlot::deselectAll (deselects everything, i.e. axes and plottables)
273 - QCPAbstractPlottable::pixelsToCoords (inverse function to the already existing coordsToPixels function)
274 - QCPRange::contains(double value)
275 - QCPAxis::setLabelColor and setTickLabelColor
276 - QCustomPlot::setTitleColor
277 - QCustomPlot now emits beforeReplot and afterReplot signals. Note that it is safe to make two customPlots mutually call eachothers replot functions
278 in one of these slots, it will not cause an infinite loop. (usefull for synchronizing axes ranges between two customPlots, because setRange alone doesn't replot)
279 - If the Qt version is 4.7 or greater, the tick label strings in date-time-mode now support sub-second accuracy (e.g. with format like "hh:mm:ss.zzz").
281 Bugfixes:
282 - tick labels/margins should no longer oscillate by one pixel when dragging range or replotting repeatedly while changing e.g. data. This
283 was caused by a bug in Qt's QFontMetrics::boundingRect function when the font has an integer point size (probably some rounding problem).
284 The fix hence consists of creating a temporary font (only for bounding-box calculation) which is 0.05pt larger and thus avoiding the
285 jittering rounding outcome.
286 - tick label, axis label and plot title colors used to be undefined. This was fixed by providing explicit color properties.
288 Other:
289 - fixed some glitches in the documentation
290 - QCustomPlot::replot and QCustomPlot::rescaleAxes are now slots
292 #### Version released on 02.02.12 ####
294 Changes that break backward compatibility:
295 - renamed all secondary classes from QCustomPlot[...] to QCP[...]:
296 QCustomPlotAxis -> QCPAxis
297 QCustomPlotGraph -> QCPGraph
298 QCustomPlotRange -> QCPRange
299 QCustomPlotData -> QCPData
300 QCustomPlotDataMap -> QCPDataMap
301 QCustomPlotLegend -> QCPLegend
302 QCustomPlotDataMapIterator -> QCPDataMapIterator
303 QCustomPlotDataMutableMapIterator -> QCPDataMutableMapIterator
304 A simple search and replace on all code files should make your code run again, e.g. consider the regex "QCustomPlot(?=[AGRDL])" -> "QCP".
305 Make sure not to just replace "QCustomPlot" with "QCP" because the main class QCustomPlot hasn't changed to QCP.
306 This change was necessary because class names became unhandy, pardon my bad naming decision in the beginning.
307 - QCPAxis::tickLength() and QCPAxis::subTickLength() now each split into two functions for inward and outward ticks (tickLengthIn/tickLengthOut).
308 - QCPLegend now uses QCPAbstractLegendItem to carry item data (before, the legend was passed QCPGraphs directly)
309 - QCustomPlot::addGraph() now doesn't return the index of the created graph anymore, but a pointer to the created QCPGraph.
310 - QCustomPlot::setAutoAddGraphToLegend is replaced by setAutoAddPlottableToLegend
312 Added features:
313 - Reversed axis range with QCPAxis::setRangeReversed(bool)
314 - Tick labels are now only drawn if not clipped by the viewport (widget border) on the sides (e.g. left and right on a horizontal axis).
315 - Zerolines. Like grid lines only with a separate pen (QCPAxis::setZeroLinePen), at tick position zero.
316 - Outward ticks. QCPAxis::setTickLength/setSubTickLength now accepts two arguments for inward and outward tick length. This doesn't break
317 backward compatibility because the second argument (outward) has default value zero and thereby a call with one argument hasn't changed its meaning.
318 - QCPGraph now inherits from QCPAbstractPlottable
319 - QCustomPlot::addPlottable/plottable/removePlottable/clearPlottables added to interface with the new QCPAbstractPlottable-based system. The simpler interface
320 which only acts on QCPGraphs (addGraph, graph, removeGraph, etc.) was adapted internally and is kept for backward compatibility and ease of use.
321 - QCPLegend items for plottables (e.g. graphs) can automatically wrap their texts to fit the widths, see QCPLegend::setMinimumSize and QCPPlottableLegendItem::setTextWrap.
322 - QCustomPlot::rescaleAxes. Adapts axis ranges to show all plottables/graphs, by calling QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleAxes on all plottables in the plot.
323 - QCPCurve. For plotting of parametric curves.
324 - QCPBars. For plotting of bar charts.
325 - QCPStatisticalBox. For statistical box plots.
327 Bugfixes:
328 - Fixed QCustomPlot::removeGraph(int) not being able to remove graph index 0
329 - made QCustomPlot::replot() abort painting when painter initialization fails (e.g. because width/height of QCustomPlot is zero)
330 - The distance of the axis label from the axis ignored the tick label padding, this could have caused overlapping axis labels and tick labels
331 - fixed memory leak in QCustomPlot (dtor didn't delete legend)
332 - fixed bug that prevented QCPAxis::setRangeLower/Upper from setting the value to exactly 0.
334 Other:
335 - Changed default error bar handle size (QCustomPlotGraph::setErrorBarSize) from 4 to 6.
336 - Removed QCustomPlotDataFetcher. Was deprecated and not used class.
337 - Extended documentation, especially class descriptions.
339 #### Version released on 15.01.12 ####
341 Changes that (might) break backward compatibility:
342 - QCustomPlotGraph now inherits from QObject
344 Added features:
345 - Added axis background pixmap (QCustomPlot::setAxisBackground, setAxisBackgroundScaled, setAxisBackgroundScaledMode)
346 - Added width and height parameter on PDF export function QCustomPlot::savePdf(). This now allows PDF export to
347 have arbitrary dimensions, independent of the current geometry of the QCustomPlot.
348 - Added overload of QCustomPlot::removeGraph that takes QCustomPlotGraph* as parameter, instead the index of the graph
349 - Added all enums to the Qt meta system via Q_ENUMS(). The enums can now be transformed
350 to QString values easily with the Qt meta system, which makes saving state e.g. as XML
351 significantly nicer.
352 - added typedef QMapIterator<double,QCustomPlotData> QCustomPlotDataMapIterator
353 and typedef QMutableMapIterator<double,QCustomPlotData> QCustomPlotDataMutableMapIterator
354 for improved information hiding, when using iterators outside QCustomPlot code
356 Bugfixes:
357 - Fixed savePngScaled. Axis/label drawing functions used to reset the painter transform
358 and thereby break savePngScaled. Now they buffer the current transform and restore it afterwards.
359 - Fixed some glitches in the doxygen comments (affects documentation only)
361 Other:
362 - Changed the default tickLabelPadding of top axis from 3 to 6 pixels. Looks better.
363 - Changed the default QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements setting: Graph fills are now antialiased
364 by default. That's a bit slower, but makes fill borders look better.
366 #### Version released on 19.11.11 ####
368 Changes that break backward compatibility:
369 - QCustomPlotAxis: tickFont and setTickFont renamed to tickLabelFont and setTickLabelFont (for naming consistency)
371 Other:
372 - QCustomPlotAxis: Added rotated tick labels, see setTickLabelRotation
@@ -1,2 +1,2
1 1 2c82d72694590cbc2aebb946667f11f60ea89afe src/SocExplorerEngine/PeripheralWidget
2 023b503dbdc52f4214390519c35385722cd31f84 src/common/lppserial
2 2dce25b198558be573f56c1cf337aa95ddd666d6 src/common/lppserial
1 NO CONTENT: modified file chmod 100644 => 100755
@@ -19,8 +19,8
19 19 ****************************************************************************
20 20 ** Author: Emanuel Eichhammer **
21 21 ** Website/Contact: http://www.qcustomplot.com/ **
22 ** Date: 14.03.14 **
23 ** Version: 1.2.0 **
22 ** Date: 07.04.14 **
23 ** Version: 1.2.1 **
24 24 ****************************************************************************/
25 25
26 26 #include "qcustomplot.h"
@@ -5915,7 +5915,7 void QCPAxis::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
5915 5915 mAxisPainter->labelFont = getLabelFont();
5916 5916 mAxisPainter->labelColor = getLabelColor();
5917 5917 mAxisPainter->label = mLabel;
5918 mAxisPainter->substituteExponent = mAutoTickLabels && mNumberBeautifulPowers;
5918 mAxisPainter->substituteExponent = mAutoTickLabels && mNumberBeautifulPowers && mTickLabelType == ltNumber;
5919 5919 mAxisPainter->tickPen = getTickPen();
5920 5920 mAxisPainter->subTickPen = getSubTickPen();
5921 5921 mAxisPainter->tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont();
@@ -8575,7 +8575,7 QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractItem::select
8575 8575
8576 8576
8577 8577
8578 /*! \mainpage %QCustomPlot 1.2.0 Documentation
8578 /*! \mainpage %QCustomPlot 1.2.1 Documentation
8579 8579
8580 8580 \image html qcp-doc-logo.png
8581 8581
@@ -19,8 +19,8
19 19 ****************************************************************************
20 20 ** Author: Emanuel Eichhammer **
21 21 ** Website/Contact: http://www.qcustomplot.com/ **
22 ** Date: 14.03.14 **
23 ** Version: 1.2.0 **
22 ** Date: 07.04.14 **
23 ** Version: 1.2.1 **
24 24 ****************************************************************************/
25 25
26 26 #ifndef QCUSTOMPLOT_H
@@ -1,6 +1,6
1 1 SOCEXPLORER_ROOT = \"$${PWD}/../..\"
2 2 include($${PWD}/../../build_cfg/socexplorer.pri)
3 include($${PWD}/lppserial/lppserial.pri)
4 4
5 5 TEMPLATE = lib
6 6 TARGET = socexplorercommon$${DEBUG_EXT}
@@ -83,8 +83,7 HEADERS += \
83 83 elf/elffile.h \
84 84 qipdialogbox.h \
85 85 PySocExplorer.h \
86 SocExplorerPlot.h \
87 lppserial/src/RS232.h
86 SocExplorerPlot.h
88 87
89 88
90 89 SOURCES += \
@@ -104,8 +103,6 SOURCES += \
104 103 qipdialogbox.cpp \
105 104 SocExplorerPlot.cpp
106 105
107 unix:SOURCES += lppserial/src/RS232_unix.c
108 win32:SOURCES += lppserial/src/RS232_win.c
109 106
110 107
111 108
@@ -20,6 +20,7
20 20 -- Mail : alexis.jeandet@member.fsf.org
21 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
22 22 #include <abstractexecfile.h>
23 #include <elf.h>
23 24 #ifndef ELFFILE_H
24 25 #define ELFFILE_H
25 26
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