##// END OF EJS Templates
Alexis Jeandet -
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@@ -0,0 +1,325
1 import numpy as np
2 import math
3 import cmath
5 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
7 from bin16 import *
8 from fft import *
10 import os
12 ###########################################################
14 # (float)
15 # it calculates the Spectral Matrice for the input signals, taking N points in consideration and an optional offset for the starting point
16 def Spectral_Matrice(b1,b2,b3,e1,e2,fm,N,offset = 0):
18 #the input signals shall pass by a Hann window before being analysed with the Fourier Transform
19 W = np.zeros(len(b1))
20 W[offset:offset+N] = np.array([math.pow((math.sin(math.pi*i/(N-1))),2) for i in range(0,N)])
21 b1W = b1 * W
22 b2W = b2 * W
23 b3W = b3 * W
24 e1W = e1 * W
25 e2W = e2 * W
27 B1 = np.fft.fft(b1W[offset:offset+N])/N
28 B1 = B1[1:N/2+1]
29 B2 = np.fft.fft(b2W[offset:offset+N])/N
30 B2 = B2[1:N/2+1]
31 B3 = np.fft.fft(b3W[offset:offset+N])/N
32 B3 = B3[1:N/2+1]
33 E1 = np.fft.fft(e1W[offset:offset+N])/N
34 E1 = E1[1:N/2+1]
35 E2 = np.fft.fft(e2W[offset:offset+N])/N
36 E2 = E2[1:N/2+1]
38 #indices are SM[i][j][w] where i = line, j = colomn, w = frequency considered
39 SM = [[B1*B1.conjugate(), B1*B2.conjugate(), B1*B3.conjugate(), B1*E1.conjugate(), B1*E2.conjugate()],
40 [B2*B1.conjugate(), B2*B2.conjugate(), B2*B3.conjugate(), B2*E1.conjugate(), B2*E2.conjugate()],
41 [B3*B1.conjugate(), B3*B2.conjugate(), B3*B3.conjugate(), B3*E1.conjugate(), B3*E2.conjugate()],
42 [E1*B1.conjugate(), E1*B2.conjugate(), E1*B3.conjugate(), E1*E1.conjugate(), E1*E2.conjugate()],
43 [E2*B1.conjugate(), E2*B2.conjugate(), E2*B3.conjugate(), E2*E1.conjugate(), E2*E2.conjugate()]]
45 w = 2*math.pi*fm*np.arange(1,N/2+1)/N
47 return SM, w
49 # function that sums two SpectralMatrices
50 def SumSpectralMatrices(M,N):
51 Z = [[],[],[],[],[]]
52 for i in range(5):
53 for j in range(5):
54 Z[i].append(M[i][j] + N[i][j])
55 return Z
57 # (float)
58 # function that takes the time average of several SpectralMatrices
59 def Spectral_MatriceAvgTime(b1,b2,b3,e1,e2,fm,N):
60 TBP = 4.0 # for the three cases of f in the LFR, TBP is equal to 4
61 NSM = int(fm/N * TBP) # this gives the number of Spectral Matrices we should take into account for the average
62 S,w = Spectral_Matrice(b1,b2,b3,e1,e2,fm,N,offset = 0)
63 for k in range(1,NSM):
64 Saux,w = Spectral_Matrice(b1,b2,b3,e1,e2,fm,N,offset = k*NSM)
65 S = SumSpectralMatrices(S,Saux)
66 for i in range(5):
67 for j in range(5):
68 S[i][j] = S[i][j]/NSM
69 return S, w
71 # (float)
72 # "Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field"
73 def PSD_B(S):
74 PB = np.zeros(len(S[0][0]))
75 PB = S[0][0] + S[1][1] + S[2][2]
76 PB = abs(PB)
77 return PB
79 # (float)
80 # "Power spectrum density of the Electric Field"
81 def PSD_E(S):
82 PE = np.zeros(len(S[3][3]))
83 PE = S[3][3] + S[4][4]
84 PE = abs(PE)
85 return PE
87 # (float)
88 # "Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave"
89 def ellipticity(S):
90 PB = PSD_B(S)
91 e = np.zeros(len(PB))
92 e = 2.0/PB * np.sqrt(S[0][1].imag*S[0][1].imag + S[0][2].imag*S[0][2].imag + S[1][2].imag*S[1][2].imag)
93 return e
95 # (float)
96 # "Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave"
97 def degree_polarization(S):
98 PB = PSD_B(S)
99 d = np.zeros(len(PB))
100 TrSCM2 = np.zeros(len(PB))
101 TrSCM = np.zeros(len(PB))
102 TrSCM2 = abs(S[0][0]*S[0][0] + S[1][1]*S[1][1] + S[2][2]*S[2][2]) + 2 * (abs(S[0][1]*S[0][1]) + abs(S[0][2]*S[0][2]) + abs(S[1][2]*S[1][2]))
103 TrSCM = PB
104 d = np.sqrt((3*TrSCM2 - TrSCM*TrSCM)/(2*TrSCM*TrSCM))
105 return d
107 # (float)
108 # "Normal wave vector"
109 def normal_vector(S):
110 n1 = np.zeros(len(S[0][0]))
111 n2 = np.zeros(len(S[0][0]))
112 n3 = np.zeros(len(S[0][0]))
113 n1 = +1.0 * S[1][2].imag/np.sqrt(S[0][1].imag*S[0][1].imag + S[0][2].imag*S[0][2].imag + S[1][2].imag*S[1][2].imag)
114 n2 = -1.0 * S[0][2].imag/np.sqrt(S[0][1].imag*S[0][1].imag + S[0][2].imag*S[0][2].imag + S[1][2].imag*S[1][2].imag)
115 for i in range(len(n3)):
116 n3[i] = math.copysign(1,S[0][1][i].imag)
117 return [n1,n2,n3]
119 # (float)
120 # this is a routine that takes a list (or vector) of 3 components for the n vector and gives back an example
121 # of orthonormal matrix. This matrix may be used for the transformation matrix that takes every vector and puts it in the SCM referencial
122 def Matrix_SCM(n):
124 n = np.array(n)
125 n = n/np.linalg.norm(n)
127 v = np.array([np.random.random(),np.random.random(),np.random.random()])
129 v1 = v - np.dot(v,n)/np.dot(n,n) * n
130 v1 = v1/np.linalg.norm(v1)
132 v2 = np.cross(n,v1)
133 v2 = v2/np.linalg.norm(v2)
135 M = np.matrix([v1,v2,n]).transpose()
137 return M
139 # (float)
140 # this is a routine that takes the values 'a' and 'b' and creates a B complex vector (phasor of magnetic field)
141 # he then gives us the values of amplitude and phase for our cosines functions b1(t), b2(t), b3(t) for the SCM referencial (transformation using the R matrix)
142 def MagneticComponents(a,b,w,R):
143 B_PA = np.matrix([a,-b*1j,0]).transpose()
144 B_SCM = R*B_PA
145 return B_SCM
147 # (float)
148 # this function takes some input values and gives back the corresponding Basic Parameters for the three possible fm's
149 def SpectralMatrice_Monochromatic(a,b,n,E_para,f,fs,l):
150 #'a' and 'b' are parameters related to the Magnetic Field
151 #'n' is the normal vector to be considered
152 #'E_para' is the degree of polarization of the propagating medium
153 #'f' is the frequency of oscillation of the wave
154 #'l' is the wavelength of the wave
155 #'fm' is the original sampling frequency
157 time_step = 1.0/fs
158 t_ini = 0
159 t_fin = 8
160 time_vec = np.arange(t_ini,t_fin,time_step)
162 # we must give the vector n, which has the information about the direction of k
163 n = n/np.linalg.norm(n) #we ensure that n is an unitary vector
164 k = 2.0 * math.pi / l
166 # the matrix R gives us an example of transformation to the SCM referencial
167 # it was determined by the use of the normalized vector n and then two random vectors who form an orthogonal basis with it
168 R = Matrix_SCM(n)
170 # now we transform the magnetic field to the SCM referencial
171 B = MagneticComponents(a,b,2.0 * math.pi * f,R)
173 # now we have the caracteristics for our functions b1(t), b2(t) and b3(t) who shall enter in the LFR
174 b1 = cmath.polar(B[0,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[0,0])[1])
175 b2 = cmath.polar(B[1,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[1,0])[1])
176 b3 = cmath.polar(B[2,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[2,0])[1])
178 # the component of E who's parallel to n is of our choice. It represents the influence of the presence of charges where the electromagnetic
179 # wave is travelling. However, the component of E who's perpendicular to n is determined by B and n as follows
181 E_orth = -1.0 * 2.0 * math.pi * f/k * np.cross(n,np.array(B.transpose()))
182 E = E_orth + E_para
183 E = E.transpose()
185 e1 = cmath.polar(E[0,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(E[0,0])[1])
186 e2 = cmath.polar(E[1,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(E[1,0])[1])
188 N = 256
190 fm1 = 24576
191 step1 = fs/fm1
192 S1, w1 = Spectral_MatriceAvgTime(b1[::step1],b2[::step1],b3[::step1],e1[::step1],e2[::step1],fm1,N)
194 fm2 = 4096
195 step2 = fs/fm2
196 S2, w2 = Spectral_MatriceAvgTime(b1[::step2],b2[::step2],b3[::step2],e1[::step2],e2[::step2],fm2,N)
198 fm3 = 256
199 step3 = fs/fm3
200 S3, w3 = Spectral_MatriceAvgTime(b1[::step3],b2[::step3],b3[::step3],e1[::step3],e2[::step3],fm3,N)
202 question = raw_input("Do you wish to save the plots (Y/N): ")
203 if question == 'Y':
204 BasicParameters_plot(S1,w1,fm1,"fm_%s" % fm1)
205 BasicParameters_plot(S2,w2,fm2,"fm_%s" % fm2)
206 BasicParameters_plot(S3,w3,fm3,"fm_%s" % fm3)
208 return [S1,S2,S3], [w1,w2,w3]
210 # (float)
211 # this function takes a Spectral Matrice in the input and gives a list with all the associated Basic Parameters
212 def BasicParameters(S,w):
213 PB = PSD_B(S)
214 PE = PSD_E(S)
215 d = degree_polarization(S)
216 e = ellipticity(S)
217 n = normal_vector(S)
218 return [PB,PE,d,e,n]
220 # (float)
221 # this function saves plots in .pdf for each of the Basic Parameters associated with the Spectral Matrice in the input
222 def BasicParameters_plot(S,w,fm,mypath):
224 if not os.path.isdir(mypath):
225 os.makedirs(mypath)
227 PB = PSD_B(S)
228 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),PB)
229 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
230 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
231 plt.ylabel("PB(w)")
232 plt.savefig('%s/PB.png' % mypath)
233 plt.close()
235 PE = PSD_E(S)
236 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),PE)
237 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Electric Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
238 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
239 plt.ylabel("PE(w)")
240 plt.savefig('%s/PE.png' % mypath)
241 plt.close()
243 e = ellipticity(S)
244 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),e)
245 plt.title("Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
246 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
247 plt.ylabel("e(w)")
248 plt.savefig('%s/e.png' % mypath)
249 plt.close()
251 d = degree_polarization(S)
252 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),d)
253 plt.title("Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
254 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
255 plt.ylabel("d(w)")
256 plt.savefig('%s/d.png' % mypath)
257 plt.close()
259 [n1, n2, n3] = normal_vector(S)
260 print "n1: "
261 print n1
262 print "n2: "
263 print n2
264 print "n3: "
265 print n3
267 # (float)
268 # this function takes some input values and gives back the corresponding Basic Parameters for the three possible fm's
269 def SignalsWaveMonochromatic(a,b,n,E_para,f,fs,l):
270 #'a' and 'b' are parameters related to the Magnetic Field
271 #'n' is the normal vector to be considered
272 #'E_para' is the degree of polarization of the propagating medium
273 #'f' is the frequency of oscillation of the wave
274 #'l' is the wavelength of the wave
275 #'fm' is the original sampling frequency
277 time_step = 1.0/fs
278 t_ini = 0
279 t_fin = 8
280 time_vec = np.arange(t_ini,t_fin,time_step)
282 # we must give the vector n, which has the information about the direction of k
283 n = n/np.linalg.norm(n) #we ensure that n is an unitary vector
284 k = 2.0 * math.pi / l
286 print " 'a' = ", a
287 print " 'b' = ", b
288 print " n = ", n
289 print " l = ", l
290 print " f = ", f
291 print "E_para = ", E_para
292 print " "
294 # the matrix R gives us an example of transformation to the SCM referencial
295 # it was determined by the use of the normalized vector n and then two random vectors who form an orthogonal basis with it
296 R = Matrix_SCM(n)
298 # now we transform the magnetic field to the SCM referencial
299 B = MagneticComponents(a,b,2.0 * math.pi * f,R)
301 # now we have the caracteristics for our functions b1(t), b2(t) and b3(t) who shall enter in the LFR
302 b1 = cmath.polar(B[0,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[0,0])[1])
303 b2 = cmath.polar(B[1,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[1,0])[1])
304 b3 = cmath.polar(B[2,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[2,0])[1])
306 print "b1(t) = ", cmath.polar(B[0,0])[0], "cos(w*t + ", cmath.polar(B[0,0])[1], ")"
307 print "b2(t) = ", cmath.polar(B[1,0])[0], "cos(w*t + ", cmath.polar(B[1,0])[1], ")"
308 print "b3(t) = ", cmath.polar(B[2,0])[0], "cos(w*t + ", cmath.polar(B[2,0])[1], ")"
310 # the component of E who's parallel to n is of our choice. It represents the influence of the presence of charges where the electromagnetic
311 # wave is travelling. However, the component of E who's perpendicular to n is determined by B and n as follows
313 E_orth = -1.0 * 2.0 * math.pi * f/k * np.cross(n,np.array(B.transpose()))
314 E = E_orth + E_para
315 E = E.transpose()
317 e1 = cmath.polar(E[0,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(E[0,0])[1])
318 e2 = cmath.polar(E[1,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(E[1,0])[1])
320 print "e1(t) = ", cmath.polar(E[0,0])[0], "cos(w*t + ", cmath.polar(E[0,0])[1], ")"
321 print "e2(t) = ", cmath.polar(E[1,0])[0], "cos(w*t + ", cmath.polar(E[1,0])[1], ")"
322 print "(the value of w is ", 2.0 * math.pi * f, ")"
323 print " "
325 return [b1,b2,b3,e1,e2] No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,296
1 import numpy as np
2 import math
3 import cmath
5 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
7 from bin16 import *
8 from fft import *
10 import os
12 # (integers)
13 # it calculates the Spectral Matrice for the input signals, taking N points in consideration and an optional offset for the starting point
14 def Spectral_Matrice_Int(b1,b2,b3,e1,e2,fm,N,offset = 0):
16 #the input signals shall pass by a Hann window before being analysed with the Fourier Transform
17 W = np.zeros(len(b1))
18 W[offset:offset+N] = np.array([math.pow((math.sin(math.pi*i/(N-1))),2) for i in range(0,N)])
19 b1W = b1 * W
20 b2W = b2 * W
21 b3W = b3 * W
22 e1W = e1 * W
23 e2W = e2 * W
25 #this is for keeping stuff as integers
26 for i in range(len(b1)):
27 b1W[i] = int(b1W[i])
28 b2W[i] = int(b2W[i])
29 b3W[i] = int(b3W[i])
30 e1W[i] = int(e1W[i])
31 e2W[i] = int(e2W[i])
33 #remembering that fft_CT already divides the FFT by N
34 B1 = fft_CT(b1W[offset:offset+N])
35 B1 = B1[1:N/2+1]
36 B2 = fft_CT(b2W[offset:offset+N])
37 B2 = B2[1:N/2+1]
38 B3 = fft_CT(b3W[offset:offset+N])
39 B3 = B3[1:N/2+1]
40 E1 = fft_CT(e1W[offset:offset+N])
41 E1 = E1[1:N/2+1]
42 E2 = fft_CT(e2W[offset:offset+N])
43 E2 = E2[1:N/2+1]
45 #indices are SM[i][j][w] where i = line, j = colomn, w = frequency considered
46 SM = [[B1*B1.conjugate(), B1*B2.conjugate(), B1*B3.conjugate(), B1*E1.conjugate(), B1*E2.conjugate()],
47 [B2*B1.conjugate(), B2*B2.conjugate(), B2*B3.conjugate(), B2*E1.conjugate(), B2*E2.conjugate()],
48 [B3*B1.conjugate(), B3*B2.conjugate(), B3*B3.conjugate(), B3*E1.conjugate(), B3*E2.conjugate()],
49 [E1*B1.conjugate(), E1*B2.conjugate(), E1*B3.conjugate(), E1*E1.conjugate(), E1*E2.conjugate()],
50 [E2*B1.conjugate(), E2*B2.conjugate(), E2*B3.conjugate(), E2*E1.conjugate(), E2*E2.conjugate()]]
52 #this we can keep as float
53 w = 2*math.pi*fm*np.arange(1,N/2+1)/N
55 return SM, w
57 # function that sums two SpectralMatrices
58 def SumSpectralMatrices(M,N):
59 Z = [[],[],[],[],[]]
60 for i in range(5):
61 for j in range(5):
62 Z[i].append(M[i][j] + N[i][j])
63 return Z
65 # (integers)
66 # function that takes the time average of several SpectralMatrices
67 def Spectral_MatriceAvgTime_Int(b1,b2,b3,e1,e2,fm,N):
68 TBP = 4.0 # for the three cases of f in the LFR, TBP is equal to 4
69 NSM = int(fm/N * TBP) # this gives the number of Spectral Matrices we should take into account for the average
70 S,w = Spectral_Matrice_Int(b1,b2,b3,e1,e2,fm,N,offset = 0)
71 for k in range(1,NSM):
72 Saux,w = Spectral_Matrice_Int(b1,b2,b3,e1,e2,fm,N,offset = k*NSM)
73 S = SumSpectralMatrices(S,Saux)
74 for i in range(5):
75 for j in range(5):
76 for k in range(len(S[i][j])):
77 S[i][j][k] = complex(int(S[i][j][k].real/NSM),int(S[i][j][k].imag/NSM))
78 return S, w
80 # (integers)
81 # "Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field"
82 # it's being coded over 32 bits for now
83 def PSD_B_Int(S):
84 PB = np.zeros(len(S[0][0]))
85 PB = S[0][0] + S[1][1] + S[2][2]
86 PB = abs(PB)
87 return PB
89 # (integers)
90 # "Power spectrum density of the Electric Field"
91 # it's being coded over 32 bits for now
92 def PSD_E_Int(S):
93 PE = np.zeros(len(S[3][3]))
94 PE = S[3][3] + S[4][4]
95 PE = abs(PE)
96 return PE
98 # (integers)
99 # "Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave"
100 # Coding over 4 bits, from 0 to 1
101 def ellipticity_Int(S):
102 PB = PSD_B_Int(S)
103 e = np.zeros(len(PB))
104 e = 2.0/PB * np.sqrt(1.0*(S[0][1].imag*S[0][1].imag + S[0][2].imag*S[0][2].imag + S[1][2].imag*S[1][2].imag))
105 for i in range(len(e)):
106 if math.isnan(e[i]):
107 continue
108 e[i] = quantN(e[i],0,1,4)
109 e[i] = truncN(e[i],4)
110 return e
112 # (integers)
113 # "Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave"
114 # Coding over 3 bits, from 0 to 1
115 def degree_polarization_Int(S):
116 PB = PSD_B_Int(S)
117 d = np.zeros(len(PB))
118 TrSCM2 = np.zeros(len(PB))
119 TrSCM = np.zeros(len(PB))
120 TrSCM2 = abs(S[0][0]*S[0][0] + S[1][1]*S[1][1] + S[2][2]*S[2][2]) + 2 * (abs(S[0][1]*S[0][1]) + abs(S[0][2]*S[0][2]) + abs(S[1][2]*S[1][2]))
121 TrSCM = PB
122 d = np.sqrt((3.0*TrSCM2 - 1.0*TrSCM*TrSCM)/(2.0*TrSCM*TrSCM))
123 for i in range(len(d)):
124 if not(math.isnan(d[i])):
125 d[i] = quantN(d[i],0,1,3)
126 d[i] = truncN(d[i],3)
127 return d
129 # (integers)
130 # "Normal wave vector"
131 # Coding over 8 bits for n1 and n2, 1 bit for the n3 (0 if n3 = +1, 1 if n3 = -1)
132 def normal_vector_Int(S):
133 n1 = np.zeros(len(S[0][0]))
134 n2 = np.zeros(len(S[0][0]))
135 n3 = np.zeros(len(S[0][0]))
136 n1 = +1.0 * S[1][2].imag/np.sqrt(S[0][1].imag*S[0][1].imag + S[0][2].imag*S[0][2].imag + S[1][2].imag*S[1][2].imag)
137 n2 = -1.0 * S[0][2].imag/np.sqrt(S[0][1].imag*S[0][1].imag + S[0][2].imag*S[0][2].imag + S[1][2].imag*S[1][2].imag)
138 for i in range(len(n3)):
139 n3[i] = math.copysign(1,S[0][1][i].imag)
140 for i in range(len(n1)):
141 if not(math.isnan(n1[i])):
142 n1[i] = quantN(n1[i],0,1,8)
143 n1[i] = truncN(n1[i],8)
144 if not(math.isnan(n2[i])):
145 n2[i] = quantN(n2[i],0,1,8)
146 n2[i] = truncN(n2[i],8)
147 if not(math.isnan(n3[i])):
148 if n3[i] == -1:
149 n3[i] = 1
150 if n3[i] == +1:
151 n3[i] = 0
152 return [n1,n2,n3]
154 # (integers)
155 # "Z-component of the normalized Poynting flux"
156 # Coding over 8 bits
157 def poynting_vector_Int(S):
158 return poynting
160 # (integers)
161 # "Phase velocity estimator"
162 # Coding over 8 bits
163 def phase_velocity_Int(S):
164 return vp
166 # (integers)
167 # "Autocorrelation"
168 # it's being coded over 32 bits for now
169 def autocorrelation(S):
170 return [S[0][0],S[1][1],S[2][2],S[3][3],S[4][4]]
172 # (integers)
173 # Normalized cross correlations
174 # Coding over 8 bits, for values between -1 and +1
175 def cross_correlations_Int(S):
177 R12 = 1.0 * S[0][1].real/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[0][0] * S[1][1])
178 R12 = quantN(R12,-1,+1,8)
179 R12 = truncN(R12,8)
180 R13 = 1.0 * S[0][2].real/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[0][0] * S[2][2])
181 R13 = quantN(R13,-1,+1,8)
182 R13 = truncN(R13,8)
183 R23 = 1.0 * S[1][2].real/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[1][1] * S[2][2])
184 R23 = quantN(R23,-1,+1,8)
185 R23 = truncN(R23,8)
186 R45 = 1.0 * S[3][4].real/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[3][3] * S[4][4])
187 R45 = quantN(R45,-1,+1,8)
188 R45 = truncN(R45,8)
189 R14 = 1.0 * S[0][3].real/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[0][0] * S[3][3])
190 R14 = quantN(R14,-1,+1,8)
191 R14 = truncN(R14,8)
192 R15 = 1.0 * S[0][4].real/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[0][0] * S[4][4])
193 R15 = quantN(R15,-1,+1,8)
194 R15 = truncN(R15,8)
195 R24 = 1.0 * S[1][3].real/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[1][1] * S[3][3])
196 R24 = quantN(R24,-1,+1,8)
197 R24 = truncN(R24,8)
198 R25 = 1.0 * S[1][4].real/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[1][1] * S[4][4])
199 R25 = quantN(R25,-1,+1,8)
200 R25 = truncN(R25,8)
201 R34 = 1.0 * S[2][3].real/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[2][2] * S[3][3])
202 R34 = quantN(R34,-1,+1,8)
203 R34 = truncN(R34,8)
204 R35 = 1.0 * S[2][4].real/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[2][2] * S[4][4])
205 R35 = quantN(R35,-1,+1,8)
206 R35 = truncN(R35,8)
208 I12 = 1.0 * S[0][1].imag/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[0][0] * S[1][1])
209 I12 = quantN(I12,-1,+1,8)
210 I12 = truncN(I12,8)
211 I13 = 1.0 * S[0][2].imag/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[0][0] * S[2][2])
212 I13 = quantN(I13,-1,+1,8)
213 I13 = truncN(I13,8)
214 I23 = 1.0 * S[1][2].imag/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[1][1] * S[2][2])
215 I23 = quantN(I23,-1,+1,8)
216 I23 = truncN(I23,8)
217 I45 = 1.0 * S[3][4].imag/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[3][3] * S[4][4])
218 I45 = quantN(I45,-1,+1,8)
219 I45 = truncN(I45,8)
220 I14 = 1.0 * S[0][3].imag/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[0][0] * S[3][3])
221 I14 = quantN(I14,-1,+1,8)
222 I14 = truncN(I14,8)
223 I15 = 1.0 * S[0][4].imag/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[0][0] * S[4][4])
224 I15 = quantN(I15,-1,+1,8)
225 I15 = truncN(I15,8)
226 I24 = 1.0 * S[1][3].imag/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[1][1] * S[3][3])
227 I24 = quantN(I24,-1,+1,8)
228 I24 = truncN(I24,8)
229 I25 = 1.0 * S[1][4].imag/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[1][1] * S[4][4])
230 I25 = quantN(I25,-1,+1,8)
231 I25 = truncN(I25,8)
232 I34 = 1.0 * S[2][3].imag/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[2][2] * S[3][3])
233 I34 = quantN(I34,-1,+1,8)
234 I34 = truncN(I34,8)
235 I35 = 1.0 * S[2][4].imag/np.sqrt(1.0 * S[2][2] * S[4][4])
236 I35 = quantN(I35,-1,+1,8)
237 I35 = truncN(I35,8)
239 return [R12,R13,R23,R45,R14,R15,R24,R25,R34,R35],[I12,I13,I23,I45,I14,I15,I24,I25,I34,I35]
241 # (integers)
242 # this function takes a Spectral Matrice in the input and gives a list with all the associated Basic Parameters
243 def BasicParameters_Int(S,w):
244 PB = PSD_B_Int(S)
245 PE = PSD_E_Int(S)
246 d = degree_polarization_Int(S)
247 e = ellipticity_Int(S)
248 n = normal_vector_Int(S)
249 return [PB,PE,d,e,n]
251 # (integers)
252 # this function saves plots in .pdf for each of the Basic Parameters associated with the Spectral Matrice in the input
253 def BasicParameters_plot_Int(S,w,fm,mypath):
255 if not os.path.isdir(mypath):
256 os.makedirs(mypath)
258 PB = PSD_B_Int(S)
259 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),PB)
260 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
261 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
262 plt.ylabel("PB(w)")
263 plt.savefig('%s/PB.png' % mypath)
264 plt.close()
266 PE = PSD_E_Int(S)
267 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),PE)
268 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Electric Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
269 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
270 plt.ylabel("PE(w)")
271 plt.savefig('%s/PE.png' % mypath)
272 plt.close()
274 e = ellipticity_Int(S)
275 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),e)
276 plt.title("Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
277 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
278 plt.ylabel("e(w)")
279 plt.savefig('%s/e.png' % mypath)
280 plt.close()
282 d = degree_polarization_Int(S)
283 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),d)
284 plt.title("Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
285 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
286 plt.ylabel("d(w)")
287 plt.savefig('%s/d.png' % mypath)
288 plt.close()
290 [n1,n2,n3] = normal_vector_Int(S)
291 print "n1"
292 print n1
293 print "n2"
294 print n2
295 print "n3"
296 print n3 No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,59
1 import math
3 def quant16(x,liminf,limsup):
4 p = 1.0/pow(2,16) * (limsup - liminf)
5 x_quant = int(round(x/p))
6 return x_quant
8 def quantN(x,liminf,limsup,N):
9 p = 1.0/pow(2,N) * (limsup - liminf)
10 x_quant = int(round(x/p))
11 return x_quant
13 def trunc16(x):
14 if x > (pow(2,15) - 1):
15 z = pow(2,15) - 1
16 z = int(z)
17 return z
18 if x < (-1 * pow(2,15)):
19 z = -1 * pow(2,15)
20 z = int(z)
21 return z
22 return x
24 def truncN(x,N,signed = 0):
25 if signed == 0:
26 if x > (pow(2,N)):
27 z = pow(2,N) - 1
28 z = int(z)
29 return z
30 if x < 0:
31 z = 0
32 return z
33 return x
34 if signed == 1:
35 if x > (pow(2,N-1) - 1):
36 z = pow(2,N-1) - 1
37 z = int(z)
38 return z
39 if x < (-1 * pow(2,N-1)):
40 z = -1 * pow(2,N-1)
41 z = int(z)
42 return z
43 return x
45 def add16(x,y):
46 z = x + y
47 z = trunc16(z)
48 return z
50 def prod16(x,y):
51 z = x * y
52 z = trunc16(z)
53 return z
55 def div16(x,y):
56 z = x/y
57 z = trunc16(z)
58 return z
@@ -0,0 +1,52
1 import math
2 import numpy as np
3 from bin16 import *
5 def power_of_2(number):
6 if number == 0:
7 return 0
8 while(number % 2 == 0):
9 number = number / 2
10 if number > 1:
11 return 0
12 return 1
14 #here we simply do the FFT algorithm, using the Cooley-Tukey idea of divide and conquer and quantizing the values (working with integers)
15 #note that the output result will be already divided by N, which is not what happens for the np.fft routine
16 def fft_CT(x):
18 N = len(x)
20 if N == 1:
21 return x
23 x_e = x[::2]
24 x_o = x[1::2]
25 X_e = fft_CT(x_e)
26 X_o = fft_CT(x_o)
28 X = np.zeros(N,'complex')
30 M = N/2
31 for k in range(M):
32 X[k] = X_e[k] + X_o[k] * pow(math.e,-2j*math.pi*k/N)
33 a = X[k].real/2
34 b = X[k].imag/2
35 a = int(a)
36 a = trunc16(a)
37 b = int(b)
38 b = trunc16(b)
39 c = complex(a,b)
40 X[k] = c
41 for k in range(M,N):
42 X[k] = X_e[k-M] - X_o[k-M] * pow(math.e,-2j*math.pi*(k-M)/N)
43 a = X[k].real/2
44 b = X[k].imag/2
45 a = int(a)
46 a = trunc16(a)
47 b = int(b)
48 b = trunc16(b)
49 c = complex(a,b)
50 X[k] = c
51 return X
52 No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,50
1 import math
2 import numpy as np
3 from bin16 import *
4 from fft import *
5 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
7 alfa = 8192.0/8000.0
9 t_i = 0.0*alfa
10 t_f = 8.0*alfa
11 t_a = 3.5*alfa
12 t_b = 4.5*alfa
13 time_step = 1.0/1000
15 time_vec = np.arange(t_i,t_f,time_step)
17 Afloat = np.zeros(len(time_vec))
18 for i in range(int(t_a/time_step),int(t_b/time_step)):
19 Afloat[i] = 1.0
21 # plt.figure(1)
22 # plt.plot(time_vec,Afloat,'r')
23 # plt.ylim(0,2)
24 # plt.show()
26 Afloat_FFT = np.fft.fft(Afloat)/len(time_vec)
28 # plt.figure(2)
29 # plt.plot(abs(Afloat_FFT[0:100]),'g')
30 # plt.show()
32 Aint = np.zeros(len(time_vec))
33 for i in range(len(time_vec)):
34 Aint[i] = quant16(Afloat[i],-2,+2)
36 # plt.figure(3)
37 # plt.plot(time_vec,Aint,'r')
38 # plt.show()
40 Aint_FFT = fft_CT(Aint)
42 plt.figure(4)
43 plt.plot(abs(Afloat_FFT[0:100]),'g')
44 plt.scatter(range(100),1.0 * abs(Aint_FFT[0:100])/16384)
45 plt.title("Comparing the FFT's")
46 plt.show()
@@ -0,0 +1,91
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 """
3 Created on Tue Nov 13 15:53:23 2012
5 @author: pedroluizcoelhorodrigues
6 """
7 import numpy as np
8 from bin16 import *
10 class Filter_Coefficients():
11 """List of coefficients of a IIR filter of order 2"""
12 def __init__(self,a0=0,a1=0,a2=0,b0=0,b1=0,b2=0):
13 self.b0 = b0
14 self.b1 = b1
15 self.b2 = b2
16 self.a0 = a0
17 self.a1 = a1
18 self.a2 = a2
20 class Filter(object):
21 """Basic Filter of Order 2"""
23 def __init__(self,Coefficients,x1=0,x2=0,y1=0,y2=0):
24 self.Coefficients = Coefficients
25 self.x1 = x1
26 self.x2 = x2
27 self.y1 = y1
28 self.y2 = y2
30 def print_coefficients(self):
31 print 'a0 = ', self.Coefficients.a0
32 print 'a1 = ', self.Coefficients.a1
33 print 'a2 = ', self.Coefficients.a2
34 print 'b0 = ', self.Coefficients.b0
35 print 'b1 = ', self.Coefficients.b1
36 print 'b2 = ', self.Coefficients.b2, "\n"
38 def convolve(self,input):
40 B = np.array([self.Coefficients.b0,self.Coefficients.b1,self.Coefficients.b2])
41 A = np.array([self.Coefficients.a1,self.Coefficients.a2])
43 y = np.zeros(len(input))
44 y[0] = round(1.0/(self.Coefficients.a0) * (np.dot(B,np.array([input[0],self.x1,self.x2])) - np.dot(A,np.array([self.y1,self.y2]))))
45 y[0] = trunc16(y[0])
46 y[1] = round(1.0/(self.Coefficients.a0) * (np.dot(B,np.array([input[1],input[0],self.x1])) - np.dot(A,np.array([y[0],self.y1]))))
47 y[1] = trunc16(y[1])
49 for j in range(2,len(input)):
50 y[j] = trunc16(round(1.0/(self.Coefficients.a0) * (np.dot(B,np.array([input[j],input[j-1],input[j-2]])) - np.dot(A,np.array([y[j-1],y[j-2]])))))
52 self.x1 = input[j]
53 self.x2 = input[j-1]
54 self.y1 = y[j]
55 self.y2 = y[j-1]
57 return y
59 def reset(self):
60 self.x1 = 0
61 self.x2 = 0
62 self.y1 = 0
63 self.y2 = 0
65 def impulsive_response(self, N):
66 delta = np.zeros(N)
67 delta[0] = 1
68 return self.convolve(delta)
70 class FilterGlobal(object):
71 """Global filter with other basic filters (of order 2) in cascade"""
72 def __init__(self,Filters):
73 self.Filter = Filters
75 def convolve(self,x):
76 y = np.zeros(len(x))
77 y = self.Filter[0].convolve(x)
78 if len(self.Filter) > 1:
79 for j in range(1,len(self.Filter)):
80 y = self.Filter[j].convolve(y)
81 return y
83 def impulsive_response(self, N):
84 delta = np.zeros(N)
85 delta[0] = 1
86 return self.convolve(delta)
88 def reset(self):
89 for j in range(len(self.Filter)):
90 self.Filter[j].reset()
91 No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,178
1 #the signal processing chain in the LFR analyser.
3 import numpy as np
4 from filters import *
5 from bin16 import *
6 from fft import *
7 import math
8 import cmath
9 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
10 from basic_parameters import *
11 import os
13 # The parameters who describe the magnetic field B are 'a' and 'b',
14 # who shall form a complex phasor given by: [a -b*1j 0] * exp(1j * (w*t + phi))
15 a = np.random.random() # we take a value at random between 0 and 1
16 b = np.sqrt(1 - a*a) # we want to force a^2 + b^2 = 1
18 # 'f' is the frequency of oscillation of our electromagnetic wave, who's monochromatic for now
19 f = 2500
20 # 'l' is the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave
21 l = 3000
22 k = 2.0 * math.pi / l
23 # is the propagating vector, who's related to the k vector
24 n = [1,1,1]
25 # is a vector who tells us the degree of polarization of the medium where the electromagnetic wave is being propagated
26 E_para = [0,0,0]
27 # 'fs' is the original sampling frequency (the one who enters the LFR)
28 fs = 98304
29 t_ini = 0
30 t_fin = 10
31 time_step = 1.0/fs
32 time_vec = np.arange(t_ini, t_fin, time_step)
34 # the matrix R gives us an example of transformation to the SCM referencial
35 # it was determined by the use of the normalized vector n and then two random vectors who form an orthogonal basis with it
36 R = Matrix_SCM(n)
38 # now we transform the magnetic field to the SCM referencial
39 B = MagneticComponents(a,b,2.0 * math.pi * f,R)
41 # now we have the caracteristics for our functions b1(t), b2(t) and b3(t) who shall enter in the LFR
42 b1 = cmath.polar(B[0,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[0,0])[1])
43 b2 = cmath.polar(B[1,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[1,0])[1])
44 b3 = cmath.polar(B[2,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[2,0])[1])
46 # the component of E who's parallel to n is of our choice. It represents the influence of the presence of charges where the electromagnetic
47 # wave is travelling. However, the component of E who's perpendicular to n is determined by B and n as follows
49 E_orth = -1.0 * 2.0 * math.pi * f/k * np.cross(n,np.array(B.transpose()))
50 E = E_orth + E_para
51 E = E.transpose()
53 e1 = cmath.polar(E[0,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(E[0,0])[1])
54 e2 = cmath.polar(E[1,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(E[1,0])[1])
56 liminfB = -1
57 limsupB = +1
58 liminfE = -10000000
59 limsupE = +10000000
61 b1 = b1 + np.random.uniform(liminfB/100,limsupB/100,len(time_vec))
62 b2 = b2 + np.random.uniform(liminfB/100,limsupB/100,len(time_vec))
63 b3 = b3 + np.random.uniform(liminfB/100,limsupB/100,len(time_vec))
64 e1 = e1 + np.random.uniform(liminfE/100,limsupE/100,len(time_vec))
65 e2 = e2 + np.random.uniform(liminfE/100,limsupE/100,len(time_vec))
67 plt.figure(1)
68 plt.plot(b1[0:len(time_vec)/5000],'r')
69 plt.plot(b2[0:len(time_vec)/5000],'g')
70 plt.plot(b3[0:len(time_vec)/5000],'b')
71 plt.show()
73 #we want the input signal to be quantized (integer values)
74 for i in range(len(time_vec)):
75 b1[i] = quant16(b1[i],liminfB,limsupB)
76 b2[i] = quant16(b2[i],liminfB,limsupB)
77 b3[i] = quant16(b3[i],liminfB,limsupB)
78 e1[i] = quant16(e1[i],liminfE,limsupE)
79 e2[i] = quant16(e2[i],liminfE,limsupE)
81 #we filter the signal with a digital filter
83 #Filter 0
84 a0_0 = -128
85 a0_1 = 189
86 a0_2 = -111
87 b0_0 = 58
88 b0_1 = -66
89 b0_2 = 58
91 CF0 = Filter_Coefficients(a0_0, a0_1, a0_2, b0_0, b0_1, b0_2)
92 F0 = Filter(CF0)
94 #Filter 1
95 a1_0 = -128
96 a1_1 = 162
97 a1_2 = -81
98 b1_0 = 58
99 b1_1 = -57
100 b1_2 = 58
102 CF1 = Filter_Coefficients(a1_0, a1_1, a1_2, b1_0, b1_1, b1_2)
103 F1 = Filter(CF1)
105 #Filter 2
106 a2_0 = -128
107 a2_1 = 136
108 a2_2 = -55
109 b2_0 = 29
110 b2_1 = -17
111 b2_2 = 29
113 CF2 = Filter_Coefficients(a2_0, a2_1, a2_2, b2_0, b2_1, b2_2)
114 F2 = Filter(CF2)
116 #Filter 3
117 a3_0 = -128
118 a3_1 = 114
119 a3_2 = -33
120 b3_0 = 15
121 b3_1 = 4
122 b3_2 = 15
124 CF3 = Filter_Coefficients(a3_0, a3_1, a3_2, b3_0, b3_1, b3_2)
125 F3 = Filter(CF3)
127 #Filter 4
128 a4_0 = -128
129 a4_1 = 100
130 a4_2 = -20
131 b4_0 = 15
132 b4_1 = 24
133 b4_2 = 15
135 CF4 = Filter_Coefficients(a4_0, a4_1, a4_2, b4_0, b4_1, b4_2)
136 F4 = Filter(CF4)
138 Filters = [F0,F1,F2,F3,F4]
139 F_10k = FilterGlobal(Filters)
141 #this filtering assure us of not having aliasing problems we downsampling to fm = 24576 Hz
142 b1_filtered = F_10k.convolve(b1)
143 b2_filtered = F_10k.convolve(b2)
144 b3_filtered = F_10k.convolve(b3)
145 e1_filtered = F_10k.convolve(e1)
146 e2_filtered = F_10k.convolve(e2)
148 #we downsample the signal to get to a sampling frequency fm = 24576Hz
149 b1_24576 = b1_filtered[::4]
150 b2_24576 = b2_filtered[::4]
151 b3_24576 = b3_filtered[::4]
152 e1_24576 = e1_filtered[::4]
153 e2_24576 = e2_filtered[::4]
155 S_24576, w_24576 = Spectral_MatriceAvgTime_Int(b1_24576,b2_24576,b3_24576,e1_24576,e2_24576,24576,256)
156 PB_24576 = PSD_B_Int(S_24576)
157 PE_24576 = PSD_E_Int(S_24576)
159 # #Here we're doing simply a downsample, without filtering before. We should pass by a CIC filter instead.
160 # b1_4096 = b1_24576[::6]
161 # b2_4096 = b2_24576[::6]
162 # b3_4096 = b3_24576[::6]
163 # e1_4096 = e1_24576[::6]
164 # e2_4096 = e2_24576[::6]
165 #
166 # #Here we're doing simply a downsample, without filtering before. We should pass by a CIC filter instead.
167 # b1_256 = b1_24576[::96]
168 # b2_256 = b2_24576[::96]
169 # b3_256 = b3_24576[::96]
170 # e1_256 = e1_24576[::96]
171 # e2_256 = e2_24576[::96]
172 #
173 # #Here we're doing simply a downsample, without filtering before. We should pass by a CIC filter instead.
174 # b1_16 = b1_4096[::256]
175 # b2_16 = b2_4096[::256]
176 # b3_16 = b3_4096[::256]
177 # e1_16 = e1_4096[::256]
178 # e2_16 = e2_4096[::256]
@@ -0,0 +1,222
1 #Operations with float numbers#
3 import numpy as np
4 from filters import *
5 from bin16 import *
6 from fft import *
7 import math
8 import cmath
9 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
10 from basic_parameters import *
11 import os
13 ################################################# Simulations ##########################################################
15 #This creates a new folder to save the plots
16 mypath = 'plots1'
17 if not os.path.isdir(mypath):
18 os.makedirs(mypath)
20 fs = 98304 # is the sampling frequency of our signals
21 time_step = 1.0/fs
22 t_ini = 0
23 t_fin = 10
24 time_vec = np.arange(t_ini,t_fin,time_step)
25 fig = 0 #index for the plots1
27 f = 2500 # is the frequency of our signal of test (which gives the w = 2 * pi * f)
29 print "These are the results obtained for the basic parameters on a monochromatic electromagnetic wave"
30 print "The rounding errors of the LFR are still not taken into account - we're operating with float numbers \n"
32 # we must give the vector n, which has the information about the direction of k
33 n = np.array([1,1,1]) # for now we take this example
34 n = n/np.linalg.norm(n)
35 l = 3000 # this is the wavelength of our wave (which is not necessarily determined by c = l * f)
36 k = 2.0 * math.pi / l
38 print "The n vector is:", n
39 print "The wavelength l is:", l, "[m]"
40 print "The wave number k is then:", k, "[m]^-1 \n"
42 # the values of 'a' and 'b' tell us the intensity of the magnetic field
43 a = np.random.random() # we take a value at random between 0 and 1
44 b = np.sqrt(1 - a*a) # we want to force a^2 + b^2 = 1
45 phi = 0
47 print "The parameters who describe the magnetic field B are 'a' and 'b', who shall form a complex phasor given by: [a -b*1j 0] * exp(1j * (w*t + phi))"
48 print "We're considering phi equal to ", phi
49 print "The vector for the present case is: [", a, ", -j", b, ", 0]"
50 print "('a' and 'b' were chosen randomly between 0 and 1) \n"
52 # the matrix R gives us an example of transformation to the SCM referencial
53 # it was determined by the use of the normalized vector n and then two random vectors who form an orthogonal basis with it
54 R = Matrix_SCM(n)
56 # now we transform the magnetic field to the SCM referencial
57 B = MagneticComponents(a,b,2.0 * math.pi * f,R)
59 print "From the n vector we can construct an Orthonormal Matrix R capable of taking the components of B and taking them into the SCM reference"
60 print "R = ", R
61 print "The values of the components of B in the SCM reference are then: "
62 print "B = ", B
63 print " "
65 # now we have the caracteristics for our functions b1(t), b2(t) and b3(t) who shall enter in the LFR
66 # b1(t) = cmath.polar(B[0])[0] * cos(w*t + cmath.polar(B[0])[1] + phi)
67 # b2(t) = cmath.polar(B[1])[0] * cos(w*t + cmath.polar(B[1])[1] + phi)
68 # b3(t) = cmath.polar(B[2])[0] * cos(w*t + cmath.polar(B[2])[1] + phi)
70 b1 = cmath.polar(B[0,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[0,0])[1] + phi)
71 b2 = cmath.polar(B[1,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[1,0])[1] + phi)
72 b3 = cmath.polar(B[2,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[2,0])[1] + phi)
74 print "Now we finally have the functions b1(t), b2(t) and b3(t) who are going to serve as examples for inputs in the LFR analyzer"
75 print "b1(t) = ", cmath.polar(B[0,0])[0], "cos(w*t + ", cmath.polar(B[0,0])[1], " + ", phi, ")"
76 print "b2(t) = ", cmath.polar(B[1,0])[0], "cos(w*t + ", cmath.polar(B[1,0])[1], " + ", phi, ")"
77 print "b3(t) = ", cmath.polar(B[2,0])[0], "cos(w*t + ", cmath.polar(B[2,0])[1], " + ", phi, ")"
78 print "(the value of w is,", 2.0 * math.pi * f, ")"
79 print " "
81 graph = raw_input("Do you wish to plot the graphs for the magnetic field signals? (Y/N): ")
82 if graph == 'Y':
83 print "Next we plot the graph for the three magnetic field signals: b1(t) [red], b2(t) [blue], b3(t) [green]"
84 fig = fig + 1
85 plt.figure(fig)
86 p1, = plt.plot(1000*time_vec[0:len(time_vec)/2000],b1[0:len(time_vec)/2000],'r')
87 p2, = plt.plot(1000*time_vec[0:len(time_vec)/2000],b2[0:len(time_vec)/2000],'b')
88 p3, = plt.plot(1000*time_vec[0:len(time_vec)/2000],b3[0:len(time_vec)/2000],'g')
89 plt.title("The three input signals for the Magnetic Field")
90 plt.xlabel("time [ms]")
91 plt.ylabel("b(t)")
92 plt.legend([p1, p2, p3], ["b1(t)", "b2(t)", "b3(t)"])
93 plt.show()
94 print " "
96 # the component of E who's parallel to n is of our choice. It represents the influence of the presence of charges where the electromagnetic
97 # wave is travelling. However, the component of E who's perpendicular to n is determined by B and n as follows
99 E_orth = -1.0 * 2.0 * math.pi * f/k * np.cross(n,np.array(B.transpose()))
100 E_para = np.zeros(3) # for now, we'll consider that E_para is zero
101 E = E_orth + E_para
102 E = E.transpose()
104 e1 = cmath.polar(E[0,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(E[0,0])[1])
105 e2 = cmath.polar(E[1,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(E[1,0])[1])
107 print "The electric field has two components: one parallel to the n vector (E_para) and one orthogonal (E_orth)"
108 print "E_para represents the degree of polarization of the medium where the wave is propagating"
109 print "E_para = ", E_para
110 print "E_orth is fully determined by the B vector representing the magnetic field"
111 print "E_orth = -w/k * (n x B)"
112 print "E_orth = ", E_orth
113 print " "
115 print "We have then the functions e1(t), e2(t)who are going to serve as examples for inputs in the LFR analyzer"
116 print "e1(t) = ", cmath.polar(E[0,0])[0], "cos(w*t + ", cmath.polar(E[0,0])[1], " + ", phi, ")"
117 print "e2(t) = ", cmath.polar(E[1,0])[0], "cos(w*t + ", cmath.polar(E[1,0])[1], " + ", phi, ")"
118 print "(the value of w is,", 2.0 * math.pi * f, ")"
119 print " "
121 graph = raw_input("Do you wish to plot the graphs for the electric field signals? (Y/N): ")
122 if graph == 'Y':
123 print "Next we plot the graph for two of the electric field signals: e1(t) [red], e2(t) [blue]"
124 print "(The electric field is being considered in the SCM referencial, which is not totally right, but should work for now)"
125 fig = fig + 1
126 plt.figure(fig)
127 p1, = plt.plot(1000*time_vec[0:len(time_vec)/2000],e1[0:len(time_vec)/2000],'r')
128 p2, = plt.plot(1000*time_vec[0:len(time_vec)/2000],e2[0:len(time_vec)/2000],'b')
129 plt.title("The two input signals for the Electric Field")
130 plt.xlabel("time [ms]")
131 plt.ylabel("e(t)")
132 plt.legend([p1, p2], ["e1(t)", "e2(t)"])
133 plt.show()
134 print " "
136 #This is the number of points used in the FFT
137 N = 256
139 #We may add some noise to the input signals
140 b1 = b1 + 10.0 * np.random.random(len(b1))/100
141 b2 = b2 + 10.0 * np.random.random(len(b2))/100
142 b3 = b3 + 10.0 * np.random.random(len(b3))/100
143 e1 = e1 + 10.0 * 10000000.0 * np.random.random(len(e1))/100
144 e2 = e2 + 10.0 * 10000000.0 * np.random.random(len(e2))/100
146 graph = raw_input("Do you wish to plot the graphs for the noised magnetic and electric field signals? (Y/N): ")
147 if graph == 'Y':
148 print "Next we plot the graph for the three magnetic field signals: b1(t) [red], b2(t) [blue], b3(t) [green]"
149 print "As well as for the two electric field signals: e1(t) [red], e2(t) [blue]"
150 fig = fig + 1
151 plt.figure(fig)
152 p1, = plt.plot(1000*time_vec[0:len(time_vec)/2000],b1[0:len(time_vec)/2000],'r')
153 p2, = plt.plot(1000*time_vec[0:len(time_vec)/2000],b2[0:len(time_vec)/2000],'b')
154 p3, = plt.plot(1000*time_vec[0:len(time_vec)/2000],b3[0:len(time_vec)/2000],'g')
155 plt.title("The three input signals for the Magnetic Field")
156 plt.xlabel("time [ms]")
157 plt.ylabel("b(t)")
158 plt.legend([p1, p2, p3], ["b1(t)", "b2(t)", "b3(t)"])
159 plt.show()
161 fig = fig + 1
162 plt.figure(fig)
163 p1, = plt.plot(1000*time_vec[0:len(time_vec)/2000],e1[0:len(time_vec)/2000],'r')
164 p2, = plt.plot(1000*time_vec[0:len(time_vec)/2000],e2[0:len(time_vec)/2000],'b')
165 plt.title("The two input signals for the Electric Field")
166 plt.xlabel("time [ms]")
167 plt.ylabel("e(t)")
168 plt.legend([p1, p2], ["e1(t)", "e2(t)"])
169 plt.show()
170 print " "
172 S, w = Spectral_Matrice(b1,b2,b3,e1,e2,fs,N,offset = 0)
174 print "Now we calculate the Spectral Matrice for the ensemble of signals entering the LFR."
175 print "(For now, we're just taking one spectral matrice, for all the values of frequencies. The next step will be to average them in time and frequence)"
176 print "Then, from this Spectral Matrice we calculate the basic parameters:"
178 PB = PSD_B(S)
179 print "Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field"
180 fig = fig + 1
181 plt.figure(fig)
182 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),PB)
183 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field")
184 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
185 plt.ylabel("PB(w)")
186 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle='--')
187 plt.savefig('plots1/PB.png')
189 PE = PSD_E(S)
190 print "Power spectrum density of the Electric Field"
191 fig = fig + 1
192 plt.figure(fig)
193 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),PE)
194 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Electric Field")
195 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
196 plt.ylabel("PE(w)")
197 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle='--')
198 plt.savefig('plots1/PE.png')
200 e = ellipticity(S)
201 print "Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave"
202 fig = fig + 1
203 plt.figure(fig)
204 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),e)
205 plt.title("Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave")
206 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
207 plt.ylabel("e(w)")
208 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle = '--')
209 plt.axhline(y = 2.0/(a/b + b/a), color = 'r', linestyle='--')
210 plt.savefig('plots1/e.png')
212 d = degree_polarization(S)
213 print "Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave"
214 fig = fig + 1
215 plt.figure(fig)
216 plt.plot(w/(2*math.pi),d)
217 plt.title("Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave")
218 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
219 plt.ylabel("d(w)")
220 plt.savefig('plots1/d.png')
222 #[n1,n2,n3] = normal_vector(S) No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,238
1 #Operations with float numbers#
3 import numpy as np
4 from filters import *
5 from bin16 import *
6 from fft import *
7 import math
8 import cmath
9 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
10 from basic_parameters import *
11 import os
13 ################################################# Simulations ##########################################################
15 #This creates a new folder to save the plots
16 mypath = 'plots2'
17 if not os.path.isdir(mypath):
18 os.makedirs(mypath)
20 fs = 98304 # is the sampling frequency of our signals
21 time_step = 1.0/fs
22 t_ini = 0
23 t_fin = 10
24 time_vec = np.arange(t_ini,t_fin,time_step)
25 fig = 0 #index for the plots
27 f = 500 # is the frequency of our signal of test (which gives the w = 2 * pi * f)
29 # we must give the vector n, which has the information about the direction of k
30 n = np.array([1,1,1]) # for now we take this example
31 n = n/np.linalg.norm(n)
32 l = 3000 # this is the wavelength of our wave (which is not necessarily determined by c = l * f)
33 k = 2.0 * math.pi / l
35 # the values of 'a' and 'b' tell us the intensity of the magnetic field
36 a = np.random.random() # we take a value at random between 0 and 1
37 b = np.sqrt(1 - a*a) # we want to force a^2 + b^2 = 1
38 phi = 0
40 # the matrix R gives us an example of transformation to the SCM referencial
41 # it was determined by the use of the normalized vector n and then two random vectors who form an orthogonal basis with it
42 R = Matrix_SCM(n)
44 # now we transform the magnetic field to the SCM referencial
45 B = MagneticComponents(a,b,2.0 * math.pi * f,R)
47 # now we have the caracteristics for our functions b1(t), b2(t) and b3(t) who shall enter in the LFR
48 # b1(t) = cmath.polar(B[0])[0] * cos(w*t + cmath.polar(B[0])[1] + phi)
49 # b2(t) = cmath.polar(B[1])[0] * cos(w*t + cmath.polar(B[1])[1] + phi)
50 # b3(t) = cmath.polar(B[2])[0] * cos(w*t + cmath.polar(B[2])[1] + phi)
52 b1 = cmath.polar(B[0,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[0,0])[1] + phi)
53 b2 = cmath.polar(B[1,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[1,0])[1] + phi)
54 b3 = cmath.polar(B[2,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(B[2,0])[1] + phi)
56 # the component of E who's parallel to n is of our choice. It represents the influence of the presence of charges where the electromagnetic
57 # wave is travelling. However, the component of E who's perpendicular to n is determined by B and n as follows
59 E_orth = -1.0 * 2.0 * math.pi * f/k * np.cross(n,np.array(B.transpose()))
60 E_para = np.zeros(3) # for now, we'll consider that E_para is zero
61 E = E_orth + E_para
62 E = E.transpose()
64 e1 = cmath.polar(E[0,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(E[0,0])[1])
65 e2 = cmath.polar(E[1,0])[0] * np.cos(2.0 * math.pi * f * time_vec + cmath.polar(E[1,0])[1])
67 #This is the number of points used in the FFT
68 N = 256
70 #We may add some noise to the input signals
71 # b1 = b1 + np.random.random(len(b1))/10
72 # b2 = b2 + np.random.random(len(b2))/10
73 # b3 = b3 + np.random.random(len(b3))/10
74 # e1 = e1 + np.random.random(len(e1))/10
75 # e2 = e2 + np.random.random(len(e2))/10
77 fm1 = 24576
78 fm2 = 4096
79 fm3 = 256
81 S1, w1 = Spectral_MatriceAvgTime(b1[::4],b2[::4],b3[::4],e1[::4],e2[::4],fm1,N)
82 S2, w2 = Spectral_MatriceAvgTime(b1[::24],b2[::24],b3[::24],e1[::24],e2[::24],fm2,N)
83 S3, w3 = Spectral_MatriceAvgTime(b1[::384],b2[::384],b3[::384],e1[::384],e2[::384],fm3,N)
85 print "S1"
87 PB1 = PSD_B(S1)
88 print "Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field"
89 fig = fig + 1
90 plt.figure(fig)
91 plt.plot(w1/(2*math.pi),PB1)
92 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm1)
93 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
94 plt.ylabel("PB(w)")
95 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle='--')
96 plt.savefig('plots2/PB1.pdf')
98 PE1 = PSD_E(S1)
99 print "Power spectrum density of the Electric Field"
100 fig = fig + 1
101 plt.figure(fig)
102 plt.plot(w1/(2*math.pi),PE1)
103 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Electric Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm1)
104 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
105 plt.ylabel("PE(w)")
106 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle='--')
107 plt.savefig('plots2/PE1.pdf')
109 e1 = ellipticity(S1)
110 print "Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave"
111 fig = fig + 1
112 plt.figure(fig)
113 plt.plot(w1/(2*math.pi),e1)
114 plt.title("Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm1)
115 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
116 plt.ylabel("e(w)")
117 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle = '--')
118 plt.axhline(y = 2.0/(a/b + b/a), color = 'r', linestyle='--')
119 plt.savefig('plots2/e1.pdf')
121 d1 = degree_polarization(S1)
122 print "Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave"
123 fig = fig + 1
124 plt.figure(fig)
125 plt.plot(w1/(2*math.pi),d1)
126 plt.title("Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm1)
127 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
128 plt.ylabel("d(w)")
129 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle='--')
130 plt.savefig('plots2/d1.pdf')
132 #[n11,n21,n31] = normal_vector(S1)
134 print "S2"
136 PB2 = PSD_B(S2)
137 print "Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field"
138 fig = fig + 1
139 plt.figure(fig)
140 plt.plot(w2/(2*math.pi),PB2)
141 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm2)
142 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
143 plt.ylabel("PB(w)")
144 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle='--')
145 plt.savefig('plots2/PB2.pdf')
146 plt.close()
148 PE2 = PSD_E(S2)
149 print "Power spectrum density of the Electric Field"
150 fig = fig + 1
151 plt.figure(fig)
152 plt.plot(w2/(2*math.pi),PE2)
153 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Electric Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm2)
154 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
155 plt.ylabel("PE(w)")
156 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle='--')
157 plt.savefig('plots2/PE2.pdf')
158 plt.close()
160 e2 = ellipticity(S2)
161 print "Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave"
162 fig = fig + 1
163 plt.figure(fig)
164 plt.plot(w2/(2*math.pi),e2)
165 plt.title("Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm2)
166 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
167 plt.ylabel("e(w)")
168 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle = '--')
169 plt.axhline(y = 2.0/(a/b + b/a), color = 'r', linestyle='--')
170 plt.savefig('plots2/e2.pdf')
171 plt.close()
173 d2 = degree_polarization(S2)
174 print "Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave"
175 fig = fig + 1
176 plt.figure(fig)
177 plt.plot(w2/(2*math.pi),d2)
178 plt.title("Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm2)
179 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
180 plt.ylabel("d(w)")
181 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle='--')
182 plt.savefig('plots2/d2.pdf')
183 plt.close()
185 #[n12,n22,n32] = normal_vector(S2)
187 print "S3"
189 PB3 = PSD_B(S3)
190 print "Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field"
191 fig = fig + 1
192 plt.figure(fig)
193 plt.plot(w3/(2*math.pi),PB3)
194 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm3)
195 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
196 plt.ylabel("PB(w)")
197 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle='--')
198 plt.savefig('plots2/PB3.pdf')
199 plt.close()
201 PE3 = PSD_E(S3)
202 print "Power spectrum density of the Electric Field "
203 fig = fig + 1
204 plt.figure(fig)
205 plt.plot(w3/(2*math.pi),PE3)
206 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Electric Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm3)
207 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
208 plt.ylabel("PE(w)")
209 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle='--')
210 plt.savefig('plots2/PE3.pdf')
211 plt.close()
213 e3 = ellipticity(S3)
214 print "Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave"
215 fig = fig + 1
216 plt.figure(fig)
217 plt.plot(w3/(2*math.pi),e3)
218 plt.title("Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm3)
219 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
220 plt.ylabel("e(w)")
221 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle = '--')
222 plt.axhline(y = 2.0/(a/b + b/a), color = 'r', linestyle='--')
223 plt.savefig('plots2/e3.pdf')
224 plt.close()
226 d3 = degree_polarization(S3)
227 print "Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave"
228 fig = fig + 1
229 plt.figure(fig)
230 plt.plot(w3/(2*math.pi),d3)
231 plt.title("Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm3)
232 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
233 plt.ylabel("d(w)")
234 plt.axvline(x = f, color = 'r', linestyle='--')
235 plt.savefig('plots2/d3.pdf')
236 plt.close()
238 #[n13,n23,n33] = normal_vector(S3) No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,36
1 #Operations with float numbers#
3 import numpy as np
4 from filters import *
5 from bin16 import *
6 from fft import *
7 import math
8 import cmath
9 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
10 from basic_parameters import *
12 # The parameters who describe the magnetic field B are 'a' and 'b',
13 # who shall form a complex phasor given by: [a -b*1j 0] * exp(1j * (w*t + phi))
14 a = np.random.random() # we take a value at random between 0 and 1
15 b = np.sqrt(1 - a*a) # we want to force a^2 + b^2 = 1
17 # 'f' is the frequency of oscillation of our electromagnetic wave, who's monochromatic for now
18 f = 2500
20 # 'l' is the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave
21 l = 3000
23 # is the propagating vector, who's related to the k vector
24 n = [1,1,1]
26 # is a vector who tells us the degree of polarization of the medium where the electromagnetic wave is being propagated
27 E_para = [0,0,0]
29 # 'fm' is the original sampling frequency (the one who enters the LFRß)
30 fm = 98304
32 # this function will give us:
33 # - A list of Spectral Matrices: S = [S1, S2, S3]
34 # - A list of Angular Frequencies: w = [w1, w2, w3]
35 # - The possibility of plotting and saving the graphs for each value of fm (24576 Hz, 4096 Hz, 256 Hz)
36 S,w = SpectralMatrice_Monochromatic(a,b,n,E_para,f,fm,l) No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,110
1 #Operations with integers#
3 import numpy as np
4 from bin16 import *
5 from fft import *
6 import math
7 import cmath
8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
9 from basic_parameters_Int import *
10 from basic_parameters import *
12 #This is the number of points used for the FFT
13 N = 256
15 #These are the limits of our quantization
16 liminfB = -1
17 limsupB = +1
18 liminfE = -10000000
19 limsupE = +10000000
21 #############################
23 #Example of signals taken from a simulation
24 a = np.random.rand()
25 b = np.sqrt(1 - a*a)
26 n = [1,1,1]
27 E_para = [0,0,0]
28 f = 1500
29 fs = 98304
30 l = 30000
32 [b1,b2,b3,e1,e2] = SignalsWaveMonochromatic(a,b,n,E_para,f,fs,l)
34 #############################
36 #We add noise
37 b1 = b1 + np.random.uniform(1.0*liminfB/100,1.0*limsupB/100,len(b1))
38 b2 = b2 + np.random.uniform(1.0*liminfB/100,1.0*limsupB/100,len(b2))
39 b3 = b3 + np.random.uniform(1.0*liminfB/100,1.0*limsupB/100,len(b3))
40 e1 = e1 + np.random.uniform(1.0*liminfE/100,1.0*limsupE/100,len(e1))
41 e2 = e2 + np.random.uniform(1.0*liminfE/100,1.0*limsupE/100,len(e2))
43 #This will take our float-number signals and quantize them into integers going from -32768 to 32767
44 #The liminf and limsup is what decides the maximum and minimum values for our quantizations
45 #quant16 is a function from the bin16 library
47 b1Q = np.zeros(len(b1))
48 b2Q = np.zeros(len(b2))
49 b3Q = np.zeros(len(b3))
50 e1Q = np.zeros(len(e1))
51 e2Q = np.zeros(len(e2))
53 for i in range(len(b1)):
54 b1Q[i] = quant16(b1[i],liminfB,limsupB)
55 b2Q[i] = quant16(b2[i],liminfB,limsupB)
56 b3Q[i] = quant16(b3[i],liminfB,limsupB)
57 e1Q[i] = quant16(e1[i],liminfE,limsupE)
58 e2Q[i] = quant16(e2[i],liminfE,limsupE)
60 #We calculate the Spectral Matrices (averaged in time) for the case of float-numbers operations and also for the integer-numbers operations
61 Si,wi = Spectral_MatriceAvgTime_Int(b1Q[::24],b2Q[::24],b3Q[::24],e1Q[::24],e2Q[::24],4096,N)
62 Sf,wf = Spectral_MatriceAvgTime(b1[::24],b2[::24],b3[::24],e1[::24],e2[::24],4096,N)
64 [PBf,PEf,df,ef,nf] = BasicParameters(Sf,wf)
65 [PBi,PEi,di,ei,ni] = BasicParameters_Int(Si,wi)
67 mypath = "plotsFloatVsInt"
68 if not os.path.isdir(mypath):
69 os.makedirs(mypath)
71 fm = 4096
73 alfa = 1.0 * math.pow(2,30)
74 plt.plot(wf/(2*math.pi),PBf,'g')
75 plt.scatter(wf/(2*math.pi),1.0 * PBi/alfa)
76 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Magnetic Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
77 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
78 plt.ylabel("PB(w)")
79 plt.savefig('%s/PB.png' % mypath)
80 plt.close()
82 alfa = 1.0 * math.pow(2,30)/math.pow(10,14)
83 plt.plot(wf/(2*math.pi),PEf,'g')
84 plt.scatter(wf/(2*math.pi),1.0 * PEi/alfa)
85 plt.title("Power spectrum density of the Electric Field (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
86 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
87 plt.ylabel("PE(w)")
88 plt.savefig('%s/PE.png' % mypath)
89 plt.close()
91 alfa = 16
92 plt.plot(wf/(2*math.pi),ef,'g')
93 plt.scatter(wf/(2*math.pi),1.0 * ei/alfa)
94 plt.title("Ellipticity of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
95 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
96 plt.ylabel("e(w)")
97 plt.savefig('%s/e.png' % mypath)
98 plt.close()
100 alfa = 8
101 plt.plot(wf/(2*math.pi),df, 'g')
102 plt.scatter(wf/(2*math.pi),1.0 * di/alfa)
103 plt.title("Degree of polarization of the electromagnetic wave (fm = %s Hz)" % fm)
104 plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
105 plt.ylabel("d(w)")
106 plt.savefig('%s/d.png' % mypath)
107 plt.close()
@@ -0,0 +1,40
1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2 from bin16 import *
3 from fft import *
4 import math
6 #These are the first parameters for choosing the time step of our vector
7 fs = 98304
8 time_step = 1.0/fs
9 t_ini = 0
10 t_fin = 0.25
11 time_vec = np.arange(t_ini, t_fin, time_step)
13 #The two frequences we're going to use for our different signals
14 f1 = 4000
15 f2 = 800
17 #This ensures me of getting the higher value of N who's a power of 2 and smaller than the length of the time_vec
18 N = int(math.pow(2,int(math.log(len(time_vec),2))))
20 x1 = 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f1 * time_vec)
21 x2 = 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f2 * time_vec)
23 liminf = -1
24 limsup = +1
26 #This will take our float-number signals, who were going from -0.5 to 0.5 (they were all sines), and quantize them into integers going from -32768 to 32767
27 #The liminf and limsup is what decides the maximum and minimum values for our quantizations
28 #quant16 is a function from the bin16 library
29 for i in range(len(time_vec)):
30 x1[i] = quant16(x1[i],liminf,limsup)
31 x2[i] = quant16(x2[i],liminf,limsup)
33 #Now we obtain the values for the Fourier Transforms of both signals, with integer values as well (rounded in the function fft_CT)
34 X1 = fft_CT(x1[0:N])
35 X2 = fft_CT(x2[0:N])
37 plt.figure(1)
38 plt.plot(abs(X1),'r')
39 plt.plot(abs(X2),'g')
40 plt.show() No newline at end of file
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