


Sprint board Sprint burndown (hours) Sprint burndown (SPs) Sprint stats Help

Sprint board help

PBIs & tasks

An Sprint board includes PBIs & tasks. PBIs (or Product Backlog Items) are typically user stories, bugs, technical debts... and they are composed of child tasks. Under Administration » Plugins » Scrum Redmine plugin you can configure which issue trackers are considered PBIs and which are considered tasks.

PBIs are located on the left part of the board, tasks on the right columns. There is a column per possible task status (these statuses are configurable under Administration » Plugins » Scrum Redmine plugin).

A lot of the described features are enabled only with permissions, so take a look to Administration » Roles & permissions » Permissions report to enable/disable permissions for each role.

Working with PBIs

PBIs can be created in this board with the links at the end of the board or moved from the product backlog view.

Once you have PBIs on the Sprint board, you can dragged in vertical to change their order (so the team will start with the ones at the beginning). In the PBI post-it you will see its attributes (to enable more/less attributes take a look to Administration » Plugins » Scrum Redmine plugin). You can edit them clicking on the pencil icon.

PBIs are estimated in story points (SPs), you can edit directly this value clicking on the SPs value and typing a new value (then press ENTER or TAB). If use remaining story points is enabled (under Administration » Plugins » Scrum Redmine plugin) then you will see that field also in the post-it, it's also editable; this is used to calculate a precise Sprint burndown by SPs, so don't forget to update it day by day (before leaving the office).

Working with tasks

Tasks are technical things to be done in order to complete a PBI. They can be created directly clicking on the icon in the PBI post-its (or creating new child issues from the PBI issue form).

To change task status, just drag & drop in horizontal direction (or edit & change its status). Take care of your tracker work flow, because maybe some movements are forbidden for some roles (ask your administrators). There are a few automatic actions involved when you move task post-its (take a look to Administration » Plugins » Scrum Redmine plugin to enable/configure them):

  • When you move the first task from new (first tracker state defined in the admin settings) to any other state, the plugin change parent PBI status to in progress (the second state).
  • When you change a task status to anything but new, and it has not assignee, the plugin set it to current user; if the task is changed to new status, the assignee is removed.
  • When the last task is closed, the remaining effort is set to zero and the parent PBI is changed to a configurable status (i.e. resolved).

Tasks are estimated in hours, using the estimated effort field, this is also editable in the post-it. In order to calculate an Sprint burndown by hours is also necessary to fill the remaining effort field (day by day). You can log time to the tasks clicking on log entry icon.

As soon as you assign a task or log time into it, an orange mini-post-it (color is configurable under Administration » Plugins » Scrum Redmine plugin) is attached to the task, and a green one in case you log review time (review time has also to be configured under Administration » Plugins » Scrum Redmine plugin). This allow to follow up how is doing what easily.

Support this Redmine Scrum plugin

In order to be an open source & free plugin, I need your support:


Kindly regards,
Emilio González Montaña

Sprint board



Product backlog items New In Progress Feedback Closed
#2249: Gestion des seuils d'un spectrogramme
Story points: 3
sp rsp
#2235: Implémentation du calcul automatique des seuils
blocked: No
#2236: Gestion des seuils à l'affichage
blocked: No
#2233: Affichage d'un spectrogramme
Category: legacy
Story points: 2
sp rsp
Category: legacy
#2238: Zoom sur l'axe Y d'un spectrogramme
blocked: No
#2237: Affichage des valeurs de spectrogramme dans une tooltip
blocked: No
#2239: Contrôles sur la zone d'affichage du spectrogramme
blocked: No
#2250: Gestion des trous de données d'un spectrogramme
Story points: 5
sp rsp
#2244: Gestion de la résolution temporelle
blocked: No
#2245: Gestion des trous de données
blocked: No
#2248: Widget de saisie de l'échelle de couleurs d'un spectrogramme
Story points: 3
sp rsp
#2234: Création du widget de saisie de l'échelle de couleurs
blocked: No
#2240: Génération d'un spectrogramme (plugin AMDA)
Story points: 3
sp rsp
#2241: Modification du fichier JSON pour identifier les spectrogrammes
blocked: No
#2242: Génération du fichier résultat pour un spectrogramme AMDA
blocked: No
#2243: Mise à jour du parser AMDA pour gérer les spectrogammes
blocked: No
#2187: Méthodes avancées des catalogues
Category: legacy
Story points: 2
sp rsp
Category: legacy
#2214: Diff de catalogue
blocked: No
#2212: Union de catalogue
blocked: No
#2213: Intersection de catalogue
blocked: No
#2256: Méthodes liées au DB
Story points: 5
sp rsp
#2259: Déplacement d'un Event d'un DB à un autre
blocked: No
#2260: Déplacement d'un Catalogue d'un DB à un autre
blocked: No
#2261: Lien Event, Catalogue, Tag
Story points: 3
sp rsp
#2263: Mise à jour Event pour Tag
blocked: No
#2264: Représentation des spectrogrammes
Story points: 2
sp rsp
#2266: Gestion de la cohérence des données
blocked: No
#2267: Gestion des itérateurs
blocked: No
#2268: API Catalogue Gui
Story points: 2
sp rsp
#2323: Rédaction du document de spécification design pour la gui des catalogues
blocked: No
#2270: API Curseur & Zone
Story points: 8
sp rsp
#2273: Redaction du document d'API pour les curseurs et les zones
blocked: No
#2272: Retours drag&drop Sprint 11
Story points: 4
sp rsp
Category: legacy
#2255: Drag&drop crashes
blocked: No
#2278: Utiliser des miniatures comme image lors d'un drag
blocked: No
#2279: Drop du TimeWidget sur une variable
blocked: No
#2280: Drop d'une zone de synchro sur le TimeWidget
blocked: No
#2281: Support de macOS
Story points: 2
sp rsp
#2282: Toujours afficher les scrollbars dans la visualisation sur mac (si elles sont nécessaire)
blocked: No
#2283: Analyse des problèmes de performance sur mac
blocked: No
#2271: Implémentation des modes d’interactions
Story points: 2
sp rsp
#2284: Mode d’interaction "Zoom"
blocked: No
#2285: Mode d’interaction "Organisation des graphes"
blocked: No
#2287: Mode d’interaction "affichage des curseurs"
blocked: No
#2299: Gestions de la toolbar pour sélectionner le mode d'interraction
blocked: No
#2288: Implémentation des curseurs
Story points: 3
sp rsp
#2291: Affichage d'un curseur dans un graphe
blocked: No
#2292: Interactions entre le curseur courant et les autres graphes de la zone de synchro
blocked: No