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Alexis Jeandet, 26/03/2015 01:49 PM

RTAX Prototyping

To prototype the Actel's RTAX4000D on our design we use two solutions, one home made and one made by Ironwood Electronics .
We used the first home made solution for our engineering model because this solution is cheap and allow us to use only one A3PE3000 fpga and is compatible with RTAX4000D pinout. The second solution is used because it is easier to remove if we want to solder a RTAX4000D-proto on the same board.

First solution (home made)

You can easily get source files of this socket here: RTAX To A3PE Converter
The main drawback of this solution is that this socket isn't easy to solder.

Home made socket top view Home made socket side view Home made socket soldered on EM

Second solution (Ironwood one)

This solution has the same pinout than previous one.

Ironwood socket top view Ironwood socket side view Ironwood socket soldered on EQM

Updated by Alexis Jeandet over 9 years ago · 3 revisions

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