



From 19/05/2023 to 17/06/2023


06:33 PM Task #4117 (Resolved): Adapt the code to have correct visual reprentation of SHCB results
When there are big holes in data the waveforms and spectra didn't match visually.
After lot of research and experime...
Theo Stassen
06:30 PM Task #4116 (Resolved): Adapt the code to use SCHB mode
Code modified/corrected to allow different modes -> SCHB mode now
tested. works well in the mathematical results, bu...
Theo Stassen


06:43 PM Task #4113 (Resolved): Reorganise functions (kernel conv window, waveform padding, set frequency first, calfactor

Reorganise some functions to be even more modular
- put conv window application in in separated fun...
Theo Stassen
06:41 PM Task #4112 (Resolved): Add freq samp deducing function in deduce parameters
This step revealed that freq samp used in IDL was different than expected (not rounded) -> now that we compute freq s... Theo Stassen


10:36 AM Task #4110 (Resolved): Analyse fichiers L1A JUICE
Creation of a summary document, documenting the content of the first SID 1 3 and 7 JUICE cdf files given by Czech team Theo Stassen
10:32 AM Task #4109 (Resolved): Rewrite the readme with a summary of the documentation
Theo Stassen


06:31 PM Task #4108 (Resolved): Sphinx documentation with cross referencing, complete explanations, structurations : evaluation part
Theo Stassen
06:30 PM Task #4107 (Resolved): Sphinx documentation with cross referencing, complete explanations, structurations : configuration part
Theo Stassen
06:29 PM Task #4106 (Resolved): Sphinx documentation with cross referencing, complete explanations, structurations : calibration part
Theo Stassen
06:27 PM Task #4105 (Resolved): Create functional Diagram of the code
After research of methods, the more simple solution was to use pyreverse (so without using sphinx, as no tool gives g... Theo Stassen


03:46 PM
Theo Stassen


05:30 PM CDFLeapSeconds.txt
Theo Stassen
05:21 PM
Theo Stassen


11:36 AM Task #4103 (Resolved): Modularisation of calibrate data block
Now the calibrate data block is a class with callable functions (callfactor, pre centering, convolution) Theo Stassen
11:35 AM Task #4102 (Resolved): Config Handler and config files modifications / improvements
(default -> init, with a better defined structure, current -> custom, convolution window and padding + calfactor ges... Theo Stassen
11:32 AM Task #4101 (Resolved): Quicklook computation / plot
Theo Stassen
11:31 AM Task #4100 (Resolved): Spectra powers plot / comparison
Theo Stassen
11:16 AM Task #4099 (Resolved): Spectra powers computation
Theo Stassen

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