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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4154 Task Resolved Normal Add systematical logs for each steps (with error excepts, errors, warnings, infos) in evaluation part and the rest Theo Stassen 28/07/2023 07:00 PM Actions
4151 Task Resolved Normal Reorganisation of kernel construction Theo Stassen 21/07/2023 06:56 PM Actions
4150 Task Resolved Normal Modify the extract data/ epoch part to handle JUICE SID 1/2/3/7 separetely Theo Stassen 21/07/2023 06:52 PM Actions
4149 Task Resolved Normal Add systematical logs for each steps (with error excepts, errors, warnings, infos) in calibration part Theo Stassen 21/07/2023 06:51 PM Actions
4145 Task Resolved Normal Create generic log printer (for log file and/or terminal) Theo Stassen 17/07/2023 11:03 AM Actions
4140 Task Resolved Normal Resolve the problem with epochs to be able to quicklook data Theo Stassen 10/07/2023 04:56 PM Actions
4139 Task Resolved Normal Take the python code of David Pisa instead of Matlab code Theo Stassen 10/07/2023 04:52 PM Actions
4138 Task Resolved Normal Produce a waveform plot of JUICE data using code based on matlab code Theo Stassen 10/07/2023 04:49 PM Actions
4133 Task Resolved Normal Adapt the matlab code for cdf data extraction (JUICE sid7) Theo Stassen 10/07/2023 04:46 PM Actions
4132 Task Resolved Normal Make the cdf data extraction modular to prepare the different extraction needed Theo Stassen 03/07/2023 04:52 PM Actions
4130 Task Resolved Normal Implement a first bash script, with auto venv use Theo Stassen 03/07/2023 04:49 PM Actions
4129 Task Resolved Normal Resolve plenty of problems concerning configHandler Theo Stassen 03/07/2023 04:48 PM Actions
4126 Task Resolved Normal Modify config handler (config file gestion) and adapt to the new config handler use in every functions Theo Stassen 27/06/2023 11:50 AM Actions
4125 Task Resolved Normal Make inline arguments gestion modular, in separate function, to use it in all scripts Theo Stassen 27/06/2023 11:45 AM Actions
4124 Task Resolved Normal Create script with inline inputs, for calibrate and quicklook Theo Stassen 23/06/2023 12:02 PM Actions
4122 Task Resolved Normal Make correct and complete quicklook, with same infos than MMS IDL's one Theo Stassen 23/06/2023 11:54 AM Actions
4120 Task Resolved Normal Add documentation on all code parameters Theo Stassen 19/06/2023 05:45 PM Actions
4117 Task Resolved Normal Adapt the code to have correct visual reprentation of SHCB results Theo Stassen 15/06/2023 06:33 PM Actions
4116 Task Resolved Normal Adapt the code to use SCHB mode Theo Stassen 15/06/2023 06:30 PM Actions
4113 Task Resolved Normal Reorganise functions (kernel conv window, waveform padding, set frequency first, calfactor Theo Stassen 09/06/2023 06:43 PM Actions
4112 Task Resolved Normal Add freq samp deducing function in deduce parameters Theo Stassen 09/06/2023 06:41 PM Actions
4110 Task Resolved Normal Analyse fichiers L1A JUICE Theo Stassen 08/06/2023 10:36 AM Actions
4109 Task Resolved Normal Rewrite the readme with a summary of the documentation Theo Stassen 08/06/2023 10:32 AM Actions
4108 Task Resolved Normal Sphinx documentation with cross referencing, complete explanations, structurations : evaluation part Theo Stassen 05/06/2023 06:31 PM Actions
4107 Task Resolved Normal Sphinx documentation with cross referencing, complete explanations, structurations : configuration part Theo Stassen 05/06/2023 06:30 PM Actions
(101-125/271) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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