



From 08/05/2023 to 06/06/2023


06:31 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4108 (Resolved): Sphinx documentation with cross referencing, complete explanations, structurations : evaluation part
Theo Stassen
06:30 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4107 (Resolved): Sphinx documentation with cross referencing, complete explanations, structurations : configuration part
Theo Stassen
06:29 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4106 (Resolved): Sphinx documentation with cross referencing, complete explanations, structurations : calibration part
Theo Stassen
06:27 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4105 (Resolved): Create functional Diagram of the code
After research of methods, the more simple solution was to use pyreverse (so without using sphinx, as no tool gives g... Theo Stassen


03:46 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment
Theo Stassen


05:30 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment CDFLeapSeconds.txt
Theo Stassen
05:21 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment
Theo Stassen


11:36 AM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4103 (Resolved): Modularisation of calibrate data block
Now the calibrate data block is a class with callable functions (callfactor, pre centering, convolution) Theo Stassen
11:35 AM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4102 (Resolved): Config Handler and config files modifications / improvements
(default -> init, with a better defined structure, current -> custom, convolution window and padding + calfactor ges... Theo Stassen
11:32 AM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4101 (Resolved): Quicklook computation / plot
Theo Stassen
11:31 AM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4100 (Resolved): Spectra powers plot / comparison
Theo Stassen
11:16 AM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4099 (Resolved): Spectra powers computation
Theo Stassen


04:00 PM LFR-FSW Bug #3821: Moyennage des SM erroné pour F0 et F1 dans FSW <=
Several specific tests implemented to validate the expected behaviour at SM level.
FSW release is considere...
bruno katra


05:08 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4095 (Resolved): Implement system of class extends for kernel creation and deduce_parameters
The idea is to have mms_kernel creation, juice_kernel_creation etc, which extends kernel_creation.
The function that...
Theo Stassen
05:03 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4093 (Resolved): Make class for deduce parameter values, depending on other parameters
Theo Stassen


04:31 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4094 (Resolved): reworked for modularity is now a class, containing
all content of (now unuseful), that call modularly di...
Theo Stassen
04:29 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4093 (Resolved): Make class for deduce parameter values, depending on other parameters
We already made some parameter deduction (n_k) but the way it works is inelegant and not modular Theo Stassen
04:28 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4092 (Resolved): default / current / limits config gestion
Theo Stassen
04:27 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4091 (Resolved): Global attributes and cdf name gestion
Theo Stassen
04:16 PM LFR-FSW Task #4047 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SValR
Mis à jour avec toutes les notes et remarques de Véro pour DP R3.3 bruno katra
04:08 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4089 (In Progress): ConfigHandler modularity implementation
Need to
- Get global Attributes
- Check cdf name
- Structure efficiently and extract correctly Default / Current ...
Theo Stassen
03:40 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4088 (Resolved): Completely change ConfigHandler functioning
ConfigHandler (and is use in different modules) must be reshape in order to allow efficient modularity Theo Stassen
03:24 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4087 (Resolved): Spectra densities plot and comparison
Theo Stassen
02:19 PM JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task #4086 (Resolved): Spectra densities computation
Theo Stassen


05:27 PM LFR-FSW Task #3915 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : expliquer initialisation des matrices au boot de LFR
Note ajoutée dans SRS pour DP R3.3 bruno katra
05:27 PM LFR-FSW Task #4016 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : SRS
bruno katra
05:05 PM LFR-FSW Task #3875 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : comportement du FSW lors de la reception d'1 TC_LFR_LOAD_ KCOEFF
Infos reportées dans SUM +SRS. pour DP R3.3
Niveau LESIA : Diane a été briefé pour les opérations en vol et a validé...
bruno katra
09:38 AM LFR-FSW Task #4008 (Closed): Mettre à jour CalibrationMatrices_TC_TM.html (document qui décrit l'agencement des TC et TM pour les KCOEFF)
Ajouté au DP R3.3 bruno katra
09:37 AM LFR-FSW Task #4048 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SVerR
Tous les req Inspection/review/design passés en revue hier avec Alexis. OK bruno katra


04:01 PM LFR-FSW Task #3922 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SUM
#3915 à mettre dans SRS. bruno katra
11:47 AM LFR-FSW Task #3922 (In Progress): Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SUM
Oups je rouvre : reste à voir si on met #3915 dans §6.2 bruno katra
11:46 AM LFR-FSW Task #3922 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SUM
Tout est fait dans SUM 1.8 pour DP R3.3 bruno katra
12:58 PM LFR-FSW Task #4036 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour CPS
Fait dans CPS 1.7 pour DP R3.3 bruno katra
11:34 AM LFR-FSW Task #3915: Datapack FSW 3.3 : expliquer initialisation des matrices au boot de LFR
A mettre peut être plutôt dans le SUM : il y a un chapitre Setup and initialization. bruno katra
10:32 AM LFR-FSW Task #3921 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SDD
Fait en SDD 1.6 bruno katra
10:31 AM LFR-FSW Task #3876 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : TC_LFR_KCOEFF acceptée uniquement en mode STDBY
Le nouveau comportement est détaillé des les différents documents et tableaux mis à jour pour livraison DP 3.3 bruno katra
10:30 AM LFR-FSW Task #4017 (Closed): Datapack FSW 3.3 : mises à jour SPEC LFR
Doc mis à jour en 1.16 pour livraison bruno katra

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