


Florian Marmuse's activity

From 29/01/2018 to 27/02/2018


03:12 PM LPP0D Task #2670 (New): Change the list y for a dictonnary n
Makes the generated_diff readable Florian Marmuse
03:10 PM LPP0D Task #1137 (Closed): Initilaize rhodecodes repo
Florian Marmuse
03:10 PM LPP0D Task #2669 (New): Write post-proc functions
All functions previously writen as thrust(u) shoudl be rewritten.
Given that there is no normalization anymore, thi...
Florian Marmuse
03:08 PM LPP0D Task #2668 (New): Write the propellant class
Should encompasses all info related to the propellant Florian Marmuse

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