#include "AmdaProvider.h" #include "AmdaDefs.h" #include "AmdaResultParser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_AmdaProvider, "AmdaProvider") namespace { /// URL format for a request on AMDA server. The parameters are as follows: /// - %1: start date /// - %2: end date /// - %3: parameter id const auto AMDA_URL_FORMAT = QStringLiteral( "http://amda.irap.omp.eu/php/rest/" "getParameter.php?startTime=%1&stopTime=%2¶meterID=%3&outputFormat=ASCII&" "timeFormat=ISO8601&gzip=0"); /// Dates format passed in the URL (e.g 2013-09-23T09:00) const auto AMDA_TIME_FORMAT = QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss"); /// Formats a time to a date that can be passed in URL QString dateFormat(double sqpRange) noexcept { auto dateTime = DateUtils::dateTime(sqpRange); return dateTime.toString(AMDA_TIME_FORMAT); } AmdaResultParser::ValueType valueType(const QString &valueType) { if (valueType == QStringLiteral("scalar")) { return AmdaResultParser::ValueType::SCALAR; } else if (valueType == QStringLiteral("vector")) { return AmdaResultParser::ValueType::VECTOR; } else { return AmdaResultParser::ValueType::UNKNOWN; } } } // namespace AmdaProvider::AmdaProvider() { qCDebug(LOG_AmdaProvider()) << tr("AmdaProvider::AmdaProvider") << QThread::currentThread(); if (auto app = sqpApp) { auto &networkController = app->networkController(); connect(this, SIGNAL(requestConstructed(QNetworkRequest, QUuid, std::function)), &networkController, SLOT(onProcessRequested(QNetworkRequest, QUuid, std::function))); connect(&sqpApp->networkController(), SIGNAL(replyDownloadProgress(QUuid, double)), this, SIGNAL(dataProvidedProgress(QUuid, double))); } } void AmdaProvider::requestDataLoading(QUuid acqIdentifier, const DataProviderParameters ¶meters) { // NOTE: Try to use multithread if possible const auto times = parameters.m_Times; const auto data = parameters.m_Data; for (const auto &dateTime : qAsConst(times)) { this->retrieveData(acqIdentifier, dateTime, data); // TORM // QThread::msleep(200); } } void AmdaProvider::requestDataAborting(QUuid acqIdentifier) { if (auto app = sqpApp) { auto &networkController = app->networkController(); networkController.onReplyCanceled(acqIdentifier); } } void AmdaProvider::retrieveData(QUuid token, const SqpRange &dateTime, const QVariantHash &data) { // Retrieves product ID from data: if the value is invalid, no request is made auto productId = data.value(AMDA_XML_ID_KEY).toString(); if (productId.isNull()) { qCCritical(LOG_AmdaProvider()) << tr("Can't retrieve data: unknown product id"); return; } qCDebug(LOG_AmdaProvider()) << tr("AmdaProvider::retrieveData") << dateTime; // Retrieves the data type that determines whether the expected format for the result file is // scalar, vector... auto productValueType = valueType(data.value(AMDA_DATA_TYPE_KEY).toString()); // /////////// // // Creates URL // // /////////// // auto startDate = dateFormat(dateTime.m_TStart); auto endDate = dateFormat(dateTime.m_TEnd); auto url = QUrl{QString{AMDA_URL_FORMAT}.arg(startDate, endDate, productId)}; qCInfo(LOG_AmdaProvider()) << tr("TORM AmdaProvider::retrieveData url:") << url; auto tempFile = std::make_shared(); // LAMBDA auto httpDownloadFinished = [this, dateTime, tempFile, productValueType](QNetworkReply *reply, QUuid dataId) noexcept { // Don't do anything if the reply was abort if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError) { if (tempFile) { auto replyReadAll = reply->readAll(); if (!replyReadAll.isEmpty()) { tempFile->write(replyReadAll); } tempFile->close(); // Parse results file if (auto dataSeries = AmdaResultParser::readTxt(tempFile->fileName(), productValueType)) { emit dataProvided(dataId, dataSeries, dateTime); } else { /// @todo ALX : debug } } } }; auto httpFinishedLambda = [this, httpDownloadFinished, tempFile](QNetworkReply *reply, QUuid dataId) noexcept { // Don't do anything if the reply was abort if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError) { auto downloadFileUrl = QUrl{QString{reply->readAll()}}; qCInfo(LOG_AmdaProvider()) << tr("TORM AmdaProvider::retrieveData downloadFileUrl:") << downloadFileUrl; // Executes request for downloading file // // Creates destination file if (tempFile->open()) { // Executes request emit requestConstructed(QNetworkRequest{downloadFileUrl}, dataId, httpDownloadFinished); } } }; // //////////////// // // Executes request // // //////////////// // emit requestConstructed(QNetworkRequest{url}, token, httpFinishedLambda); }