# ----------- # AMDA INFO : # ----------- # AMDA_ABOUT : Created by CDPP/AMDA(c) # AMDA_VERSION : 3.5.0 # AMDA_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : CDPP/AMDA Team # # -------------- # REQUEST INFO : # -------------- # REQUEST_STRUCTURE : one-file-per-parameter-per-interval # REQUEST_TIME_FORMAT : ISO 8601 # REQUEST_OUTPUT_PARAMS : imf # # ----------------- # BASE PARAMETERS : # ----------------- # # MISSION_ID : NONE # # INSTRUMENT_ID : NONE # # DATASET_ID : ace-imf-all # DATASET_NAME : final / prelim # DATASET_DESCRIPTION : Interplanetary Magnetic Field 16-sec Level2/PRELIM Data # DATASET_SOURCE : CDPP/DDServer # DATASET_GLOBAL_START : 1997-09-02T00:00:12.000 # DATASET_GLOBAL_STOP : 2017-09-16T23:59:57.000 # DATASET_MIN_SAMPLING : 16 # DATASET_MAX_SAMPLING : 16 # DATASET_CAVEATS : The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious scientific study. However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication. # DATASET_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : Please acknowledge the ACE/MAG instrument team and the ACE Science Center # # PARAMETER_ID : imf # PARAMETER_NAME : imf # PARAMETER_SHORT_NAME : b_gse # PARAMETER_COMPONENTS : bx,by,bz # PARAMETER_UNITS : nT # PARAMETER_COORDINATE_SYSTEM : GSE # PARAMETER_TENSOR_ORDER : 0 # PARAMETER_SI_CONVERSION : 1e-9>T # PARAMETER_TABLE : None # PARAMETER_FILL_VALUE : nan # PARAMETER_UCD : phys.magField # # # --------------- # INTERVAL INFO : # --------------- # INTERVAL_START : 2013-09-23T08:58:12.000 # INTERVAL_STOP : 2013-09-23T09:11:48.000 # # ------ # DATA : # ------ # DATA_COLUMNS : AMDA_TIME, imf[0] # 2013-09-23T09:00:30.000 -2.83950 2013-09-23T09:01:30.000 -2.71850 2013-09-23T09:02:30.000 -2.52150 2013-09-23T09:03:30.000 -2.57633 2013-09-23T09:04:30.000 -2.58050 2013-09-23T09:05:30.000 -2.48325 2013-09-23T09:06:30.000 -2.63025 2013-09-23T09:07:30.000 -2.55800 2013-09-23T09:08:30.000 -2.43250 2013-09-23T09:09:30.000 -2.42200