#include "Variable/Variable.h" #include #include #include #include #include Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_Variable, "Variable") struct Variable::VariablePrivate { explicit VariablePrivate(const QString &name, const SqpRange &dateTime, const QVariantHash &metadata) : m_Name{name}, m_Range{dateTime}, m_Metadata{metadata}, m_DataSeries{nullptr}, m_RealRange{INVALID_RANGE} { } VariablePrivate(const VariablePrivate &other) : m_Name{other.m_Name}, m_Range{other.m_Range}, m_Metadata{other.m_Metadata}, m_DataSeries{other.m_DataSeries != nullptr ? other.m_DataSeries->clone() : nullptr}, m_RealRange{other.m_RealRange} { } void lockRead() { m_Lock.lockForRead(); } void lockWrite() { m_Lock.lockForWrite(); } void unlock() { m_Lock.unlock(); } void purgeDataSeries() { if (m_DataSeries) { m_DataSeries->purge(m_CacheRange.m_TStart, m_CacheRange.m_TEnd); } updateRealRange(); } /// Updates real range according to current variable range and data series void updateRealRange() { if (m_DataSeries) { m_DataSeries->lockRead(); auto end = m_DataSeries->cend(); auto minXAxisIt = m_DataSeries->minXAxisData(m_Range.m_TStart); auto maxXAxisIt = m_DataSeries->maxXAxisData(m_Range.m_TEnd); m_RealRange = (minXAxisIt != end && maxXAxisIt != end) ? SqpRange{minXAxisIt->x(), maxXAxisIt->x()} : INVALID_RANGE; m_DataSeries->unlock(); } else { m_RealRange = INVALID_RANGE; } } QString m_Name; SqpRange m_Range; SqpRange m_CacheRange; QVariantHash m_Metadata; std::shared_ptr m_DataSeries; SqpRange m_RealRange; QReadWriteLock m_Lock; }; Variable::Variable(const QString &name, const SqpRange &dateTime, const QVariantHash &metadata) : impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl(name, dateTime, metadata)} { } Variable::Variable(const Variable &other) : impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl(*other.impl)} { } std::shared_ptr Variable::clone() const { return std::make_shared(*this); } QString Variable::name() const noexcept { impl->lockRead(); auto name = impl->m_Name; impl->unlock(); return name; } void Variable::setName(const QString &name) noexcept { impl->lockWrite(); impl->m_Name = name; impl->unlock(); } SqpRange Variable::range() const noexcept { impl->lockRead(); auto range = impl->m_Range; impl->unlock(); return range; } void Variable::setRange(const SqpRange &range) noexcept { impl->lockWrite(); impl->m_Range = range; impl->updateRealRange(); impl->unlock(); } SqpRange Variable::cacheRange() const noexcept { impl->lockRead(); auto cacheRange = impl->m_CacheRange; impl->unlock(); return cacheRange; } void Variable::setCacheRange(const SqpRange &cacheRange) noexcept { impl->lockWrite(); if (cacheRange != impl->m_CacheRange) { impl->m_CacheRange = cacheRange; impl->purgeDataSeries(); } impl->unlock(); } SqpRange Variable::realRange() const noexcept { return impl->m_RealRange; } void Variable::mergeDataSeries(std::shared_ptr dataSeries) noexcept { qCDebug(LOG_Variable()) << "TORM Variable::mergeDataSeries" << QThread::currentThread()->objectName(); if (!dataSeries) { /// @todo ALX : log return; } // Add or merge the data impl->lockWrite(); if (!impl->m_DataSeries) { impl->m_DataSeries = dataSeries->clone(); } else { impl->m_DataSeries->merge(dataSeries.get()); } impl->purgeDataSeries(); impl->unlock(); } std::shared_ptr Variable::dataSeries() const noexcept { impl->lockRead(); auto dataSeries = impl->m_DataSeries; impl->unlock(); return dataSeries; } QVariantHash Variable::metadata() const noexcept { impl->lockRead(); auto metadata = impl->m_Metadata; impl->unlock(); return metadata; } bool Variable::contains(const SqpRange &range) const noexcept { impl->lockRead(); auto res = impl->m_Range.contains(range); impl->unlock(); return res; } bool Variable::intersect(const SqpRange &range) const noexcept { impl->lockRead(); auto res = impl->m_Range.intersect(range); impl->unlock(); return res; } bool Variable::isInside(const SqpRange &range) const noexcept { impl->lockRead(); auto res = range.contains(SqpRange{impl->m_Range.m_TStart, impl->m_Range.m_TEnd}); impl->unlock(); return res; } bool Variable::cacheContains(const SqpRange &range) const noexcept { impl->lockRead(); auto res = impl->m_CacheRange.contains(range); impl->unlock(); return res; } bool Variable::cacheIntersect(const SqpRange &range) const noexcept { impl->lockRead(); auto res = impl->m_CacheRange.intersect(range); impl->unlock(); return res; } bool Variable::cacheIsInside(const SqpRange &range) const noexcept { impl->lockRead(); auto res = range.contains(SqpRange{impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart, impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd}); impl->unlock(); return res; } QVector Variable::provideNotInCacheRangeList(const SqpRange &range) const noexcept { // This code assume that cach in contigue. Can return 0, 1 or 2 SqpRange auto notInCache = QVector{}; if (!this->cacheContains(range)) { if (range.m_TEnd <= impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart || range.m_TStart >= impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd) { notInCache << range; } else if (range.m_TStart < impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart && range.m_TEnd <= impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd) { notInCache << SqpRange{range.m_TStart, impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart}; } else if (range.m_TStart < impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart && range.m_TEnd > impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd) { notInCache << SqpRange{range.m_TStart, impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart} << SqpRange{impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd, range.m_TEnd}; } else if (range.m_TStart < impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd) { notInCache << SqpRange{impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd, range.m_TEnd}; } else { qCCritical(LOG_Variable()) << tr("Detection of unknown case.") << QThread::currentThread(); } } return notInCache; } QVector Variable::provideInCacheRangeList(const SqpRange &range) const noexcept { // This code assume that cach in contigue. Can return 0 or 1 SqpRange auto inCache = QVector{}; if (this->intersect(range)) { if (range.m_TStart <= impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart && range.m_TEnd >= impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart && range.m_TEnd < impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd) { inCache << SqpRange{impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart, range.m_TEnd}; } else if (range.m_TStart >= impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart && range.m_TEnd <= impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd) { inCache << range; } else if (range.m_TStart > impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart && range.m_TEnd > impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd) { inCache << SqpRange{range.m_TStart, impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd}; } else if (range.m_TStart <= impl->m_CacheRange.m_TStart && range.m_TEnd >= impl->m_CacheRange.m_TEnd) { inCache << impl->m_CacheRange; } else { qCCritical(LOG_Variable()) << tr("Detection of unknown case.") << QThread::currentThread(); } } return inCache; }