#include "FuzzingDefs.h" const QString NB_MAX_OPERATIONS_PROPERTY = QStringLiteral("component"); const QString NB_MAX_SYNC_GROUPS_PROPERTY = QStringLiteral("nbSyncGroups"); const QString NB_MAX_VARIABLES_PROPERTY = QStringLiteral("nbMaxVariables"); const QString AVAILABLE_OPERATIONS_PROPERTY = QStringLiteral("availableOperations"); const QString CACHE_TOLERANCE_PROPERTY = QStringLiteral("cacheTolerance"); const QString INITIAL_RANGE_PROPERTY = QStringLiteral("initialRange"); const QString MAX_RANGE_PROPERTY = QStringLiteral("maxRange"); const QString METADATA_POOL_PROPERTY = QStringLiteral("metadataPool"); const QString PROVIDER_PROPERTY = QStringLiteral("provider"); const QString OPERATION_DELAY_PROPERTY = QStringLiteral("operationDelay"); const QString VALIDATORS_PROPERTY = QStringLiteral("validators"); // //////////// // // FuzzingState // // //////////// // const SyncGroup &FuzzingState::syncGroup(SyncGroupId id) const { return m_SyncGroupsPool.at(id); } SyncGroup &FuzzingState::syncGroup(SyncGroupId id) { return m_SyncGroupsPool.at(id); } const VariableState &FuzzingState::variableState(VariableId id) const { return m_VariablesPool.at(id); } VariableState &FuzzingState::variableState(VariableId id) { return m_VariablesPool.at(id); } SyncGroupId FuzzingState::syncGroupId(VariableId variableId) const { auto end = m_SyncGroupsPool.cend(); auto it = std::find_if(m_SyncGroupsPool.cbegin(), end, [&variableId](const auto &syncGroupEntry) { const auto &syncGroup = syncGroupEntry.second; return syncGroup.m_Variables.find(variableId) != syncGroup.m_Variables.end(); }); return it != end ? it->first : SyncGroupId{}; } std::vector FuzzingState::syncGroupsIds() const { std::vector result{}; for (const auto &entry : m_SyncGroupsPool) { result.push_back(entry.first); } return result; } void FuzzingState::synchronizeVariable(VariableId variableId, SyncGroupId syncGroupId) { if (syncGroupId.isNull()) { return; } // Registers variable into sync group: if it's the first variable, sets the variable range as // the sync group range auto &syncGroup = m_SyncGroupsPool.at(syncGroupId); syncGroup.m_Variables.insert(variableId); if (syncGroup.m_Variables.size() == 1) { auto &variableState = m_VariablesPool.at(variableId); syncGroup.m_Range = variableState.m_Range; } } void FuzzingState::desynchronizeVariable(VariableId variableId, SyncGroupId syncGroupId) { if (syncGroupId.isNull()) { return; } // Unregisters variable from sync group: if there is no more variable in the group, resets the // range auto &syncGroup = m_SyncGroupsPool.at(syncGroupId); syncGroup.m_Variables.erase(variableId); if (syncGroup.m_Variables.empty()) { syncGroup.m_Range = INVALID_RANGE; } } void FuzzingState::updateRanges(VariableId variableId, const SqpRange &newRange) { auto syncGroupId = this->syncGroupId(variableId); // Retrieves the variables to update: // - if the variable is synchronized to others, updates all synchronized variables // - otherwise, updates only the variable auto variablesToUpdate = syncGroupId.isNull() ? std::set{variableId} : m_SyncGroupsPool.at(syncGroupId).m_Variables; // Sets new range for (const auto &variableId : variablesToUpdate) { m_VariablesPool.at(variableId).m_Range = newRange; } }