project( 'SciQLOP', 'cpp', default_options : 'cpp_std=c++17', meson_version : '>=0.51.0', version : '1.1.0', license : 'GPL3' ) add_global_arguments('-DSCIQLOP_VERSION="@0@"'.format(meson.project_version()), language : 'cpp') qt5 = import('qt5') qt5core = dependency('qt5', modules : 'Core') qt5widgets = dependency('qt5', modules : 'Widgets') qt5gui = dependency('qt5', modules : 'Gui') qt5svg = dependency('qt5', modules : 'Svg') qt5xml = dependency('qt5', modules : 'Xml') qt5network = dependency('qt5', modules : 'Network') qt5printsupport = dependency('qt5', modules : 'PrintSupport') qt5Concurrent = dependency('qt5', modules : 'Concurrent') qt5test = dependency('qt5', modules : 'Test') cpp_utils_dep = dependency('cpp_utils', fallback:['cpp_utils','cpp_utils_dep']) moc = find_program('moc-qt5','moc') rcc = find_program('rcc-qt5','rcc') if build_machine.system()=='darwin' add_global_link_arguments('-headerpad_max_install_names', language : 'cpp') install_data('build_cfg/mac/sciqlopLOGO.icns', install_dir : 'Contents/Resources') install_data('build_cfg/mac/Info.plist', install_dir : 'Contents') meson.add_install_script('build_cfg/mac/') elif host_machine.system()=='windows' meson.add_install_script('build_cfg/windows/') elif host_machine.system()=='linux' install_data('app/resources/sciqlopLOGO.svg', install_dir : 'share/icons/hicolor/scalable/') install_data('app/resources/SciQLOP.desktop', install_dir : 'share/applications') install_data('app/resources/SciQLOP.appdata.xml', install_dir : 'share/metainfo') endif # Sets AMDA server that will be used during execution. # Available values are: # - "default": default AMDA server # - "amdatest": AMDA test server # - "hybrid": use both the default server and the test server (the server used is relative to each product, according to its "server" property in the JSON file) # - "localhost": use local AMDA server # Any other value will lead to the use of the default server add_project_arguments('-DSCIQLOP_AMDA_SERVER="hybrid"', language : 'cpp') subdir('core') subdir('gui') subdir('plugins') subdir('app') cppcheck = find_program('cppcheck', required : false) if cppcheck.found() run_target('cppcheck', command : [cppcheck, '--enable=all', '--project=' + join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'compile_commands.json')] ) endif