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Alexandre Leroux -
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@@ -0,0 +1,33
4 #include <QObject>
6 #include <Data/SqpDateTime.h>
8 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
10 class Variable;
12 /// This class aims to store in the cash all of the dateTime already requested to the variable.
13 class VariableCacheController : public QObject {
15 public:
16 explicit VariableCacheController(QObject *parent = 0);
19 void addDateTime(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable, const SqpDateTime &dateTime);
21 /// Return all of the SqpDataTime part of the dateTime whose are not in the cache
22 QVector<SqpDateTime> provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable,
23 const SqpDateTime &dateTime);
26 QVector<SqpDateTime> dateCacheList(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable) const noexcept;
28 private:
29 class VariableCacheControllerPrivate;
30 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<VariableCacheControllerPrivate> impl;
31 };
@@ -0,0 +1,173
1 #include "Variable/VariableCacheController.h"
3 #include "Variable/Variable.h"
4 #include <unordered_map>
6 struct VariableCacheController::VariableCacheControllerPrivate {
8 std::unordered_map<std::shared_ptr<Variable>, QVector<SqpDateTime> >
9 m_VariableToSqpDateTimeListMap;
11 void addInCacheDataByEnd(const SqpDateTime &dateTime, QVector<SqpDateTime> &dateTimeList,
12 QVector<SqpDateTime> &notInCache, int cacheIndex,
13 double currentTStart);
15 void addInCacheDataByStart(const SqpDateTime &dateTime, QVector<SqpDateTime> &dateTimeList,
16 QVector<SqpDateTime> &notInCache, int cacheIndex,
17 double currentTStart);
20 void addDateTimeRecurse(const SqpDateTime &dateTime, QVector<SqpDateTime> &dateTimeList,
21 int cacheIndex);
22 };
25 VariableCacheController::VariableCacheController(QObject *parent)
26 : QObject(parent), impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<VariableCacheControllerPrivate>()}
27 {
28 }
30 void VariableCacheController::addDateTime(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable,
31 const SqpDateTime &dateTime)
32 {
33 if (variable) {
34 auto findVariableIte = impl->m_VariableToSqpDateTimeListMap.find(variable);
35 if (findVariableIte == impl->m_VariableToSqpDateTimeListMap.end()) {
36 impl->m_VariableToSqpDateTimeListMap[variable].push_back(dateTime);
37 }
38 else {
40 // addDateTime modify the list<SqpDateTime> of the variable in a way to ensure
41 // that the list is ordered : l(0) < l(1). We assume also a < b
42 // (with a & b of type SqpDateTime) means ts(b) > te(a)
44 // The algorithm will try the merge of two interval:
45 // - dateTime will be compare with the first interval of the list:
46 // A: if it is inferior, it will be inserted and it's finished.
47 // B: if it is in intersection, it will be merge then the merged one
48 // will be compared to the next interval. The old one is remove from the list
49 // C: if it is superior, we do the same with the next interval of the list
51 int cacheIndex = 0;
52 impl->addDateTimeRecurse(dateTime, impl->m_VariableToSqpDateTimeListMap.at(variable),
53 cacheIndex);
54 }
55 }
56 }
58 QVector<SqpDateTime>
59 VariableCacheController::provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable,
60 const SqpDateTime &dateTime)
61 {
62 auto notInCache = QVector<SqpDateTime>{};
64 // This algorithm is recursif. The idea is to localise the start time then the end time in the
65 // list of date time request associated to the variable
66 // We assume that the list is ordered in a way that l(0) < l(1). We assume also a < b
67 // (with a & b of type SqpDateTime) means ts(b) > te(a)
69 impl->addInCacheDataByStart(dateTime, impl->m_VariableToSqpDateTimeListMap.at(variable),
70 notInCache, 0, dateTime.m_TStart);
72 return notInCache;
73 }
75 QVector<SqpDateTime>
76 VariableCacheController::dateCacheList(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable) const noexcept
77 {
78 return impl->m_VariableToSqpDateTimeListMap.at(variable);
79 }
81 void VariableCacheController::VariableCacheControllerPrivate::addDateTimeRecurse(
82 const SqpDateTime &dateTime, QVector<SqpDateTime> &dateTimeList, int cacheIndex)
83 {
84 const auto dateTimeListSize = dateTimeList.count();
85 if (cacheIndex >= dateTimeListSize) {
86 dateTimeList.push_back(dateTime);
87 // there is no anymore interval to compore, we can just push_back it
88 return;
89 }
91 auto currentDateTime = dateTimeList[cacheIndex];
93 if (dateTime.m_TEnd < currentDateTime.m_TStart) {
94 // The compared one is < to current one compared, we can insert it
95 dateTimeList.insert(cacheIndex, dateTime);
96 }
98 else if (dateTime.m_TStart > currentDateTime.m_TEnd) {
99 // The compared one is > to current one compared we can comparet if to the next one
100 addDateTimeRecurse(dateTime, dateTimeList, ++cacheIndex);
101 }
102 else {
103 // Merge cases: we need to merge the two interval, remove the old one from the list then
104 // rerun the algo from this index with the merged interval
105 auto mTStart = std::min(dateTime.m_TStart, currentDateTime.m_TStart);
106 auto mTEnd = std::max(dateTime.m_TEnd, currentDateTime.m_TEnd);
107 auto mergeDateTime = SqpDateTime{mTStart, mTEnd};
109 dateTimeList.remove(cacheIndex);
110 addDateTimeRecurse(mergeDateTime, dateTimeList, cacheIndex);
111 }
112 }
115 void VariableCacheController::VariableCacheControllerPrivate::addInCacheDataByEnd(
116 const SqpDateTime &dateTime, QVector<SqpDateTime> &dateTimeList,
117 QVector<SqpDateTime> &notInCache, int cacheIndex, double currentTStart)
118 {
119 const auto dateTimeListSize = dateTimeList.count();
120 if (cacheIndex >= dateTimeListSize) {
121 if (currentTStart < dateTime.m_TEnd) {
123 // te localised after all other interval: The last interval is [currentTsart, te]
124 notInCache.push_back(SqpDateTime{currentTStart, dateTime.m_TEnd});
125 }
126 return;
127 }
129 auto currentDateTimeJ = dateTimeList[cacheIndex];
130 if (dateTime.m_TEnd <= currentDateTimeJ.m_TStart) {
131 // te localised between to interval: The last interval is [currentTsart, te]
132 notInCache.push_back(SqpDateTime{currentTStart, dateTime.m_TEnd});
133 }
134 else {
135 notInCache.push_back(SqpDateTime{currentTStart, currentDateTimeJ.m_TStart});
136 if (dateTime.m_TEnd > currentDateTimeJ.m_TEnd) {
137 // te not localised before the current interval: we need to look at the next interval
138 addInCacheDataByEnd(dateTime, dateTimeList, notInCache, ++cacheIndex,
139 currentDateTimeJ.m_TEnd);
140 }
141 }
142 }
144 void VariableCacheController::VariableCacheControllerPrivate::addInCacheDataByStart(
145 const SqpDateTime &dateTime, QVector<SqpDateTime> &dateTimeList,
146 QVector<SqpDateTime> &notInCache, int cacheIndex, double currentTStart)
147 {
148 const auto dateTimeListSize = dateTimeList.count();
149 if (cacheIndex >= dateTimeListSize) {
150 // ts localised after all other interval: The last interval is [ts, te]
151 notInCache.push_back(SqpDateTime{currentTStart, dateTime.m_TEnd});
152 return;
153 }
155 auto currentDateTimeI = dateTimeList[cacheIndex];
156 auto cacheIndexJ = cacheIndex;
157 if (currentTStart < currentDateTimeI.m_TStart) {
159 // ts localised between to interval: let's localized te
160 addInCacheDataByEnd(dateTime, dateTimeList, notInCache, cacheIndexJ, currentTStart);
161 }
162 else if (dateTime.m_TStart < currentDateTimeI.m_TEnd) {
163 // ts not localised before the current interval: we need to look at the next interval
164 // We can assume now current tstart is the last interval tend, because data between them are
165 // in the cache
166 addInCacheDataByStart(dateTime, dateTimeList, notInCache, ++cacheIndex,
167 currentDateTimeI.m_TEnd);
168 }
169 else {
170 // ts not localised before the current interval: we need to look at the next interval
171 addInCacheDataByStart(dateTime, dateTimeList, notInCache, ++cacheIndex, currentTStart);
172 }
173 }
@@ -0,0 +1,343
1 #include <Variable/Variable.h>
2 #include <Variable/VariableCacheController.h>
4 #include <QObject>
5 #include <QtTest>
7 #include <memory>
9 class TestVariableCacheController : public QObject {
12 private slots:
13 void testProvideNotInCacheDateTimeList();
15 void testAddDateTime();
16 };
19 void TestVariableCacheController::testProvideNotInCacheDateTimeList()
20 {
21 VariableCacheController variableCacheController{};
23 auto ts0 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 3, 0, 0}};
24 auto te0 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 4, 0, 0}};
25 auto sqp0 = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
26 static_cast<double>(te0.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
28 auto ts1 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 6, 0, 0}};
29 auto te1 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 8, 0, 0}};
30 auto sqp1 = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
31 static_cast<double>(te1.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
33 auto ts2 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 18, 0, 0}};
34 auto te2 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 20, 0, 0}};
35 auto sqp2 = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts2.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
36 static_cast<double>(te2.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
38 auto var0 = std::make_shared<Variable>("", "", "", sqp0);
40 variableCacheController.addDateTime(var0, sqp0);
41 variableCacheController.addDateTime(var0, sqp1);
42 variableCacheController.addDateTime(var0, sqp2);
44 // first case [ts,te] < ts0
45 auto ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 0, 0, 0}};
46 auto te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 1, 0, 0}};
47 auto sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
48 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
51 auto notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
53 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 1);
54 auto notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
55 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
56 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
59 // second case ts < ts0 && ts0 < te <= te0
60 ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 0, 0, 0}};
61 te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 3, 30, 0}};
62 sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
63 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
66 notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
68 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 1);
69 notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
70 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
71 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(ts0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
73 // 3th case ts < ts0 && te0 < te <= ts1
74 ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 0, 0, 0}};
75 te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 5, 0, 0}};
76 sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
77 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
80 notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
82 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 2);
83 notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
84 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
85 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(ts0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
87 notInCashSqp = notInCach.at(1);
88 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(te0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
89 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
91 // 4th case ts < ts0 && ts1 < te <= te1
92 ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 0, 0, 0}};
93 te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 7, 0, 0}};
94 sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
95 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
98 notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
100 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 2);
101 notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
102 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
103 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(ts0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
105 notInCashSqp = notInCach.at(1);
106 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(te0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
107 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(ts1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
109 // 5th case ts < ts0 && te3 < te
110 ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 0, 0, 0}};
111 te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 22, 0, 0}};
112 sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
113 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
116 notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
118 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 4);
119 notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
120 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
121 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(ts0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
123 notInCashSqp = notInCach.at(1);
124 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(te0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
125 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(ts1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
127 notInCashSqp = notInCach.at(2);
128 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(te1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
129 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(ts2.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
131 notInCashSqp = notInCach.at(3);
132 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(te2.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
133 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
136 // 6th case ts2 < ts
137 ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 45, 0, 0}};
138 te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 47, 0, 0}};
139 sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
140 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
143 notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
145 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 1);
146 notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
147 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
148 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
150 // 7th case ts = te0 && te < ts1
151 ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 4, 0, 0}};
152 te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 5, 0, 0}};
153 sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
154 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
157 notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
159 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 1);
160 notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
161 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(te0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
162 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
164 // 8th case ts0 < ts < te0 && te < ts1
165 ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 3, 30, 0}};
166 te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 5, 0, 0}};
167 sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
168 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
171 notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
173 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 1);
174 notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
175 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(te0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
176 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
178 // 9th case ts0 < ts < te0 && ts1 < te < te1
179 ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 3, 30, 0}};
180 te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 7, 0, 0}};
181 sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
182 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
185 notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
187 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 1);
188 notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
189 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(te0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
190 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(ts1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
192 // 10th case te1 < ts < te < ts2
193 ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 9, 0, 0}};
194 te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 10, 0, 0}};
195 sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
196 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
199 notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
201 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 1);
202 notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
203 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
204 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
206 // 11th case te0 < ts < ts1 && te3 < te
207 ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 5, 0, 0}};
208 te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 47, 0, 0}};
209 sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
210 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
213 notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
215 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 3);
216 notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
217 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
218 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(ts1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
220 notInCashSqp = notInCach.at(1);
221 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(te1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
222 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(ts2.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
224 notInCashSqp = notInCach.at(2);
225 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(te2.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
226 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
228 // 12th case te0 < ts < ts1 && te3 < te
229 ts = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 5, 0, 0}};
230 te = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 10, 0, 0}};
231 sqp = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
232 static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
234 notInCach = variableCacheController.provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(var0, sqp);
236 QCOMPARE(notInCach.size(), 2);
237 notInCashSqp = notInCach.first();
238 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
239 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(ts1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
241 notInCashSqp = notInCach.at(1);
242 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(te1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
243 QCOMPARE(notInCashSqp.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
244 }
247 void TestVariableCacheController::testAddDateTime()
248 {
249 VariableCacheController variableCacheController{};
251 auto ts0 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 3, 0, 0}};
252 auto te0 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 4, 0, 0}};
253 auto sqp0 = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
254 static_cast<double>(te0.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
256 auto ts1 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 6, 0, 0}};
257 auto te1 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 8, 0, 0}};
258 auto sqp1 = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
259 static_cast<double>(te1.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
261 auto ts2 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 18, 0, 0}};
262 auto te2 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 20, 0, 0}};
263 auto sqp2 = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts2.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
264 static_cast<double>(te2.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
266 auto ts01 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 4, 0, 0}};
267 auto te01 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 6, 0, 0}};
268 auto sqp01 = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts01.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
269 static_cast<double>(te01.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
271 auto ts3 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 14, 0, 0}};
272 auto te3 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 16, 0, 0}};
273 auto sqp3 = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts3.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
274 static_cast<double>(te3.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
276 auto ts03 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 4, 0, 0}};
277 auto te03 = QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{2, 22, 0, 0}};
278 auto sqp03 = SqpDateTime{static_cast<double>(ts03.toMSecsSinceEpoch()),
279 static_cast<double>(te03.toMSecsSinceEpoch())};
282 auto var0 = std::make_shared<Variable>("", "", "", sqp0);
285 // First case: add the first interval to the variable :sqp0
286 variableCacheController.addDateTime(var0, sqp0);
287 auto dateCacheList = variableCacheController.dateCacheList(var0);
288 QCOMPARE(dateCacheList.count(), 1);
289 auto dateCache = dateCacheList.at(0);
290 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
291 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
293 // 2nd case: add a second interval : sqp1 > sqp0
294 variableCacheController.addDateTime(var0, sqp1);
295 dateCacheList = variableCacheController.dateCacheList(var0);
296 QCOMPARE(dateCacheList.count(), 2);
297 dateCache = dateCacheList.at(0);
298 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
299 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
301 dateCache = dateCacheList.at(1);
302 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
303 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
305 // 3th case: merge sqp0 & sqp1 with sqp01
306 variableCacheController.addDateTime(var0, sqp01);
307 dateCacheList = variableCacheController.dateCacheList(var0);
308 QCOMPARE(dateCacheList.count(), 1);
309 dateCache = dateCacheList.at(0);
310 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
311 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
314 // 4th case: add a second interval : sqp1 > sqp0
315 variableCacheController.addDateTime(var0, sqp2);
316 variableCacheController.addDateTime(var0, sqp3);
317 dateCacheList = variableCacheController.dateCacheList(var0);
318 QCOMPARE(dateCacheList.count(), 3);
319 dateCache = dateCacheList.at(0);
320 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
321 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te1.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
323 dateCache = dateCacheList.at(1);
324 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts3.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
325 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te3.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
327 dateCache = dateCacheList.at(2);
328 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts2.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
329 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te2.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
332 // 5th case: merge all interval
333 variableCacheController.addDateTime(var0, sqp03);
334 dateCacheList = variableCacheController.dateCacheList(var0);
335 QCOMPARE(dateCacheList.count(), 1);
336 dateCache = dateCacheList.at(0);
337 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TStart, static_cast<double>(ts0.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
338 QCOMPARE(dateCache.m_TEnd, static_cast<double>(te03.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
339 }
342 QTEST_MAIN(TestVariableCacheController)
343 #include "TestVariableCacheController.moc"
@@ -1,56 +1,82
3 3
4 4 #include <QVector>
5 5
6 6 /**
7 7 * @brief The ArrayData class represents a dataset for a data series.
8 8 *
9 9 * A dataset can be unidimensional or two-dimensional. This property is determined by the Dim
10 10 * template-parameter.
11 11 *
12 12 * @tparam Dim the dimension of the ArrayData (one or two)
13 13 * @sa IDataSeries
14 14 */
15 15 template <int Dim>
16 16 class ArrayData {
17 17 public:
18 18 /**
19 19 * Ctor for a unidimensional ArrayData
20 20 * @param nbColumns the number of values the ArrayData will hold
21 21 */
22 22 template <int D = Dim, typename = std::enable_if_t<D == 1> >
23 23 explicit ArrayData(int nbColumns) : m_Data{1, QVector<double>{}}
24 24 {
25 25 m_Data[0].resize(nbColumns);
26 26 }
27 27
28 28 /**
29 29 * Sets a data at a specified index. The index has to be valid to be effective
30 30 * @param index the index to which the data will be set
31 31 * @param data the data to set
32 32 * @remarks this method is only available for a unidimensional ArrayData
33 33 */
34 34 template <int D = Dim, typename = std::enable_if_t<D == 1> >
35 35 void setData(int index, double data) noexcept
36 36 {
37 37 if (index >= 0 && index < m_Data.at(0).size()) {
38 38 m_Data[0].replace(index, data);
39 39 }
40 40 }
41 41
42 42 /**
43 43 * @return the data as a vector
44 44 * @remarks this method is only available for a unidimensional ArrayData
45 45 */
46 46 template <int D = Dim, typename = std::enable_if_t<D == 1> >
47 47 QVector<double> data() const noexcept
48 48 {
49 49 return m_Data.at(0);
50 50 }
51 51
52 /**
53 * @return the data as a vector
54 * @remarks this method is only available for a unidimensional ArrayData
55 */
56 template <int D = Dim, typename = std::enable_if_t<D == 1> >
57 const QVector<double> &data(double tStart, double tEnd) const noexcept
58 {
59 return m_Data.at(tStart);
60 }
62 // TODO Comment
63 template <int D = Dim, typename = std::enable_if_t<D == 1> >
64 void merge(ArrayData<1> *arrayData)
65 {
66 if (!m_Data.empty()) {
67 m_Data[0] += arrayData->data();
68 }
69 }
71 template <int D = Dim, typename = std::enable_if_t<D == 1> >
72 int size()
73 {
74 return m_Data[0].size();
75 }
52 78 private:
53 79 QVector<QVector<double> > m_Data;
54 80 };
55 81
56 82 #endif // SCIQLOP_ARRAYDATA_H
@@ -1,50 +1,59
3 3
4 4 #include <Data/ArrayData.h>
5 5 #include <Data/IDataSeries.h>
6 6
7 7 #include <memory>
8 8
9 9 /**
10 10 * @brief The DataSeries class is the base (abstract) implementation of IDataSeries.
11 11 *
12 12 * It proposes to set a dimension for the values ​​data
13 13 *
14 14 * @tparam Dim The dimension of the values data
15 15 *
16 16 */
17 17 template <int Dim>
18 18 class DataSeries : public IDataSeries {
19 19 public:
20 20 /// @sa IDataSeries::xAxisData()
21 21 std::shared_ptr<ArrayData<1> > xAxisData() override { return m_XAxisData; }
22 22
23 23 /// @sa IDataSeries::xAxisUnit()
24 24 Unit xAxisUnit() const override { return m_XAxisUnit; }
25 25
26 26 /// @return the values dataset
27 27 std::shared_ptr<ArrayData<Dim> > valuesData() const { return m_ValuesData; }
28 28
29 29 /// @sa IDataSeries::valuesUnit()
30 30 Unit valuesUnit() const override { return m_ValuesUnit; }
31 31
32 /// @sa IDataSeries::merge()
33 void merge(IDataSeries *dataSeries) override
34 {
35 if (auto dimDataSeries = dynamic_cast<DataSeries<Dim> *>(dataSeries)) {
36 m_XAxisData->merge(dimDataSeries->xAxisData().get());
37 m_ValuesData->merge(dimDataSeries->valuesData().get());
38 }
39 }
32 41 protected:
33 42 /// Protected ctor (DataSeries is abstract)
34 43 explicit DataSeries(std::shared_ptr<ArrayData<1> > xAxisData, const Unit &xAxisUnit,
35 44 std::shared_ptr<ArrayData<Dim> > valuesData, const Unit &valuesUnit)
36 45 : m_XAxisData{xAxisData},
37 46 m_XAxisUnit{xAxisUnit},
38 47 m_ValuesData{valuesData},
39 48 m_ValuesUnit{valuesUnit}
40 49 {
41 50 }
42 51
43 52 private:
44 53 std::shared_ptr<ArrayData<1> > m_XAxisData;
45 54 Unit m_XAxisUnit;
46 55 std::shared_ptr<ArrayData<Dim> > m_ValuesData;
47 56 Unit m_ValuesUnit;
48 57 };
49 58
50 59 #endif // SCIQLOP_DATASERIES_H
@@ -1,30 +1,39
3 3
4 4 #include <memory>
5 5
6 6 #include <QObject>
7 7
8 #include <Data/SqpDateTime.h>
8 10 class DataProviderParameters;
9 11 class IDataSeries;
10 12
11 13 /**
12 14 * @brief The IDataProvider interface aims to declare a data provider.
13 15 *
14 16 * A data provider is an entity that generates data and returns it according to various parameters
15 17 * (time interval, product to retrieve the data, etc.)
16 18 *
17 19 * @sa IDataSeries
18 20 */
19 class IDataProvider {
21 class IDataProvider : public QObject {
20 24 public:
21 25 virtual ~IDataProvider() noexcept = default;
22 26
23 27 virtual std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries>
24 28 retrieveData(const DataProviderParameters &parameters) const = 0;
25 };
26 29
31 virtual void requestDataLoading(const QVector<SqpDateTime> &dateTimeList) = 0;
33 signals:
34 void dataProvided(std::shared_ptr<IDataSeries> dateSerie, SqpDateTime dateTime);
35 };
27 36 // Required for using shared_ptr in signals/slots
28 37 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(std::shared_ptr<IDataProvider>)
29 38
@@ -1,47 +1,54
3 3
4 #include <QString>
5 4
6 5 #include <memory>
7 6
7 #include <QObject>
8 #include <QString>
8 10 template <int Dim>
9 11 class ArrayData;
10 12
11 13 struct Unit {
12 14 explicit Unit(const QString &name = {}, bool timeUnit = false)
13 15 : m_Name{name}, m_TimeUnit{timeUnit}
14 16 {
15 17 }
16 18
17 19 QString m_Name; ///< Unit name
18 20 bool m_TimeUnit; ///< The unit is a unit of time
19 21 };
20 22
21 23 /**
22 24 * @brief The IDataSeries aims to declare a data series.
23 25 *
24 26 * A data series is an entity that contains at least :
25 27 * - one dataset representing the x-axis
26 28 * - one dataset representing the values
27 29 *
28 30 * Each dataset is represented by an ArrayData, and is associated with a unit.
29 31 *
30 32 * An ArrayData can be unidimensional or two-dimensional, depending on the implementation of the
31 33 * IDataSeries. The x-axis dataset is always unidimensional.
32 34 *
33 35 * @sa ArrayData
34 36 */
35 37 class IDataSeries {
36 38 public:
37 39 virtual ~IDataSeries() noexcept = default;
38 40
39 41 /// Returns the x-axis dataset
40 42 virtual std::shared_ptr<ArrayData<1> > xAxisData() = 0;
41 43
42 44 virtual Unit xAxisUnit() const = 0;
43 45
44 46 virtual Unit valuesUnit() const = 0;
48 virtual void merge(IDataSeries *dataSeries) = 0;
45 49 };
46 50
51 // Required for using shared_ptr in signals/slots
52 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(std::shared_ptr<IDataSeries>)
@@ -1,14 +1,23
3 3
4 #include <QObject>
4 5 /**
5 6 * @brief The SqpDateTime struct holds the information of time parameters
6 7 */
7 8 struct SqpDateTime {
8 9 /// Start time
9 10 double m_TStart;
10 11 /// End time
11 12 double m_TEnd;
14 bool contains(const SqpDateTime &dateTime)
15 {
16 return (m_TStart <= dateTime.m_TStart && m_TEnd >= dateTime.m_TEnd);
17 }
12 18 };
13 19
20 // Required for using shared_ptr in signals/slots
@@ -1,35 +1,54
3 3
4 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
4 #include <Data/SqpDateTime.h>
5 6
7 #include <QLoggingCategory>
6 8 #include <QObject>
7 9
10 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
8 14 class IDataSeries;
9 15 class QString;
10 16
11 17 /**
12 18 * @brief The Variable class represents a variable in SciQlop.
13 19 */
14 class Variable {
20 class Variable : public QObject {
15 24 public:
16 explicit Variable(const QString &name, const QString &unit, const QString &mission);
25 explicit Variable(const QString &name, const QString &unit, const QString &mission,
26 const SqpDateTime &dateTime);
17 27
18 28 QString name() const noexcept;
19 29 QString mission() const noexcept;
20 30 QString unit() const noexcept;
22 void addDataSeries(std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries> dataSeries) noexcept;
31 SqpDateTime dateTime() const noexcept;
23 32
24 33 /// @return the data of the variable, nullptr if there is no data
25 34 IDataSeries *dataSeries() const noexcept;
26 35
36 bool contains(SqpDateTime dateTime);
37 void setDataSeries(std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries> dataSeries) noexcept;
39 public slots:
40 void onAddDataSeries(std::shared_ptr<IDataSeries> dataSeries) noexcept;
42 signals:
43 void dataCacheUpdated();
27 46 private:
28 47 class VariablePrivate;
29 48 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<VariablePrivate> impl;
30 49 };
31 50
32 51 // Required for using shared_ptr in signals/slots
33 52 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(std::shared_ptr<Variable>)
34 53
35 54 #endif // SCIQLOP_VARIABLE_H
@@ -1,51 +1,58
3 3
4 #include <Data/SqpDateTime.h>
4 6 #include <QLoggingCategory>
5 7 #include <QObject>
6 8
7 9 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
8 10
9 12 class IDataProvider;
10 13 class TimeController;
11 14 class Variable;
12 15 class VariableModel;
13 16
14 17 Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VariableController)
15 18
16 19 /**
17 20 * @brief The VariableController class aims to handle the variables in SciQlop.
18 21 */
19 22 class VariableController : public QObject {
20 23 Q_OBJECT
21 24 public:
22 25 explicit VariableController(QObject *parent = 0);
23 26 virtual ~VariableController();
24 27
25 28 VariableModel *variableModel() noexcept;
26 29
27 30 void setTimeController(TimeController *timeController) noexcept;
28 31
33 /// Request the data loading of the variable whithin dateTime
34 void requestDataLoading(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable, const SqpDateTime &dateTime);
29 36 signals:
30 37 /// Signal emitted when a variable has been created
31 38 void variableCreated(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable);
32 39
33 40 public slots:
34 41 /**
35 42 * Creates a new variable and adds it to the model
36 43 * @param name the name of the new variable
37 44 * @param provider the data provider for the new variable
38 45 */
39 46 void createVariable(const QString &name, std::shared_ptr<IDataProvider> provider) noexcept;
40 47
41 48 void initialize();
42 49 void finalize();
43 50
44 51 private:
45 52 void waitForFinish();
46 53
47 54 class VariableControllerPrivate;
48 55 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<VariableControllerPrivate> impl;
49 56 };
50 57
@@ -1,44 +1,49
3 3
4 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
5 #include <Data/SqpDateTime.h>
5 6
6 7 #include <QAbstractTableModel>
7 8 #include <QLoggingCategory>
8 9
10 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
10 13
11 14 class IDataSeries;
12 15 class Variable;
13 16
14 17 /**
15 18 * @brief The VariableModel class aims to hold the variables that have been created in SciQlop
16 19 */
17 20 class VariableModel : public QAbstractTableModel {
18 21 public:
19 22 explicit VariableModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
20 23
21 24 /**
22 25 * Creates a new variable in the model
23 26 * @param name the name of the new variable
27 * @param dateTime the dateTime of the new variable
24 28 * @param defaultDataSeries the default data of the new variable
25 29 * @return the pointer to the new variable
26 30 */
27 31 std::shared_ptr<Variable>
28 createVariable(const QString &name, std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries> defaultDataSeries) noexcept;
32 createVariable(const QString &name, const SqpDateTime &dateTime,
33 std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries> defaultDataSeries) noexcept;
29 34
30 35 // /////////////////////////// //
31 36 // QAbstractTableModel methods //
32 37 // /////////////////////////// //
33 38 virtual int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex{}) const override;
34 39 virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex{}) const override;
35 40 virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
36 41 virtual QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
37 42 int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
38 43
39 44 private:
40 45 class VariableModelPrivate;
41 46 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<VariableModelPrivate> impl;
42 47 };
43 48
@@ -1,48 +1,89
1 1 #include "Variable/Variable.h"
2 2
3 3 #include <Data/IDataSeries.h>
4 #include <Data/SqpDateTime.h>
6 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_Variable, "Variable")
4 7
5 8 struct Variable::VariablePrivate {
6 explicit VariablePrivate(const QString &name, const QString &unit, const QString &mission)
7 : m_Name{name}, m_Unit{unit}, m_Mission{mission}, m_DataSeries{nullptr}
9 explicit VariablePrivate(const QString &name, const QString &unit, const QString &mission,
10 const SqpDateTime &dateTime)
11 : m_Name{name},
12 m_Unit{unit},
13 m_Mission{mission},
14 m_DateTime{dateTime},
15 m_DataSeries{nullptr}
8 16 {
9 17 }
10 18
11 19 QString m_Name;
12 20 QString m_Unit;
13 21 QString m_Mission;
23 SqpDateTime m_DateTime; // The dateTime available in the view and loaded. not the cache.
14 24 std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries> m_DataSeries;
15 25 };
16 26
17 Variable::Variable(const QString &name, const QString &unit, const QString &mission)
18 : impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<VariablePrivate>(name, unit, mission)}
27 Variable::Variable(const QString &name, const QString &unit, const QString &mission,
28 const SqpDateTime &dateTime)
29 : impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<VariablePrivate>(name, unit, mission, dateTime)}
19 30 {
20 31 }
21 32
22 33 QString Variable::name() const noexcept
23 34 {
24 35 return impl->m_Name;
25 36 }
26 37
27 38 QString Variable::mission() const noexcept
28 39 {
29 40 return impl->m_Mission;
30 41 }
31 42
32 43 QString Variable::unit() const noexcept
33 44 {
34 45 return impl->m_Unit;
35 46 }
36 47
37 void Variable::addDataSeries(std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries> dataSeries) noexcept
48 SqpDateTime Variable::dateTime() const noexcept
49 {
50 return impl->m_DateTime;
51 }
53 void Variable::setDataSeries(std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries> dataSeries) noexcept
38 54 {
39 55 if (!impl->m_DataSeries) {
40 56 impl->m_DataSeries = std::move(dataSeries);
41 57 }
42 /// @todo : else, merge the two data series (if possible)
58 }
60 void Variable::onAddDataSeries(std::shared_ptr<IDataSeries> dataSeries) noexcept
61 {
62 if (impl->m_DataSeries) {
63 impl->m_DataSeries->merge(dataSeries.get());
65 emit dataCacheUpdated();
66 }
43 67 }
44 68
45 69 IDataSeries *Variable::dataSeries() const noexcept
46 70 {
47 71 return impl->m_DataSeries.get();
48 72 }
74 bool Variable::contains(SqpDateTime dateTime)
75 {
76 if (!impl->m_DateTime.contains(dateTime)) {
77 // The current variable dateTime isn't enough to display the dateTime requested.
78 // We have to update it to the new dateTime requested.
79 // the correspondant new data to display will be given by the cache if possible and the
80 // provider if necessary.
81 qCInfo(LOG_Variable()) << "NEW DATE NEEDED";
83 impl->m_DateTime = dateTime;
85 return false;
86 }
88 return true;
89 }
@@ -1,110 +1,164
1 #include <Variable/Variable.h>
2 #include <Variable/VariableCacheController.h>
1 3 #include <Variable/VariableController.h>
2 4 #include <Variable/VariableModel.h>
3 5
4 6 #include <Data/DataProviderParameters.h>
5 7 #include <Data/IDataProvider.h>
6 8 #include <Data/IDataSeries.h>
7 9 #include <Time/TimeController.h>
8 10
9 11 #include <QDateTime>
12 #include <QElapsedTimer>
10 13 #include <QMutex>
11 14 #include <QThread>
12 15
16 #include <unordered_map>
13 18 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VariableController, "VariableController")
14 19
15 20 namespace {
16 21
17 22 /// @todo Generates default dataseries, according to the provider passed in parameter. This method
18 23 /// will be deleted when the timerange is recovered from SciQlop
19 24 std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries> generateDefaultDataSeries(const IDataProvider &provider,
20 25 const SqpDateTime &dateTime) noexcept
21 26 {
22 27 auto parameters = DataProviderParameters{dateTime};
23 28
24 29 return provider.retrieveData(parameters);
25 30 }
26 31
27 32 } // namespace
28 33
29 34 struct VariableController::VariableControllerPrivate {
30 35 explicit VariableControllerPrivate(VariableController *parent)
31 : m_WorkingMutex{}, m_VariableModel{new VariableModel{parent}}
36 : m_WorkingMutex{},
37 m_VariableModel{new VariableModel{parent}},
38 m_VariableCacheController{std::make_unique<VariableCacheController>()}
32 39 {
33 40 }
34 41
35 42 QMutex m_WorkingMutex;
36 43 /// Variable model. The VariableController has the ownership
37 44 VariableModel *m_VariableModel;
38 45
39 47 TimeController *m_TimeController{nullptr};
48 std::unique_ptr<VariableCacheController> m_VariableCacheController;
50 std::unordered_map<std::shared_ptr<Variable>, std::shared_ptr<IDataProvider> >
51 m_VariableToProviderMap;
40 52 };
41 53
42 54 VariableController::VariableController(QObject *parent)
43 55 : QObject{parent}, impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<VariableControllerPrivate>(this)}
44 56 {
45 57 qCDebug(LOG_VariableController()) << tr("VariableController construction")
46 58 << QThread::currentThread();
47 59 }
48 60
49 61 VariableController::~VariableController()
50 62 {
51 63 qCDebug(LOG_VariableController()) << tr("VariableController destruction")
52 64 << QThread::currentThread();
53 65 this->waitForFinish();
54 66 }
55 67
56 68 VariableModel *VariableController::variableModel() noexcept
57 69 {
58 70 return impl->m_VariableModel;
59 71 }
60 72
61 73 void VariableController::setTimeController(TimeController *timeController) noexcept
62 74 {
63 75 impl->m_TimeController = timeController;
64 76 }
65 77
66 78 void VariableController::createVariable(const QString &name,
67 79 std::shared_ptr<IDataProvider> provider) noexcept
68 80 {
69 // TORM
70 // auto dateTime = SqpDateTime{
71 // // Remarks : we don't use toSecsSinceEpoch() here (method is for Qt 5.8 or above)
72 // static_cast<double>(QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{12, 00}}.toMSecsSinceEpoch()
73 // / 1000.),
74 // static_cast<double>(QDateTime{QDate{2017, 01, 01}, QTime{12, 01}}.toMSecsSinceEpoch())
75 // / 1000.};
76 81
77 82 if (!impl->m_TimeController) {
78 83 qCCritical(LOG_VariableController())
79 84 << tr("Impossible to create variable: The time controller is null");
80 85 return;
81 86 }
82 87
83 88
84 89 /// @todo : for the moment :
85 90 /// - the provider is only used to retrieve data from the variable for its initialization, but
86 91 /// it will be retained later
87 92 /// - default data are generated for the variable, without taking into account the timerange set
88 93 /// in sciqlop
94 auto dateTime = impl->m_TimeController->dateTime();
89 95 if (auto newVariable = impl->m_VariableModel->createVariable(
90 name, generateDefaultDataSeries(*provider, impl->m_TimeController->dateTime()))) {
96 name, dateTime, generateDefaultDataSeries(*provider, dateTime))) {
98 // store the provider
99 impl->m_VariableToProviderMap[newVariable] = provider;
100 qRegisterMetaType<std::shared_ptr<IDataSeries> >();
101 qRegisterMetaType<SqpDateTime>();
102 connect(provider.get(), &IDataProvider::dataProvided, newVariable.get(),
103 &Variable::onAddDataSeries);
106 // store in cache
107 impl->m_VariableCacheController->addDateTime(newVariable, dateTime);
109 // notify the creation
91 110 emit variableCreated(newVariable);
92 111 }
93 112 }
94 113
115 void VariableController::requestDataLoading(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable,
116 const SqpDateTime &dateTime)
117 {
118 // we want to load data of the variable for the dateTime.
119 // First we check if the cache contains some of them.
120 // For the other, we ask the provider to give them.
121 if (variable) {
123 QElapsedTimer timer;
124 timer.start();
125 qCInfo(LOG_VariableController()) << "The slow s0 operation took" << timer.elapsed()
126 << "milliseconds";
127 auto dateTimeListNotInCache
128 = impl->m_VariableCacheController->provideNotInCacheDateTimeList(variable, dateTime);
129 qCInfo(LOG_VariableController()) << "The slow s1 operation took" << timer.elapsed()
130 << "milliseconds";
132 // Ask the provider for each data on the dateTimeListNotInCache
133 impl->m_VariableToProviderMap.at(variable)->requestDataLoading(dateTimeListNotInCache);
135 qCInfo(LOG_VariableController()) << "The slow s2 operation took" << timer.elapsed()
136 << "milliseconds";
138 // store in cache
139 impl->m_VariableCacheController->addDateTime(variable, dateTime);
140 qCInfo(LOG_VariableController()) << "The slow s3 operation took" << timer.elapsed()
141 << "milliseconds";
142 }
143 else {
144 qCCritical(LOG_VariableController()) << tr("Impossible to load data of a variable null");
145 }
146 }
95 149 void VariableController::initialize()
96 150 {
97 151 qCDebug(LOG_VariableController()) << tr("VariableController init") << QThread::currentThread();
98 152 impl->m_WorkingMutex.lock();
99 153 qCDebug(LOG_VariableController()) << tr("VariableController init END");
100 154 }
101 155
102 156 void VariableController::finalize()
103 157 {
104 158 impl->m_WorkingMutex.unlock();
105 159 }
106 160
107 161 void VariableController::waitForFinish()
108 162 {
109 163 QMutexLocker locker{&impl->m_WorkingMutex};
110 164 }
@@ -1,120 +1,120
1 1 #include <Variable/Variable.h>
2 2 #include <Variable/VariableModel.h>
3 3
4 4 #include <Data/IDataSeries.h>
5 5
6 6 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VariableModel, "VariableModel")
7 7
8 8 namespace {
9 9
10 10 // Column indexes
11 11 const auto NAME_COLUMN = 0;
12 12 const auto UNIT_COLUMN = 1;
13 13 const auto MISSION_COLUMN = 2;
14 14 const auto NB_COLUMNS = 3;
15 15
16 16 } // namespace
17 17
18 18 struct VariableModel::VariableModelPrivate {
19 19 /// Variables created in SciQlop
20 20 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Variable> > m_Variables;
21 21 };
22 22
23 23 VariableModel::VariableModel(QObject *parent)
24 24 : QAbstractTableModel{parent}, impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<VariableModelPrivate>()}
25 25 {
26 26 }
27 27
28 28 std::shared_ptr<Variable>
29 VariableModel::createVariable(const QString &name,
29 VariableModel::createVariable(const QString &name, const SqpDateTime &dateTime,
30 30 std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries> defaultDataSeries) noexcept
31 31 {
32 32 auto insertIndex = rowCount();
33 33 beginInsertRows({}, insertIndex, insertIndex);
34 34
35 35 /// @todo For the moment, the other data of the variable is initialized with default values
36 auto variable
37 = std::make_shared<Variable>(name, QStringLiteral("unit"), QStringLiteral("mission"));
38 variable->addDataSeries(std::move(defaultDataSeries));
36 auto variable = std::make_shared<Variable>(name, QStringLiteral("unit"),
37 QStringLiteral("mission"), dateTime);
38 variable->setDataSeries(std::move(defaultDataSeries));
39 39
40 40 impl->m_Variables.push_back(variable);
41 41
42 42 endInsertRows();
43 43
44 44 return variable;
45 45 }
46 46
47 47 int VariableModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
48 48 {
49 49 Q_UNUSED(parent);
50 50
51 51 return NB_COLUMNS;
52 52 }
53 53
54 54 int VariableModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
55 55 {
56 56 Q_UNUSED(parent);
57 57
58 58 return impl->m_Variables.size();
59 59 }
60 60
61 61 QVariant VariableModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
62 62 {
63 63 if (!index.isValid()) {
64 64 return QVariant{};
65 65 }
66 66
67 67 if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= rowCount()) {
68 68 return QVariant{};
69 69 }
70 70
71 71 if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
72 72 if (auto variable = impl->m_Variables.at(index.row()).get()) {
73 73 switch (index.column()) {
74 74 case NAME_COLUMN:
75 75 return variable->name();
76 76 case UNIT_COLUMN:
77 77 return variable->unit();
78 78 case MISSION_COLUMN:
79 79 return variable->mission();
80 80 default:
81 81 // No action
82 82 break;
83 83 }
84 84
85 85 qWarning(LOG_VariableModel())
86 86 << tr("Can't get data (unknown column %1)").arg(index.column());
87 87 }
88 88 else {
89 89 qWarning(LOG_VariableModel()) << tr("Can't get data (no variable)");
90 90 }
91 91 }
92 92
93 93 return QVariant{};
94 94 }
95 95
96 96 QVariant VariableModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
97 97 {
98 98 if (role != Qt::DisplayRole) {
99 99 return QVariant{};
100 100 }
101 101
102 102 if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
103 103 switch (section) {
104 104 case NAME_COLUMN:
105 105 return tr("Name");
106 106 case UNIT_COLUMN:
107 107 return tr("Unit");
108 108 case MISSION_COLUMN:
109 109 return tr("Mission");
110 110 default:
111 111 // No action
112 112 break;
113 113 }
114 114
115 115 qWarning(LOG_VariableModel())
116 116 << tr("Can't get header data (unknown column %1)").arg(section);
117 117 }
118 118
119 119 return QVariant{};
120 120 }
@@ -1,128 +1,139
1 1 #
2 2 # use_clangformat.cmake
3 3 #
4 4 # The following functions are defined in this document:
5 5 #
6 6
7 7 # ADD_CLANGFORMAT_TARGETS(<globExpression> ...
8 8 # [ADD_TO_ALL]
9 9 # [NAME <name>]
10 10 # [NAME_ALL <nameall>]
11 11 # [STYLE style]
12 12 # [RECURSE])
13 13 #
14 14 # Two custom targets will be created:
15 15 # * format_reports is run as part of the build, and is not rerun unless one of
16 16 # the file formatted is modified (only created if ADD_TO_ALL is provided);
17 17 # * format must be explicitely called (make format) and is rerun even if the
18 18 # files to format have not been modified. To achieve this behavior, the commands
19 19 # used in this target pretend to produce a file without actually producing it.
20 20 # Because the output file is not there after the run, the command will be rerun
21 21 # again at the next target build.
22 22 #
23 23 # If ADD_TO_ALL is provided then a target will be added to the default build
24 24 # targets so that each time a source file is compiled, it is formatted with
25 25 # clang-format.
26 26 #
27 27 # NAME and NAME_ALL customize the name of the targets (format and format_reports
28 28 # by default respectively).
29 29 #
30 30 # STYLE sets the style used by clang-format (default to "file").
31 31 #
32 32 # RECURSE selects if the glob expressions should be applied recursively or not.
34 34 # Default values
35 35 SET(target "format")
36 36 SET(target_all "format_all")
37 37 SET(style "file")
38 38 SET(recurse OFF)
39 39 SET(addToAll OFF)
40 40 SET(globs)
41 41
42 42 # Parse the options
43 43 MATH(EXPR lastIdx "${ARGC} - 1")
44 44 SET(i 0)
45 45 WHILE(i LESS ${ARGC})
46 46 SET(arg "${ARGV${i}}")
47 47 IF("${arg}" STREQUAL "ADD_TO_ALL")
48 48 SET(addToAll ON)
49 49 ELSEIF("${arg}" STREQUAL "NAME")
50 50 clangformat_incr(i)
51 51 SET(target "${ARGV${i}}")
52 52 ELSEIF("${arg}" STREQUAL "NAME_ALL")
53 53 clangformat_incr(i)
54 54 SET(target_all "${ARGV${i}}")
55 55 ELSEIF("${arg}" STREQUAL "STYLE")
56 56 clangformat_incr(i)
57 57 SET(style "${ARGV${i}}")
59 59 SET(recurse ON)
60 60 ELSE()
61 61 LIST(APPEND globs ${arg})
62 62 ENDIF()
63 63 clangformat_incr(i)
64 64 ENDWHILE()
65 65
66 67 # Retrieve source files to format
67 68 IF(recurse)
68 69 FILE(GLOB_RECURSE srcs ${globs})
69 70 ELSE()
70 71 FILE(GLOB srcs ${globs})
71 72 ENDIF()
72 73
74 75 MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find clang-format executable")
75 76 ENDIF()
76 77
77 78 # Format each source file with clang-format
78 79 SET(touchedFiles)
79 80 SET(fakedTouchedFiles)
80 81 SET(reportNb 0)
81 82 # Create the directory where the touched files will be saved
82 83 SET(formatDirectory "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/format")
83 84 FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${formatDirectory})
85 # STRING(REPLACE "*.ui" "" srcs ${srcs})
86 FOREACH(item ${globs})
87 STRING(REGEX MATCH ".*\.ui$" item ${item})
88 IF(item)
89 LIST(APPEND UIS ${item})
90 ENDIF(item)
91 ENDFOREACH(item ${globs})
94 message("format lang: ${srcs}" )
84 95 FOREACH (s ${srcs})
85 96 SET(touchedFile ${formatDirectory}/format_touchedfile_${reportNb})
86 97 IF(addToAll)
88 99 OUTPUT ${touchedFile}
90 101 -style="${style}"
91 102 -i
92 103 ${s}
93 104 # Create a file so that this command is executed only if the source
94 105 # file is modified
95 106 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${touchedFile}
96 107 DEPENDS ${s}
97 108 COMMENT "Formatting code with clang-format of ${s}"
98 109 )
99 110 ENDIF()
100 111
101 112 SET(fakedTouchedFile ${formatDirectory}/format_fakedtouchedfile_${reportNb})
103 114 OUTPUT ${fakedTouchedFile}
105 116 -style="${style}"
106 117 -i
107 118 ${s}
108 119 DEPENDS ${s}
109 120 COMMENT "Formatting code with clang-format of ${s}"
110 121 )
111 122
112 123 LIST(APPEND touchedFiles ${touchedFile})
113 124 LIST(APPEND fakedTouchedFiles ${fakedTouchedFile})
114 125 clangformat_incr(reportNb)
115 126 ENDFOREACH()
116 127
117 128 # Create the custom targets that will trigger the custom command created
118 129 # previously
119 130 IF(addToAll)
120 131 ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${target_all} ALL DEPENDS ${touchedFiles})
121 132 ENDIF()
122 133 ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${target} DEPENDS ${fakedTouchedFiles})
123 134
125 136
126 137 macro(clangformat_incr var_name)
127 138 math(EXPR ${var_name} "${${var_name}} + 1")
128 139 endmacro()
@@ -1,38 +1,39
3 3
4 4 #include <QWidget>
5 5
6 6 namespace Ui {
7 7 class DataSourceWidget;
8 8 } // Ui
9 9
10 10 class DataSourceItem;
11 11
12 12 /**
13 13 * @brief The DataSourceWidget handles the graphical representation (as a tree) of the data sources
14 14 * attached to SciQlop.
15 15 */
16 16 class DataSourceWidget : public QWidget {
17 17 Q_OBJECT
18 18
19 19 public:
20 20 explicit DataSourceWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
21 virtual ~DataSourceWidget() noexcept;
21 22
22 23 public slots:
23 24 /**
24 25 * Adds a data source. An item associated to the data source is created and then added to the
25 26 * representation tree
26 27 * @param dataSource the data source to add. The pointer has to be not null
27 28 */
28 29 void addDataSource(DataSourceItem *dataSource) noexcept;
29 30
30 31 private:
31 32 Ui::DataSourceWidget *ui;
32 33
33 34 private slots:
34 35 /// Slot called when right clicking on an item in the tree (displays a menu)
35 36 void onTreeMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos) noexcept;
36 37 };
37 38
@@ -1,32 +1,38
3 3
4 #include <Data/SqpDateTime.h>
4 6 #include <QLoggingCategory>
5 7 #include <QVector>
6 8
7 9 #include <memory>
8 10
9 11 Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_GraphPlottablesFactory)
10 12
13 class IDataSeries;
11 14 class QCPAbstractPlottable;
12 15 class QCustomPlot;
13 16 class Variable;
14 17
15 18 /**
16 19 * @brief The GraphPlottablesFactory class aims to create the QCustomPlot components relative to a
17 20 * variable, depending on the data series of this variable
18 21 */
19 22 struct GraphPlottablesFactory {
20 23 /**
21 24 * Creates (if possible) the QCustomPlot components relative to the variable passed in
22 25 * parameter, and adds these to the plot passed in parameter.
23 26 * @param variable the variable for which to create the components
24 27 * @param plot the plot in which to add the created components. It takes ownership of these
25 28 * components.
26 29 * @return the list of the components created
27 30 */
28 31 static QVector<QCPAbstractPlottable *> create(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable,
29 32 QCustomPlot &plot) noexcept;
34 static void updateData(QVector<QCPAbstractPlottable *> plotableVect, IDataSeries *dataSeries,
35 const SqpDateTime &dateTime);
30 36 };
31 37
@@ -1,47 +1,56
3 3
4 4 #include "Visualization/IVisualizationWidget.h"
5 5
6 6 #include <QLoggingCategory>
7 7 #include <QWidget>
8 8
9 9 #include <memory>
10 10
11 11 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
12 12
13 13 Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget)
14 14
15 class QCPRange;
15 16 class Variable;
16 17
17 18 namespace Ui {
18 19 class VisualizationGraphWidget;
19 20 } // namespace Ui
20 21
21 22 class VisualizationGraphWidget : public QWidget, public IVisualizationWidget {
22 23 Q_OBJECT
23 24
24 25 public:
25 26 explicit VisualizationGraphWidget(const QString &name = {}, QWidget *parent = 0);
26 27 virtual ~VisualizationGraphWidget();
27 28
28 29 void addVariable(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable);
29 30
30 31 // IVisualizationWidget interface
31 32 void accept(IVisualizationWidgetVisitor *visitor) override;
32 33 bool canDrop(const Variable &variable) const override;
33 34 void close() override;
34 35 QString name() const override;
35 36
37 void updateDisplay(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable);
36 40 private:
37 41 Ui::VisualizationGraphWidget *ui;
38 42
39 43 class VisualizationGraphWidgetPrivate;
40 44 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<VisualizationGraphWidgetPrivate> impl;
41 45
42 46 private slots:
48 void onRangeChanged(const QCPRange &t1, const QCPRange &t2);
43 50 /// Slot called when a mouse wheel was made, to perform some processing before the zoom is done
44 51 void onMouseWheel(QWheelEvent *event) noexcept;
53 void onDataCacheVariableUpdated();
45 54 };
46 55
@@ -1,72 +1,77
1 1 #include <DataSource/DataSourceWidget.h>
2 2
3 3 #include <ui_DataSourceWidget.h>
4 4
5 5 #include <DataSource/DataSourceItem.h>
6 6 #include <DataSource/DataSourceTreeWidgetItem.h>
7 7
8 8 #include <QMenu>
9 9
10 10 namespace {
11 11
12 12 /// Number of columns displayed in the tree
13 13 const auto TREE_NB_COLUMNS = 1;
14 14
15 15 /// Header labels for the tree
16 16 const auto TREE_HEADER_LABELS = QStringList{QObject::tr("Name")};
17 17
18 18 /**
19 19 * Creates the item associated to a data source
20 20 * @param dataSource the data source for which to create the item
21 21 * @return the new item
22 22 */
23 23 DataSourceTreeWidgetItem *createTreeWidgetItem(DataSourceItem *dataSource)
24 24 {
25 25 // Creates item for the data source
26 26 auto item = new DataSourceTreeWidgetItem{dataSource};
27 27
28 28 // Generates items for the children of the data source
29 29 for (auto i = 0; i < dataSource->childCount(); ++i) {
30 30 item->addChild(createTreeWidgetItem(dataSource->child(i)));
31 31 }
32 32
33 33 return item;
34 34 }
35 35
36 36 } // namespace
37 37
38 38 DataSourceWidget::DataSourceWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget{parent}, ui{new Ui::DataSourceWidget}
39 39 {
40 40 ui->setupUi(this);
41 41
42 42 // Set tree properties
43 43 ui->treeWidget->setColumnCount(TREE_NB_COLUMNS);
44 44 ui->treeWidget->setHeaderLabels(TREE_HEADER_LABELS);
45 45 ui->treeWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
46 46
47 47 // Connection to show a menu when right clicking on the tree
48 48 connect(ui->treeWidget, &QTreeWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this,
49 49 &DataSourceWidget::onTreeMenuRequested);
50 50 }
51 51
52 DataSourceWidget::~DataSourceWidget() noexcept
53 {
54 delete ui;
55 }
52 57 void DataSourceWidget::addDataSource(DataSourceItem *dataSource) noexcept
53 58 {
54 59 // Creates the item associated to the source and adds it to the tree widget. The tree widget
55 60 // takes the ownership of the item
56 61 if (dataSource) {
57 62 ui->treeWidget->addTopLevelItem(createTreeWidgetItem(dataSource));
58 63 }
59 64 }
60 65
61 66 void DataSourceWidget::onTreeMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos) noexcept
62 67 {
63 68 // Retrieves the selected item in the tree, and build the menu from its actions
64 69 if (auto selectedItem = dynamic_cast<DataSourceTreeWidgetItem *>(ui->treeWidget->itemAt(pos))) {
65 70 QMenu treeMenu{};
66 71 treeMenu.addActions(selectedItem->actions());
67 72
68 73 if (!treeMenu.isEmpty()) {
69 74 treeMenu.exec(mapToGlobal(pos));
70 75 }
71 76 }
72 77 }
@@ -1,91 +1,151
1 1 #include "Visualization/GraphPlottablesFactory.h"
2 2 #include "Visualization/qcustomplot.h"
3 3
4 4 #include <Data/ScalarSeries.h>
5 5
6 6 #include <Variable/Variable.h>
7 7
8 #include <QElapsedTimer>
8 10 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_GraphPlottablesFactory, "GraphPlottablesFactory")
9 11
10 12 namespace {
11 13
12 14 /// Format for datetimes on a axis
13 15 const auto DATETIME_TICKER_FORMAT = QStringLiteral("yyyy/MM/dd \nhh:mm:ss");
14 16
15 17 /// Generates the appropriate ticker for an axis, depending on whether the axis displays time or
16 18 /// non-time data
17 19 QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker> axisTicker(bool isTimeAxis)
18 20 {
19 21 if (isTimeAxis) {
20 22 auto dateTicker = QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTickerDateTime>::create();
21 23 dateTicker->setDateTimeFormat(DATETIME_TICKER_FORMAT);
22 24
23 25 return dateTicker;
24 26 }
25 27 else {
26 28 // default ticker
27 29 return QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker>::create();
28 30 }
29 31 }
30 32
31 QCPAbstractPlottable *createScalarSeriesComponent(ScalarSeries &scalarSeries, QCustomPlot &plot)
33 void updateScalarData(QCPAbstractPlottable *component, ScalarSeries &scalarSeries,
34 const SqpDateTime &dateTime)
35 {
36 QElapsedTimer timer;
37 timer.start();
38 if (auto qcpGraph = dynamic_cast<QCPGraph *>(component)) {
39 // Clean the graph
40 qCDebug(LOG_GraphPlottablesFactory()) << "The slow s1 operation took" << timer.elapsed()
41 << "milliseconds";
42 // NAIVE approch
43 const auto &xData = scalarSeries.xAxisData()->data();
44 const auto &valuesData = scalarSeries.valuesData()->data();
46 auto xValue = QVector<double>();
47 auto vValue = QVector<double>();
49 const auto count = xData.count();
50 auto ite = 0;
51 for (auto i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
52 const auto x = xData.at(i);
53 if (x >= dateTime.m_TStart && x <= dateTime.m_TEnd) {
54 xValue.push_back(x);
55 vValue.push_back(valuesData.at(i));
56 ++ite;
57 }
58 }
60 qcpGraph->setData(xValue, vValue);
62 qCDebug(LOG_GraphPlottablesFactory()) << "The slow s2 operation took" << timer.elapsed()
63 << "milliseconds";
64 }
65 else {
66 /// @todo DEBUG
67 }
68 }
70 QCPAbstractPlottable *createScalarSeriesComponent(ScalarSeries &scalarSeries, QCustomPlot &plot,
71 const SqpDateTime &dateTime)
32 72 {
33 73 auto component = plot.addGraph();
34 74
35 75 if (component) {
36 // Graph data
76 // // Graph data
37 77 component->setData(scalarSeries.xAxisData()->data(), scalarSeries.valuesData()->data(),
38 78 true);
39 79
80 updateScalarData(component, scalarSeries, dateTime);
40 82 // Axes properties
41 83 /// @todo : for the moment, no control is performed on the axes: the units and the tickers
42 84 /// are fixed for the default x-axis and y-axis of the plot, and according to the new graph
43 85
44 86 auto setAxisProperties = [](auto axis, const auto &unit) {
45 87 // label (unit name)
46 88 axis->setLabel(unit.m_Name);
47 89
48 90 // ticker (depending on the type of unit)
49 91 axis->setTicker(axisTicker(unit.m_TimeUnit));
50 92 };
51 93 setAxisProperties(plot.xAxis, scalarSeries.xAxisUnit());
52 94 setAxisProperties(plot.yAxis, scalarSeries.valuesUnit());
53 95
54 96 // Display all data
55 97 component->rescaleAxes();
56 98
57 99 plot.replot();
58 100 }
59 101 else {
60 102 qCDebug(LOG_GraphPlottablesFactory())
61 103 << QObject::tr("Can't create graph for the scalar series");
62 104 }
63 105
64 106 return component;
65 107 }
66 108
67 109 } // namespace
68 110
69 111 QVector<QCPAbstractPlottable *> GraphPlottablesFactory::create(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable,
70 112 QCustomPlot &plot) noexcept
71 113 {
72 114 auto result = QVector<QCPAbstractPlottable *>{};
73 115
74 116 if (variable) {
75 117 // Gets the data series of the variable to call the creation of the right components
76 118 // according to its type
77 119 if (auto scalarSeries = dynamic_cast<ScalarSeries *>(variable->dataSeries())) {
78 result.append(createScalarSeriesComponent(*scalarSeries, plot));
120 result.append(createScalarSeriesComponent(*scalarSeries, plot, variable->dateTime()));
79 121 }
80 122 else {
81 123 qCDebug(LOG_GraphPlottablesFactory())
82 124 << QObject::tr("Can't create graph plottables : unmanaged data series type");
83 125 }
84 126 }
85 127 else {
86 128 qCDebug(LOG_GraphPlottablesFactory())
87 129 << QObject::tr("Can't create graph plottables : the variable is null");
88 130 }
89 131
90 132 return result;
91 133 }
135 void GraphPlottablesFactory::updateData(QVector<QCPAbstractPlottable *> plotableVect,
136 IDataSeries *dataSeries, const SqpDateTime &dateTime)
137 {
138 if (auto scalarSeries = dynamic_cast<ScalarSeries *>(dataSeries)) {
139 if (plotableVect.size() == 1) {
140 updateScalarData(plotableVect.at(0), *scalarSeries, dateTime);
141 }
142 else {
143 qCCritical(LOG_GraphPlottablesFactory()) << QObject::tr(
144 "Can't update Data of a scalarSeries because there is not only one component "
145 "associated");
146 }
147 }
148 else {
149 /// @todo DEBUG
150 }
151 }
@@ -1,111 +1,165
1 1 #include "Visualization/VisualizationGraphWidget.h"
2 2 #include "Visualization/GraphPlottablesFactory.h"
3 3 #include "Visualization/IVisualizationWidgetVisitor.h"
4 4 #include "ui_VisualizationGraphWidget.h"
5 5
6 #include <Data/ArrayData.h>
7 #include <Data/IDataSeries.h>
8 #include <SqpApplication.h>
6 9 #include <Variable/Variable.h>
10 #include <Variable/VariableController.h>
7 11
8 12 #include <unordered_map>
9 13
10 14 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget, "VisualizationGraphWidget")
11 15
12 16 namespace {
13 17
14 18 /// Key pressed to enable zoom on horizontal axis
15 19 const auto HORIZONTAL_ZOOM_MODIFIER = Qt::NoModifier;
16 20
17 21 /// Key pressed to enable zoom on vertical axis
18 22 const auto VERTICAL_ZOOM_MODIFIER = Qt::ControlModifier;
19 23
20 24 } // namespace
21 25
22 26 struct VisualizationGraphWidget::VisualizationGraphWidgetPrivate {
23 27
24 28 // 1 variable -> n qcpplot
25 std::unordered_map<std::shared_ptr<Variable>, QCPAbstractPlottable *> m_VariableToPlotMap;
29 std::unordered_multimap<std::shared_ptr<Variable>, QCPAbstractPlottable *>
30 m_VariableToPlotMultiMap;
26 31 };
27 32
28 33 VisualizationGraphWidget::VisualizationGraphWidget(const QString &name, QWidget *parent)
29 34 : QWidget{parent},
30 35 ui{new Ui::VisualizationGraphWidget},
31 36 impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<VisualizationGraphWidgetPrivate>()}
32 37 {
33 38 ui->setupUi(this);
34 39
35 40 // qcpplot title
36 41 ui->widget->plotLayout()->insertRow(0);
37 42 ui->widget->plotLayout()->addElement(0, 0, new QCPTextElement{ui->widget, name});
38 43
39 44 // Set qcpplot properties :
40 45 // - Drag (on x-axis) and zoom are enabled
41 46 // - Mouse wheel on qcpplot is intercepted to determine the zoom orientation
42 47 ui->widget->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeDrag | QCP::iRangeZoom);
43 48 ui->widget->axisRect()->setRangeDrag(Qt::Horizontal);
44 49 connect(ui->widget, &QCustomPlot::mouseWheel, this, &VisualizationGraphWidget::onMouseWheel);
50 connect(ui->widget->xAxis, static_cast<void (QCPAxis::*)(const QCPRange &, const QCPRange &)>(
51 &QCPAxis::rangeChanged),
52 this, &VisualizationGraphWidget::onRangeChanged);
45 53 }
46 54
47 56 VisualizationGraphWidget::~VisualizationGraphWidget()
48 57 {
49 58 delete ui;
50 59 }
51 60
52 61 void VisualizationGraphWidget::addVariable(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable)
53 62 {
54 63 // Uses delegate to create the qcpplot components according to the variable
55 64 auto createdPlottables = GraphPlottablesFactory::create(variable, *ui->widget);
56 65
57 66 for (auto createdPlottable : qAsConst(createdPlottables)) {
58 impl->m_VariableToPlotMap.insert({variable, createdPlottable});
67 impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.insert({variable, createdPlottable});
59 68 }
70 connect(variable.get(), SIGNAL(dataCacheUpdated()), this, SLOT(onDataCacheVariableUpdated()));
60 71 }
61 72
62 73 void VisualizationGraphWidget::accept(IVisualizationWidgetVisitor *visitor)
63 74 {
64 75 if (visitor) {
65 76 visitor->visit(this);
66 77 }
67 78 else {
68 79 qCCritical(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget())
69 80 << tr("Can't visit widget : the visitor is null");
70 81 }
71 82 }
72 83
73 84 bool VisualizationGraphWidget::canDrop(const Variable &variable) const
74 85 {
75 86 /// @todo : for the moment, a graph can always accomodate a variable
76 87 Q_UNUSED(variable);
77 88 return true;
78 89 }
79 90
80 91 void VisualizationGraphWidget::close()
81 92 {
82 93 // The main view cannot be directly closed.
83 94 return;
84 95 }
85 96
86 97 QString VisualizationGraphWidget::name() const
87 98 {
88 99 if (auto title = dynamic_cast<QCPTextElement *>(ui->widget->plotLayout()->elementAt(0))) {
89 100 return title->text();
90 101 }
91 102 else {
92 103 return QString{};
93 104 }
94 105 }
95 106
107 void VisualizationGraphWidget::onRangeChanged(const QCPRange &t1, const QCPRange &t2)
108 {
110 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget()) << tr("VisualizationGraphWidget::onRangeChanged");
112 for (auto it = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.cbegin();
113 it != impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.cend(); ++it) {
114 auto variable = it->first;
115 auto tolerance = 0.1 * (t2.upper - t2.lower);
116 auto dateTime = SqpDateTime{t2.lower - tolerance, t2.upper + tolerance};
118 qCInfo(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget()) << tr("VisualizationGraphWidget::onRangeChanged")
119 << variable->dataSeries()->xAxisData()->size();
120 if (!variable->contains(dateTime)) {
121 sqpApp->variableController().requestDataLoading(variable, dateTime);
122 }
123 }
124 }
96 126 void VisualizationGraphWidget::onMouseWheel(QWheelEvent *event) noexcept
97 127 {
98 128 auto zoomOrientations = QFlags<Qt::Orientation>{};
99 129
100 130 // Lambda that enables a zoom orientation if the key modifier related to this orientation has
101 131 // been pressed
102 132 auto enableOrientation
103 133 = [&zoomOrientations, event](const auto &orientation, const auto &modifier) {
104 134 auto orientationEnabled = event->modifiers().testFlag(modifier);
105 135 zoomOrientations.setFlag(orientation, orientationEnabled);
106 136 };
107 137 enableOrientation(Qt::Vertical, VERTICAL_ZOOM_MODIFIER);
108 138 enableOrientation(Qt::Horizontal, HORIZONTAL_ZOOM_MODIFIER);
109 139
110 140 ui->widget->axisRect()->setRangeZoom(zoomOrientations);
111 141 }
143 void VisualizationGraphWidget::onDataCacheVariableUpdated()
144 {
145 for (auto it = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.cbegin();
146 it != impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.cend(); ++it) {
147 auto variable = it->first;
148 GraphPlottablesFactory::updateData(QVector<QCPAbstractPlottable *>{} << it->second,
149 variable->dataSeries(), variable->dateTime());
150 }
151 }
153 void VisualizationGraphWidget::updateDisplay(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable)
154 {
155 auto abstractPlotableItPair = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.equal_range(variable);
157 auto abstractPlotableVect = QVector<QCPAbstractPlottable *>{};
159 for (auto it = abstractPlotableItPair.first; it != abstractPlotableItPair.second; ++it) {
160 abstractPlotableVect.push_back(it->second);
161 }
163 GraphPlottablesFactory::updateData(abstractPlotableVect, variable->dataSeries(),
164 variable->dateTime());
165 }
@@ -1,16 +1,26
3 3
4 4 #include <Data/IDataProvider.h>
5 5
6 #include <QLoggingCategory>
6 10 /**
7 11 * @brief The CosinusProvider class is an example of how a data provider can generate data
8 12 */
9 13 class CosinusProvider : public IDataProvider {
10 14 public:
11 15 /// @sa IDataProvider::retrieveData()
12 16 std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries>
13 17 retrieveData(const DataProviderParameters &parameters) const override;
19 void requestDataLoading(const QVector<SqpDateTime> &dateTimeList) override;
22 private:
23 std::shared_ptr<IDataSeries> retrieveDataSeries(const SqpDateTime &dateTime);
14 24 };
15 25
@@ -1,32 +1,71
1 1 #include "CosinusProvider.h"
2 2
3 3 #include <Data/DataProviderParameters.h>
4 4 #include <Data/ScalarSeries.h>
5 5
6 6 #include <cmath>
7 7
8 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_CosinusProvider, "CosinusProvider")
8 10 std::unique_ptr<IDataSeries>
9 11 CosinusProvider::retrieveData(const DataProviderParameters &parameters) const
10 12 {
11 13 auto dateTime = parameters.m_Time;
12 14
13 15 // Gets the timerange from the parameters
14 16 auto start = dateTime.m_TStart;
15 17 auto end = dateTime.m_TEnd;
16 18
17 19 // We assure that timerange is valid
18 20 if (end < start) {
19 21 std::swap(start, end);
20 22 }
21 23
22 24 // Generates scalar series containing cosinus values (one value per second)
23 25 auto scalarSeries
24 26 = std::make_unique<ScalarSeries>(end - start, Unit{QStringLiteral("t"), true}, Unit{});
25 27
26 28 auto dataIndex = 0;
27 29 for (auto time = start; time < end; ++time, ++dataIndex) {
28 30 scalarSeries->setData(dataIndex, time, std::cos(time));
29 31 }
30 32
31 33 return scalarSeries;
32 34 }
36 void CosinusProvider::requestDataLoading(const QVector<SqpDateTime> &dateTimeList)
37 {
38 // NOTE: Try to use multithread if possible
39 foreach (const auto &dateTime, dateTimeList) {
41 auto scalarSeries = this->retrieveDataSeries(dateTime);
43 emit dataProvided(scalarSeries, dateTime);
44 }
45 }
48 std::shared_ptr<IDataSeries> CosinusProvider::retrieveDataSeries(const SqpDateTime &dateTime)
49 {
51 // Gets the timerange from the parameters
52 auto start = dateTime.m_TStart;
53 auto end = dateTime.m_TEnd;
55 // We assure that timerange is valid
56 if (end < start) {
57 std::swap(start, end);
58 }
60 // Generates scalar series containing cosinus values (one value per second)
61 auto scalarSeries
62 = std::make_shared<ScalarSeries>(end - start, Unit{QStringLiteral("t"), true}, Unit{});
64 auto dataIndex = 0;
65 for (auto time = start; time < end; ++time, ++dataIndex) {
66 scalarSeries->setData(dataIndex, time, std::cos(time));
67 }
70 return scalarSeries;
71 }
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