##// END OF EJS Templates
Merge branch 'feature/DragAndDropVisualization' into develop
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@@ -0,0 +1,67
4 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
5 #include <QWidget>
7 class QVBoxLayout;
8 class QScrollArea;
9 class VisualizationDragWidget;
10 class QMimeData;
12 /**
13 * @brief Event filter class which manage the scroll of QScrollArea during a drag&drop operation.
14 * @note A QScrollArea inside an other QScrollArea is not fully supported.
15 */
16 class DragDropScroller : public QObject
17 {
20 public:
21 DragDropScroller(QObject* parent = nullptr);
23 void addScrollArea(QScrollArea* scrollArea);
24 void removeScrollArea(QScrollArea* scrollArea);
26 protected:
27 bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event);
29 private:
30 class DragDropScrollerPrivate;
31 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<DragDropScrollerPrivate> impl;
33 private slots:
34 void onTimer();
35 };
37 /**
38 * @brief Helper class for drag&drop operations.
39 */
40 class DragDropHelper
41 {
42 public:
43 DragDropHelper();
44 ~DragDropHelper();
46 static const QString MIME_TYPE_GRAPH;
47 static const QString MIME_TYPE_ZONE;
49 void setCurrentDragWidget(VisualizationDragWidget* dragWidget);
50 VisualizationDragWidget* getCurrentDragWidget() const;
52 QWidget &placeHolder() const;
53 void insertPlaceHolder(QVBoxLayout* layout, int index);
54 void removePlaceHolder();
55 bool isPlaceHolderSet() const;
57 void addDragDropScrollArea(QScrollArea* scrollArea);
58 void removeDragDropScrollArea(QScrollArea* scrollArea);
60 QUrl imageTemporaryUrl(const QImage& image) const;
62 private:
63 class DragDropHelperPrivate;
64 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<DragDropHelperPrivate> impl;
65 };
@@ -0,0 +1,45
4 #include <QWidget>
5 #include <QVBoxLayout>
6 #include <QMimeData>
7 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
9 class VisualizationDragWidget;
11 class VisualizationDragDropContainer : public QWidget
12 {
15 signals:
16 void dropOccured(int dropIndex, const QMimeData* mimeData);
18 public:
19 VisualizationDragDropContainer(QWidget* parent = nullptr);
21 void addDragWidget(VisualizationDragWidget* dragWidget);
22 void insertDragWidget(int index, VisualizationDragWidget* dragWidget);
24 void setAcceptedMimeTypes(const QStringList& mimeTypes);
25 void setMergeAllowedMimeTypes(const QStringList& mimeTypes);
27 int countDragWidget() const;
29 protected:
30 void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event);
31 void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event);
32 void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event);
33 void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
35 private:
38 class VisualizationDragDropContainerPrivate;
39 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<VisualizationDragDropContainerPrivate> impl;
41 private slots:
42 void startDrag(VisualizationDragWidget* dragWidget, const QPoint& dragPosition);
43 };
@@ -0,0 +1,30
4 #include <QWidget>
5 #include <QMimeData>
6 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
8 class VisualizationDragWidget : public QWidget
9 {
12 public:
13 VisualizationDragWidget(QWidget* parent = nullptr);
15 virtual QMimeData* mimeData() const = 0;
16 virtual bool isDragAllowed() const = 0;
18 protected:
19 virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
20 virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
22 private:
23 class VisualizationDragWidgetPrivate;
24 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<VisualizationDragWidgetPrivate> impl;
26 signals:
27 void dragDetected(VisualizationDragWidget* dragWidget, const QPoint& dragPosition);
28 };
@@ -0,0 +1,248
1 #include "DragDropHelper.h"
2 #include "Visualization/VisualizationDragWidget.h"
3 #include "SqpApplication.h"
5 #include <QDragMoveEvent>
6 #include <QDragEnterEvent>
7 #include <QScrollBar>
8 #include <QScrollArea>
9 #include <QVBoxLayout>
10 #include <QTimer>
11 #include <QDir>
13 const QString DragDropHelper::MIME_TYPE_GRAPH = "scqlop/graph";
14 const QString DragDropHelper::MIME_TYPE_ZONE = "scqlop/zone";
16 const int SCROLL_SPEED = 5;
17 const int SCROLL_ZONE_SIZE = 50;
19 struct DragDropScroller::DragDropScrollerPrivate {
21 QList<QScrollArea*> m_scrollAreas;
22 QScrollArea* m_currentScrollArea = nullptr;
23 std::unique_ptr<QTimer> m_timer = nullptr;
26 enum class ScrollDirection {up, down, unknown};
27 ScrollDirection m_direction = ScrollDirection::unknown;
29 explicit DragDropScrollerPrivate()
30 : m_timer{std::make_unique<QTimer>()}
31 {
32 m_timer->setInterval(0);
33 }
34 };
36 DragDropScroller::DragDropScroller(QObject* parent)
37 : QObject{parent}, impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<DragDropScrollerPrivate>()}
38 {
39 connect(impl->m_timer.get(), &QTimer::timeout, this, &DragDropScroller::onTimer);
40 }
42 void DragDropScroller::addScrollArea(QScrollArea* scrollArea)
43 {
44 impl->m_scrollAreas << scrollArea;
45 scrollArea->viewport()->setAcceptDrops(true);
46 }
48 void DragDropScroller::removeScrollArea(QScrollArea* scrollArea)
49 {
50 impl->m_scrollAreas.removeAll(scrollArea);
51 scrollArea->viewport()->setAcceptDrops(false);
52 }
54 bool DragDropScroller::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
55 {
56 if (event->type() == QEvent::DragMove)
57 {
58 auto w = static_cast<QWidget*>(obj);
60 if (impl->m_currentScrollArea && impl->m_currentScrollArea->isAncestorOf(w))
61 {
62 auto moveEvent = static_cast<QDragMoveEvent*>(event);
64 auto pos = moveEvent->pos();
65 if (impl->m_currentScrollArea->viewport() != w)
66 {
67 auto globalPos = w->mapToGlobal(moveEvent->pos());
68 pos = impl->m_currentScrollArea->viewport()->mapFromGlobal(globalPos);
69 }
71 auto isInTopZone = pos.y() > impl->m_currentScrollArea->viewport()->size().height() - SCROLL_ZONE_SIZE;
72 auto isInBottomZone = pos.y() < SCROLL_ZONE_SIZE;
74 if (!isInTopZone && !isInBottomZone)
75 {
76 impl->m_direction = DragDropScrollerPrivate::ScrollDirection::unknown;
77 impl->m_timer->stop();
78 }
79 else if (!impl->m_timer->isActive())
80 {
81 impl->m_direction = isInTopZone ? DragDropScrollerPrivate::ScrollDirection::up : DragDropScrollerPrivate::ScrollDirection::down;
82 impl->m_timer->start();
83 }
84 }
85 }
86 else if (event->type() == QEvent::DragEnter)
87 {
88 auto w = static_cast<QWidget*>(obj);
90 for (auto scrollArea : impl-> m_scrollAreas)
91 {
92 if (impl->m_currentScrollArea != scrollArea && scrollArea->isAncestorOf(w))
93 {
94 auto enterEvent = static_cast<QDragEnterEvent*>(event);
95 enterEvent->acceptProposedAction();
96 enterEvent->setDropAction(Qt::IgnoreAction);
97 impl->m_currentScrollArea = scrollArea;
98 break;
99 }
100 }
101 }
102 else if (event->type() == QEvent::DragLeave)
103 {
104 auto w = static_cast<QWidget*>(obj);
105 if (impl->m_currentScrollArea)
106 {
107 if (!QRect(QPoint(), impl->m_currentScrollArea->size()).contains(impl->m_currentScrollArea->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())))
108 {
109 impl->m_currentScrollArea = nullptr;
110 impl->m_direction = DragDropScrollerPrivate::ScrollDirection::unknown;
111 impl->m_timer->stop();
112 }
113 }
114 }
115 else if (event->type() == QEvent::Drop)
116 {
117 auto w = static_cast<QWidget*>(obj);
118 if (impl->m_currentScrollArea)
119 {
120 impl->m_currentScrollArea = nullptr;
121 impl->m_direction = DragDropScrollerPrivate::ScrollDirection::unknown;
122 impl->m_timer->stop();
123 }
124 }
126 return false;
127 }
129 void DragDropScroller::onTimer()
130 {
131 if (impl->m_currentScrollArea)
132 {
133 auto mvt = 0;
134 switch (impl->m_direction)
135 {
136 case DragDropScrollerPrivate::ScrollDirection::up:
137 mvt = SCROLL_SPEED;
138 break;
139 case DragDropScrollerPrivate::ScrollDirection::down:
140 mvt = -SCROLL_SPEED;
141 break;
142 default:
143 break;
144 }
146 impl->m_currentScrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(impl->m_currentScrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->value() + mvt);
147 }
148 }
150 struct DragDropHelper::DragDropHelperPrivate {
152 VisualizationDragWidget* m_currentDragWidget = nullptr;
153 std::unique_ptr<QWidget> m_placeHolder = nullptr;
154 std::unique_ptr<DragDropScroller> m_dragDropScroller = nullptr;
155 QString m_imageTempUrl; //Temporary file for image url generated by the drag & drop. Not using QTemporaryFile to have a name which is not generated.
157 explicit DragDropHelperPrivate()
158 : m_placeHolder{std::make_unique<QWidget>()},
159 m_dragDropScroller{std::make_unique<DragDropScroller>()}
160 {
161 m_placeHolder->setStyleSheet("background-color: #BBD5EE; border:2px solid #2A7FD4");
162 sqpApp->installEventFilter(m_dragDropScroller.get());
165 m_imageTempUrl = QDir::temp().absoluteFilePath("Scqlop_graph.png");
166 }
168 void preparePlaceHolder() const
169 {
170 if (m_currentDragWidget)
171 {
172 m_placeHolder->setMinimumSize(m_currentDragWidget->size());
173 m_placeHolder->setSizePolicy(m_currentDragWidget->sizePolicy());
174 }
175 else
176 {
177 m_placeHolder->setMinimumSize(200, 200);
178 }
179 }
180 };
183 DragDropHelper::DragDropHelper() :
184 impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<DragDropHelperPrivate>()}
185 {
186 }
188 DragDropHelper::~DragDropHelper()
189 {
190 QFile::remove(impl->m_imageTempUrl);
191 }
193 void DragDropHelper::setCurrentDragWidget(VisualizationDragWidget *dragWidget)
194 {
195 impl->m_currentDragWidget = dragWidget;
196 }
198 VisualizationDragWidget *DragDropHelper::getCurrentDragWidget() const
199 {
200 return impl->m_currentDragWidget;
201 }
204 QWidget& DragDropHelper::placeHolder() const
205 {
206 return *impl->m_placeHolder;
207 }
209 void DragDropHelper::insertPlaceHolder(QVBoxLayout *layout, int index)
210 {
211 removePlaceHolder();
212 impl->preparePlaceHolder();
213 layout->insertWidget(index, impl->m_placeHolder.get());
214 impl->m_placeHolder->show();
215 }
217 void DragDropHelper::removePlaceHolder()
218 {
219 auto parentWidget = impl->m_placeHolder->parentWidget();
220 if (parentWidget)
221 {
222 parentWidget->layout()->removeWidget(impl->m_placeHolder.get());
223 impl->m_placeHolder->setParent(nullptr);
224 impl->m_placeHolder->hide();
225 }
226 }
228 bool DragDropHelper::isPlaceHolderSet() const
229 {
230 return impl->m_placeHolder->parentWidget();
231 }
233 void DragDropHelper::addDragDropScrollArea(QScrollArea *scrollArea)
234 {
235 impl->m_dragDropScroller->addScrollArea(scrollArea);
236 }
238 void DragDropHelper::removeDragDropScrollArea(QScrollArea *scrollArea)
239 {
240 impl->m_dragDropScroller->removeScrollArea(scrollArea);
241 }
243 QUrl DragDropHelper::imageTemporaryUrl(const QImage& image) const
244 {
245 image.save(impl->m_imageTempUrl);
246 return QUrl::fromLocalFile(impl->m_imageTempUrl);
247 }
@@ -0,0 +1,312
1 #include "Visualization/VisualizationDragDropContainer.h"
2 #include "Visualization/VisualizationDragWidget.h"
3 #include "SqpApplication.h"
4 #include "DragDropHelper.h"
6 #include <QDrag>
7 #include <QVBoxLayout>
8 #include <QDragEnterEvent>
10 #include <memory>
12 struct VisualizationDragDropContainer::VisualizationDragDropContainerPrivate {
14 QVBoxLayout* m_layout;
15 QStringList m_acceptedMimeTypes;
16 QStringList m_mergeAllowedMimeTypes;
18 explicit VisualizationDragDropContainerPrivate(QWidget* widget)
19 {
20 m_layout = new QVBoxLayout(widget);
21 m_layout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
22 }
24 bool acceptMimeData(const QMimeData* data) const
25 {
26 for (const auto& type : m_acceptedMimeTypes)
27 {
28 if (data->hasFormat(type))
29 return true;
30 }
32 return false;
33 }
35 bool allowMergeMimeData(const QMimeData* data) const
36 {
37 for (const auto& type : m_mergeAllowedMimeTypes)
38 {
39 if (data->hasFormat(type))
40 return true;
41 }
43 return false;
44 }
46 bool hasPlaceHolder() const
47 {
48 return sqpApp->dragDropHelper().placeHolder().parentWidget() == m_layout->parentWidget();
49 }
51 VisualizationDragWidget* getChildDragWidgetAt(QWidget* parent, const QPoint &pos) const
52 {
53 VisualizationDragWidget* dragWidget = nullptr;
55 for (auto child : parent->children())
56 {
57 auto widget = qobject_cast<VisualizationDragWidget*>(child);
58 if (widget && widget->isVisible())
59 {
60 if (widget->frameGeometry().contains(pos))
61 {
62 dragWidget = widget;
63 break;
64 }
65 }
66 }
68 return dragWidget;
69 }
71 bool cursorIsInContainer(QWidget* container) const
72 {
73 auto adustNum = 18; //to be safe, in case of scrollbar on the side
74 auto containerRect = QRect(QPoint(), container->contentsRect().size()).adjusted(adustNum, adustNum, -adustNum, -adustNum);
75 qDebug() << containerRect << container->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
76 return containerRect.contains(container->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()));
77 }
79 };
81 VisualizationDragDropContainer::VisualizationDragDropContainer(QWidget *parent)
82 : QWidget{parent}, impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<VisualizationDragDropContainerPrivate>(this)}
83 {
84 setAcceptDrops(true);
85 }
87 void VisualizationDragDropContainer::addDragWidget(VisualizationDragWidget *dragWidget)
88 {
89 impl->m_layout->addWidget(dragWidget);
90 disconnect(dragWidget, &VisualizationDragWidget::dragDetected, nullptr, nullptr);
91 connect(dragWidget, &VisualizationDragWidget::dragDetected, this, &VisualizationDragDropContainer::startDrag);
92 }
94 void VisualizationDragDropContainer::insertDragWidget(int index, VisualizationDragWidget *dragWidget)
95 {
96 impl->m_layout->insertWidget(index, dragWidget);
97 disconnect(dragWidget, &VisualizationDragWidget::dragDetected, nullptr, nullptr);
98 connect(dragWidget, &VisualizationDragWidget::dragDetected, this, &VisualizationDragDropContainer::startDrag);
99 }
101 void VisualizationDragDropContainer::setAcceptedMimeTypes(const QStringList &mimeTypes)
102 {
103 impl->m_acceptedMimeTypes = mimeTypes;
104 }
106 void VisualizationDragDropContainer::setMergeAllowedMimeTypes(const QStringList &mimeTypes)
107 {
108 impl->m_mergeAllowedMimeTypes = mimeTypes;
109 }
111 int VisualizationDragDropContainer::countDragWidget() const
112 {
113 auto nbGraph = 0;
114 for (auto child : children())
115 {
116 auto widget = qobject_cast<VisualizationDragWidget*>(child);
117 if (widget)
118 {
119 nbGraph += 1;
120 }
121 }
123 return nbGraph;
124 }
126 void VisualizationDragDropContainer::startDrag(VisualizationDragWidget *dragWidget, const QPoint &dragPosition)
127 {
128 auto& helper = sqpApp->dragDropHelper();
130 //Note: The management of the drag object is done by Qt
131 auto *drag = new QDrag{dragWidget};
132 drag->setHotSpot(dragPosition);
134 auto mimeData = dragWidget->mimeData();
135 drag->setMimeData(mimeData);
137 auto pixmap = QPixmap(dragWidget->size());
138 dragWidget->render(&pixmap);
139 drag->setPixmap(pixmap);
141 auto image = pixmap.toImage();
142 mimeData->setImageData(image);
143 mimeData->setUrls({helper.imageTemporaryUrl(image)});
145 if (impl->m_layout->indexOf(dragWidget) >= 0)
146 {
147 helper.setCurrentDragWidget(dragWidget);
149 if (impl->cursorIsInContainer(this))
150 {
151 auto dragWidgetIndex = impl->m_layout->indexOf(dragWidget);
152 helper.insertPlaceHolder(impl->m_layout, dragWidgetIndex);
153 dragWidget->setVisible(false);
154 }
155 }
157 //Note: The exec() is blocking on windows but not on linux and macOS
158 drag->exec(Qt::MoveAction | Qt::CopyAction);
159 }
161 void VisualizationDragDropContainer::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event)
162 {
163 if (impl->acceptMimeData(event->mimeData()))
164 {
165 event->acceptProposedAction();
167 auto& helper = sqpApp->dragDropHelper();
169 if (!impl->hasPlaceHolder())
170 {
171 auto dragWidget = helper.getCurrentDragWidget();
172 auto parentWidget = qobject_cast<VisualizationDragDropContainer*>(dragWidget->parentWidget());
173 if (parentWidget)
174 {
175 dragWidget->setVisible(false);
176 }
178 auto dragWidgetHovered = impl->getChildDragWidgetAt(this, event->pos());
180 if (dragWidgetHovered)
181 {
182 auto hoveredWidgetIndex = impl->m_layout->indexOf(dragWidgetHovered);
183 auto dragWidgetIndex = impl->m_layout->indexOf(helper.getCurrentDragWidget());
184 if (dragWidgetIndex >= 0 && dragWidgetIndex <= hoveredWidgetIndex)
185 hoveredWidgetIndex += 1; //Correction of the index if the drop occurs in the same container
187 helper.insertPlaceHolder(impl->m_layout, hoveredWidgetIndex);
188 }
189 else
190 {
191 helper.insertPlaceHolder(impl->m_layout, 0);
192 }
193 }
194 }
195 else
196 event->ignore();
198 QWidget::dragEnterEvent(event);
199 }
201 void VisualizationDragDropContainer::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event)
202 {
203 Q_UNUSED(event);
205 auto& helper = sqpApp->dragDropHelper();
207 if (!impl->cursorIsInContainer(this))
208 {
209 helper.removePlaceHolder();
211 bool isInternal = true;
212 if (isInternal)
213 {
214 //Only if the drag is strated from the visualization
215 //Show the drag widget at its original place
216 //So the drag widget doesn't stay hidden if the drop occurs outside the visualization drop zone
217 //(It is not possible to catch a drop event outside of the application)
219 auto dragWidget = sqpApp->dragDropHelper().getCurrentDragWidget();
220 if (dragWidget)
221 {
222 dragWidget->setVisible(true);
223 }
224 }
225 }
227 QWidget::dragLeaveEvent(event);
228 }
230 void VisualizationDragDropContainer::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event)
231 {
232 if (impl->acceptMimeData(event->mimeData()))
233 {
234 auto dragWidgetHovered = impl->getChildDragWidgetAt(this, event->pos());
235 if (dragWidgetHovered)
236 {
237 auto canMerge = impl->allowMergeMimeData(event->mimeData());
239 auto nbDragWidget = countDragWidget();
240 if (nbDragWidget > 0)
241 {
242 auto graphHeight = size().height() / nbDragWidget;
243 auto dropIndex = floor(event->pos().y() / graphHeight);
244 auto zoneSize = qMin(graphHeight / 3.0, 150.0);
246 auto isOnTop = event->pos().y() < dropIndex * graphHeight + zoneSize;
247 auto isOnBottom = event->pos().y() > (dropIndex + 1) * graphHeight - zoneSize;
249 auto& helper = sqpApp->dragDropHelper();
250 auto placeHolderIndex = impl->m_layout->indexOf(&(helper.placeHolder()));
252 if (isOnTop || isOnBottom)
253 {
254 if (isOnBottom)
255 dropIndex += 1;
257 auto dragWidgetIndex = impl->m_layout->indexOf(helper.getCurrentDragWidget());
258 if (dragWidgetIndex >= 0 && dragWidgetIndex <= dropIndex)
259 dropIndex += 1; //Correction of the index if the drop occurs in the same container
261 if (dropIndex != placeHolderIndex)
262 {
263 helper.insertPlaceHolder(impl->m_layout, dropIndex);
264 }
265 }
266 else if (canMerge)
267 {
268 //drop on the middle -> merge
269 if (impl->hasPlaceHolder())
270 {
271 helper.removePlaceHolder();
272 }
273 }
274 }
275 }
276 }
277 else
278 event->ignore();
280 QWidget::dragMoveEvent(event);
281 }
283 void VisualizationDragDropContainer::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
284 {
285 if (impl->acceptMimeData(event->mimeData()))
286 {
287 auto dragWidget = sqpApp->dragDropHelper().getCurrentDragWidget();
288 if (impl->hasPlaceHolder() && dragWidget)
289 {
290 auto& helper = sqpApp->dragDropHelper();
292 auto droppedIndex = impl->m_layout->indexOf(&helper.placeHolder());
294 auto dragWidgetIndex = impl->m_layout->indexOf(dragWidget);
295 if (dragWidgetIndex >= 0 && dragWidgetIndex < droppedIndex)
296 droppedIndex -= 1; //Correction of the index if the drop occurs in the same container
298 dragWidget->setVisible(true);
299 dragWidget->setStyleSheet("");
301 event->acceptProposedAction();
303 helper.removePlaceHolder();
305 emit dropOccured(droppedIndex, event->mimeData());
306 }
307 }
308 else
309 event->ignore();
311 QWidget::dropEvent(event);
312 }
@@ -0,0 +1,50
1 #include "Visualization/VisualizationDragWidget.h"
2 #include "Visualization/VisualizationDragDropContainer.h"
4 #include <QMouseEvent>
5 #include <QApplication>
7 struct VisualizationDragWidget::VisualizationDragWidgetPrivate {
9 QPoint m_dragStartPosition;
10 bool m_dragStartPositionValid = false;
12 explicit VisualizationDragWidgetPrivate()
13 {
14 }
15 };
17 VisualizationDragWidget::VisualizationDragWidget(QWidget* parent)
18 : QWidget{parent}, impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<VisualizationDragWidgetPrivate>()}
19 {
21 }
23 void VisualizationDragWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
24 {
25 if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
26 impl->m_dragStartPosition = event->pos();
28 impl->m_dragStartPositionValid = isDragAllowed();
30 QWidget::mousePressEvent(event);
31 }
33 void VisualizationDragWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
34 {
35 if (!impl->m_dragStartPositionValid || !isDragAllowed())
36 return;
38 if (!(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton))
39 return;
41 if (!event->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::AltModifier))
42 return;
44 if ((event->pos() - impl->m_dragStartPosition).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance())
45 return;
47 emit dragDetected(this, impl->m_dragStartPosition);
49 QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(event);
50 }
@@ -1,52 +1,56
3 3
4 4 #include "SqpApplication.h"
5 5
6 6 #include <QApplication>
7 7 #include <QLoggingCategory>
8 8
9 9 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
10 10
12 12
13 13 #if defined(sqpApp)
14 14 #undef sqpApp
15 15 #endif
16 16 #define sqpApp (static_cast<SqpApplication *>(QCoreApplication::instance()))
17 17
18 18 class DataSourceController;
19 19 class NetworkController;
20 20 class TimeController;
21 21 class VariableController;
22 22 class VisualizationController;
23 class DragDropHelper;
23 24
24 25 /**
25 26 * @brief The SqpApplication class aims to make the link between SciQlop
26 27 * and its plugins. This is the intermediate class that SciQlop has to use
27 28 * in the way to connect a data source. Please first use load method to initialize
28 29 * a plugin specified by its metadata name (JSON plugin source) then others specifics
29 30 * method will be able to access it.
30 31 * You can load a data source driver plugin then create a data source.
31 32 */
32 33
33 34 class SqpApplication : public QApplication {
34 35 Q_OBJECT
35 36 public:
36 37 explicit SqpApplication(int &argc, char **argv);
37 38 virtual ~SqpApplication();
38 39 void initialize();
39 40
40 41 /// Accessors for the differents sciqlop controllers
41 42 DataSourceController &dataSourceController() noexcept;
42 43 NetworkController &networkController() noexcept;
43 44 TimeController &timeController() noexcept;
44 45 VariableController &variableController() noexcept;
45 46 VisualizationController &visualizationController() noexcept;
46 47
48 /// Accessors for the differents sciqlop helpers
49 DragDropHelper &dragDropHelper() noexcept;
47 51 private:
48 52 class SqpApplicationPrivate;
49 53 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<SqpApplicationPrivate> impl;
50 54 };
51 55
@@ -1,97 +1,107
3 3
4 4 #include "Visualization/IVisualizationWidget.h"
5 #include "Visualization/VisualizationDragWidget.h"
5 6
6 7 #include <QLoggingCategory>
7 8 #include <QWidget>
8 9
9 10 #include <memory>
10 11
11 12 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
12 13
13 14 Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget)
14 15
15 16 class QCPRange;
16 17 class QCustomPlot;
17 18 class SqpRange;
18 19 class Variable;
20 class VisualizationZoneWidget;
19 21
20 22 namespace Ui {
21 23 class VisualizationGraphWidget;
22 24 } // namespace Ui
23 25
24 class VisualizationGraphWidget : public QWidget, public IVisualizationWidget {
26 class VisualizationGraphWidget : public VisualizationDragWidget, public IVisualizationWidget {
25 27 Q_OBJECT
26 28
27 29 friend class QCustomPlotSynchronizer;
28 30 friend class VisualizationGraphRenderingDelegate;
29 31
30 32 public:
31 33 explicit VisualizationGraphWidget(const QString &name = {}, QWidget *parent = 0);
32 34 virtual ~VisualizationGraphWidget();
33 35
36 VisualizationZoneWidget* parentZoneWidget() const noexcept;
34 38 /// If acquisition isn't enable, requestDataLoading signal cannot be emit
35 39 void enableAcquisition(bool enable);
36 40
37 41 void addVariable(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable, SqpRange range);
38 42
39 43 /// Removes a variable from the graph
40 44 void removeVariable(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable) noexcept;
41 45
46 /// Returns the list of all variables used in the graph
47 QList<std::shared_ptr<Variable>> variables() const;
42 49 void setYRange(const SqpRange &range);
43 50 SqpRange graphRange() const noexcept;
44 51 void setGraphRange(const SqpRange &range);
45 52
46 53 // IVisualizationWidget interface
47 54 void accept(IVisualizationWidgetVisitor *visitor) override;
48 55 bool canDrop(const Variable &variable) const override;
49 56 bool contains(const Variable &variable) const override;
50 57 QString name() const override;
51 58
59 // VisualisationDragWidget
60 QMimeData* mimeData() const override;
61 bool isDragAllowed() const override;
52 62
53 63 signals:
54 64 void synchronize(const SqpRange &range, const SqpRange &oldRange);
55 65 void requestDataLoading(QVector<std::shared_ptr<Variable> > variable, const SqpRange &range,
56 66 bool synchronise);
57 67
58 68 /// Signal emitted when the variable is about to be removed from the graph
59 69 void variableAboutToBeRemoved(std::shared_ptr<Variable> var);
60 70 /// Signal emitted when the variable has been added to the graph
61 71 void variableAdded(std::shared_ptr<Variable> var);
62 72
63 73 protected:
64 74 void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override;
65 75 void enterEvent(QEvent *event) override;
66 76 void leaveEvent(QEvent *event) override;
67 77
68 78 QCustomPlot &plot() noexcept;
69 79
70 80 private:
71 81 Ui::VisualizationGraphWidget *ui;
72 82
73 83 class VisualizationGraphWidgetPrivate;
74 84 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<VisualizationGraphWidgetPrivate> impl;
75 85
76 86 private slots:
77 87 /// Slot called when right clicking on the graph (displays a menu)
78 88 void onGraphMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos) noexcept;
79 89
80 90 /// Rescale the X axe to range parameter
81 91 void onRangeChanged(const QCPRange &t1, const QCPRange &t2);
82 92
83 93 /// Slot called when a mouse move was made
84 94 void onMouseMove(QMouseEvent *event) noexcept;
85 95 /// Slot called when a mouse wheel was made, to perform some processing before the zoom is done
86 96 void onMouseWheel(QWheelEvent *event) noexcept;
87 97 /// Slot called when a mouse press was made, to activate the calibration of a graph
88 98 void onMousePress(QMouseEvent *event) noexcept;
89 99 /// Slot called when a mouse release was made, to deactivate the calibration of a graph
90 100 void onMouseRelease(QMouseEvent *event) noexcept;
91 101
92 102 void onDataCacheVariableUpdated();
93 103
94 104 void onUpdateVarDisplaying(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable, const SqpRange &range);
95 105 };
96 106
@@ -1,57 +1,79
3 3
4 4 #include "Visualization/IVisualizationWidget.h"
5 5
6 6 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
7 7
8 8 #include <QLoggingCategory>
9 9 #include <QWidget>
10 #include <QMimeData>
10 11
11 12 Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VisualizationTabWidget)
12 13
13 14 class Variable;
14 15 class VisualizationZoneWidget;
15 16
16 17 namespace Ui {
17 18 class VisualizationTabWidget;
18 19 } // namespace Ui
19 20
20 21 class VisualizationTabWidget : public QWidget, public IVisualizationWidget {
21 22 Q_OBJECT
22 23
23 24 public:
24 25 explicit VisualizationTabWidget(const QString &name = {}, QWidget *parent = 0);
25 26 virtual ~VisualizationTabWidget();
26 27
27 28 /// Add a zone widget
28 29 void addZone(VisualizationZoneWidget *zoneWidget);
29 30
31 void insertZone(int index, VisualizationZoneWidget *zoneWidget);
30 33 /**
31 34 * Creates a zone using a variable. The variable will be displayed in a new graph of the new
32 * zone.
35 * zone. The zone is added at the end.
33 36 * @param variable the variable for which to create the zone
34 37 * @return the pointer to the created zone
35 38 */
36 39 VisualizationZoneWidget *createZone(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable);
37 40
41 /**
42 * Creates a zone using a list of variables. The variables will be displayed in a new graph of the new
43 * zone. The zone is inserted at the specified index.
44 * @param variables the variables for which to create the zone
45 * @param index The index where the zone should be inserted in the layout
46 * @return the pointer to the created zone
47 */
48 VisualizationZoneWidget *createZone(const QList<std::shared_ptr<Variable>>& variables, int index);
50 /**
51 * Creates a zone which is empty (no variables). The zone is inserted at the specified index.
52 * @param index The index where the zone should be inserted in the layout
53 * @return the pointer to the created zone
54 */
55 VisualizationZoneWidget *createEmptyZone(int index);
38 57 // IVisualizationWidget interface
39 58 void accept(IVisualizationWidgetVisitor *visitor) override;
40 59 bool canDrop(const Variable &variable) const override;
41 60 bool contains(const Variable &variable) const override;
42 61 QString name() const override;
43 62
44 63 protected:
45 64 void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override;
46 65
47 66 private:
48 67 /// @return the layout of tab in which zones are added
49 68 QLayout &tabLayout() const noexcept;
50 69
51 70 Ui::VisualizationTabWidget *ui;
52 71
53 72 class VisualizationTabWidgetPrivate;
54 73 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<VisualizationTabWidgetPrivate> impl;
75 private slots:
76 void dropMimeData(int index, const QMimeData *mimeData);
55 77 };
56 78
@@ -1,60 +1,89
3 3
4 4 #include "Visualization/IVisualizationWidget.h"
5 #include "Visualization/VisualizationDragWidget.h"
5 6
6 7 #include <QLoggingCategory>
7 8 #include <QWidget>
8 9
9 10 #include <memory>
10 11
11 12 #include <Common/spimpl.h>
12 13
13 14 Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget)
14 15
15 16 namespace Ui {
16 17 class VisualizationZoneWidget;
17 18 } // Ui
18 19
19 20 class Variable;
20 21 class VisualizationGraphWidget;
21 22
22 class VisualizationZoneWidget : public QWidget, public IVisualizationWidget {
23 class VisualizationZoneWidget : public VisualizationDragWidget, public IVisualizationWidget {
23 24 Q_OBJECT
24 25
25 26 public:
26 27 explicit VisualizationZoneWidget(const QString &name = {}, QWidget *parent = 0);
27 28 virtual ~VisualizationZoneWidget();
28 29
29 /// Add a graph widget
30 /// Adds a graph widget
30 31 void addGraph(VisualizationGraphWidget *graphWidget);
31 32
33 /// Inserts a graph widget
34 void insertGraph(int index, VisualizationGraphWidget *graphWidget);
32 36 /**
33 37 * Creates a graph using a variable. The variable will be displayed in the new graph.
38 * The graph is added at the end.
34 39 * @param variable the variable for which to create the graph
35 40 * @return the pointer to the created graph
36 41 */
37 42 VisualizationGraphWidget *createGraph(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable);
38 43
44 /**
45 * Creates a graph using a variable. The variable will be displayed in the new graph.
46 * The graph is inserted at the specified index.
47 * @param variable the variable for which to create the graph
48 * @param index The index where the graph should be inserted in the layout
49 * @return the pointer to the created graph
50 */
51 VisualizationGraphWidget *createGraph(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable, int index);
53 /**
54 * Creates a graph using a list of variables. The variables will be displayed in the new graph.
55 * The graph is inserted at the specified index.
56 * @param variables List of variables to be added to the graph
57 * @param index The index where the graph should be inserted in the layout
58 * @return the pointer to the created graph
59 */
60 VisualizationGraphWidget *createGraph(const QList<std::shared_ptr<Variable>> variables, int index);
39 62 // IVisualizationWidget interface
40 63 void accept(IVisualizationWidgetVisitor *visitor) override;
41 64 bool canDrop(const Variable &variable) const override;
42 65 bool contains(const Variable &variable) const override;
43 66 QString name() const override;
44 67
68 // VisualisationDragWidget
69 QMimeData* mimeData() const override;
70 bool isDragAllowed() const override;
45 72 protected:
46 73 void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override;
47 74
48 75 private:
49 76 Ui::VisualizationZoneWidget *ui;
50 77
51 78 class VisualizationZoneWidgetPrivate;
52 79 spimpl::unique_impl_ptr<VisualizationZoneWidgetPrivate> impl;
53 80
54 81 private slots:
55 82 void onVariableAdded(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable);
56 83 /// Slot called when a variable is about to be removed from a graph contained in the zone
57 84 void onVariableAboutToBeRemoved(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable);
86 void dropMimeData(int index, const QMimeData* mimeData);
58 87 };
59 88
@@ -1,150 +1,159
1 1 #include "SqpApplication.h"
2 2
3 3 #include <Data/IDataProvider.h>
4 4 #include <DataSource/DataSourceController.h>
5 5 #include <Network/NetworkController.h>
6 6 #include <QThread>
7 7 #include <Time/TimeController.h>
8 8 #include <Variable/Variable.h>
9 9 #include <Variable/VariableController.h>
10 10 #include <Visualization/VisualizationController.h>
11 #include <DragDropHelper.h>
11 12
12 13 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_SqpApplication, "SqpApplication")
13 14
14 15 class SqpApplication::SqpApplicationPrivate {
15 16 public:
16 17 SqpApplicationPrivate()
17 18 : m_DataSourceController{std::make_unique<DataSourceController>()},
18 19 m_NetworkController{std::make_unique<NetworkController>()},
19 20 m_TimeController{std::make_unique<TimeController>()},
20 21 m_VariableController{std::make_unique<VariableController>()},
21 m_VisualizationController{std::make_unique<VisualizationController>()}
22 m_VisualizationController{std::make_unique<VisualizationController>()},
23 m_DragDropHelper{std::make_unique<DragDropHelper>()}
22 24 {
23 25 // /////////////////////////////// //
24 26 // Connections between controllers //
25 27 // /////////////////////////////// //
26 28
27 29 // VariableController <-> DataSourceController
28 30 connect(m_DataSourceController.get(),
29 31 SIGNAL(variableCreationRequested(const QString &, const QVariantHash &,
30 32 std::shared_ptr<IDataProvider>)),
31 33 m_VariableController.get(),
32 34 SLOT(createVariable(const QString &, const QVariantHash &,
33 35 std::shared_ptr<IDataProvider>)));
34 36
35 37 // VariableController <-> VisualizationController
36 38 connect(m_VariableController.get(),
37 39 SIGNAL(variableAboutToBeDeleted(std::shared_ptr<Variable>)),
38 40 m_VisualizationController.get(),
39 41 SIGNAL(variableAboutToBeDeleted(std::shared_ptr<Variable>)), Qt::DirectConnection);
40 42
41 43 connect(m_VariableController.get(),
42 44 SIGNAL(rangeChanged(std::shared_ptr<Variable>, const SqpRange &)),
43 45 m_VisualizationController.get(),
44 46 SIGNAL(rangeChanged(std::shared_ptr<Variable>, const SqpRange &)));
45 47
46 48
47 49 m_DataSourceController->moveToThread(&m_DataSourceControllerThread);
48 50 m_DataSourceControllerThread.setObjectName("DataSourceControllerThread");
49 51 m_NetworkController->moveToThread(&m_NetworkControllerThread);
50 52 m_NetworkControllerThread.setObjectName("NetworkControllerThread");
51 53 m_VariableController->moveToThread(&m_VariableControllerThread);
52 54 m_VariableControllerThread.setObjectName("VariableControllerThread");
53 55 m_VisualizationController->moveToThread(&m_VisualizationControllerThread);
54 56 m_VisualizationControllerThread.setObjectName("VsualizationControllerThread");
55 57
56 58
57 59 // Additionnal init
58 60 m_VariableController->setTimeController(m_TimeController.get());
59 61 }
60 62
61 63 virtual ~SqpApplicationPrivate()
62 64 {
63 65 m_DataSourceControllerThread.quit();
64 66 m_DataSourceControllerThread.wait();
65 67
66 68 m_NetworkControllerThread.quit();
67 69 m_NetworkControllerThread.wait();
68 70
69 71 m_VariableControllerThread.quit();
70 72 m_VariableControllerThread.wait();
71 73
72 74 m_VisualizationControllerThread.quit();
73 75 m_VisualizationControllerThread.wait();
74 76 }
75 77
76 78 std::unique_ptr<DataSourceController> m_DataSourceController;
77 79 std::unique_ptr<VariableController> m_VariableController;
78 80 std::unique_ptr<TimeController> m_TimeController;
79 81 std::unique_ptr<NetworkController> m_NetworkController;
80 82 std::unique_ptr<VisualizationController> m_VisualizationController;
81 83 QThread m_DataSourceControllerThread;
82 84 QThread m_NetworkControllerThread;
83 85 QThread m_VariableControllerThread;
84 86 QThread m_VisualizationControllerThread;
88 std::unique_ptr<DragDropHelper> m_DragDropHelper;
85 89 };
86 90
87 91
88 92 SqpApplication::SqpApplication(int &argc, char **argv)
89 93 : QApplication{argc, argv}, impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<SqpApplicationPrivate>()}
90 94 {
91 95 qCDebug(LOG_SqpApplication()) << tr("SqpApplication construction") << QThread::currentThread();
92 96
93 97 connect(&impl->m_DataSourceControllerThread, &QThread::started,
94 98 impl->m_DataSourceController.get(), &DataSourceController::initialize);
95 99 connect(&impl->m_DataSourceControllerThread, &QThread::finished,
96 100 impl->m_DataSourceController.get(), &DataSourceController::finalize);
97 101
98 102 connect(&impl->m_NetworkControllerThread, &QThread::started, impl->m_NetworkController.get(),
99 103 &NetworkController::initialize);
100 104 connect(&impl->m_NetworkControllerThread, &QThread::finished, impl->m_NetworkController.get(),
101 105 &NetworkController::finalize);
102 106
103 107 connect(&impl->m_VariableControllerThread, &QThread::started, impl->m_VariableController.get(),
104 108 &VariableController::initialize);
105 109 connect(&impl->m_VariableControllerThread, &QThread::finished, impl->m_VariableController.get(),
106 110 &VariableController::finalize);
107 111
108 112 connect(&impl->m_VisualizationControllerThread, &QThread::started,
109 113 impl->m_VisualizationController.get(), &VisualizationController::initialize);
110 114 connect(&impl->m_VisualizationControllerThread, &QThread::finished,
111 115 impl->m_VisualizationController.get(), &VisualizationController::finalize);
112 116
113 117 impl->m_DataSourceControllerThread.start();
114 118 impl->m_NetworkControllerThread.start();
115 119 impl->m_VariableControllerThread.start();
116 120 impl->m_VisualizationControllerThread.start();
117 121 }
118 122
119 123 SqpApplication::~SqpApplication()
120 124 {
121 125 }
122 126
123 127 void SqpApplication::initialize()
124 128 {
125 129 }
126 130
127 131 DataSourceController &SqpApplication::dataSourceController() noexcept
128 132 {
129 133 return *impl->m_DataSourceController;
130 134 }
131 135
132 136 NetworkController &SqpApplication::networkController() noexcept
133 137 {
134 138 return *impl->m_NetworkController;
135 139 }
136 140
137 141 TimeController &SqpApplication::timeController() noexcept
138 142 {
139 143 return *impl->m_TimeController;
140 144 }
141 145
142 146 VariableController &SqpApplication::variableController() noexcept
143 147 {
144 148 return *impl->m_VariableController;
145 149 }
146 150
147 151 VisualizationController &SqpApplication::visualizationController() noexcept
148 152 {
149 153 return *impl->m_VisualizationController;
150 154 }
156 DragDropHelper &SqpApplication::dragDropHelper() noexcept
157 {
158 return *impl->m_DragDropHelper;
159 }
@@ -1,342 +1,385
1 1 #include "Visualization/VisualizationGraphWidget.h"
2 2 #include "Visualization/IVisualizationWidgetVisitor.h"
3 3 #include "Visualization/VisualizationDefs.h"
4 4 #include "Visualization/VisualizationGraphHelper.h"
5 5 #include "Visualization/VisualizationGraphRenderingDelegate.h"
6 #include "Visualization/VisualizationZoneWidget.h"
6 7 #include "ui_VisualizationGraphWidget.h"
7 8
8 9 #include <Data/ArrayData.h>
9 10 #include <Data/IDataSeries.h>
10 11 #include <Settings/SqpSettingsDefs.h>
11 12 #include <SqpApplication.h>
13 #include <DragDropHelper.h>
12 14 #include <Variable/Variable.h>
13 15 #include <Variable/VariableController.h>
14 16
15 17 #include <unordered_map>
16 18
17 19 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget, "VisualizationGraphWidget")
18 20
19 21 namespace {
20 22
21 23 /// Key pressed to enable zoom on horizontal axis
22 24 const auto HORIZONTAL_ZOOM_MODIFIER = Qt::NoModifier;
23 25
24 26 /// Key pressed to enable zoom on vertical axis
25 27 const auto VERTICAL_ZOOM_MODIFIER = Qt::ControlModifier;
26 28
27 29 } // namespace
28 30
29 31 struct VisualizationGraphWidget::VisualizationGraphWidgetPrivate {
30 32
31 33 explicit VisualizationGraphWidgetPrivate(const QString &name)
32 34 : m_Name{name},
33 35 m_DoAcquisition{true},
34 36 m_IsCalibration{false},
35 37 m_RenderingDelegate{nullptr}
36 38 {
37 39 }
38 40
39 41 QString m_Name;
40 42 // 1 variable -> n qcpplot
41 43 std::map<std::shared_ptr<Variable>, PlottablesMap> m_VariableToPlotMultiMap;
42 44 bool m_DoAcquisition;
43 45 bool m_IsCalibration;
44 46 QCPItemTracer *m_TextTracer;
45 47 /// Delegate used to attach rendering features to the plot
46 48 std::unique_ptr<VisualizationGraphRenderingDelegate> m_RenderingDelegate;
47 49 };
48 50
49 51 VisualizationGraphWidget::VisualizationGraphWidget(const QString &name, QWidget *parent)
50 : QWidget{parent},
52 : VisualizationDragWidget{parent},
51 53 ui{new Ui::VisualizationGraphWidget},
52 54 impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<VisualizationGraphWidgetPrivate>(name)}
53 55 {
54 56 ui->setupUi(this);
55 57
56 58 // 'Close' options : widget is deleted when closed
57 59 setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
58 60
59 61 // Set qcpplot properties :
60 62 // - Drag (on x-axis) and zoom are enabled
61 63 // - Mouse wheel on qcpplot is intercepted to determine the zoom orientation
62 64 ui->widget->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeDrag | QCP::iRangeZoom | QCP::iSelectItems);
63 65 ui->widget->axisRect()->setRangeDrag(Qt::Horizontal);
64 66
65 67 // The delegate must be initialized after the ui as it uses the plot
66 68 impl->m_RenderingDelegate = std::make_unique<VisualizationGraphRenderingDelegate>(*this);
67 69
68 70 connect(ui->widget, &QCustomPlot::mousePress, this, &VisualizationGraphWidget::onMousePress);
69 71 connect(ui->widget, &QCustomPlot::mouseRelease, this,
70 72 &VisualizationGraphWidget::onMouseRelease);
71 73 connect(ui->widget, &QCustomPlot::mouseMove, this, &VisualizationGraphWidget::onMouseMove);
72 74 connect(ui->widget, &QCustomPlot::mouseWheel, this, &VisualizationGraphWidget::onMouseWheel);
73 75 connect(ui->widget->xAxis, static_cast<void (QCPAxis::*)(const QCPRange &, const QCPRange &)>(
74 76 &QCPAxis::rangeChanged),
75 77 this, &VisualizationGraphWidget::onRangeChanged, Qt::DirectConnection);
76 78
77 79 // Activates menu when right clicking on the graph
78 80 ui->widget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
79 81 connect(ui->widget, &QCustomPlot::customContextMenuRequested, this,
80 82 &VisualizationGraphWidget::onGraphMenuRequested);
81 83
82 84 connect(this, &VisualizationGraphWidget::requestDataLoading, &sqpApp->variableController(),
83 85 &VariableController::onRequestDataLoading);
84 86
85 87 connect(&sqpApp->variableController(), &VariableController::updateVarDisplaying, this,
86 88 &VisualizationGraphWidget::onUpdateVarDisplaying);
87 89 }
88 90
89 91
90 92 VisualizationGraphWidget::~VisualizationGraphWidget()
91 93 {
92 94 delete ui;
93 95 }
94 96
97 VisualizationZoneWidget *VisualizationGraphWidget::parentZoneWidget() const noexcept
98 {
99 auto parent = parentWidget();
100 do
101 {
102 parent = parent->parentWidget();
103 } while (parent != nullptr && !qobject_cast<VisualizationZoneWidget*>(parent));
105 return qobject_cast<VisualizationZoneWidget*>(parent);
106 }
95 108 void VisualizationGraphWidget::enableAcquisition(bool enable)
96 109 {
97 110 impl->m_DoAcquisition = enable;
98 111 }
99 112
100 113 void VisualizationGraphWidget::addVariable(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable, SqpRange range)
101 114 {
102 115 // Uses delegate to create the qcpplot components according to the variable
103 116 auto createdPlottables = VisualizationGraphHelper::create(variable, *ui->widget);
104 117 impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.insert({variable, std::move(createdPlottables)});
105 118
106 119 // Set axes properties according to the units of the data series
107 120 /// @todo : for the moment, no control is performed on the axes: the units and the tickers
108 121 /// are fixed for the default x-axis and y-axis of the plot, and according to the new graph
109 122 auto xAxisUnit = Unit{};
110 123 auto valuesUnit = Unit{};
111 124
112 125 if (auto dataSeries = variable->dataSeries()) {
113 126 dataSeries->lockRead();
114 127 xAxisUnit = dataSeries->xAxisUnit();
115 128 valuesUnit = dataSeries->valuesUnit();
116 129 dataSeries->unlock();
117 130 }
118 131 impl->m_RenderingDelegate->setAxesProperties(xAxisUnit, valuesUnit);
119 132
120 133 connect(variable.get(), SIGNAL(updated()), this, SLOT(onDataCacheVariableUpdated()));
121 134
122 135 this->enableAcquisition(false);
123 136 this->setGraphRange(range);
124 137 this->enableAcquisition(true);
125 138
126 139 emit requestDataLoading(QVector<std::shared_ptr<Variable> >() << variable, range, false);
127 140
128 141 emit variableAdded(variable);
129 142 }
130 143
131 144 void VisualizationGraphWidget::removeVariable(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable) noexcept
132 145 {
133 146 // Each component associated to the variable :
134 147 // - is removed from qcpplot (which deletes it)
135 148 // - is no longer referenced in the map
136 149 auto variableIt = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.find(variable);
137 150 if (variableIt != impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.cend()) {
138 151 emit variableAboutToBeRemoved(variable);
139 152
140 153 auto &plottablesMap = variableIt->second;
141 154
142 155 for (auto plottableIt = plottablesMap.cbegin(), plottableEnd = plottablesMap.cend();
143 156 plottableIt != plottableEnd;) {
144 157 ui->widget->removePlottable(plottableIt->second);
145 158 plottableIt = plottablesMap.erase(plottableIt);
146 159 }
147 160
148 161 impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.erase(variableIt);
149 162 }
150 163
151 164 // Updates graph
152 165 ui->widget->replot();
153 166 }
154 167
168 QList<std::shared_ptr<Variable>> VisualizationGraphWidget::variables() const
169 {
170 auto variables = QList<std::shared_ptr<Variable>>{};
171 for (auto it = std::cbegin(impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap); it != std::cend(impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap); ++it)
172 {
173 variables << it->first;
174 }
176 return variables;
177 }
155 179 void VisualizationGraphWidget::setYRange(const SqpRange &range)
156 180 {
157 181 ui->widget->yAxis->setRange(range.m_TStart, range.m_TEnd);
158 182 }
159 183
160 184 SqpRange VisualizationGraphWidget::graphRange() const noexcept
161 185 {
162 186 auto graphRange = ui->widget->xAxis->range();
163 187 return SqpRange{graphRange.lower, graphRange.upper};
164 188 }
165 189
166 190 void VisualizationGraphWidget::setGraphRange(const SqpRange &range)
167 191 {
168 192 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget()) << tr("VisualizationGraphWidget::setGraphRange START");
169 193 ui->widget->xAxis->setRange(range.m_TStart, range.m_TEnd);
170 194 ui->widget->replot();
171 195 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget()) << tr("VisualizationGraphWidget::setGraphRange END");
172 196 }
173 197
174 198 void VisualizationGraphWidget::accept(IVisualizationWidgetVisitor *visitor)
175 199 {
176 200 if (visitor) {
177 201 visitor->visit(this);
178 202 }
179 203 else {
180 204 qCCritical(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget())
181 205 << tr("Can't visit widget : the visitor is null");
182 206 }
183 207 }
184 208
185 209 bool VisualizationGraphWidget::canDrop(const Variable &variable) const
186 210 {
187 211 /// @todo : for the moment, a graph can always accomodate a variable
188 212 Q_UNUSED(variable);
189 213 return true;
190 214 }
191 215
192 216 bool VisualizationGraphWidget::contains(const Variable &variable) const
193 217 {
194 218 // Finds the variable among the keys of the map
195 219 auto variablePtr = &variable;
196 220 auto findVariable
197 221 = [variablePtr](const auto &entry) { return variablePtr == entry.first.get(); };
198 222
199 223 auto end = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.cend();
200 224 auto it = std::find_if(impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.cbegin(), end, findVariable);
201 225 return it != end;
202 226 }
203 227
204 228 QString VisualizationGraphWidget::name() const
205 229 {
206 230 return impl->m_Name;
207 231 }
208 232
233 QMimeData *VisualizationGraphWidget::mimeData() const
234 {
235 auto *mimeData = new QMimeData;
236 mimeData->setData(DragDropHelper::MIME_TYPE_GRAPH, QByteArray());
238 return mimeData;
239 }
241 bool VisualizationGraphWidget::isDragAllowed() const
242 {
243 return true;
244 }
209 246 void VisualizationGraphWidget::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
210 247 {
211 248 Q_UNUSED(event);
212 249
213 250 // Prevents that all variables will be removed from graph when it will be closed
214 251 for (auto &variableEntry : impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap) {
215 252 emit variableAboutToBeRemoved(variableEntry.first);
216 253 }
217 254 }
218 255
219 256 void VisualizationGraphWidget::enterEvent(QEvent *event)
220 257 {
221 258 Q_UNUSED(event);
222 259 impl->m_RenderingDelegate->showGraphOverlay(true);
223 260 }
224 261
225 262 void VisualizationGraphWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent *event)
226 263 {
227 264 Q_UNUSED(event);
228 265 impl->m_RenderingDelegate->showGraphOverlay(false);
229 266 }
230 267
231 268 QCustomPlot &VisualizationGraphWidget::plot() noexcept
232 269 {
233 270 return *ui->widget;
234 271 }
235 272
236 273 void VisualizationGraphWidget::onGraphMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos) noexcept
237 274 {
238 275 QMenu graphMenu{};
239 276
240 277 // Iterates on variables (unique keys)
241 278 for (auto it = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.cbegin(),
242 279 end = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.cend();
243 280 it != end; it = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.upper_bound(it->first)) {
244 281 // 'Remove variable' action
245 282 graphMenu.addAction(tr("Remove variable %1").arg(it->first->name()),
246 283 [ this, var = it->first ]() { removeVariable(var); });
247 284 }
248 285
249 286 if (!graphMenu.isEmpty()) {
250 287 graphMenu.exec(QCursor::pos());
251 288 }
252 289 }
253 290
254 291 void VisualizationGraphWidget::onRangeChanged(const QCPRange &t1, const QCPRange &t2)
255 292 {
256 293 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget()) << tr("TORM: VisualizationGraphWidget::onRangeChanged")
257 294 << QThread::currentThread()->objectName() << "DoAcqui"
258 295 << impl->m_DoAcquisition;
259 296
260 297 auto graphRange = SqpRange{t1.lower, t1.upper};
261 298 auto oldGraphRange = SqpRange{t2.lower, t2.upper};
262 299
263 300 if (impl->m_DoAcquisition) {
264 301 QVector<std::shared_ptr<Variable> > variableUnderGraphVector;
265 302
266 303 for (auto it = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.begin(),
267 304 end = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.end();
268 305 it != end; it = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.upper_bound(it->first)) {
269 306 variableUnderGraphVector.push_back(it->first);
270 307 }
271 308 emit requestDataLoading(std::move(variableUnderGraphVector), graphRange,
272 309 !impl->m_IsCalibration);
273 310
274 311 if (!impl->m_IsCalibration) {
275 312 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget())
276 313 << tr("TORM: VisualizationGraphWidget::Synchronize notify !!")
277 314 << QThread::currentThread()->objectName() << graphRange << oldGraphRange;
278 315 emit synchronize(graphRange, oldGraphRange);
279 316 }
280 317 }
281 318 }
282 319
283 320 void VisualizationGraphWidget::onMouseMove(QMouseEvent *event) noexcept
284 321 {
285 322 // Handles plot rendering when mouse is moving
286 323 impl->m_RenderingDelegate->onMouseMove(event);
325 VisualizationDragWidget::mouseMoveEvent(event);
287 326 }
288 327
289 328 void VisualizationGraphWidget::onMouseWheel(QWheelEvent *event) noexcept
290 329 {
291 330 auto zoomOrientations = QFlags<Qt::Orientation>{};
292 331
293 332 // Lambda that enables a zoom orientation if the key modifier related to this orientation
294 333 // has
295 334 // been pressed
296 335 auto enableOrientation
297 336 = [&zoomOrientations, event](const auto &orientation, const auto &modifier) {
298 337 auto orientationEnabled = event->modifiers().testFlag(modifier);
299 338 zoomOrientations.setFlag(orientation, orientationEnabled);
300 339 };
301 340 enableOrientation(Qt::Vertical, VERTICAL_ZOOM_MODIFIER);
302 341 enableOrientation(Qt::Horizontal, HORIZONTAL_ZOOM_MODIFIER);
303 342
304 343 ui->widget->axisRect()->setRangeZoom(zoomOrientations);
305 344 }
306 345
307 346 void VisualizationGraphWidget::onMousePress(QMouseEvent *event) noexcept
308 347 {
309 348 impl->m_IsCalibration = event->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier);
350 plot().setInteraction(QCP::iRangeDrag, !event->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::AltModifier));
352 VisualizationDragWidget::mousePressEvent(event);
310 353 }
311 354
312 355 void VisualizationGraphWidget::onMouseRelease(QMouseEvent *event) noexcept
313 356 {
314 357 impl->m_IsCalibration = false;
315 358 }
316 359
317 360 void VisualizationGraphWidget::onDataCacheVariableUpdated()
318 361 {
319 362 auto graphRange = ui->widget->xAxis->range();
320 363 auto dateTime = SqpRange{graphRange.lower, graphRange.upper};
321 364
322 365 for (auto &variableEntry : impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap) {
323 366 auto variable = variableEntry.first;
324 367 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget())
325 368 << "TORM: VisualizationGraphWidget::onDataCacheVariableUpdated S" << variable->range();
326 369 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationGraphWidget())
327 370 << "TORM: VisualizationGraphWidget::onDataCacheVariableUpdated E" << dateTime;
328 371 if (dateTime.contains(variable->range()) || dateTime.intersect(variable->range())) {
329 372 VisualizationGraphHelper::updateData(variableEntry.second, variable->dataSeries(),
330 373 variable->range());
331 374 }
332 375 }
333 376 }
334 377
335 378 void VisualizationGraphWidget::onUpdateVarDisplaying(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable,
336 379 const SqpRange &range)
337 380 {
338 381 auto it = impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.find(variable);
339 382 if (it != impl->m_VariableToPlotMultiMap.end()) {
340 383 VisualizationGraphHelper::updateData(it->second, variable->dataSeries(), range);
341 384 }
342 385 }
@@ -1,129 +1,219
1 1 #include "Visualization/VisualizationTabWidget.h"
2 2 #include "Visualization/IVisualizationWidgetVisitor.h"
3 3 #include "ui_VisualizationTabWidget.h"
4 4
5 5 #include "Visualization/VisualizationZoneWidget.h"
6 #include "Visualization/VisualizationGraphWidget.h"
8 #include "Variable/VariableController.h"
10 #include "SqpApplication.h"
11 #include "DragDropHelper.h"
6 12
7 13 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VisualizationTabWidget, "VisualizationTabWidget")
8 14
9 15 namespace {
10 16
11 17 /// Generates a default name for a new zone, according to the number of zones already displayed in
12 18 /// the tab
13 19 QString defaultZoneName(const QLayout &layout)
14 20 {
15 21 auto count = 0;
16 22 for (auto i = 0; i < layout.count(); ++i) {
17 23 if (dynamic_cast<VisualizationZoneWidget *>(layout.itemAt(i)->widget())) {
18 24 count++;
19 25 }
20 26 }
21 27
22 28 return QObject::tr("Zone %1").arg(count + 1);
23 29 }
24 30
25 31 /**
26 32 * Applies a function to all zones of the tab represented by its layout
27 33 * @param layout the layout that contains zones
28 34 * @param fun the function to apply to each zone
29 35 */
30 36 template <typename Fun>
31 37 void processZones(QLayout &layout, Fun fun)
32 38 {
33 39 for (auto i = 0; i < layout.count(); ++i) {
34 40 if (auto item = layout.itemAt(i)) {
35 41 if (auto visualizationZoneWidget
36 42 = dynamic_cast<VisualizationZoneWidget *>(item->widget())) {
37 43 fun(*visualizationZoneWidget);
38 44 }
39 45 }
40 46 }
41 47 }
42 48
43 49 } // namespace
44 50
45 51 struct VisualizationTabWidget::VisualizationTabWidgetPrivate {
46 52 explicit VisualizationTabWidgetPrivate(const QString &name) : m_Name{name} {}
47 53
48 54 QString m_Name;
49 55 };
50 56
51 57 VisualizationTabWidget::VisualizationTabWidget(const QString &name, QWidget *parent)
52 58 : QWidget{parent},
53 59 ui{new Ui::VisualizationTabWidget},
54 60 impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<VisualizationTabWidgetPrivate>(name)}
55 61 {
56 62 ui->setupUi(this);
57 63
64 ui->dragDropContainer->setAcceptedMimeTypes({DragDropHelper::MIME_TYPE_GRAPH, DragDropHelper::MIME_TYPE_ZONE});
65 connect(ui->dragDropContainer, &VisualizationDragDropContainer::dropOccured, this, &VisualizationTabWidget::dropMimeData);
66 sqpApp->dragDropHelper().addDragDropScrollArea(ui->scrollArea);
58 68 // Widget is deleted when closed
59 69 setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
60 70 }
61 71
62 72 VisualizationTabWidget::~VisualizationTabWidget()
63 73 {
74 sqpApp->dragDropHelper().removeDragDropScrollArea(ui->scrollArea);
64 75 delete ui;
65 76 }
66 77
67 78 void VisualizationTabWidget::addZone(VisualizationZoneWidget *zoneWidget)
68 79 {
69 tabLayout().addWidget(zoneWidget);
80 ui->dragDropContainer->addDragWidget(zoneWidget);
81 }
83 void VisualizationTabWidget::insertZone(int index, VisualizationZoneWidget *zoneWidget)
84 {
85 ui->dragDropContainer->insertDragWidget(index, zoneWidget);
70 86 }
71 87
72 88 VisualizationZoneWidget *VisualizationTabWidget::createZone(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable)
73 89 {
74 auto zoneWidget = new VisualizationZoneWidget{defaultZoneName(tabLayout()), this};
75 this->addZone(zoneWidget);
90 return createZone({variable}, -1);
91 }
93 VisualizationZoneWidget *VisualizationTabWidget::createZone(const QList<std::shared_ptr<Variable> > &variables, int index)
94 {
95 auto zoneWidget = createEmptyZone(index);
76 96
77 97 // Creates a new graph into the zone
78 zoneWidget->createGraph(variable);
98 zoneWidget->createGraph(variables, index);
100 return zoneWidget;
101 }
103 VisualizationZoneWidget *VisualizationTabWidget::createEmptyZone(int index)
104 {
105 auto zoneWidget = new VisualizationZoneWidget{defaultZoneName(*ui->dragDropContainer->layout()), this};
106 this->insertZone(index, zoneWidget);
79 107
80 108 return zoneWidget;
81 109 }
82 110
83 111 void VisualizationTabWidget::accept(IVisualizationWidgetVisitor *visitor)
84 112 {
85 113 if (visitor) {
86 114 visitor->visitEnter(this);
87 115
88 116 // Apply visitor to zone children: widgets different from zones are not visited (no action)
89 117 processZones(tabLayout(), [visitor](VisualizationZoneWidget &zoneWidget) {
90 118 zoneWidget.accept(visitor);
91 119 });
92 120
93 121 visitor->visitLeave(this);
94 122 }
95 123 else {
96 124 qCCritical(LOG_VisualizationTabWidget()) << tr("Can't visit widget : the visitor is null");
97 125 }
98 126 }
99 127
100 128 bool VisualizationTabWidget::canDrop(const Variable &variable) const
101 129 {
102 130 // A tab can always accomodate a variable
103 131 Q_UNUSED(variable);
104 132 return true;
105 133 }
106 134
107 135 bool VisualizationTabWidget::contains(const Variable &variable) const
108 136 {
109 137 Q_UNUSED(variable);
110 138 return false;
111 139 }
112 140
113 141 QString VisualizationTabWidget::name() const
114 142 {
115 143 return impl->m_Name;
116 144 }
117 145
118 146 void VisualizationTabWidget::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
119 147 {
120 148 // Closes zones in the tab
121 149 processZones(tabLayout(), [](VisualizationZoneWidget &zoneWidget) { zoneWidget.close(); });
122 150
123 151 QWidget::closeEvent(event);
124 152 }
125 153
126 154 QLayout &VisualizationTabWidget::tabLayout() const noexcept
127 155 {
128 return *ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout();
156 return *ui->dragDropContainer->layout();
157 }
159 void VisualizationTabWidget::dropMimeData(int index, const QMimeData *mimeData)
160 {
161 auto& helper = sqpApp->dragDropHelper();
162 if (mimeData->hasFormat(DragDropHelper::MIME_TYPE_GRAPH))
163 {
164 auto graphWidget = static_cast<VisualizationGraphWidget*>(helper.getCurrentDragWidget());
165 auto parentDragDropContainer = qobject_cast<VisualizationDragDropContainer*>(graphWidget->parentWidget());
166 Q_ASSERT(parentDragDropContainer);
168 auto nbGraph = parentDragDropContainer->countDragWidget();
170 const auto& variables = graphWidget->variables();
172 if (!variables.isEmpty())
173 {
174 //Abort the requests for the variables (if any)
175 //Commented, because it's not sure if it's needed or not
176 //for (const auto& var : variables)
177 //{
178 // sqpApp->variableController().onAbortProgressRequested(var);
179 //}
181 if (nbGraph == 1)
182 {
183 //This is the only graph in the previous zone, close the zone
184 graphWidget->parentZoneWidget()->close();
185 }
186 else
187 {
188 //Close the graph
189 graphWidget->close();
190 }
192 createZone(variables, index);
193 }
194 else
195 {
196 //The graph is empty, create an empty zone and move the graph inside
198 auto parentZoneWidget = graphWidget->parentZoneWidget();
200 parentDragDropContainer->layout()->removeWidget(graphWidget);
202 auto zoneWidget = createEmptyZone(index);
203 zoneWidget->addGraph(graphWidget);
205 //Close the old zone if it was the only graph inside
206 if (nbGraph == 1)
207 parentZoneWidget->close();
208 }
209 }
210 else if (mimeData->hasFormat(DragDropHelper::MIME_TYPE_ZONE))
211 {
212 //Simple move of the zone, no variable operation associated
213 auto zoneWidget = static_cast<VisualizationZoneWidget*>(helper.getCurrentDragWidget());
214 auto parentDragDropContainer = zoneWidget->parentWidget();
215 parentDragDropContainer->layout()->removeWidget(zoneWidget);
217 ui->dragDropContainer->insertDragWidget(index, zoneWidget);
218 }
129 219 }
@@ -1,304 +1,413
1 1 #include "Visualization/VisualizationZoneWidget.h"
2 2
3 3 #include "Visualization/IVisualizationWidgetVisitor.h"
4 4 #include "Visualization/QCustomPlotSynchronizer.h"
5 5 #include "Visualization/VisualizationGraphWidget.h"
6 6 #include "ui_VisualizationZoneWidget.h"
7 7
8 8 #include <Data/SqpRange.h>
9 9 #include <Variable/Variable.h>
10 10 #include <Variable/VariableController.h>
11 11
12 12 #include <QUuid>
13 13 #include <SqpApplication.h>
14 #include <DragDropHelper.h>
14 15 #include <cmath>
15 16
17 #include <QLayout>
16 19 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget, "VisualizationZoneWidget")
17 20
18 21 namespace {
19 22
20 23 /// Minimum height for graph added in zones (in pixels)
21 24 const auto GRAPH_MINIMUM_HEIGHT = 300;
22 25
23 26 /// Generates a default name for a new graph, according to the number of graphs already displayed in
24 27 /// the zone
25 28 QString defaultGraphName(const QLayout &layout)
26 29 {
27 30 auto count = 0;
28 31 for (auto i = 0; i < layout.count(); ++i) {
29 32 if (dynamic_cast<VisualizationGraphWidget *>(layout.itemAt(i)->widget())) {
30 33 count++;
31 34 }
32 35 }
33 36
34 37 return QObject::tr("Graph %1").arg(count + 1);
35 38 }
36 39
37 40 /**
38 41 * Applies a function to all graphs of the zone represented by its layout
39 42 * @param layout the layout that contains graphs
40 43 * @param fun the function to apply to each graph
41 44 */
42 45 template <typename Fun>
43 46 void processGraphs(QLayout &layout, Fun fun)
44 47 {
45 48 for (auto i = 0; i < layout.count(); ++i) {
46 49 if (auto item = layout.itemAt(i)) {
47 50 if (auto visualizationGraphWidget
48 51 = dynamic_cast<VisualizationGraphWidget *>(item->widget())) {
49 52 fun(*visualizationGraphWidget);
50 53 }
51 54 }
52 55 }
53 56 }
54 57
55 58 } // namespace
56 59
57 60 struct VisualizationZoneWidget::VisualizationZoneWidgetPrivate {
58 61
59 62 explicit VisualizationZoneWidgetPrivate()
60 63 : m_SynchronisationGroupId{QUuid::createUuid()},
61 64 m_Synchronizer{std::make_unique<QCustomPlotSynchronizer>()}
62 65 {
63 66 }
64 67 QUuid m_SynchronisationGroupId;
65 68 std::unique_ptr<IGraphSynchronizer> m_Synchronizer;
66 69 };
67 70
68 71 VisualizationZoneWidget::VisualizationZoneWidget(const QString &name, QWidget *parent)
69 : QWidget{parent},
72 : VisualizationDragWidget{parent},
70 73 ui{new Ui::VisualizationZoneWidget},
71 74 impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl<VisualizationZoneWidgetPrivate>()}
72 75 {
73 76 ui->setupUi(this);
74 77
75 78 ui->zoneNameLabel->setText(name);
76 79
80 ui->dragDropContainer->setAcceptedMimeTypes({DragDropHelper::MIME_TYPE_GRAPH});
81 connect(ui->dragDropContainer, &VisualizationDragDropContainer::dropOccured, this, &VisualizationZoneWidget::dropMimeData);
77 83 // 'Close' options : widget is deleted when closed
78 84 setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
79 85 connect(ui->closeButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &VisualizationZoneWidget::close);
80 86 ui->closeButton->setIcon(sqpApp->style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_TitleBarCloseButton));
81 87
82 88 // Synchronisation id
83 89 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&sqpApp->variableController(), "onAddSynchronizationGroupId",
84 90 Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QUuid, impl->m_SynchronisationGroupId));
85 91 }
86 92
87 93 VisualizationZoneWidget::~VisualizationZoneWidget()
88 94 {
89 95 delete ui;
90 96 }
91 97
92 98 void VisualizationZoneWidget::addGraph(VisualizationGraphWidget *graphWidget)
93 99 {
94 100 // Synchronize new graph with others in the zone
95 101 impl->m_Synchronizer->addGraph(*graphWidget);
96 102
97 ui->visualizationZoneFrame->layout()->addWidget(graphWidget);
103 ui->dragDropContainer->addDragWidget(graphWidget);
104 }
106 void VisualizationZoneWidget::insertGraph(int index, VisualizationGraphWidget *graphWidget)
107 {
108 // Synchronize new graph with others in the zone
109 impl->m_Synchronizer->addGraph(*graphWidget);
111 ui->dragDropContainer->insertDragWidget(index, graphWidget);
98 112 }
99 113
100 114 VisualizationGraphWidget *VisualizationZoneWidget::createGraph(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable)
101 115 {
116 return createGraph(variable, -1);
117 }
119 VisualizationGraphWidget *VisualizationZoneWidget::createGraph(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable, int index)
120 {
102 121 auto graphWidget = new VisualizationGraphWidget{
103 defaultGraphName(*ui->visualizationZoneFrame->layout()), this};
122 defaultGraphName(*ui->dragDropContainer->layout()), this};
104 123
105 124
106 125 // Set graph properties
107 126 graphWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding);
108 127 graphWidget->setMinimumHeight(GRAPH_MINIMUM_HEIGHT);
109 128
110 129
111 130 // Lambda to synchronize zone widget
112 131 auto synchronizeZoneWidget = [this, graphWidget](const SqpRange &graphRange,
113 132 const SqpRange &oldGraphRange) {
114 133
115 134 auto zoomType = VariableController::getZoomType(graphRange, oldGraphRange);
116 auto frameLayout = ui->visualizationZoneFrame->layout();
135 auto frameLayout = ui->dragDropContainer->layout();
117 136 for (auto i = 0; i < frameLayout->count(); ++i) {
118 137 auto graphChild
119 138 = dynamic_cast<VisualizationGraphWidget *>(frameLayout->itemAt(i)->widget());
120 139 if (graphChild && (graphChild != graphWidget)) {
121 140
122 141 auto graphChildRange = graphChild->graphRange();
123 142 switch (zoomType) {
124 143 case AcquisitionZoomType::ZoomIn: {
125 144 auto deltaLeft = graphRange.m_TStart - oldGraphRange.m_TStart;
126 145 auto deltaRight = oldGraphRange.m_TEnd - graphRange.m_TEnd;
127 146 graphChildRange.m_TStart += deltaLeft;
128 147 graphChildRange.m_TEnd -= deltaRight;
129 148 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget()) << tr("TORM: ZoomIn");
130 149 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget()) << tr("TORM: deltaLeft")
131 150 << deltaLeft;
132 151 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget()) << tr("TORM: deltaRight")
133 152 << deltaRight;
134 153 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget())
135 154 << tr("TORM: dt") << graphRange.m_TEnd - graphRange.m_TStart;
136 155
137 156 break;
138 157 }
139 158
140 159 case AcquisitionZoomType::ZoomOut: {
141 160 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget()) << tr("TORM: ZoomOut");
142 161 auto deltaLeft = oldGraphRange.m_TStart - graphRange.m_TStart;
143 162 auto deltaRight = graphRange.m_TEnd - oldGraphRange.m_TEnd;
144 163 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget()) << tr("TORM: deltaLeft")
145 164 << deltaLeft;
146 165 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget()) << tr("TORM: deltaRight")
147 166 << deltaRight;
148 167 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget())
149 168 << tr("TORM: dt") << graphRange.m_TEnd - graphRange.m_TStart;
150 169 graphChildRange.m_TStart -= deltaLeft;
151 170 graphChildRange.m_TEnd += deltaRight;
152 171 break;
153 172 }
154 173 case AcquisitionZoomType::PanRight: {
155 174 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget()) << tr("TORM: PanRight");
156 175 auto deltaLeft = graphRange.m_TStart - oldGraphRange.m_TStart;
157 176 auto deltaRight = graphRange.m_TEnd - oldGraphRange.m_TEnd;
158 177 graphChildRange.m_TStart += deltaLeft;
159 178 graphChildRange.m_TEnd += deltaRight;
160 179 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget())
161 180 << tr("TORM: dt") << graphRange.m_TEnd - graphRange.m_TStart;
162 181 break;
163 182 }
164 183 case AcquisitionZoomType::PanLeft: {
165 184 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget()) << tr("TORM: PanLeft");
166 185 auto deltaLeft = oldGraphRange.m_TStart - graphRange.m_TStart;
167 186 auto deltaRight = oldGraphRange.m_TEnd - graphRange.m_TEnd;
168 187 graphChildRange.m_TStart -= deltaLeft;
169 188 graphChildRange.m_TEnd -= deltaRight;
170 189 break;
171 190 }
172 191 case AcquisitionZoomType::Unknown: {
173 192 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget())
174 193 << tr("Impossible to synchronize: zoom type unknown");
175 194 break;
176 195 }
177 196 default:
178 197 qCCritical(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget())
179 198 << tr("Impossible to synchronize: zoom type not take into account");
180 199 // No action
181 200 break;
182 201 }
183 202 graphChild->enableAcquisition(false);
184 203 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget()) << tr("TORM: Range before: ")
185 204 << graphChild->graphRange();
186 205 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget()) << tr("TORM: Range after : ")
187 206 << graphChildRange;
188 207 qCDebug(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget())
189 208 << tr("TORM: child dt") << graphChildRange.m_TEnd - graphChildRange.m_TStart;
190 209 graphChild->setGraphRange(graphChildRange);
191 210 graphChild->enableAcquisition(true);
192 211 }
193 212 }
194 213 };
195 214
196 215 // connection for synchronization
197 216 connect(graphWidget, &VisualizationGraphWidget::synchronize, synchronizeZoneWidget);
198 217 connect(graphWidget, &VisualizationGraphWidget::variableAdded, this,
199 218 &VisualizationZoneWidget::onVariableAdded);
200 219 connect(graphWidget, &VisualizationGraphWidget::variableAboutToBeRemoved, this,
201 220 &VisualizationZoneWidget::onVariableAboutToBeRemoved);
202 221
203 222 auto range = SqpRange{};
204 223
205 224 // Apply visitor to graph children
206 auto layout = ui->visualizationZoneFrame->layout();
225 auto layout = ui->dragDropContainer->layout();
207 226 if (layout->count() > 0) {
208 227 // Case of a new graph in a existant zone
209 228 if (auto visualizationGraphWidget
210 229 = dynamic_cast<VisualizationGraphWidget *>(layout->itemAt(0)->widget())) {
211 230 range = visualizationGraphWidget->graphRange();
212 231 }
213 232 }
214 233 else {
215 234 // Case of a new graph as the first of the zone
216 235 range = variable->range();
217 236 }
218 237
219 this->addGraph(graphWidget);
238 this->insertGraph(index, graphWidget);
220 239
221 240 graphWidget->addVariable(variable, range);
222 241
223 242 // get y using variable range
224 243 if (auto dataSeries = variable->dataSeries()) {
225 244 dataSeries->lockRead();
226 245 auto valuesBounds
227 246 = dataSeries->valuesBounds(variable->range().m_TStart, variable->range().m_TEnd);
228 247 auto end = dataSeries->cend();
229 248 if (valuesBounds.first != end && valuesBounds.second != end) {
230 249 auto rangeValue = [](const auto &value) { return std::isnan(value) ? 0. : value; };
231 250
232 251 auto minValue = rangeValue(valuesBounds.first->minValue());
233 252 auto maxValue = rangeValue(valuesBounds.second->maxValue());
234 253
235 254 graphWidget->setYRange(SqpRange{minValue, maxValue});
236 255 }
237 256 dataSeries->unlock();
238 257 }
239 258
240 259 return graphWidget;
241 260 }
242 261
262 VisualizationGraphWidget *VisualizationZoneWidget::createGraph(const QList<std::shared_ptr<Variable> > variables, int index)
263 {
264 if (variables.isEmpty())
265 return nullptr;
267 auto graphWidget = createGraph(variables.first(), index);
268 for (auto variableIt = variables.cbegin() + 1; variableIt != variables.cend(); ++variableIt)
269 {
270 graphWidget->addVariable(*variableIt, graphWidget->graphRange());
271 }
273 return graphWidget;
274 }
243 276 void VisualizationZoneWidget::accept(IVisualizationWidgetVisitor *visitor)
244 277 {
245 278 if (visitor) {
246 279 visitor->visitEnter(this);
247 280
248 281 // Apply visitor to graph children: widgets different from graphs are not visited (no
249 282 // action)
250 283 processGraphs(
251 *ui->visualizationZoneFrame->layout(),
284 *ui->dragDropContainer->layout(),
252 285 [visitor](VisualizationGraphWidget &graphWidget) { graphWidget.accept(visitor); });
253 286
254 287 visitor->visitLeave(this);
255 288 }
256 289 else {
257 290 qCCritical(LOG_VisualizationZoneWidget()) << tr("Can't visit widget : the visitor is null");
258 291 }
259 292 }
260 293
261 294 bool VisualizationZoneWidget::canDrop(const Variable &variable) const
262 295 {
263 296 // A tab can always accomodate a variable
264 297 Q_UNUSED(variable);
265 298 return true;
266 299 }
267 300
268 301 bool VisualizationZoneWidget::contains(const Variable &variable) const
269 302 {
270 303 Q_UNUSED(variable);
271 304 return false;
272 305 }
273 306
274 307 QString VisualizationZoneWidget::name() const
275 308 {
276 309 return ui->zoneNameLabel->text();
277 310 }
278 311
312 QMimeData *VisualizationZoneWidget::mimeData() const
313 {
314 auto *mimeData = new QMimeData;
315 mimeData->setData(DragDropHelper::MIME_TYPE_ZONE, QByteArray());
317 return mimeData;
318 }
320 bool VisualizationZoneWidget::isDragAllowed() const
321 {
322 return true;
323 }
279 325 void VisualizationZoneWidget::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
280 326 {
281 327 // Closes graphs in the zone
282 processGraphs(*ui->visualizationZoneFrame->layout(),
328 processGraphs(*ui->dragDropContainer->layout(),
283 329 [](VisualizationGraphWidget &graphWidget) { graphWidget.close(); });
284 330
285 331 // Delete synchronization group from variable controller
286 332 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&sqpApp->variableController(), "onRemoveSynchronizationGroupId",
287 333 Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QUuid, impl->m_SynchronisationGroupId));
288 334
289 335 QWidget::closeEvent(event);
290 336 }
291 337
292 338 void VisualizationZoneWidget::onVariableAdded(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable)
293 339 {
294 340 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&sqpApp->variableController(), "onAddSynchronized",
295 341 Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(std::shared_ptr<Variable>, variable),
296 342 Q_ARG(QUuid, impl->m_SynchronisationGroupId));
297 343 }
298 344
299 345 void VisualizationZoneWidget::onVariableAboutToBeRemoved(std::shared_ptr<Variable> variable)
300 346 {
301 347 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&sqpApp->variableController(), "desynchronize", Qt::QueuedConnection,
302 348 Q_ARG(std::shared_ptr<Variable>, variable),
303 349 Q_ARG(QUuid, impl->m_SynchronisationGroupId));
304 350 }
352 void VisualizationZoneWidget::dropMimeData(int index, const QMimeData *mimeData)
353 {
354 auto& helper = sqpApp->dragDropHelper();
355 if (mimeData->hasFormat(DragDropHelper::MIME_TYPE_GRAPH))
356 {
357 auto graphWidget = static_cast<VisualizationGraphWidget*>(helper.getCurrentDragWidget());
358 auto parentDragDropContainer = qobject_cast<VisualizationDragDropContainer*>(graphWidget->parentWidget());
359 Q_ASSERT(parentDragDropContainer);
361 const auto& variables = graphWidget->variables();
363 if (parentDragDropContainer != ui->dragDropContainer && !variables.isEmpty())
364 {
365 //The drop didn't occur in the same zone
367 //Abort the requests for the variables (if any)
368 //Commented, because it's not sure if it's needed or not
369 //for (const auto& var : variables)
370 //{
371 // sqpApp->variableController().onAbortProgressRequested(var);
372 //}
374 auto previousParentZoneWidget = graphWidget->parentZoneWidget();
375 auto nbGraph = parentDragDropContainer->countDragWidget();
376 if (nbGraph == 1)
377 {
378 //This is the only graph in the previous zone, close the zone
379 previousParentZoneWidget->close();
380 }
381 else
382 {
383 //Close the graph
384 graphWidget->close();
385 }
387 //Creates the new graph in the zone
388 createGraph(variables, index);
389 }
390 else
391 {
392 //The drop occurred in the same zone or the graph is empty
393 //Simple move of the graph, no variable operation associated
394 parentDragDropContainer->layout()->removeWidget(graphWidget);
396 if (variables.isEmpty() && parentDragDropContainer != ui->dragDropContainer)
397 {
398 // The graph is empty and dropped in a different zone.
399 // Take the range of the first graph in the zone (if existing).
400 auto layout = ui->dragDropContainer->layout();
401 if (layout->count() > 0)
402 {
403 if (auto visualizationGraphWidget = qobject_cast<VisualizationGraphWidget *>(layout->itemAt(0)->widget()))
404 {
405 graphWidget->setGraphRange(visualizationGraphWidget->graphRange());
406 }
407 }
408 }
410 ui->dragDropContainer->insertDragWidget(index, graphWidget);
411 }
412 }
413 }
@@ -1,73 +1,84
1 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 2 <ui version="4.0">
3 3 <class>VisualizationTabWidget</class>
4 4 <widget class="QWidget" name="VisualizationTabWidget">
5 5 <property name="geometry">
6 6 <rect>
7 7 <x>0</x>
8 8 <y>0</y>
9 9 <width>400</width>
10 10 <height>300</height>
11 11 </rect>
12 12 </property>
13 13 <property name="windowTitle">
14 14 <string>Form</string>
15 15 </property>
16 16 <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
17 17 <property name="leftMargin">
18 18 <number>0</number>
19 19 </property>
20 20 <property name="topMargin">
21 21 <number>0</number>
22 22 </property>
23 23 <property name="rightMargin">
24 24 <number>0</number>
25 25 </property>
26 26 <property name="bottomMargin">
27 27 <number>0</number>
28 28 </property>
29 29 <item>
30 30 <widget class="QScrollArea" name="scrollArea">
31 31 <property name="frameShape">
32 32 <enum>QFrame::NoFrame</enum>
33 33 </property>
34 34 <property name="frameShadow">
35 35 <enum>QFrame::Sunken</enum>
36 36 </property>
37 37 <property name="widgetResizable">
38 38 <bool>true</bool>
39 39 </property>
40 40 <widget class="QWidget" name="scrollAreaWidgetContents">
41 41 <property name="geometry">
42 42 <rect>
43 43 <x>0</x>
44 44 <y>0</y>
45 45 <width>400</width>
46 46 <height>300</height>
47 47 </rect>
48 48 </property>
49 49 <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
50 50 <property name="spacing">
51 51 <number>3</number>
52 52 </property>
53 53 <property name="leftMargin">
54 54 <number>0</number>
55 55 </property>
56 56 <property name="topMargin">
57 57 <number>0</number>
58 58 </property>
59 59 <property name="rightMargin">
60 60 <number>0</number>
61 61 </property>
62 62 <property name="bottomMargin">
63 63 <number>0</number>
64 64 </property>
65 <item>
66 <widget class="VisualizationDragDropContainer" name="dragDropContainer" native="true"/>
67 </item>
65 68 </layout>
66 69 </widget>
67 70 </widget>
68 71 </item>
69 72 </layout>
70 73 </widget>
74 <customwidgets>
75 <customwidget>
76 <class>VisualizationDragDropContainer</class>
77 <extends>QWidget</extends>
78 <header>Visualization/VisualizationDragDropContainer.h</header>
79 <container>1</container>
80 </customwidget>
81 </customwidgets>
71 82 <resources/>
72 83 <connections/>
73 84 </ui>
@@ -1,117 +1,128
1 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 2 <ui version="4.0">
3 3 <class>VisualizationZoneWidget</class>
4 4 <widget class="QWidget" name="VisualizationZoneWidget">
5 5 <property name="geometry">
6 6 <rect>
7 7 <x>0</x>
8 8 <y>0</y>
9 9 <width>400</width>
10 10 <height>300</height>
11 11 </rect>
12 12 </property>
13 13 <property name="windowTitle">
14 14 <string>Form</string>
15 15 </property>
16 16 <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
17 17 <property name="spacing">
18 18 <number>0</number>
19 19 </property>
20 20 <property name="leftMargin">
21 21 <number>0</number>
22 22 </property>
23 23 <property name="topMargin">
24 24 <number>0</number>
25 25 </property>
26 26 <property name="rightMargin">
27 27 <number>0</number>
28 28 </property>
29 29 <property name="bottomMargin">
30 30 <number>0</number>
31 31 </property>
32 32 <item>
33 33 <widget class="QWidget" name="infobar" native="true">
34 34 <property name="sizePolicy">
35 35 <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Minimum">
36 36 <horstretch>0</horstretch>
37 37 <verstretch>0</verstretch>
38 38 </sizepolicy>
39 39 </property>
40 40 <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
41 41 <property name="spacing">
42 42 <number>0</number>
43 43 </property>
44 44 <property name="leftMargin">
45 45 <number>0</number>
46 46 </property>
47 47 <property name="topMargin">
48 48 <number>0</number>
49 49 </property>
50 50 <property name="rightMargin">
51 51 <number>0</number>
52 52 </property>
53 53 <property name="bottomMargin">
54 54 <number>0</number>
55 55 </property>
56 56 <item>
57 57 <widget class="QLabel" name="zoneNameLabel">
58 58 <property name="styleSheet">
59 59 <string notr="true">color: rgb(127, 127, 127);
60 60 </string>
61 61 </property>
62 62 <property name="text">
63 63 <string>TextLabel</string>
64 64 </property>
65 65 </widget>
66 66 </item>
67 67 <item>
68 68 <widget class="QToolButton" name="closeButton">
69 69 <property name="styleSheet">
70 70 <string notr="true">background-color: transparent;</string>
71 71 </property>
72 72 <property name="text">
73 73 <string>Close</string>
74 74 </property>
75 75 </widget>
76 76 </item>
77 77 </layout>
78 78 </widget>
79 79 </item>
80 80 <item>
81 81 <widget class="QFrame" name="visualizationZoneFrame">
82 82 <property name="sizePolicy">
83 83 <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Expanding">
84 84 <horstretch>0</horstretch>
85 85 <verstretch>0</verstretch>
86 86 </sizepolicy>
87 87 </property>
88 88 <property name="frameShape">
89 89 <enum>QFrame::Box</enum>
90 90 </property>
91 91 <property name="frameShadow">
92 92 <enum>QFrame::Raised</enum>
93 93 </property>
94 94 <property name="lineWidth">
95 95 <number>1</number>
96 96 </property>
97 97 <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
98 98 <property name="leftMargin">
99 99 <number>0</number>
100 100 </property>
101 101 <property name="topMargin">
102 102 <number>0</number>
103 103 </property>
104 104 <property name="rightMargin">
105 105 <number>0</number>
106 106 </property>
107 107 <property name="bottomMargin">
108 108 <number>0</number>
109 109 </property>
110 <item>
111 <widget class="VisualizationDragDropContainer" name="dragDropContainer" native="true"/>
112 </item>
110 113 </layout>
111 114 </widget>
112 115 </item>
113 116 </layout>
114 117 </widget>
118 <customwidgets>
119 <customwidget>
120 <class>VisualizationDragDropContainer</class>
121 <extends>QWidget</extends>
122 <header>Visualization/VisualizationDragDropContainer.h</header>
123 <container>1</container>
124 </customwidget>
125 </customwidgets>
115 126 <resources/>
116 127 <connections/>
117 128 </ui>
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