/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (C) 2010 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * $Date: 15. July 2011 * $Revision: V1.0.10 * * Project: CMSIS DSP Library * Title: arm_cfft_radix4_init_q31.c * * Description: Radix-4 Decimation in Frequency Q31 FFT & IFFT initialization function * * Target Processor: Cortex-M4/Cortex-M3/Cortex-M0 * * Version 1.0.10 2011/7/15 * Big Endian support added and Merged M0 and M3/M4 Source code. * * Version 1.0.3 2010/11/29 * Re-organized the CMSIS folders and updated documentation. * * Version 1.0.2 2010/11/11 * Documentation updated. * * Version 1.0.1 2010/10/05 * Production release and review comments incorporated. * * Version 1.0.0 2010/09/20 * Production release and review comments incorporated. * * Version 0.0.5 2010/04/26 * incorporated review comments and updated with latest CMSIS layer * * Version 0.0.3 2010/03/10 * Initial version * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "arm_math.h" #include "arm_common_tables.h" /** * @ingroup groupTransforms */ /** * @addtogroup CFFT_CIFFT * @{ */ /* * @brief Twiddle factors Table */ /** * \par * Example code for Q31 Twiddle factors Generation:: * \par *
for(i = 0; i< N; i++)   
* {   
*    twiddleCoefQ31[2*i]= cos(i * 2*PI/(float)N);   
*    twiddleCoefQ31[2*i+1]= sin(i * 2*PI/(float)N);   
* } 
* \par * where N = 1024 and PI = 3.14159265358979 * \par * Cos and Sin values are interleaved fashion * \par * Convert Floating point to Q31(Fixed point 1.31): * round(twiddleCoefQ31(i) * pow(2, 31)) * */ static const q31_t twiddleCoefQ31[2048] = { 0x7fffffff, 0x0, 0x7fff6216, 0xc90f88, 0x7ffd885a, 0x1921d20, 0x7ffa72d1, 0x25b26d7, 0x7ff62182, 0x3242abf, 0x7ff09478, 0x3ed26e6, 0x7fe9cbc0, 0x4b6195d, 0x7fe1c76b, 0x57f0035, 0x7fd8878e, 0x647d97c, 0x7fce0c3e, 0x710a345, 0x7fc25596, 0x7d95b9e, 0x7fb563b3, 0x8a2009a, 0x7fa736b4, 0x96a9049, 0x7f97cebd, 0xa3308bd, 0x7f872bf3, 0xafb6805, 0x7f754e80, 0xbc3ac35, 0x7f62368f, 0xc8bd35e, 0x7f4de451, 0xd53db92, 0x7f3857f6, 0xe1bc2e4, 0x7f2191b4, 0xee38766, 0x7f0991c4, 0xfab272b, 0x7ef05860, 0x1072a048, 0x7ed5e5c6, 0x1139f0cf, 0x7eba3a39, 0x120116d5, 0x7e9d55fc, 0x12c8106f, 0x7e7f3957, 0x138edbb1, 0x7e5fe493, 0x145576b1, 0x7e3f57ff, 0x151bdf86, 0x7e1d93ea, 0x15e21445, 0x7dfa98a8, 0x16a81305, 0x7dd6668f, 0x176dd9de, 0x7db0fdf8, 0x183366e9, 0x7d8a5f40, 0x18f8b83c, 0x7d628ac6, 0x19bdcbf3, 0x7d3980ec, 0x1a82a026, 0x7d0f4218, 0x1b4732ef, 0x7ce3ceb2, 0x1c0b826a, 0x7cb72724, 0x1ccf8cb3, 0x7c894bde, 0x1d934fe5, 0x7c5a3d50, 0x1e56ca1e, 0x7c29fbee, 0x1f19f97b, 0x7bf88830, 0x1fdcdc1b, 0x7bc5e290, 0x209f701c, 0x7b920b89, 0x2161b3a0, 0x7b5d039e, 0x2223a4c5, 0x7b26cb4f, 0x22e541af, 0x7aef6323, 0x23a6887f, 0x7ab6cba4, 0x24677758, 0x7a7d055b, 0x25280c5e, 0x7a4210d8, 0x25e845b6, 0x7a05eead, 0x26a82186, 0x79c89f6e, 0x27679df4, 0x798a23b1, 0x2826b928, 0x794a7c12, 0x28e5714b, 0x7909a92d, 0x29a3c485, 0x78c7aba2, 0x2a61b101, 0x78848414, 0x2b1f34eb, 0x78403329, 0x2bdc4e6f, 0x77fab989, 0x2c98fbba, 0x77b417df, 0x2d553afc, 0x776c4edb, 0x2e110a62, 0x77235f2d, 0x2ecc681e, 0x76d94989, 0x2f875262, 0x768e0ea6, 0x3041c761, 0x7641af3d, 0x30fbc54d, 0x75f42c0b, 0x31b54a5e, 0x75a585cf, 0x326e54c7, 0x7555bd4c, 0x3326e2c3, 0x7504d345, 0x33def287, 0x74b2c884, 0x34968250, 0x745f9dd1, 0x354d9057, 0x740b53fb, 0x36041ad9, 0x73b5ebd1, 0x36ba2014, 0x735f6626, 0x376f9e46, 0x7307c3d0, 0x382493b0, 0x72af05a7, 0x38d8fe93, 0x72552c85, 0x398cdd32, 0x71fa3949, 0x3a402dd2, 0x719e2cd2, 0x3af2eeb7, 0x71410805, 0x3ba51e29, 0x70e2cbc6, 0x3c56ba70, 0x708378ff, 0x3d07c1d6, 0x7023109a, 0x3db832a6, 0x6fc19385, 0x3e680b2c, 0x6f5f02b2, 0x3f1749b8, 0x6efb5f12, 0x3fc5ec98, 0x6e96a99d, 0x4073f21d, 0x6e30e34a, 0x4121589b, 0x6dca0d14, 0x41ce1e65, 0x6d6227fa, 0x427a41d0, 0x6cf934fc, 0x4325c135, 0x6c8f351c, 0x43d09aed, 0x6c242960, 0x447acd50, 0x6bb812d1, 0x452456bd, 0x6b4af279, 0x45cd358f, 0x6adcc964, 0x46756828, 0x6a6d98a4, 0x471cece7, 0x69fd614a, 0x47c3c22f, 0x698c246c, 0x4869e665, 0x6919e320, 0x490f57ee, 0x68a69e81, 0x49b41533, 0x683257ab, 0x4a581c9e, 0x67bd0fbd, 0x4afb6c98, 0x6746c7d8, 0x4b9e0390, 0x66cf8120, 0x4c3fdff4, 0x66573cbb, 0x4ce10034, 0x65ddfbd3, 0x4d8162c4, 0x6563bf92, 0x4e210617, 0x64e88926, 0x4ebfe8a5, 0x646c59bf, 0x4f5e08e3, 0x63ef3290, 0x4ffb654d, 0x637114cc, 0x5097fc5e, 0x62f201ac, 0x5133cc94, 0x6271fa69, 0x51ced46e, 0x61f1003f, 0x5269126e, 0x616f146c, 0x53028518, 0x60ec3830, 0x539b2af0, 0x60686ccf, 0x5433027d, 0x5fe3b38d, 0x54ca0a4b, 0x5f5e0db3, 0x556040e2, 0x5ed77c8a, 0x55f5a4d2, 0x5e50015d, 0x568a34a9, 0x5dc79d7c, 0x571deefa, 0x5d3e5237, 0x57b0d256, 0x5cb420e0, 0x5842dd54, 0x5c290acc, 0x58d40e8c, 0x5b9d1154, 0x59646498, 0x5b1035cf, 0x59f3de12, 0x5a82799a, 0x5a82799a, 0x59f3de12, 0x5b1035cf, 0x59646498, 0x5b9d1154, 0x58d40e8c, 0x5c290acc, 0x5842dd54, 0x5cb420e0, 0x57b0d256, 0x5d3e5237, 0x571deefa, 0x5dc79d7c, 0x568a34a9, 0x5e50015d, 0x55f5a4d2, 0x5ed77c8a, 0x556040e2, 0x5f5e0db3, 0x54ca0a4b, 0x5fe3b38d, 0x5433027d, 0x60686ccf, 0x539b2af0, 0x60ec3830, 0x53028518, 0x616f146c, 0x5269126e, 0x61f1003f, 0x51ced46e, 0x6271fa69, 0x5133cc94, 0x62f201ac, 0x5097fc5e, 0x637114cc, 0x4ffb654d, 0x63ef3290, 0x4f5e08e3, 0x646c59bf, 0x4ebfe8a5, 0x64e88926, 0x4e210617, 0x6563bf92, 0x4d8162c4, 0x65ddfbd3, 0x4ce10034, 0x66573cbb, 0x4c3fdff4, 0x66cf8120, 0x4b9e0390, 0x6746c7d8, 0x4afb6c98, 0x67bd0fbd, 0x4a581c9e, 0x683257ab, 0x49b41533, 0x68a69e81, 0x490f57ee, 0x6919e320, 0x4869e665, 0x698c246c, 0x47c3c22f, 0x69fd614a, 0x471cece7, 0x6a6d98a4, 0x46756828, 0x6adcc964, 0x45cd358f, 0x6b4af279, 0x452456bd, 0x6bb812d1, 0x447acd50, 0x6c242960, 0x43d09aed, 0x6c8f351c, 0x4325c135, 0x6cf934fc, 0x427a41d0, 0x6d6227fa, 0x41ce1e65, 0x6dca0d14, 0x4121589b, 0x6e30e34a, 0x4073f21d, 0x6e96a99d, 0x3fc5ec98, 0x6efb5f12, 0x3f1749b8, 0x6f5f02b2, 0x3e680b2c, 0x6fc19385, 0x3db832a6, 0x7023109a, 0x3d07c1d6, 0x708378ff, 0x3c56ba70, 0x70e2cbc6, 0x3ba51e29, 0x71410805, 0x3af2eeb7, 0x719e2cd2, 0x3a402dd2, 0x71fa3949, 0x398cdd32, 0x72552c85, 0x38d8fe93, 0x72af05a7, 0x382493b0, 0x7307c3d0, 0x376f9e46, 0x735f6626, 0x36ba2014, 0x73b5ebd1, 0x36041ad9, 0x740b53fb, 0x354d9057, 0x745f9dd1, 0x34968250, 0x74b2c884, 0x33def287, 0x7504d345, 0x3326e2c3, 0x7555bd4c, 0x326e54c7, 0x75a585cf, 0x31b54a5e, 0x75f42c0b, 0x30fbc54d, 0x7641af3d, 0x3041c761, 0x768e0ea6, 0x2f875262, 0x76d94989, 0x2ecc681e, 0x77235f2d, 0x2e110a62, 0x776c4edb, 0x2d553afc, 0x77b417df, 0x2c98fbba, 0x77fab989, 0x2bdc4e6f, 0x78403329, 0x2b1f34eb, 0x78848414, 0x2a61b101, 0x78c7aba2, 0x29a3c485, 0x7909a92d, 0x28e5714b, 0x794a7c12, 0x2826b928, 0x798a23b1, 0x27679df4, 0x79c89f6e, 0x26a82186, 0x7a05eead, 0x25e845b6, 0x7a4210d8, 0x25280c5e, 0x7a7d055b, 0x24677758, 0x7ab6cba4, 0x23a6887f, 0x7aef6323, 0x22e541af, 0x7b26cb4f, 0x2223a4c5, 0x7b5d039e, 0x2161b3a0, 0x7b920b89, 0x209f701c, 0x7bc5e290, 0x1fdcdc1b, 0x7bf88830, 0x1f19f97b, 0x7c29fbee, 0x1e56ca1e, 0x7c5a3d50, 0x1d934fe5, 0x7c894bde, 0x1ccf8cb3, 0x7cb72724, 0x1c0b826a, 0x7ce3ceb2, 0x1b4732ef, 0x7d0f4218, 0x1a82a026, 0x7d3980ec, 0x19bdcbf3, 0x7d628ac6, 0x18f8b83c, 0x7d8a5f40, 0x183366e9, 0x7db0fdf8, 0x176dd9de, 0x7dd6668f, 0x16a81305, 0x7dfa98a8, 0x15e21445, 0x7e1d93ea, 0x151bdf86, 0x7e3f57ff, 0x145576b1, 0x7e5fe493, 0x138edbb1, 0x7e7f3957, 0x12c8106f, 0x7e9d55fc, 0x120116d5, 0x7eba3a39, 0x1139f0cf, 0x7ed5e5c6, 0x1072a048, 0x7ef05860, 0xfab272b, 0x7f0991c4, 0xee38766, 0x7f2191b4, 0xe1bc2e4, 0x7f3857f6, 0xd53db92, 0x7f4de451, 0xc8bd35e, 0x7f62368f, 0xbc3ac35, 0x7f754e80, 0xafb6805, 0x7f872bf3, 0xa3308bd, 0x7f97cebd, 0x96a9049, 0x7fa736b4, 0x8a2009a, 0x7fb563b3, 0x7d95b9e, 0x7fc25596, 0x710a345, 0x7fce0c3e, 0x647d97c, 0x7fd8878e, 0x57f0035, 0x7fe1c76b, 0x4b6195d, 0x7fe9cbc0, 0x3ed26e6, 0x7ff09478, 0x3242abf, 0x7ff62182, 0x25b26d7, 0x7ffa72d1, 0x1921d20, 0x7ffd885a, 0xc90f88, 0x7fff6216, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, 0xff36f078, 0x7fff6216, 0xfe6de2e0, 0x7ffd885a, 0xfda4d929, 0x7ffa72d1, 0xfcdbd541, 0x7ff62182, 0xfc12d91a, 0x7ff09478, 0xfb49e6a3, 0x7fe9cbc0, 0xfa80ffcb, 0x7fe1c76b, 0xf9b82684, 0x7fd8878e, 0xf8ef5cbb, 0x7fce0c3e, 0xf826a462, 0x7fc25596, 0xf75dff66, 0x7fb563b3, 0xf6956fb7, 0x7fa736b4, 0xf5ccf743, 0x7f97cebd, 0xf50497fb, 0x7f872bf3, 0xf43c53cb, 0x7f754e80, 0xf3742ca2, 0x7f62368f, 0xf2ac246e, 0x7f4de451, 0xf1e43d1c, 0x7f3857f6, 0xf11c789a, 0x7f2191b4, 0xf054d8d5, 0x7f0991c4, 0xef8d5fb8, 0x7ef05860, 0xeec60f31, 0x7ed5e5c6, 0xedfee92b, 0x7eba3a39, 0xed37ef91, 0x7e9d55fc, 0xec71244f, 0x7e7f3957, 0xebaa894f, 0x7e5fe493, 0xeae4207a, 0x7e3f57ff, 0xea1debbb, 0x7e1d93ea, 0xe957ecfb, 0x7dfa98a8, 0xe8922622, 0x7dd6668f, 0xe7cc9917, 0x7db0fdf8, 0xe70747c4, 0x7d8a5f40, 0xe642340d, 0x7d628ac6, 0xe57d5fda, 0x7d3980ec, 0xe4b8cd11, 0x7d0f4218, 0xe3f47d96, 0x7ce3ceb2, 0xe330734d, 0x7cb72724, 0xe26cb01b, 0x7c894bde, 0xe1a935e2, 0x7c5a3d50, 0xe0e60685, 0x7c29fbee, 0xe02323e5, 0x7bf88830, 0xdf608fe4, 0x7bc5e290, 0xde9e4c60, 0x7b920b89, 0xdddc5b3b, 0x7b5d039e, 0xdd1abe51, 0x7b26cb4f, 0xdc597781, 0x7aef6323, 0xdb9888a8, 0x7ab6cba4, 0xdad7f3a2, 0x7a7d055b, 0xda17ba4a, 0x7a4210d8, 0xd957de7a, 0x7a05eead, 0xd898620c, 0x79c89f6e, 0xd7d946d8, 0x798a23b1, 0xd71a8eb5, 0x794a7c12, 0xd65c3b7b, 0x7909a92d, 0xd59e4eff, 0x78c7aba2, 0xd4e0cb15, 0x78848414, 0xd423b191, 0x78403329, 0xd3670446, 0x77fab989, 0xd2aac504, 0x77b417df, 0xd1eef59e, 0x776c4edb, 0xd13397e2, 0x77235f2d, 0xd078ad9e, 0x76d94989, 0xcfbe389f, 0x768e0ea6, 0xcf043ab3, 0x7641af3d, 0xce4ab5a2, 0x75f42c0b, 0xcd91ab39, 0x75a585cf, 0xccd91d3d, 0x7555bd4c, 0xcc210d79, 0x7504d345, 0xcb697db0, 0x74b2c884, 0xcab26fa9, 0x745f9dd1, 0xc9fbe527, 0x740b53fb, 0xc945dfec, 0x73b5ebd1, 0xc89061ba, 0x735f6626, 0xc7db6c50, 0x7307c3d0, 0xc727016d, 0x72af05a7, 0xc67322ce, 0x72552c85, 0xc5bfd22e, 0x71fa3949, 0xc50d1149, 0x719e2cd2, 0xc45ae1d7, 0x71410805, 0xc3a94590, 0x70e2cbc6, 0xc2f83e2a, 0x708378ff, 0xc247cd5a, 0x7023109a, 0xc197f4d4, 0x6fc19385, 0xc0e8b648, 0x6f5f02b2, 0xc03a1368, 0x6efb5f12, 0xbf8c0de3, 0x6e96a99d, 0xbedea765, 0x6e30e34a, 0xbe31e19b, 0x6dca0d14, 0xbd85be30, 0x6d6227fa, 0xbcda3ecb, 0x6cf934fc, 0xbc2f6513, 0x6c8f351c, 0xbb8532b0, 0x6c242960, 0xbadba943, 0x6bb812d1, 0xba32ca71, 0x6b4af279, 0xb98a97d8, 0x6adcc964, 0xb8e31319, 0x6a6d98a4, 0xb83c3dd1, 0x69fd614a, 0xb796199b, 0x698c246c, 0xb6f0a812, 0x6919e320, 0xb64beacd, 0x68a69e81, 0xb5a7e362, 0x683257ab, 0xb5049368, 0x67bd0fbd, 0xb461fc70, 0x6746c7d8, 0xb3c0200c, 0x66cf8120, 0xb31effcc, 0x66573cbb, 0xb27e9d3c, 0x65ddfbd3, 0xb1def9e9, 0x6563bf92, 0xb140175b, 0x64e88926, 0xb0a1f71d, 0x646c59bf, 0xb0049ab3, 0x63ef3290, 0xaf6803a2, 0x637114cc, 0xaecc336c, 0x62f201ac, 0xae312b92, 0x6271fa69, 0xad96ed92, 0x61f1003f, 0xacfd7ae8, 0x616f146c, 0xac64d510, 0x60ec3830, 0xabccfd83, 0x60686ccf, 0xab35f5b5, 0x5fe3b38d, 0xaa9fbf1e, 0x5f5e0db3, 0xaa0a5b2e, 0x5ed77c8a, 0xa975cb57, 0x5e50015d, 0xa8e21106, 0x5dc79d7c, 0xa84f2daa, 0x5d3e5237, 0xa7bd22ac, 0x5cb420e0, 0xa72bf174, 0x5c290acc, 0xa69b9b68, 0x5b9d1154, 0xa60c21ee, 0x5b1035cf, 0xa57d8666, 0x5a82799a, 0xa4efca31, 0x59f3de12, 0xa462eeac, 0x59646498, 0xa3d6f534, 0x58d40e8c, 0xa34bdf20, 0x5842dd54, 0xa2c1adc9, 0x57b0d256, 0xa2386284, 0x571deefa, 0xa1affea3, 0x568a34a9, 0xa1288376, 0x55f5a4d2, 0xa0a1f24d, 0x556040e2, 0xa01c4c73, 0x54ca0a4b, 0x9f979331, 0x5433027d, 0x9f13c7d0, 0x539b2af0, 0x9e90eb94, 0x53028518, 0x9e0effc1, 0x5269126e, 0x9d8e0597, 0x51ced46e, 0x9d0dfe54, 0x5133cc94, 0x9c8eeb34, 0x5097fc5e, 0x9c10cd70, 0x4ffb654d, 0x9b93a641, 0x4f5e08e3, 0x9b1776da, 0x4ebfe8a5, 0x9a9c406e, 0x4e210617, 0x9a22042d, 0x4d8162c4, 0x99a8c345, 0x4ce10034, 0x99307ee0, 0x4c3fdff4, 0x98b93828, 0x4b9e0390, 0x9842f043, 0x4afb6c98, 0x97cda855, 0x4a581c9e, 0x9759617f, 0x49b41533, 0x96e61ce0, 0x490f57ee, 0x9673db94, 0x4869e665, 0x96029eb6, 0x47c3c22f, 0x9592675c, 0x471cece7, 0x9523369c, 0x46756828, 0x94b50d87, 0x45cd358f, 0x9447ed2f, 0x452456bd, 0x93dbd6a0, 0x447acd50, 0x9370cae4, 0x43d09aed, 0x9306cb04, 0x4325c135, 0x929dd806, 0x427a41d0, 0x9235f2ec, 0x41ce1e65, 0x91cf1cb6, 0x4121589b, 0x91695663, 0x4073f21d, 0x9104a0ee, 0x3fc5ec98, 0x90a0fd4e, 0x3f1749b8, 0x903e6c7b, 0x3e680b2c, 0x8fdcef66, 0x3db832a6, 0x8f7c8701, 0x3d07c1d6, 0x8f1d343a, 0x3c56ba70, 0x8ebef7fb, 0x3ba51e29, 0x8e61d32e, 0x3af2eeb7, 0x8e05c6b7, 0x3a402dd2, 0x8daad37b, 0x398cdd32, 0x8d50fa59, 0x38d8fe93, 0x8cf83c30, 0x382493b0, 0x8ca099da, 0x376f9e46, 0x8c4a142f, 0x36ba2014, 0x8bf4ac05, 0x36041ad9, 0x8ba0622f, 0x354d9057, 0x8b4d377c, 0x34968250, 0x8afb2cbb, 0x33def287, 0x8aaa42b4, 0x3326e2c3, 0x8a5a7a31, 0x326e54c7, 0x8a0bd3f5, 0x31b54a5e, 0x89be50c3, 0x30fbc54d, 0x8971f15a, 0x3041c761, 0x8926b677, 0x2f875262, 0x88dca0d3, 0x2ecc681e, 0x8893b125, 0x2e110a62, 0x884be821, 0x2d553afc, 0x88054677, 0x2c98fbba, 0x87bfccd7, 0x2bdc4e6f, 0x877b7bec, 0x2b1f34eb, 0x8738545e, 0x2a61b101, 0x86f656d3, 0x29a3c485, 0x86b583ee, 0x28e5714b, 0x8675dc4f, 0x2826b928, 0x86376092, 0x27679df4, 0x85fa1153, 0x26a82186, 0x85bdef28, 0x25e845b6, 0x8582faa5, 0x25280c5e, 0x8549345c, 0x24677758, 0x85109cdd, 0x23a6887f, 0x84d934b1, 0x22e541af, 0x84a2fc62, 0x2223a4c5, 0x846df477, 0x2161b3a0, 0x843a1d70, 0x209f701c, 0x840777d0, 0x1fdcdc1b, 0x83d60412, 0x1f19f97b, 0x83a5c2b0, 0x1e56ca1e, 0x8376b422, 0x1d934fe5, 0x8348d8dc, 0x1ccf8cb3, 0x831c314e, 0x1c0b826a, 0x82f0bde8, 0x1b4732ef, 0x82c67f14, 0x1a82a026, 0x829d753a, 0x19bdcbf3, 0x8275a0c0, 0x18f8b83c, 0x824f0208, 0x183366e9, 0x82299971, 0x176dd9de, 0x82056758, 0x16a81305, 0x81e26c16, 0x15e21445, 0x81c0a801, 0x151bdf86, 0x81a01b6d, 0x145576b1, 0x8180c6a9, 0x138edbb1, 0x8162aa04, 0x12c8106f, 0x8145c5c7, 0x120116d5, 0x812a1a3a, 0x1139f0cf, 0x810fa7a0, 0x1072a048, 0x80f66e3c, 0xfab272b, 0x80de6e4c, 0xee38766, 0x80c7a80a, 0xe1bc2e4, 0x80b21baf, 0xd53db92, 0x809dc971, 0xc8bd35e, 0x808ab180, 0xbc3ac35, 0x8078d40d, 0xafb6805, 0x80683143, 0xa3308bd, 0x8058c94c, 0x96a9049, 0x804a9c4d, 0x8a2009a, 0x803daa6a, 0x7d95b9e, 0x8031f3c2, 0x710a345, 0x80277872, 0x647d97c, 0x801e3895, 0x57f0035, 0x80163440, 0x4b6195d, 0x800f6b88, 0x3ed26e6, 0x8009de7e, 0x3242abf, 0x80058d2f, 0x25b26d7, 0x800277a6, 0x1921d20, 0x80009dea, 0xc90f88, 0x80000000, 0x0, 0x80009dea, 0xff36f078, 0x800277a6, 0xfe6de2e0, 0x80058d2f, 0xfda4d929, 0x8009de7e, 0xfcdbd541, 0x800f6b88, 0xfc12d91a, 0x80163440, 0xfb49e6a3, 0x801e3895, 0xfa80ffcb, 0x80277872, 0xf9b82684, 0x8031f3c2, 0xf8ef5cbb, 0x803daa6a, 0xf826a462, 0x804a9c4d, 0xf75dff66, 0x8058c94c, 0xf6956fb7, 0x80683143, 0xf5ccf743, 0x8078d40d, 0xf50497fb, 0x808ab180, 0xf43c53cb, 0x809dc971, 0xf3742ca2, 0x80b21baf, 0xf2ac246e, 0x80c7a80a, 0xf1e43d1c, 0x80de6e4c, 0xf11c789a, 0x80f66e3c, 0xf054d8d5, 0x810fa7a0, 0xef8d5fb8, 0x812a1a3a, 0xeec60f31, 0x8145c5c7, 0xedfee92b, 0x8162aa04, 0xed37ef91, 0x8180c6a9, 0xec71244f, 0x81a01b6d, 0xebaa894f, 0x81c0a801, 0xeae4207a, 0x81e26c16, 0xea1debbb, 0x82056758, 0xe957ecfb, 0x82299971, 0xe8922622, 0x824f0208, 0xe7cc9917, 0x8275a0c0, 0xe70747c4, 0x829d753a, 0xe642340d, 0x82c67f14, 0xe57d5fda, 0x82f0bde8, 0xe4b8cd11, 0x831c314e, 0xe3f47d96, 0x8348d8dc, 0xe330734d, 0x8376b422, 0xe26cb01b, 0x83a5c2b0, 0xe1a935e2, 0x83d60412, 0xe0e60685, 0x840777d0, 0xe02323e5, 0x843a1d70, 0xdf608fe4, 0x846df477, 0xde9e4c60, 0x84a2fc62, 0xdddc5b3b, 0x84d934b1, 0xdd1abe51, 0x85109cdd, 0xdc597781, 0x8549345c, 0xdb9888a8, 0x8582faa5, 0xdad7f3a2, 0x85bdef28, 0xda17ba4a, 0x85fa1153, 0xd957de7a, 0x86376092, 0xd898620c, 0x8675dc4f, 0xd7d946d8, 0x86b583ee, 0xd71a8eb5, 0x86f656d3, 0xd65c3b7b, 0x8738545e, 0xd59e4eff, 0x877b7bec, 0xd4e0cb15, 0x87bfccd7, 0xd423b191, 0x88054677, 0xd3670446, 0x884be821, 0xd2aac504, 0x8893b125, 0xd1eef59e, 0x88dca0d3, 0xd13397e2, 0x8926b677, 0xd078ad9e, 0x8971f15a, 0xcfbe389f, 0x89be50c3, 0xcf043ab3, 0x8a0bd3f5, 0xce4ab5a2, 0x8a5a7a31, 0xcd91ab39, 0x8aaa42b4, 0xccd91d3d, 0x8afb2cbb, 0xcc210d79, 0x8b4d377c, 0xcb697db0, 0x8ba0622f, 0xcab26fa9, 0x8bf4ac05, 0xc9fbe527, 0x8c4a142f, 0xc945dfec, 0x8ca099da, 0xc89061ba, 0x8cf83c30, 0xc7db6c50, 0x8d50fa59, 0xc727016d, 0x8daad37b, 0xc67322ce, 0x8e05c6b7, 0xc5bfd22e, 0x8e61d32e, 0xc50d1149, 0x8ebef7fb, 0xc45ae1d7, 0x8f1d343a, 0xc3a94590, 0x8f7c8701, 0xc2f83e2a, 0x8fdcef66, 0xc247cd5a, 0x903e6c7b, 0xc197f4d4, 0x90a0fd4e, 0xc0e8b648, 0x9104a0ee, 0xc03a1368, 0x91695663, 0xbf8c0de3, 0x91cf1cb6, 0xbedea765, 0x9235f2ec, 0xbe31e19b, 0x929dd806, 0xbd85be30, 0x9306cb04, 0xbcda3ecb, 0x9370cae4, 0xbc2f6513, 0x93dbd6a0, 0xbb8532b0, 0x9447ed2f, 0xbadba943, 0x94b50d87, 0xba32ca71, 0x9523369c, 0xb98a97d8, 0x9592675c, 0xb8e31319, 0x96029eb6, 0xb83c3dd1, 0x9673db94, 0xb796199b, 0x96e61ce0, 0xb6f0a812, 0x9759617f, 0xb64beacd, 0x97cda855, 0xb5a7e362, 0x9842f043, 0xb5049368, 0x98b93828, 0xb461fc70, 0x99307ee0, 0xb3c0200c, 0x99a8c345, 0xb31effcc, 0x9a22042d, 0xb27e9d3c, 0x9a9c406e, 0xb1def9e9, 0x9b1776da, 0xb140175b, 0x9b93a641, 0xb0a1f71d, 0x9c10cd70, 0xb0049ab3, 0x9c8eeb34, 0xaf6803a2, 0x9d0dfe54, 0xaecc336c, 0x9d8e0597, 0xae312b92, 0x9e0effc1, 0xad96ed92, 0x9e90eb94, 0xacfd7ae8, 0x9f13c7d0, 0xac64d510, 0x9f979331, 0xabccfd83, 0xa01c4c73, 0xab35f5b5, 0xa0a1f24d, 0xaa9fbf1e, 0xa1288376, 0xaa0a5b2e, 0xa1affea3, 0xa975cb57, 0xa2386284, 0xa8e21106, 0xa2c1adc9, 0xa84f2daa, 0xa34bdf20, 0xa7bd22ac, 0xa3d6f534, 0xa72bf174, 0xa462eeac, 0xa69b9b68, 0xa4efca31, 0xa60c21ee, 0xa57d8666, 0xa57d8666, 0xa60c21ee, 0xa4efca31, 0xa69b9b68, 0xa462eeac, 0xa72bf174, 0xa3d6f534, 0xa7bd22ac, 0xa34bdf20, 0xa84f2daa, 0xa2c1adc9, 0xa8e21106, 0xa2386284, 0xa975cb57, 0xa1affea3, 0xaa0a5b2e, 0xa1288376, 0xaa9fbf1e, 0xa0a1f24d, 0xab35f5b5, 0xa01c4c73, 0xabccfd83, 0x9f979331, 0xac64d510, 0x9f13c7d0, 0xacfd7ae8, 0x9e90eb94, 0xad96ed92, 0x9e0effc1, 0xae312b92, 0x9d8e0597, 0xaecc336c, 0x9d0dfe54, 0xaf6803a2, 0x9c8eeb34, 0xb0049ab3, 0x9c10cd70, 0xb0a1f71d, 0x9b93a641, 0xb140175b, 0x9b1776da, 0xb1def9e9, 0x9a9c406e, 0xb27e9d3c, 0x9a22042d, 0xb31effcc, 0x99a8c345, 0xb3c0200c, 0x99307ee0, 0xb461fc70, 0x98b93828, 0xb5049368, 0x9842f043, 0xb5a7e362, 0x97cda855, 0xb64beacd, 0x9759617f, 0xb6f0a812, 0x96e61ce0, 0xb796199b, 0x9673db94, 0xb83c3dd1, 0x96029eb6, 0xb8e31319, 0x9592675c, 0xb98a97d8, 0x9523369c, 0xba32ca71, 0x94b50d87, 0xbadba943, 0x9447ed2f, 0xbb8532b0, 0x93dbd6a0, 0xbc2f6513, 0x9370cae4, 0xbcda3ecb, 0x9306cb04, 0xbd85be30, 0x929dd806, 0xbe31e19b, 0x9235f2ec, 0xbedea765, 0x91cf1cb6, 0xbf8c0de3, 0x91695663, 0xc03a1368, 0x9104a0ee, 0xc0e8b648, 0x90a0fd4e, 0xc197f4d4, 0x903e6c7b, 0xc247cd5a, 0x8fdcef66, 0xc2f83e2a, 0x8f7c8701, 0xc3a94590, 0x8f1d343a, 0xc45ae1d7, 0x8ebef7fb, 0xc50d1149, 0x8e61d32e, 0xc5bfd22e, 0x8e05c6b7, 0xc67322ce, 0x8daad37b, 0xc727016d, 0x8d50fa59, 0xc7db6c50, 0x8cf83c30, 0xc89061ba, 0x8ca099da, 0xc945dfec, 0x8c4a142f, 0xc9fbe527, 0x8bf4ac05, 0xcab26fa9, 0x8ba0622f, 0xcb697db0, 0x8b4d377c, 0xcc210d79, 0x8afb2cbb, 0xccd91d3d, 0x8aaa42b4, 0xcd91ab39, 0x8a5a7a31, 0xce4ab5a2, 0x8a0bd3f5, 0xcf043ab3, 0x89be50c3, 0xcfbe389f, 0x8971f15a, 0xd078ad9e, 0x8926b677, 0xd13397e2, 0x88dca0d3, 0xd1eef59e, 0x8893b125, 0xd2aac504, 0x884be821, 0xd3670446, 0x88054677, 0xd423b191, 0x87bfccd7, 0xd4e0cb15, 0x877b7bec, 0xd59e4eff, 0x8738545e, 0xd65c3b7b, 0x86f656d3, 0xd71a8eb5, 0x86b583ee, 0xd7d946d8, 0x8675dc4f, 0xd898620c, 0x86376092, 0xd957de7a, 0x85fa1153, 0xda17ba4a, 0x85bdef28, 0xdad7f3a2, 0x8582faa5, 0xdb9888a8, 0x8549345c, 0xdc597781, 0x85109cdd, 0xdd1abe51, 0x84d934b1, 0xdddc5b3b, 0x84a2fc62, 0xde9e4c60, 0x846df477, 0xdf608fe4, 0x843a1d70, 0xe02323e5, 0x840777d0, 0xe0e60685, 0x83d60412, 0xe1a935e2, 0x83a5c2b0, 0xe26cb01b, 0x8376b422, 0xe330734d, 0x8348d8dc, 0xe3f47d96, 0x831c314e, 0xe4b8cd11, 0x82f0bde8, 0xe57d5fda, 0x82c67f14, 0xe642340d, 0x829d753a, 0xe70747c4, 0x8275a0c0, 0xe7cc9917, 0x824f0208, 0xe8922622, 0x82299971, 0xe957ecfb, 0x82056758, 0xea1debbb, 0x81e26c16, 0xeae4207a, 0x81c0a801, 0xebaa894f, 0x81a01b6d, 0xec71244f, 0x8180c6a9, 0xed37ef91, 0x8162aa04, 0xedfee92b, 0x8145c5c7, 0xeec60f31, 0x812a1a3a, 0xef8d5fb8, 0x810fa7a0, 0xf054d8d5, 0x80f66e3c, 0xf11c789a, 0x80de6e4c, 0xf1e43d1c, 0x80c7a80a, 0xf2ac246e, 0x80b21baf, 0xf3742ca2, 0x809dc971, 0xf43c53cb, 0x808ab180, 0xf50497fb, 0x8078d40d, 0xf5ccf743, 0x80683143, 0xf6956fb7, 0x8058c94c, 0xf75dff66, 0x804a9c4d, 0xf826a462, 0x803daa6a, 0xf8ef5cbb, 0x8031f3c2, 0xf9b82684, 0x80277872, 0xfa80ffcb, 0x801e3895, 0xfb49e6a3, 0x80163440, 0xfc12d91a, 0x800f6b88, 0xfcdbd541, 0x8009de7e, 0xfda4d929, 0x80058d2f, 0xfe6de2e0, 0x800277a6, 0xff36f078, 0x80009dea, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0xc90f88, 0x80009dea, 0x1921d20, 0x800277a6, 0x25b26d7, 0x80058d2f, 0x3242abf, 0x8009de7e, 0x3ed26e6, 0x800f6b88, 0x4b6195d, 0x80163440, 0x57f0035, 0x801e3895, 0x647d97c, 0x80277872, 0x710a345, 0x8031f3c2, 0x7d95b9e, 0x803daa6a, 0x8a2009a, 0x804a9c4d, 0x96a9049, 0x8058c94c, 0xa3308bd, 0x80683143, 0xafb6805, 0x8078d40d, 0xbc3ac35, 0x808ab180, 0xc8bd35e, 0x809dc971, 0xd53db92, 0x80b21baf, 0xe1bc2e4, 0x80c7a80a, 0xee38766, 0x80de6e4c, 0xfab272b, 0x80f66e3c, 0x1072a048, 0x810fa7a0, 0x1139f0cf, 0x812a1a3a, 0x120116d5, 0x8145c5c7, 0x12c8106f, 0x8162aa04, 0x138edbb1, 0x8180c6a9, 0x145576b1, 0x81a01b6d, 0x151bdf86, 0x81c0a801, 0x15e21445, 0x81e26c16, 0x16a81305, 0x82056758, 0x176dd9de, 0x82299971, 0x183366e9, 0x824f0208, 0x18f8b83c, 0x8275a0c0, 0x19bdcbf3, 0x829d753a, 0x1a82a026, 0x82c67f14, 0x1b4732ef, 0x82f0bde8, 0x1c0b826a, 0x831c314e, 0x1ccf8cb3, 0x8348d8dc, 0x1d934fe5, 0x8376b422, 0x1e56ca1e, 0x83a5c2b0, 0x1f19f97b, 0x83d60412, 0x1fdcdc1b, 0x840777d0, 0x209f701c, 0x843a1d70, 0x2161b3a0, 0x846df477, 0x2223a4c5, 0x84a2fc62, 0x22e541af, 0x84d934b1, 0x23a6887f, 0x85109cdd, 0x24677758, 0x8549345c, 0x25280c5e, 0x8582faa5, 0x25e845b6, 0x85bdef28, 0x26a82186, 0x85fa1153, 0x27679df4, 0x86376092, 0x2826b928, 0x8675dc4f, 0x28e5714b, 0x86b583ee, 0x29a3c485, 0x86f656d3, 0x2a61b101, 0x8738545e, 0x2b1f34eb, 0x877b7bec, 0x2bdc4e6f, 0x87bfccd7, 0x2c98fbba, 0x88054677, 0x2d553afc, 0x884be821, 0x2e110a62, 0x8893b125, 0x2ecc681e, 0x88dca0d3, 0x2f875262, 0x8926b677, 0x3041c761, 0x8971f15a, 0x30fbc54d, 0x89be50c3, 0x31b54a5e, 0x8a0bd3f5, 0x326e54c7, 0x8a5a7a31, 0x3326e2c3, 0x8aaa42b4, 0x33def287, 0x8afb2cbb, 0x34968250, 0x8b4d377c, 0x354d9057, 0x8ba0622f, 0x36041ad9, 0x8bf4ac05, 0x36ba2014, 0x8c4a142f, 0x376f9e46, 0x8ca099da, 0x382493b0, 0x8cf83c30, 0x38d8fe93, 0x8d50fa59, 0x398cdd32, 0x8daad37b, 0x3a402dd2, 0x8e05c6b7, 0x3af2eeb7, 0x8e61d32e, 0x3ba51e29, 0x8ebef7fb, 0x3c56ba70, 0x8f1d343a, 0x3d07c1d6, 0x8f7c8701, 0x3db832a6, 0x8fdcef66, 0x3e680b2c, 0x903e6c7b, 0x3f1749b8, 0x90a0fd4e, 0x3fc5ec98, 0x9104a0ee, 0x4073f21d, 0x91695663, 0x4121589b, 0x91cf1cb6, 0x41ce1e65, 0x9235f2ec, 0x427a41d0, 0x929dd806, 0x4325c135, 0x9306cb04, 0x43d09aed, 0x9370cae4, 0x447acd50, 0x93dbd6a0, 0x452456bd, 0x9447ed2f, 0x45cd358f, 0x94b50d87, 0x46756828, 0x9523369c, 0x471cece7, 0x9592675c, 0x47c3c22f, 0x96029eb6, 0x4869e665, 0x9673db94, 0x490f57ee, 0x96e61ce0, 0x49b41533, 0x9759617f, 0x4a581c9e, 0x97cda855, 0x4afb6c98, 0x9842f043, 0x4b9e0390, 0x98b93828, 0x4c3fdff4, 0x99307ee0, 0x4ce10034, 0x99a8c345, 0x4d8162c4, 0x9a22042d, 0x4e210617, 0x9a9c406e, 0x4ebfe8a5, 0x9b1776da, 0x4f5e08e3, 0x9b93a641, 0x4ffb654d, 0x9c10cd70, 0x5097fc5e, 0x9c8eeb34, 0x5133cc94, 0x9d0dfe54, 0x51ced46e, 0x9d8e0597, 0x5269126e, 0x9e0effc1, 0x53028518, 0x9e90eb94, 0x539b2af0, 0x9f13c7d0, 0x5433027d, 0x9f979331, 0x54ca0a4b, 0xa01c4c73, 0x556040e2, 0xa0a1f24d, 0x55f5a4d2, 0xa1288376, 0x568a34a9, 0xa1affea3, 0x571deefa, 0xa2386284, 0x57b0d256, 0xa2c1adc9, 0x5842dd54, 0xa34bdf20, 0x58d40e8c, 0xa3d6f534, 0x59646498, 0xa462eeac, 0x59f3de12, 0xa4efca31, 0x5a82799a, 0xa57d8666, 0x5b1035cf, 0xa60c21ee, 0x5b9d1154, 0xa69b9b68, 0x5c290acc, 0xa72bf174, 0x5cb420e0, 0xa7bd22ac, 0x5d3e5237, 0xa84f2daa, 0x5dc79d7c, 0xa8e21106, 0x5e50015d, 0xa975cb57, 0x5ed77c8a, 0xaa0a5b2e, 0x5f5e0db3, 0xaa9fbf1e, 0x5fe3b38d, 0xab35f5b5, 0x60686ccf, 0xabccfd83, 0x60ec3830, 0xac64d510, 0x616f146c, 0xacfd7ae8, 0x61f1003f, 0xad96ed92, 0x6271fa69, 0xae312b92, 0x62f201ac, 0xaecc336c, 0x637114cc, 0xaf6803a2, 0x63ef3290, 0xb0049ab3, 0x646c59bf, 0xb0a1f71d, 0x64e88926, 0xb140175b, 0x6563bf92, 0xb1def9e9, 0x65ddfbd3, 0xb27e9d3c, 0x66573cbb, 0xb31effcc, 0x66cf8120, 0xb3c0200c, 0x6746c7d8, 0xb461fc70, 0x67bd0fbd, 0xb5049368, 0x683257ab, 0xb5a7e362, 0x68a69e81, 0xb64beacd, 0x6919e320, 0xb6f0a812, 0x698c246c, 0xb796199b, 0x69fd614a, 0xb83c3dd1, 0x6a6d98a4, 0xb8e31319, 0x6adcc964, 0xb98a97d8, 0x6b4af279, 0xba32ca71, 0x6bb812d1, 0xbadba943, 0x6c242960, 0xbb8532b0, 0x6c8f351c, 0xbc2f6513, 0x6cf934fc, 0xbcda3ecb, 0x6d6227fa, 0xbd85be30, 0x6dca0d14, 0xbe31e19b, 0x6e30e34a, 0xbedea765, 0x6e96a99d, 0xbf8c0de3, 0x6efb5f12, 0xc03a1368, 0x6f5f02b2, 0xc0e8b648, 0x6fc19385, 0xc197f4d4, 0x7023109a, 0xc247cd5a, 0x708378ff, 0xc2f83e2a, 0x70e2cbc6, 0xc3a94590, 0x71410805, 0xc45ae1d7, 0x719e2cd2, 0xc50d1149, 0x71fa3949, 0xc5bfd22e, 0x72552c85, 0xc67322ce, 0x72af05a7, 0xc727016d, 0x7307c3d0, 0xc7db6c50, 0x735f6626, 0xc89061ba, 0x73b5ebd1, 0xc945dfec, 0x740b53fb, 0xc9fbe527, 0x745f9dd1, 0xcab26fa9, 0x74b2c884, 0xcb697db0, 0x7504d345, 0xcc210d79, 0x7555bd4c, 0xccd91d3d, 0x75a585cf, 0xcd91ab39, 0x75f42c0b, 0xce4ab5a2, 0x7641af3d, 0xcf043ab3, 0x768e0ea6, 0xcfbe389f, 0x76d94989, 0xd078ad9e, 0x77235f2d, 0xd13397e2, 0x776c4edb, 0xd1eef59e, 0x77b417df, 0xd2aac504, 0x77fab989, 0xd3670446, 0x78403329, 0xd423b191, 0x78848414, 0xd4e0cb15, 0x78c7aba2, 0xd59e4eff, 0x7909a92d, 0xd65c3b7b, 0x794a7c12, 0xd71a8eb5, 0x798a23b1, 0xd7d946d8, 0x79c89f6e, 0xd898620c, 0x7a05eead, 0xd957de7a, 0x7a4210d8, 0xda17ba4a, 0x7a7d055b, 0xdad7f3a2, 0x7ab6cba4, 0xdb9888a8, 0x7aef6323, 0xdc597781, 0x7b26cb4f, 0xdd1abe51, 0x7b5d039e, 0xdddc5b3b, 0x7b920b89, 0xde9e4c60, 0x7bc5e290, 0xdf608fe4, 0x7bf88830, 0xe02323e5, 0x7c29fbee, 0xe0e60685, 0x7c5a3d50, 0xe1a935e2, 0x7c894bde, 0xe26cb01b, 0x7cb72724, 0xe330734d, 0x7ce3ceb2, 0xe3f47d96, 0x7d0f4218, 0xe4b8cd11, 0x7d3980ec, 0xe57d5fda, 0x7d628ac6, 0xe642340d, 0x7d8a5f40, 0xe70747c4, 0x7db0fdf8, 0xe7cc9917, 0x7dd6668f, 0xe8922622, 0x7dfa98a8, 0xe957ecfb, 0x7e1d93ea, 0xea1debbb, 0x7e3f57ff, 0xeae4207a, 0x7e5fe493, 0xebaa894f, 0x7e7f3957, 0xec71244f, 0x7e9d55fc, 0xed37ef91, 0x7eba3a39, 0xedfee92b, 0x7ed5e5c6, 0xeec60f31, 0x7ef05860, 0xef8d5fb8, 0x7f0991c4, 0xf054d8d5, 0x7f2191b4, 0xf11c789a, 0x7f3857f6, 0xf1e43d1c, 0x7f4de451, 0xf2ac246e, 0x7f62368f, 0xf3742ca2, 0x7f754e80, 0xf43c53cb, 0x7f872bf3, 0xf50497fb, 0x7f97cebd, 0xf5ccf743, 0x7fa736b4, 0xf6956fb7, 0x7fb563b3, 0xf75dff66, 0x7fc25596, 0xf826a462, 0x7fce0c3e, 0xf8ef5cbb, 0x7fd8878e, 0xf9b82684, 0x7fe1c76b, 0xfa80ffcb, 0x7fe9cbc0, 0xfb49e6a3, 0x7ff09478, 0xfc12d91a, 0x7ff62182, 0xfcdbd541, 0x7ffa72d1, 0xfda4d929, 0x7ffd885a, 0xfe6de2e0, 0x7fff6216, 0xff36f078 }; /** * * @brief Initialization function for the Q31 CFFT/CIFFT. * @param[in,out] *S points to an instance of the Q31 CFFT/CIFFT structure. * @param[in] fftLen length of the FFT. * @param[in] ifftFlag flag that selects forward (ifftFlag=0) or inverse (ifftFlag=1) transform. * @param[in] bitReverseFlag flag that enables (bitReverseFlag=1) or disables (bitReverseFlag=0) bit reversal of output. * @return The function returns ARM_MATH_SUCCESS if initialization is successful or ARM_MATH_ARGUMENT_ERROR if fftLen is not a supported value. * * \par Description: * \par * The parameter ifftFlag controls whether a forward or inverse transform is computed. * Set(=1) ifftFlag for calculation of CIFFT otherwise CFFT is calculated * \par * The parameter bitReverseFlag controls whether output is in normal order or bit reversed order. * Set(=1) bitReverseFlag for output to be in normal order otherwise output is in bit reversed order. * \par * The parameter fftLen Specifies length of CFFT/CIFFT process. Supported FFT Lengths are 16, 64, 256, 1024. * \par * This Function also initializes Twiddle factor table pointer and Bit reversal table pointer. */ arm_status arm_cfft_radix4_init_q31( arm_cfft_radix4_instance_q31 * S, uint16_t fftLen, uint8_t ifftFlag, uint8_t bitReverseFlag) { /* Initialise the default arm status */ arm_status status = ARM_MATH_SUCCESS; /* Initialise the FFT length */ S->fftLen = fftLen; /* Initialise the Twiddle coefficient pointer */ S->pTwiddle = (q31_t *) twiddleCoefQ31; /* Initialise the Flag for selection of CFFT or CIFFT */ S->ifftFlag = ifftFlag; /* Initialise the Flag for calculation Bit reversal or not */ S->bitReverseFlag = bitReverseFlag; /* Initializations of Instance structure depending on the FFT length */ switch (S->fftLen) { /* Initializations of structure parameters for 1024 point FFT */ case 1024u: /* Initialise the twiddle coef modifier value */ S->twidCoefModifier = 1u; /* Initialise the bit reversal table modifier */ S->bitRevFactor = 1u; /* Initialise the bit reversal table pointer */ S->pBitRevTable = armBitRevTable; break; case 256u: /* Initializations of structure parameters for 256 point FFT */ S->twidCoefModifier = 4u; S->bitRevFactor = 4u; S->pBitRevTable = (uint16_t *) & armBitRevTable[3]; break; case 64u: /* Initializations of structure parameters for 64 point FFT */ S->twidCoefModifier = 16u; S->bitRevFactor = 16u; S->pBitRevTable = &armBitRevTable[15]; break; case 16u: /* Initializations of structure parameters for 16 point FFT */ S->twidCoefModifier = 64u; S->bitRevFactor = 64u; S->pBitRevTable = &armBitRevTable[63]; break; default: /* Reporting argument error if fftSize is not valid value */ status = ARM_MATH_ARGUMENT_ERROR; break; } return (status); } /** * @} end of CFFT_CIFFT group */