/***********************************************************************//** * @file : lpc17xx_rtc.h * @brief : Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes * support for RTC firmware library on LPC17xx * @version : 1.0 * @date : 23. Apr. 2009 * @author : HieuNguyen ************************************************************************** * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only * which provides customers with programming information regarding the * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties. * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent, * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors * reserves the right to make changes in the software without * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified * use without further testing or modification. **************************************************************************/ /* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @defgroup RTC * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers * @{ */ #ifndef LPC17XX_RTC_H_ #define LPC17XX_RTC_H_ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "LPC17xx.h" #include "lpc_types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @defgroup RTC_Private_Macros * @{ */ /** @defgroup RTC_REGISTER_BIT_DEFINITIONS * @{ */ /* Miscellaneous register group --------------------------------------------- */ /********************************************************************** * ILR register definitions **********************************************************************/ /** ILR register mask */ #define RTC_ILR_BITMASK ((0x00000003)) /** Bit inform the source interrupt is counter increment*/ #define RTC_IRL_RTCCIF ((1<<0)) /** Bit inform the source interrupt is alarm match*/ #define RTC_IRL_RTCALF ((1<<1)) /********************************************************************** * CCR register definitions **********************************************************************/ /** CCR register mask */ #define RTC_CCR_BITMASK ((0x00000013)) /** Clock enable */ #define RTC_CCR_CLKEN ((1<<0)) /** Clock reset */ #define RTC_CCR_CTCRST ((1<<1)) /** Calibration counter enable */ #define RTC_CCR_CCALEN ((1<<4)) /********************************************************************** * CIIR register definitions **********************************************************************/ /** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for second */ #define RTC_CIIR_IMSEC ((1<<0)) /** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for minute */ #define RTC_CIIR_IMMIN ((1<<1)) /** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for hour */ #define RTC_CIIR_IMHOUR ((1<<2)) /** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for day of month */ #define RTC_CIIR_IMDOM ((1<<3)) /** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for day of week */ #define RTC_CIIR_IMDOW ((1<<4)) /** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for day of year */ #define RTC_CIIR_IMDOY ((1<<5)) /** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for month */ #define RTC_CIIR_IMMON ((1<<6)) /** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for year */ #define RTC_CIIR_IMYEAR ((1<<7)) /** CIIR bit mask */ #define RTC_CIIR_BITMASK ((0xFF)) /********************************************************************** * AMR register definitions **********************************************************************/ /** Counter Increment Select Mask bit for second */ #define RTC_AMR_AMRSEC ((1<<0)) /** Counter Increment Select Mask bit for minute */ #define RTC_AMR_AMRMIN ((1<<1)) /** Counter Increment Select Mask bit for hour */ #define RTC_AMR_AMRHOUR ((1<<2)) /** Counter Increment Select Mask bit for day of month */ #define RTC_AMR_AMRDOM ((1<<3)) /** Counter Increment Select Mask bit for day of week */ #define RTC_AMR_AMRDOW ((1<<4)) /** Counter Increment Select Mask bit for day of year */ #define RTC_AMR_AMRDOY ((1<<5)) /** Counter Increment Select Mask bit for month */ #define RTC_AMR_AMRMON ((1<<6)) /** Counter Increment Select Mask bit for year */ #define RTC_AMR_AMRYEAR ((1<<7)) /** AMR bit mask */ #define RTC_AMR_BITMASK ((0xFF)) /********************************************************************** * RTC_AUX register definitions **********************************************************************/ /** RTC Oscillator Fail detect flag */ #define RTC_AUX_RTC_OSCF ((1<<4)) /********************************************************************** * RTC_AUXEN register definitions **********************************************************************/ /** Oscillator Fail Detect interrupt enable*/ #define RTC_AUXEN_RTC_OSCFEN ((1<<4)) /* Consolidated time register group ----------------------------------- */ /** Consolidated Time Register 0 */ #define RTC_CTIME0_SECONDS_MASK ((0x3F)) #define RTC_CTIME0_MINUTES_MASK ((0x3F00)) #define RTC_CTIME0_HOURS_MASK ((0x1F0000)) #define RTC_CTIME0_DOW_MASK ((0x7000000)) /** Consolidated Time Register 1 */ #define RTC_CTIME1_DOM_MASK ((0x1F)) #define RTC_CTIME1_MONTH_MASK ((0xF00)) #define RTC_CTIME1_YEAR_MASK ((0xFFF0000)) /** Consolidated Time Register 2 */ #define RTC_CTIME2_DOY_MASK ((0xFFF)) /* Time Counter Group and Alarm register group ----------------------------- */ /** SEC register mask */ #define RTC_SEC_MASK (0x0000003F) /** MIN register mask */ #define RTC_MIN_MASK (0x0000003F) /** HOUR register mask */ #define RTC_HOUR_MASK (0x0000001F) /** DOM register mask */ #define RTC_DOM_MASK (0x0000001F) /** DOW register mask */ #define RTC_DOW_MASK (0x00000007) /** DOY register mask */ #define RTC_DOY_MASK (0x000001FF) /** MONTH register mask */ #define RTC_MONTH_MASK (0x0000000F) /** YEAR register mask */ #define RTC_YEAR_MASK (0x00000FFF) #define RTC_SECOND_MAX 59 /*!< Maximum value of second */ #define RTC_MINUTE_MAX 59 /*!< Maximum value of minute*/ #define RTC_HOUR_MAX 23 /*!< Maximum value of hour*/ #define RTC_MONTH_MIN 1 /*!< Minimum value of month*/ #define RTC_MONTH_MAX 12 /*!< Maximum value of month*/ #define RTC_DAYOFMONTH_MIN 1 /*!< Minimum value of day of month*/ #define RTC_DAYOFMONTH_MAX 31 /*!< Maximum value of day of month*/ #define RTC_DAYOFWEEK_MAX 6 /*!< Maximum value of day of week*/ #define RTC_DAYOFYEAR_MIN 1 /*!< Minimum value of day of year*/ #define RTC_DAYOFYEAR_MAX 366 /*!< Maximum value of day of year*/ #define RTC_YEAR_MAX 4095 /*!< Maximum value of year*/ /* Calibration register */ /** Calibration value */ #define RTC_CALIBRATION_CALVAL_MASK ((0x1FFFF)) /** Calibration direction */ #define RTC_CALIBRATION_LIBDIR ((1<<17)) /** Calibration max value */ #define RTC_CALIBRATION_MAX ((0x20000)) /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @defgroup RTC_Public_Types * @{ */ /** @brief Time structure definitions for easy manipulate the data */ typedef struct { uint32_t SEC; /*!< Seconds Register */ uint32_t MIN; /*!< Minutes Register */ uint32_t HOUR; /*!< Hours Register */ uint32_t DOM; /*!< Day of Month Register */ uint32_t DOW; /*!< Day of Week Register */ uint32_t DOY; /*!< Day of Year Register */ uint32_t MONTH; /*!< Months Register */ uint32_t YEAR; /*!< Years Register */ } RTC_TIME_Type; /** @brief RTC interrupt source */ typedef enum { RTC_INT_COUNTER_INCREASE = RTC_IRL_RTCCIF, /*!< Counter Increment Interrupt */ RTC_INT_ALARM = RTC_IRL_RTCALF, /*!< The alarm interrupt */ } RTC_INT_OPT; #define PARAM_RTC_INT(n) ((n==RTC_INT_COUNTER_INCREASE) || (n==RTC_INT_ALARM)) /** @brief RTC time type option */ typedef enum { RTC_TIMETYPE_SECOND = 0, /*!< Second */ RTC_TIMETYPE_MINUTE = 1, /*!< Month */ RTC_TIMETYPE_HOUR = 2, /*!< Hour */ RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFWEEK = 3, /*!< Day of week */ RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFMONTH = 4, /*!< Day of month */ RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFYEAR = 5, /*!< Day of year */ RTC_TIMETYPE_MONTH = 6, /*!< Month */ RTC_TIMETYPE_YEAR = 7, /*!< Year */ } RTC_TIMETYPE_Num; #define PARAM_RTC_TIMETYPE(n) ((n==RTC_TIMETYPE_SECOND) || (n==RTC_TIMETYPE_MINUTE) \ || (n==RTC_TIMETYPE_HOUR) || (n==RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFWEEK) \ || (n==RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFMONTH) || (n==RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFYEAR) \ || (n==RTC_TIMETYPE_MONTH) || (n==RTC_TIMETYPE_YEAR)) /** * @} */ /* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @defgroup RTC_Public_Macros * @{ */ /** Macro to determine if it is valid RTC peripheral */ #define PARAM_RTCx(x) (((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_RTC)) /** Calibration definitions */ #define RTC_CALIB_DIR_FORWARD ((uint8_t)(0)) #define RTC_CALIB_DIR_BACKWARD ((uint8_t)(1)) #define PARAM_RTC_CALIB_DIR(n) ((n==RTC_CALIB_DIR_FORWARD) || (n==RTC_CALIB_DIR_BACKWARD)) #define PARAM_RTC_GPREG_CH(n) ((n>=0) && (n<=4)) #define PARAM_RTC_CALIBRATION_DIR(n) /** * @} */ /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @defgroup RTC_Public_Functions * @{ */ void RTC_Init (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx); void RTC_DeInit(LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx); void RTC_ResetClockTickCounter(LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx); void RTC_Cmd (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, FunctionalState NewState); void RTC_CntIncrIntConfig (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint32_t CntIncrIntType, \ FunctionalState NewState); void RTC_AlarmIntConfig (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint32_t AlarmTimeType, \ FunctionalState NewState); void RTC_SetTime (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint32_t Timetype, uint32_t TimeValue); uint32_t RTC_GetTime(LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint32_t Timetype); void RTC_SetFullTime (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, RTC_TIME_Type *pFullTime); void RTC_GetFullTime (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, RTC_TIME_Type *pFullTime); void RTC_SetAlarmTime (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint32_t Timetype, uint32_t ALValue); uint32_t RTC_GetAlarmTime (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint32_t Timetype); void RTC_SetFullAlarmTime (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, RTC_TIME_Type *pFullTime); void RTC_GetFullAlarmTime (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, RTC_TIME_Type *pFullTime); IntStatus RTC_GetIntPending (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint32_t IntType); void RTC_ClearIntPending (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint32_t IntType); void RTC_CalibCounterCmd(LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, FunctionalState NewState); void RTC_CalibConfig(LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint32_t CalibValue, uint8_t CalibDir); void RTC_WriteGPREG (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint8_t Channel, uint32_t Value); uint32_t RTC_ReadGPREG (LPC_RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint8_t Channel); /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* LPC17XX_RTC_H_ */ /** * @} */ /* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */