/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This file is a part of the libuc, microcontroler library -- Copyright (C) 2012, Alexis Jeandet -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author : Alexis Jeandet -- Mail : alexis.jeandet@gmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \file uart.h \brief UART api. The uart api gives you a standard way to drive any uart on any processor. With this api you will be able to open and configure your UART define the associated pins when applicable and read/write on it. Note that depending on the target architecture you can have soft or hard UART. A simple example to read or writes on uart1. \code // lets open uart1 //config : // -parity = No // -data bits = 8 // -stop bits = 1 // -speed = 115200 bauds // -TX = PA9 // -RX = PA10 // -CTS = unused (-1) // -RTS = unused (-1) uart_t uart = uartopenandconfig(uart1,uartparitynone | uart8bits | uartonestop,115200,PA9,PA10,-1,-1); //check that everything is ok if(uart==uart1) { //to write 0xFF on uart1 uartputc(uart,0xFF); //you can also send a string on uart1 char* buffer="hello"; uartputs(uart,buffer); //to read a char char result = uartgetc(uart); } \endcode */ #ifndef UART_H #define UART_H #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @brief uart handle * * uart_t is the handle type you will use for all uart related functions. */ typedef int uart_t; #define uart1 0 ///< uart1 #define uart2 1 ///< uart2 #define uart3 2 ///< uart3 #define uart4 3 ///< uart4 #define uart5 4 ///< uart5 #define uart6 5 ///< uart6 #define uart7 6 ///< uart7 #define uart8 7 ///< uart8 #define uart9 8 ///< uart9 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS #define UARTPARITYMASK 0x3 #define UARTBITSMASK 0xC #define UARTSTOPBITSMASK 0x70 #endif /** * @brief Uart parity enum * * Use uartparity_t values to configure the parity of your UART port with * uartsetparity function or uartsetconfig. Don't try to use numerical values * directly! */ typedef enum uartparity_t { uartparitynone = 0x1, /**< No parity */ uartparityeven = 0x2, /**< Even parity */ uartparityodd = 0x3 /**< Odd parity */ }uartparity_t; /** * @brief Uart data bits enum * * Use uartbits_t values to configure the number of data bits of your UART port with * uartsetdatabits function or uartsetconfig. Don't try to use numerical values * directly! */ typedef enum uartbits_t { uart7bits = 0x4, /**< 7 data bits communication */ uart8bits = 0x8, /**< 8 data bits communication */ uart9bits = 0xC /**< 9 data bits communication */ }uartbits_t; /** * @brief Uart stop bits enum * * Use uartstopbits_t values to configure the number of stop bits of your UART port with * uartsetstopbits function or uartsetconfig. Don't try to use numerical values * directly! */ typedef enum uartstopbits_t { uarthalfstop = 0x10, /**< 0.5 stop bits communication */ uartonestop = 0x20, /**< 1 stop bits communication */ uartonehalfstop = 0x30, /**< 1.5 stop bits communication */ uarttwostop = 0x40 /**< 2 stop bits communication */ }uartstopbits_t; /** * @brief Uart open function * * This function opens the given uart, it should turn it ON iff needed and enable it. * @param count The uart identifier uart1 for example * @return The uart identifier on success or -1 if it fails. */ extern uart_t uartopen(int count); /** * @brief Uart open and configure function * * This function call uartopen and configure the UART with the given parameters. * @param count The uart identifier uart1 for example * @param cfg The configuration of the UART, build from an or mask. * @param speed The target speed of the UART in bauds, the real speed depend on the implementation * and the target. * @param TXpin The TXpin look gpio api. * @param RXpin The RXpin look gpio api. * @param RTSpin The RTSpin look gpio api. * @param CTSpin The CTSpin look gpio api. * @return The uart identifier on success or -1 if it fails. * @sa uartclose(uart_t uart), uartopenandconfig(int count ,uint32_t cfg,uint32_t speed,uint32_t TXpin,uint32_t RXpin,uint32_t RTSpin,uint32_t CTSpin), uartsetconfig(uart_t uart,uint32_t cfg,uint32_t speed) */ extern uart_t uartopenandconfig(int count ,uint32_t cfg,uint32_t speed,uint32_t TXpin,uint32_t RXpin,uint32_t RTSpin,uint32_t CTSpin); /** * @brief Uart close function * * This function should at least reset the UART configuration. * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @return 1 on success or -1 on error. */ extern int uartclose(uart_t uart); /** * @brief uart set pins function * * This function sets the Uart pins, you have to check for each target that the pins you selected * are compatible with the desired function. * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param TXpin The TXpin look gpio api. * @param RXpin The RXpin look gpio api. * @param RTSpin The RTSpin look gpio api. * @param CTSpin The CTSpin look gpio api. * @return 1 on success or -1 on error. * @sa uartopen(int count) */ extern int uartsetpins(uart_t uart,uint32_t TXpin,uint32_t RXpin,uint32_t RTSpin,uint32_t CTSpin); /** * @brief Enable uart functionnable * *This function enables given uart, it makes sens on target where you can enable or disable *the uart. * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @return 1 on success or -1 on error. * @sa uartenable(uart_t uart) */ extern int uartenable(uart_t uart); /** * @brief Disable uart function * *This function disables given uart, it makes sens on target where you can enable or disable *the uart. * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @return 1 on success or -1 on error. */ extern int uartdisable(uart_t uart); /** * @brief uart set configuration function * * This function configure the given uart. * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param cfg * @param speed * @return */ extern int uartsetconfig(uart_t uart,uint32_t cfg,uint32_t speed); /** * @brief uartsetspeed * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param speed * @return */ extern int uartsetspeed(uart_t uart,uint32_t speed); /** * @brief uartsetparity * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param parity * @return */ extern int uartsetparity(uart_t uart,uartparity_t parity); /** * @brief uartsetdatabits * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param databits * @return */ extern int uartsetdatabits(uart_t uart,uartbits_t databits); /** * @brief uartsetstopbits * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param stopbits * @return */ extern int uartsetstopbits(uart_t uart,uartstopbits_t stopbits); /** * @brief uartputc * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param c * @return */ extern int uartputc(uart_t uart,char c); /** * @brief uartgetc * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @return */ extern char uartgetc(uart_t uart); /** * @brief uartputs * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param s * @return */ extern int uartputs(uart_t uart,char* s); /** * @brief uartgets * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param s * @return */ extern int uartgets(uart_t uart,char* s); /** * @brief uartputnc * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param c * @param n * @return */ extern int uartputnc(uart_t uart,char* c,int n); /** * @brief uartgetnc * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param c * @param n * @return */ extern int uartgetnc(uart_t uart,char* c,int n); /** * @brief uartavailiabledata * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @return */ extern int uartavailiabledata(uart_t uart); /** * @brief uartmkstreamdev * @param uart The uart identifier uart1 for example. * @param strdev * @return */ extern int uartmkstreamdev(uart_t uart,streamdevice* strdev); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif //SPI_H