/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (C) 2010 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * $Date: 29. November 2010 * $Revision: V1.0.3 * * Project: CMSIS DSP Library * Title: arm_iir_lattice_f32.c * * Description: Floating-point IIR Lattice filter processing function. * * Target Processor: Cortex-M4/Cortex-M3 * * Version 1.0.3 2010/11/29 * Re-organized the CMSIS folders and updated documentation. * * Version 1.0.2 2010/11/11 * Documentation updated. * * Version 1.0.1 2010/10/05 * Production release and review comments incorporated. * * Version 1.0.0 2010/09/20 * Production release and review comments incorporated * * Version 0.0.7 2010/06/10 * Misra-C changes done * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "arm_math.h" /** * @ingroup groupFilters */ /** * @defgroup IIR_Lattice Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Lattice Filters * * This set of functions implements lattice filters * for Q15, Q31 and floating-point data types. Lattice filters are used in a * variety of adaptive filter applications. The filter structure has feedforward and * feedback components and the net impulse response is infinite length. * The functions operate on blocks * of input and output data and each call to the function processes * blockSize samples through the filter. pSrc and * pDst point to input and output arrays containing blockSize values. * \par Algorithm: * \image html IIRLattice.gif "Infinite Impulse Response Lattice filter" *
 *    fN(n)   =  x(n)  
 *    fm-1(n) = fm(n) - km * gm-1(n-1)   for m = N, N-1, ...1  
 *    gm(n)   = km * fm-1(n) + gm-1(n-1) for m = N, N-1, ...1  
 *    y(n)    = vN * gN(n) + vN-1 * gN-1(n) + ...+ v0 * g0(n)  
* \par * pkCoeffs points to array of reflection coefficients of size numStages. * Reflection coefficients are stored in time-reversed order. * \par *
 *    {kN, kN-1, ....k1}  
* pvCoeffs points to the array of ladder coefficients of size (numStages+1). * Ladder coefficients are stored in time-reversed order. * \par *
 *    {vN, vN-1, ...v0}  
* pState points to a state array of size numStages + blockSize. * The state variables shown in the figure above (the g values) are stored in the pState array. * The state variables are updated after each block of data is processed; the coefficients are untouched. * \par Instance Structure * The coefficients and state variables for a filter are stored together in an instance data structure. * A separate instance structure must be defined for each filter. * Coefficient arrays may be shared among several instances while state variable arrays cannot be shared. * There are separate instance structure declarations for each of the 3 supported data types. * * \par Initialization Functions * There is also an associated initialization function for each data type. * The initialization function performs the following operations: * - Sets the values of the internal structure fields. * - Zeros out the values in the state buffer. * * \par * Use of the initialization function is optional. * However, if the initialization function is used, then the instance structure cannot be placed into a const data section. * To place an instance structure into a const data section, the instance structure must be manually initialized. * Set the values in the state buffer to zeros and then manually initialize the instance structure as follows: *
 *arm_iir_lattice_instance_f32 S = {numStages, pState, pkCoeffs, pvCoeffs};  
 *arm_iir_lattice_instance_q31 S = {numStages, pState, pkCoeffs, pvCoeffs};  
 *arm_iir_lattice_instance_q15 S = {numStages, pState, pkCoeffs, pvCoeffs};  
* \par * where numStages is the number of stages in the filter; pState points to the state buffer array; * pkCoeffs points to array of the reflection coefficients; pvCoeffs points to the array of ladder coefficients. * \par Fixed-Point Behavior * Care must be taken when using the fixed-point versions of the IIR lattice filter functions. * In particular, the overflow and saturation behavior of the accumulator used in each function must be considered. * Refer to the function specific documentation below for usage guidelines. */ /** * @addtogroup IIR_Lattice * @{ */ /** * @brief Processing function for the floating-point IIR lattice filter. * @param[in] *S points to an instance of the floating-point IIR lattice structure. * @param[in] *pSrc points to the block of input data. * @param[out] *pDst points to the block of output data. * @param[in] blockSize number of samples to process. * @return none. */ void arm_iir_lattice_f32( const arm_iir_lattice_instance_f32 * S, float32_t * pSrc, float32_t * pDst, uint32_t blockSize) { float32_t fcurr, fnext, gcurr, gnext; /* Temporary variables for lattice stages */ float32_t acc; /* Accumlator */ uint32_t blkCnt, tapCnt; /* temporary variables for counts */ float32_t *px1, *px2, *pk, *pv; /* temporary pointers for state and coef */ uint32_t numStages = S->numStages; /* number of stages */ float32_t *pState; /* State pointer */ float32_t *pStateCurnt; /* State current pointer */ gcurr = 0.0f; blkCnt = blockSize; pState = &S->pState[0]; /* Sample processing */ while(blkCnt > 0u) { /* Read Sample from input buffer */ /* fN(n) = x(n) */ fcurr = *pSrc++; /* Initialize state read pointer */ px1 = pState; /* Initialize state write pointer */ px2 = pState; /* Set accumulator to zero */ acc = 0.0f; /* Initialize Ladder coeff pointer */ pv = &S->pvCoeffs[0]; /* Initialize Reflection coeff pointer */ pk = &S->pkCoeffs[0]; /* Process sample for first tap */ gcurr = *px1++; /* fN-1(n) = fN(n) - kN * gN-1(n-1) */ fnext = fcurr - ((*pk) * gcurr); /* gN(n) = kN * fN-1(n) + gN-1(n-1) */ gnext = (fnext * (*pk++)) + gcurr; /* write gN(n) into state for next sample processing */ *px2++ = gnext; /* y(n) += gN(n) * vN */ acc += (gnext * (*pv++)); /* Update f values for next coefficient processing */ fcurr = fnext; /* Loop unrolling. Process 4 taps at a time. */ tapCnt = (numStages - 1u) >> 2; while(tapCnt > 0u) { /* Process sample for 2nd, 6th ...taps */ /* Read gN-2(n-1) from state buffer */ gcurr = *px1++; /* Process sample for 2nd, 6th .. taps */ /* fN-2(n) = fN-1(n) - kN-1 * gN-2(n-1) */ fnext = fcurr - ((*pk) * gcurr); /* gN-1(n) = kN-1 * fN-2(n) + gN-2(n-1) */ gnext = (fnext * (*pk++)) + gcurr; /* y(n) += gN-1(n) * vN-1 */ /* process for gN-5(n) * vN-5, gN-9(n) * vN-9 ... */ acc += (gnext * (*pv++)); /* write gN-1(n) into state for next sample processing */ *px2++ = gnext; /* Process sample for 3nd, 7th ...taps */ /* Read gN-3(n-1) from state buffer */ gcurr = *px1++; /* Process sample for 3rd, 7th .. taps */ /* fN-3(n) = fN-2(n) - kN-2 * gN-3(n-1) */ fcurr = fnext - ((*pk) * gcurr); /* gN-2(n) = kN-2 * fN-3(n) + gN-3(n-1) */ gnext = (fcurr * (*pk++)) + gcurr; /* y(n) += gN-2(n) * vN-2 */ /* process for gN-6(n) * vN-6, gN-10(n) * vN-10 ... */ acc += (gnext * (*pv++)); /* write gN-2(n) into state for next sample processing */ *px2++ = gnext; /* Process sample for 4th, 8th ...taps */ /* Read gN-4(n-1) from state buffer */ gcurr = *px1++; /* Process sample for 4th, 8th .. taps */ /* fN-4(n) = fN-3(n) - kN-3 * gN-4(n-1) */ fnext = fcurr - ((*pk) * gcurr); /* gN-3(n) = kN-3 * fN-4(n) + gN-4(n-1) */ gnext = (fnext * (*pk++)) + gcurr; /* y(n) += gN-3(n) * vN-3 */ /* process for gN-7(n) * vN-7, gN-11(n) * vN-11 ... */ acc += (gnext * (*pv++)); /* write gN-3(n) into state for next sample processing */ *px2++ = gnext; /* Process sample for 5th, 9th ...taps */ /* Read gN-5(n-1) from state buffer */ gcurr = *px1++; /* Process sample for 5th, 9th .. taps */ /* fN-5(n) = fN-4(n) - kN-4 * gN-1(n-1) */ fcurr = fnext - ((*pk) * gcurr); /* gN-4(n) = kN-4 * fN-5(n) + gN-5(n-1) */ gnext = (fcurr * (*pk++)) + gcurr; /* y(n) += gN-4(n) * vN-4 */ /* process for gN-8(n) * vN-8, gN-12(n) * vN-12 ... */ acc += (gnext * (*pv++)); /* write gN-4(n) into state for next sample processing */ *px2++ = gnext; tapCnt--; } fnext = fcurr; /* If the filter length is not a multiple of 4, compute the remaining filter taps */ tapCnt = (numStages - 1u) % 0x4u; while(tapCnt > 0u) { gcurr = *px1++; /* Process sample for last taps */ fnext = fcurr - ((*pk) * gcurr); gnext = (fnext * (*pk++)) + gcurr; /* Output samples for last taps */ acc += (gnext * (*pv++)); *px2++ = gnext; fcurr = fnext; tapCnt--; } /* y(n) += g0(n) * v0 */ acc += (fnext * (*pv)); *px2++ = fnext; /* write out into pDst */ *pDst++ = acc; /* Advance the state pointer by 4 to process the next group of 4 samples */ pState = pState + 1u; blkCnt--; } /* Processing is complete. Now copy last S->numStages samples to start of the buffer for the preperation of next frame process */ /* Points to the start of the state buffer */ pStateCurnt = &S->pState[0]; pState = &S->pState[blockSize]; tapCnt = numStages >> 2u; /* copy data */ while(tapCnt > 0u) { *pStateCurnt++ = *pState++; *pStateCurnt++ = *pState++; *pStateCurnt++ = *pState++; *pStateCurnt++ = *pState++; /* Decrement the loop counter */ tapCnt--; } /* Calculate remaining number of copies */ tapCnt = (numStages) % 0x4u; /* Copy the remaining q31_t data */ while(tapCnt > 0u) { *pStateCurnt++ = *pState++; /* Decrement the loop counter */ tapCnt--; } } /** * @} end of IIR_Lattice group */