#vsim -c -do "run_nowindow.do" -goutput_file_name="output_data.txt" -ginput_file_name="input_data.txt" quietly set args [ split $argv {\ } ] set argc [ llength $args ] set outputfile "output\_data\.txt" set inputfile "input\_data\.txt" #puts "there are $argc arguments to this script" #puts "The name of this script is $argv0" #foreach arg $::argv {puts $arg} #puts [ lindex $args 4 ] for { set i 0 } { $i < $argc } { incr i 1 } { puts "$i : [ lindex $args $i ]" if { [ string match -goutput_file_name=* [ lindex $args $i ] ] } { set outputfile [ lindex [ split [ lindex $args $i ] {=} ] 1 ] #set outputfile [ lindex [ split $argv {=} ] 1 ] puts "OUTPUT_FILE : $outputfile" } if { [ string match -ginput_file_name=* [ lindex $args $i ] ] } { set inputfile [ lindex [ split [ lindex $args $i ] {=} ] 1 ] #set inputfile [ lindex [ split $argv {=} ] 1 ] puts "INPUT_FILE : $inputfile" } } vsim work.testbench -goutput_file_name=$outputfile -ginput_file_name=$inputfile when -label end_of_simulation {end_of_sim == '1'} {echo "End of simulation"; exit ;} run -all exit