---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- Engineer: -- -- Create Date: 13:04:01 07/02/2012 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: lpp_lfr_time_management - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; LIBRARY grlib; USE grlib.amba.ALL; USE grlib.stdlib.ALL; USE grlib.devices.ALL; PACKAGE lpp_lfr_time_management IS --*************************** -- APB_LFR_TIME_MANAGEMENT COMPONENT apb_lfr_time_management IS GENERIC( pindex : INTEGER := 0; --! APB slave index paddr : INTEGER := 0; --! ADDR field of the APB BAR pmask : INTEGER := 16#fff#; --! MASK field of the APB BAR FIRST_DIVISION : INTEGER; NB_SECOND_DESYNC : INTEGER); PORT ( clk25MHz : IN STD_LOGIC; --! Clock clk24_576MHz : IN STD_LOGIC; --! secondary clock resetn : IN STD_LOGIC; --! Reset grspw_tick : IN STD_LOGIC; --! grspw signal asserted when a valid time-code is received apbi : IN apb_slv_in_type; --! APB slave input signals apbo : OUT apb_slv_out_type; --! APB slave output signals coarse_time : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); --! coarse time fine_time : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); --! fine TIME LFR_soft_rstn : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT lfr_time_management GENERIC ( FIRST_DIVISION : INTEGER; NB_SECOND_DESYNC : INTEGER); PORT ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC; rstn : IN STD_LOGIC; tick : IN STD_LOGIC; new_coarsetime : IN STD_LOGIC; coarsetime_reg : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(30 DOWNTO 0); fine_time : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); fine_time_new : OUT STD_LOGIC; coarse_time : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); coarse_time_new : OUT STD_LOGIC); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT coarse_time_counter GENERIC ( NB_SECOND_DESYNC : INTEGER ); PORT ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC; rstn : IN STD_LOGIC; tick : IN STD_LOGIC; set_TCU : IN STD_LOGIC; new_TCU : IN STD_LOGIC; set_TCU_value : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(30 DOWNTO 0); CT_add1 : IN STD_LOGIC; fsm_desync : IN STD_LOGIC; FT_max : IN STD_LOGIC; coarse_time : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); coarse_time_new : OUT STD_LOGIC); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT fine_time_counter GENERIC ( WAITING_TIME : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); FIRST_DIVISION : INTEGER ); PORT ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC; rstn : IN STD_LOGIC; tick : IN STD_LOGIC; fsm_transition : IN STD_LOGIC; FT_max : OUT STD_LOGIC; FT_half : OUT STD_LOGIC; FT_wait : OUT STD_LOGIC; fine_time : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); fine_time_new : OUT STD_LOGIC); END COMPONENT; END lpp_lfr_time_management;