-- RWbuf.vhd library IEEE; use IEEE.numeric_bit.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity RWbuf is generic(DataMax : integer := 1024); port( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; flagc : in std_logic; flagb : in std_logic; if_clk : out std_logic; sloe : out std_logic; slrd : out std_logic; slwr : out std_logic; pktend : out std_logic; fifoadr : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); fdbusrw : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end entity; architecture ar_RWbuf of RWbuf is type data is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal send_data : data (DataMax downto 0); type etat is (S0,S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6); signal state : etat; signal Yout : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal Sint : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal IOselect : std_logic; signal index_data : integer range 0 to DataMax := 0; signal index_data_read : integer range 0 to DataMax := 0; component BIBUF is port( PAD : inout std_logic; D : in std_logic := 'U'; E : in std_logic := 'U'; Y : out std_logic); end component; begin io_buf0: BIBUF port map(PAD => fdbusrw(0), D=>Sint(0), E=>IOselect, Y=>Yout(0)); io_buf1: BIBUF port map(PAD => fdbusrw(1), D=>Sint(1), E=>IOselect, Y=>Yout(1)); io_buf2: BIBUF port map(PAD => fdbusrw(2), D=>Sint(2), E=>IOselect, Y=>Yout(2)); io_buf3: BIBUF port map(PAD => fdbusrw(3), D=>Sint(3), E=>IOselect, Y=>Yout(3)); io_buf4: BIBUF port map(PAD => fdbusrw(4), D=>Sint(4), E=>IOselect, Y=>Yout(4)); io_buf5: BIBUF port map(PAD => fdbusrw(5), D=>Sint(5), E=>IOselect, Y=>Yout(5)); io_buf6: BIBUF port map(PAD => fdbusrw(6), D=>Sint(6), E=>IOselect, Y=>Yout(6)); io_buf7: BIBUF port map(PAD => fdbusrw(7), D=>Sint(7), E=>IOselect, Y=>Yout(7)); if_clk <= clk; process(flagc,flagb) begin if(flagc='0' and flagb='1') then IOselect<='1'; end if; if (flagc='1'and flagb='0') then IOselect<='0'; end if; if(flagc='0'and flagb='0') then IOselect<='1'; end if; if (flagc='1'and flagb='1') then IOselect<='0'; end if; end process; process(clk,IOselect,rst) begin if (rst = '0') then state <= S0; slwr <= '1'; pktend <= '1'; sloe <= '1'; slrd <= '1'; elsif (clk'event and clk='1' )then case state is when S0 => if (IOselect = '0') then state <= S1; fifoadr <= "00"; index_data <= 0; elsif (IOselect = '1') then state <= S4; end if; when S1 => -- lecture de ep2 if (flagc = '1') then --selection de EP2 state <= S2; sloe<='0'; else state <= S0; sloe <= '1'; slrd <= '1'; end if; when S2 => -- Vérification: si EP2 n'est pas vide index_data <= index_data + 1; slrd <= '0'; send_data(index_data)<=Yout; --recupére le contenu state <= S3; when S3 => state <= S1; slrd <= '1'; if (index_data = 2048)then index_data <= 0; end if; -- ecriture dans ep6. when S4 => -- ECRITURE DANS EP6 fifoadr <= "10"; --selection de EP6 state <= S5; index_data_read <= 0; slrd <= '1'; sloe <= '1'; when S5 => if (flagb = '1') then -- Vérification: si EP6 est plein index_data_read <= index_data_read +1; slwr <= '0'; state <= S6; Sint <= send_data(index_data_read); --"01000111"; else state <= S0; slwr <= '1'; end if; when S6 => slwr <= '1'; state <= S5; if (index_data_read = index_data)then index_data_read <= 0; end if; end case; end if; end process; end architecture;