LEON3MP - a reference LEON3 design with MP support


The LEON3MP provides a reference design for LEON3-based systems. LEON3MP is highly configurable, and consists of the following IP cores:

The  LEON3 MP design is provided together with GRLIB, and is located in grlib/designs/leon3mp.

LEON3MP Block diagram

Reference architecture

The LEON3MP is made up by cores from the GRLIB IP library, which are connected together via the AMBA AHB and APB buses. The plug&play configuration method of GRLIB makes it possible to assign any combination of addresses and interrupts to the cores. However, to be software compatible with simple operating systems such as the LEON Bare-C cross-compiler, some of the vital cores must be assigned to predefined addresses and interrupts. The table below shows the reference assigment in the LEON3MP design:

Core Memory area
Memory controller
(separate SRAM and SDRAM controllers, or combined LEON2 controller)
0x00000000 - 0x20000000 : PROM
0x20000000 - 0x40000000 : external I/O bus
0x40000000 - 0x80000000 : SRAM/SDRAM
0x80000000 - 0x80000100 : Memory controller registers (APB)
APB bridge
0x80000000 - 0x80100000 : APB bus
UART 0x80000100 - 0x80000200 : UART registers 2
Interrupt controller
0x80000200 - 0x80000300 : IRQ registers
Timer unit
0x80000300 - 0x80000400 : timer registers
8, 9
LEON3 debug support unit (DSU)
0x90000000 - 0xA0000000 : DSU registers

Additional (optional) IP cores are assigned addresses and interrupts as desribed in the table below. These assignments are LEON3MP specific and can be changed without impact on software compatibility.

Core Memory area
PCI initiator/target interface
0xE0000000 - 0xF0000000 : PCI initiator access
0xFFF80000 - 0xFFFA0000 : PCI special cycles
0x80000400 - 0x80000500 : PCI registers
0x80000600 - 0x80000700 : PCI DMA registers
PCI arbiter 0x80000A00 - 0x80000B00 : PCI arbiter registers
PCI trace buffer
0x80010000 - 0x80020000 : PCI trace buffer registers
Serial debug communication link
0x80000700 - 0x80000800 : AHB UART registers -
Ethernet debug communication link
JTAG debug communication link - -
10/100 Mbit ethernet MAC
0xFFFB0000 - 0xFFFB1000 : ethernet control registers
CAN interface 0xFFFC0000 - 0xFFFC1000 : CAN control registers 13
On-chip RAM
0xA0000000 - 0xA0100000 : On-chip RAM

UART 0x80000900 - 0x80000A00 : Secondary UART


The configuartion of the LEON3MP design is defined through the config package located config.vhd. This file can be automatically generated using a GUI based on tkconfig. To launch the GUI, do 'make xconfig'. After the configuration is completed, save and exit the tool and config.vhd will be created automatically.

Alternatively, a pre-defined configuration can be installed for two specific FPGA boards: gr-pci-xc2v and gr-cpci-xc2v. In this case, set the BOARD variable in the local Makefile to the desired board type, and issue the command 'make config' to generate the configuration file.

Figure 1. LEON3MP configuration GUI


To simulate the testbench, first compile the model for simulation. This can be done automatically for three different simulators. Execute one of the following commands:
For vsim, start the simulation with 'vsim testbench' and do 'run 100'. This should print the current LEON3MP configuration:

$ vsim -c -quiet testbench
Reading /usr/local/model58/tcl/vsim/pref.tcl
Reading /home/jiri/modelsim.tcl

# 5.8
# VSIM 1> run
# LEON3 Demonstration design
# GRLIB Version 0.13
# Target technology: virtex2 ,  memory library: virtex2
# ahbctrl: mst0: Gaisler Research        Leon3 SPARC V8 Processor
# ahbctrl: mst1: Gaisler Research        AHB Debug UART
# ahbctrl: mst2: Gaisler Research        Fast 32-bit PCI Bridge
# ahbctrl: mst3: Gaisler Research        AMBA DMA controller
# ahbctrl: mst5: Gaisler Research        OC ethernet AHB interface
# ahbctrl: slv0: Gaisler Research        Simple SRAM Controller
# ahbctrl:       memory at 0x00000000, size 16 Mbyte, cacheable, prefetch
# ahbctrl:       memory at 0x40000000, size 16 Mbyte, cacheable, prefetch
# ahbctrl: slv1: Gaisler Research        AHB/APB Bridge
# ahbctrl:       memory at 0x80000000, size 1 Mbyte
# ahbctrl: slv2: Gaisler Research        Leon3 Debug Support Unit
# ahbctrl:       memory at 0x90000000, size 256 Mbyte
# ahbctrl: slv4: Gaisler Research        Fast 32-bit PCI Bridge
# ahbctrl:       memory at 0xe0000000, size 256 Mbyte
# ahbctrl:       I/O port at 0xfff80000, size 128kbyte
# ahbctrl: slv5: Gaisler Research        OC ethernet AHB interface
# ahbctrl:       I/O port at 0xfffb0000, size 4kbyte
# ahbctrl: slv6: Gaisler Research        OC CAN AHB interface
# ahbctrl:       I/O port at 0xfffc0000, size 4kbyte
# ahbctrl: slv7: Gaisler Research        Generic AHB SRAM module
# ahbctrl:       memory at 0xa0000000, size 1 Mbyte, cacheable, prefetch
# ahbctrl: AHB arbiter/multiplexer rev 1
# ahbctrl: Common I/O area at 0xfff00000, 1 Mbyte
# ahbctrl: Configuration area at 0xfffff000, 4 kbyte
# apbctrl: APB Bridge at 0x80000000 rev 1
# apbctrl: slv1: Gaisler Research        Generic UART
# apbctrl:       I/O ports at 0x80000100, size 256 byte
# apbctrl: slv2: Gaisler Research        Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl.
# apbctrl:       I/O ports at 0x80000200, size 256 byte
# apbctrl: slv3: Gaisler Research        Modular Timer Unit
# apbctrl:       I/O ports at 0x80000300, size 256 byte
# apbctrl: slv4: Gaisler Research        Fast 32-bit PCI Bridge
# apbctrl:       I/O ports at 0x80000400, size 256 byte
# apbctrl: slv5: Gaisler Research        AMBA DMA controller
# apbctrl:       I/O ports at 0x80000500, size 256 byte
# apbctrl: slv7: Gaisler Research        AHB Debug UART
# apbctrl:       I/O ports at 0x80000700, size 256 byte
# ahbram7: AHB SRAM Module rev 1, 2 kbytes
# can_oc6: Opencores CAN MAC, rev 0, irq 13
# eth_oc5: Wishbone/AHB interface for OC ethernet MAC, irq 12
# eth_oc5: Opencores 10/100 Mbit ethernet MAC, rev 0
# pci_mtf4: 32-bit PCI/AHB bridge  rev 0, 2 Mbyte PCI memory BAR, 8-word FIFOs
# dmactrl5: 32-bit DMA controller & AHB/AHB bridge  rev 0
# gptimer3: GR Timer Unit rev 0, 16-bit scaler, 1 32-bit timers, irq 8
# irqmp: Multi-processor Interrupt Controller rev 1, #cpu 1
# apbuart1: Generic UART rev 1, irq 2
# srctrl0: 32-bit PROM/SRAM controller rev 0
# ahbuart7: AHB Debug UART rev 0
# dsu3_2: LEON3 Debug support unit
# leon3_0: LEON3 SPARC V8 processor rev 0
# leon3_0: icache 1*4 kbyte, dcache 1*4 kbyte

VSIM 2> run -all
# **** GRLIB system test starting ****
# Leon3 SPARC V8 Processor
#   register file
#   multiplier
#   radix-2 divider
#   cache system
# Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl.
# Generic UART
# Modular Timer Unit
# Test passed, halting with IU error mode
# ** Failure: *** IU in error mode, simulation halted ***
#    Time: 669213500 ps  Iteration: 1  Process: /testbench/iuerr File: testbench.vhd
# Break at testbench.vhd line 263
# Stopped at testbench.vhd line 263


To synthesize and perform place&route for any of the supported FPGA boards, set the BOARD variable in the Makefile and issue the appropriate make commands for your tool chain (see GRLIB User's Manual for details).  Alternatively, the design can be implemented using the graphical XGrlib tool, which is started with 'make xgrlib'.


Figure 2. XGrlib implementation tool

For ASIC synthesis, scripts to synthesise LEON3MP towards the Atmel ATC18 technology are provided. Run either atc18.dc or atc18.rc to synthesise with Synopsys DC, or Cadence RC.

Software development


The on-chip debug support unit (DSU) makes debugging of target hardware relatively easy. Both JTAG, serial (RS232) and ethernet-based debug links are available, and can be used download and debug code. Debugging is controlled through the GRMON debug monitor. A sample GRMON session looks like this:

$ grmon -grlib -i -u

 GRMON - The LEON multi purpose monitor v1.0.6

 Copyright (C) 2004, Gaisler Research - all rights reserved.
 For latest updates, go to http://www.gaisler.com/
 Comments or bug-reports to grmon@gaisler.com

 GRLIB DSU Monitor backend 1.0.1  (professional version)
 using port /dev/ttyS0 @ 115200 baud

 initialising ...........

 Component                            Vendor
 Leon3 SPARC V8 Processor             Gaisler Research
 AHB Debug UART                       Gaisler Research
 Simple 32-bit PCI Target             Gaisler Research
 10/100 Mbit Ethernet MAC             Opencores
 LEON2 Memory Controller              European Space Agency
 AHB/APB Bridge                       Gaisler Research
 Leon3 Debug Support Unit             Gaisler Research
 10/100 Mbit Ethernet MAC             Opencores
 Generic APB UART                     Gaisler Research
 Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl       Gaisler Research
 Modular Timer Unit                   Gaisler Research

 Use command 'info sys' to print a detailed report of attached cores

grmon[grlib]> info sys
00.01:003   Gaisler Research  Leon3 SPARC V8 Processor (ver 0)
             ahb master 0
01.01:007   Gaisler Research  AHB Debug UART (ver 0)
             ahb master 1
             apb: 80000700 - 80000800
             baud rate 115200, ahb frequency 25.00
02.01:012   Gaisler Research  Simple 32-bit PCI Target (ver 0)
             ahb master 2
03.08:005   Opencores  10/100 Mbit Ethernet MAC (ver 0)
             ahb master 3
00.04:00f   European Space Agency  LEON2 Memory Controller (ver 0)
             ahb: 00000000 - 20000000
             ahb: 20000000 - 40000000
             ahb: 40000000 - 80000000
             apb: 80000000 - 80000100
             32-bit sdram: 1 * 32 Mbyte @ 0x40000000, col 9, cas 2, ref 15.5 us
01.01:006   Gaisler Research  AHB/APB Bridge (ver 0)
             ahb: 80000000 - 80100000
02.01:004   Gaisler Research  Leon3 Debug Support Unit (ver 0)
             ahb: 90000000 - a0000000
             AHB trace 64 lines
             CPU#0 win 8, hw breakpoints 2, itrace 64 lines
                   icache 1 * 4 kbyte, 32 byte/line
                   dcache 1 * 4 kbyte, 32 byte/line
                   stack pointer 0x41fffff0
05.08:005   Opencores  10/100 Mbit Ethernet MAC (ver 0)
             irq 12
             ahb: fffb0000 - fffb1000
01.01:00c   Gaisler Research  Generic APB UART (ver 1)
             irq 2
             apb: 80000100 - 80000200
             baud rate 38400, DSU mode
02.01:00d   Gaisler Research  Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl (ver 1)
             apb: 80000200 - 80000300
03.01:011   Gaisler Research  Modular Timer Unit (ver 0)
             irq 8
             apb: 80000300 - 80000400
             16-bit scaler, 2 * 32-bit timers, divisor 25
grmon[grlib]> lo /home/jiri/samples/stanford
section: .text at 0x40000000, size 60688 bytes
section: .data at 0x4000ed10, size 2080 bytes
section: .jcr at 0x40026728, size 4 bytes
total size: 62772 bytes (94.3 kbit/s)
read 192 symbols
entry point: 0x40000000
grmon[grlib]> run
    Perm  Towers  Queens   Intmm      Mm  Puzzle   Quick  Bubble    Tree     FFT
      67     100      67      67    2233     550      67      83     417    2650

Nonfloating point composite is        216

Floating point composite is       2044

Program exited normally.

The LEON3MP test bench includes memory models of both boot-prom, sram and sdram. To build memory images for these models, do 'make soft' . Note: this will require that the bare-C compiler for LEON3 is installed, and /opt/sparc-elf/bin is added to the PATH.