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/ designs / EGSE_ICI / ICI_EGSE_PROTOCOL.vhd
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE now working, need some more cleaning.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
generic(WordSize : integer := 8;WordCnt : integer :=144;MinFCount : integer := 64;Simu : integer :=0);
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
WEN : in std_logic;
WordCnt_in : in integer range 0 to WordCnt-1;
MinfCnt_in : in integer range 0 to MinFCount-1;
DATAIN : in std_logic_vector (WordSize-1 downto 0);
FULL : in std_logic;
WR : out std_logic;
DATAOUT : out std_logic_vector (WordSize-1 downto 0)
type DATA_pipe_t is array(NATURAL RANGE <>) of std_logic_vector (WordSize-1 downto 0);
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE doesn't need anymore actell PLL uses gaisler clkgen....
r220 signal DATA_pipe : DATA_pipe_t(12 downto 0);
signal WR_pipe : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE now working, need some more cleaning.
r219 signal headerSended : std_logic := '0';
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE doesn't need anymore actell PLL uses gaisler clkgen....
r220 signal counter : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):=(others => '0');
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE now working, need some more cleaning.
WR <= WR_pipe(0);
DATAOUT <= DATA_pipe(0);
if reset = '0' then
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE doesn't need anymore actell PLL uses gaisler clkgen....
r220 WR_pipe(12 downto 0) <= (others => '1');
counter <= (others => '0');
rstloop: for i in 0 to 12 loop
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE now working, need some more cleaning.
r219 DATA_pipe(i) <= X"00";
end loop;
headerSended <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk ='1' then
if WordCnt_in = 1 and headerSended = '0' then
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE doesn't need anymore actell PLL uses gaisler clkgen....
r220 counter <= (others => '0');
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE now working, need some more cleaning.
r219 WR_pipe(4 downto 1) <= (others => '0');
WR_pipe(1) <= '0';
WR_pipe(3) <= '0';
WR_pipe(5) <= '0';
WR_pipe(7) <= '0';
WR_pipe(9) <= '0';
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE doesn't need anymore actell PLL uses gaisler clkgen....
r220 WR_pipe(11) <= '0';
DATA_pipe(1) <= counter; -- Size
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE now working, need some more cleaning.
r219 DATA_pipe(3) <= X"5a";
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE doesn't need anymore actell PLL uses gaisler clkgen....
r220 DATA_pipe(5) <= X"f0";
DATA_pipe(7) <= X"0f";
DATA_pipe(9) <= X"a5";
DATA_pipe(11) <= std_logic_vector(TO_UNSIGNED(MinfCnt_in,WordSize));
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE now working, need some more cleaning.
r219 WR_pipe(0) <= '1';
WR_pipe(2) <= '1';
WR_pipe(4) <= '1';
WR_pipe(6) <= '1';
WR_pipe(8) <= '1';
WR_pipe(10) <= '1';
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE doesn't need anymore actell PLL uses gaisler clkgen....
r220 WR_pipe(12) <= '1';
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE now working, need some more cleaning.
r219 DATA_pipe(0) <= X"00";
DATA_pipe(2) <= X"00";
DATA_pipe(4) <= X"00";
DATA_pipe(6) <= X"00";
DATA_pipe(10) <= X"00";
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE doesn't need anymore actell PLL uses gaisler clkgen....
r220 DATA_pipe(12) <= X"00";
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE now working, need some more cleaning.
r219 headerSended <= '1';
elsif (FULL = '0') then
if WordCnt_in /= 1 then
headerSended <= '0';
end if;
DATA_pipe(0) <= DATA_pipe(1);
DATA_pipe(1) <= DATA_pipe(2);
DATA_pipe(2) <= DATA_pipe(3);
DATA_pipe(3) <= DATA_pipe(4);
DATA_pipe(4) <= DATA_pipe(5);
DATA_pipe(5) <= DATA_pipe(6);
DATA_pipe(6) <= DATA_pipe(7);
DATA_pipe(7) <= DATA_pipe(8);
DATA_pipe(8) <= DATA_pipe(9);
DATA_pipe(9) <= DATA_pipe(10);
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE doesn't need anymore actell PLL uses gaisler clkgen....
r220 DATA_pipe(10) <= DATA_pipe(11);
DATA_pipe(11) <= DATA_pipe(12);
DATA_pipe(12) <= DATAIN;
WR_pipe(12 downto 0) <= WEN & WR_pipe(12 downto 1);
if(WR_pipe(0) = '0') then
counter <= std_logic_vector(UNSIGNED(counter) + 1);
end if;
Alexis Jeandet
ICI4 EGSE now working, need some more cleaning.
r219 else
WR_pipe(0) <= '1';
if WordCnt_in /= 1 then
headerSended <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;