/*! \example examples/barchart \title BarChart Example \subtitle The example shows how to create simple bar chart. Barchart shows the data in sets as separate bars, which are drawn at the x-axis to the position defined by data. \image examples_barchart.png Data that barchart visualizes, is defined by QBarSet instances. Here we create some sets and append data we want to visualize to them. Note that x positions are not in even intervals and this will be reflected in the chart. If x positions aren't defined, then the index of value is assumed to be x position. \snippet ../examples/barchart/main.cpp 1 To combine the sets to a chart, we need to create QBarSeries instance. Then we append our barsets to the series. \snippet ../examples/barchart/main.cpp 2 Next we create a chart and add the series to it. We also set the title for chart \snippet ../examples/barchart/main.cpp 3 We want to have the legend displayed at the bottom of the chart. Also we turn on the nice numbers algorithm on for y-axis. \snippet ../examples/barchart/main.cpp 4 Finally we add the chart onto a view. \snippet ../examples/barchart/main.cpp 5 And it is ready to be shown in a window. \snippet ../examples/percentbarchart/main.cpp 6 */