#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_USE_NAMESPACE class tst_qxymodelmapper : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: tst_qxymodelmapper(); private Q_SLOTS: void initTestCase(); void cleanupTestCase(); void init(); void cleanup(); void verticalMapper_data(); void verticalMapper(); void verticalMapperCustomMapping_data(); void verticalMapperCustomMapping(); void horizontalMapper_data(); void horizontalMapper(); void horizontalMapperCustomMapping_data(); void horizontalMapperCustomMapping(); void seriesUpdated(); private: QStandardItemModel *m_model; int m_modelRowCount; int m_modelColumnCount; QXYSeries *m_series; QChart *m_chart; }; tst_qxymodelmapper::tst_qxymodelmapper(): m_model(0), m_modelRowCount(10), m_modelColumnCount(8) { } void tst_qxymodelmapper::init() { m_series = new QLineSeries; m_chart->addSeries(m_series); } void tst_qxymodelmapper::cleanup() { m_chart->removeSeries(m_series); delete m_series; m_series = 0; } void tst_qxymodelmapper::initTestCase() { m_chart = new QChart; QChartView *chartView = new QChartView(m_chart); chartView->show(); m_model = new QStandardItemModel(this); for (int row = 0; row < m_modelRowCount; ++row) { for (int column = 0; column < m_modelColumnCount; column++) { QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(row * column); m_model->setItem(row, column, item); } } } void tst_qxymodelmapper::cleanupTestCase() { m_model->clear(); } void tst_qxymodelmapper::verticalMapper_data() { QTest::addColumn("xColumn"); QTest::addColumn("yColumn"); QTest::addColumn("expectedCount"); QTest::newRow("different x and y columns") << 0 << 1 << m_modelRowCount; QTest::newRow("same x and y columns") << 1 << 1 << m_modelRowCount; QTest::newRow("invalid x column and correct y column") << -3 << 1 << 0; QTest::newRow("x column beyond the size of model and correct y column") << m_modelColumnCount << 1 << 0; QTest::newRow("x column beyond the size of model and invalid y column") << m_modelColumnCount << -1 << 0; } void tst_qxymodelmapper::verticalMapper() { QFETCH(int, xColumn); QFETCH(int, yColumn); QFETCH(int, expectedCount); QVXYModelMapper *mapper = new QVXYModelMapper; mapper->setXColumn(xColumn); mapper->setYColumn(yColumn); mapper->setModel(m_model); mapper->setSeries(m_series); QCOMPARE(m_series->count(), expectedCount); QCOMPARE(mapper->xColumn(), qMax(-1, xColumn)); QCOMPARE(mapper->yColumn(), qMax(-1, yColumn)); delete mapper; mapper = 0; } void tst_qxymodelmapper::verticalMapperCustomMapping_data() { QTest::addColumn("first"); QTest::addColumn("countLimit"); QTest::addColumn("expectedCount"); QTest::newRow("first: 0, unlimited count") << 0 << -1 << m_modelRowCount; QTest::newRow("first: 3, unlimited count") << 3 << -1 << m_modelRowCount - 3; QTest::newRow("first: 0, count: 5") << 0 << 5 << qMin(5, m_modelRowCount); QTest::newRow("first: 3, count: 5") << 3 << 5 << qMin(5, m_modelRowCount - 3); QTest::newRow("first: +1 greater then the number of rows in the model, unlimited count") << m_modelRowCount + 1 << -1 << 0; QTest::newRow("first: +1 greater then the number of rows in the model, count: 5") << m_modelRowCount + 1 << 5 << 0; QTest::newRow("first: 0, count: +3 greater than the number of rows in the model (should limit to the size of model)") << 0 << m_modelRowCount + 3 << m_modelRowCount; QTest::newRow("first: -3(invalid - should default to 0), unlimited count") << -3 << -1 << m_modelRowCount; QTest::newRow("first: 0, count: -3 (invalid - shlould default to -1)") << 0 << -3 << m_modelRowCount; QTest::newRow("first: -3(invalid - should default to 0), count: -3 (invalid - shlould default to -1)") << -3 << -3 << m_modelRowCount; } void tst_qxymodelmapper::verticalMapperCustomMapping() { QFETCH(int, first); QFETCH(int, countLimit); QFETCH(int, expectedCount); QCOMPARE(m_series->count(), 0); QVXYModelMapper *mapper = new QVXYModelMapper; mapper->setXColumn(0); mapper->setYColumn(1); mapper->setModel(m_model); mapper->setSeries(m_series); mapper->setFirst(first); mapper->setCount(countLimit); QCOMPARE(m_series->count(), expectedCount); // change values column mapping to invalid mapper->setXColumn(-1); mapper->setYColumn(1); QCOMPARE(m_series->count(), 0); delete mapper; mapper = 0; } void tst_qxymodelmapper::horizontalMapper_data() { QTest::addColumn("xRow"); QTest::addColumn("yRow"); QTest::addColumn("expectedCount"); QTest::newRow("different x and y rows") << 0 << 1 << m_modelColumnCount; QTest::newRow("same x and y rows") << 1 << 1 << m_modelColumnCount; QTest::newRow("invalid x row and correct y row") << -3 << 1 << 0; QTest::newRow("x row beyond the size of model and correct y row") << m_modelRowCount << 1 << 0; QTest::newRow("x row beyond the size of model and invalid y row") << m_modelRowCount << -1 << 0; } void tst_qxymodelmapper::horizontalMapper() { QFETCH(int, xRow); QFETCH(int, yRow); QFETCH(int, expectedCount); QHXYModelMapper *mapper = new QHXYModelMapper; mapper->setXRow(xRow); mapper->setYRow(yRow); mapper->setModel(m_model); mapper->setSeries(m_series); QCOMPARE(m_series->count(), expectedCount); QCOMPARE(mapper->xRow(), qMax(-1, xRow)); QCOMPARE(mapper->yRow(), qMax(-1, yRow)); delete mapper; mapper = 0; } void tst_qxymodelmapper::horizontalMapperCustomMapping_data() { QTest::addColumn("first"); QTest::addColumn("countLimit"); QTest::addColumn("expectedCount"); QTest::newRow("first: 0, unlimited count") << 0 << -1 << m_modelColumnCount; QTest::newRow("first: 3, unlimited count") << 3 << -1 << m_modelColumnCount - 3; QTest::newRow("first: 0, count: 5") << 0 << 5 << qMin(5, m_modelColumnCount); QTest::newRow("first: 3, count: 5") << 3 << 5 << qMin(5, m_modelColumnCount - 3); QTest::newRow("first: +1 greater then the number of columns in the model, unlimited count") << m_modelColumnCount + 1 << -1 << 0; QTest::newRow("first: +1 greater then the number of columns in the model, count: 5") << m_modelColumnCount + 1 << 5 << 0; QTest::newRow("first: 0, count: +3 greater than the number of columns in the model (should limit to the size of model)") << 0 << m_modelColumnCount + 3 << m_modelColumnCount; QTest::newRow("first: -3(invalid - should default to 0), unlimited count") << -3 << -1 << m_modelColumnCount; QTest::newRow("first: 0, count: -3 (invalid - shlould default to -1)") << 0 << -3 << m_modelColumnCount; QTest::newRow("first: -3(invalid - should default to 0), count: -3 (invalid - shlould default to -1)") << -3 << -3 << m_modelColumnCount; } void tst_qxymodelmapper::horizontalMapperCustomMapping() { QFETCH(int, first); QFETCH(int, countLimit); QFETCH(int, expectedCount); QCOMPARE(m_series->count(), 0); QHXYModelMapper *mapper = new QHXYModelMapper; mapper->setXRow(0); mapper->setYRow(1); mapper->setModel(m_model); mapper->setSeries(m_series); mapper->setFirst(first); mapper->setCount(countLimit); QCOMPARE(m_series->count(), expectedCount); // change values row mapping to invalid mapper->setXRow(-1); mapper->setYRow(1); QCOMPARE(m_series->count(), 0); delete mapper; mapper = 0; } void tst_qxymodelmapper::seriesUpdated() { QStandardItemModel *otherModel = new QStandardItemModel; for (int row = 0; row < m_modelRowCount; ++row) { for (int column = 0; column < m_modelColumnCount; column++) { QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(row * column); otherModel->setItem(row, column, item); } } QVXYModelMapper *mapper = new QVXYModelMapper; mapper->setXColumn(0); mapper->setYColumn(1); mapper->setModel(otherModel); mapper->setSeries(m_series); QCOMPARE(m_series->count(), m_modelRowCount); QCOMPARE(mapper->count(), -1); m_series->append(QPointF(100, 100)); QCOMPARE(m_series->count(), m_modelRowCount + 1); QCOMPARE(mapper->count(), -1); // the value should not change as it indicates 'all' items there are in the model m_series->remove(m_series->points().last()); QCOMPARE(m_series->count(), m_modelRowCount); QCOMPARE(mapper->count(), -1); // the value should not change as it indicates 'all' items there are in the model otherModel->clear(); delete otherModel; otherModel = 0; } QTEST_MAIN(tst_qxymodelmapper) #include "tst_qxymodelmapper.moc"