#include #include #include #include #include #include #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_USE_NAMESPACE class DrilldownSlice : public QPieSlice { Q_OBJECT public: DrilldownSlice(qreal value, QString prefix, QSeries* drilldownSeries) :m_drilldownSeries(drilldownSeries), m_prefix(prefix) { setValue(value); setLabelVisible(true); updateLabel(); connect(this, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(updateLabel())); } QSeries* drilldownSeries() const { return m_drilldownSeries; } public Q_SLOTS: void updateLabel() { QString label = m_prefix; label += " " + QString::number(this->value())+ "e ("; label += QString::number(this->percentage()*100, 'f', 1) + "%)"; setLabel(label); } private: QSeries* m_drilldownSeries; QString m_prefix; }; class DrilldownChart : public QChart { Q_OBJECT public: explicit DrilldownChart(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags wFlags = 0):QChart(parent, wFlags), m_currentSeries(0) {} void changeSeries(QSeries* series) { // NOTE: if the series is owned by the chart it will be deleted // here the "window" owns the series... if (m_currentSeries) removeSeries(m_currentSeries); m_currentSeries = series; addSeries(series); setTitle(series->name()); } public Q_SLOTS: void handleSliceClicked(QPieSlice* slice) { DrilldownSlice* drilldownSlice = static_cast(slice); changeSeries(drilldownSlice->drilldownSeries()); } private: QSeries* m_currentSeries; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); qsrand(QTime(0,0,0).secsTo(QTime::currentTime())); QMainWindow window; DrilldownChart* drilldownChart = new DrilldownChart(); drilldownChart->setTheme(QChart::ChartThemeLight); drilldownChart->setAnimationOptions(QChart::AllAnimations); QPieSeries* yearSeries = new QPieSeries(&window); yearSeries->setName("Sales by year - All"); QList months; months << "Jan" << "Feb" << "Mar" << "Apr" << "May" << "Jun" << "Jul" << "Aug" << "Sep" << "Oct" << "Nov" << "Dec"; QList names; names << "Jane" << "John" << "Axel" << "Mary" << "Samantha" << "Bob"; foreach (QString name, names) { QPieSeries* series = new QPieSeries(&window); series->setName("Sales by month - " + name); foreach (QString month, months) *series << new DrilldownSlice(qrand() % 1000, month, yearSeries); QObject::connect(series, SIGNAL(clicked(QPieSlice*, Qt::MouseButtons)), drilldownChart, SLOT(handleSliceClicked(QPieSlice*))); *yearSeries << new DrilldownSlice(series->total(), name, series); } QObject::connect(yearSeries, SIGNAL(clicked(QPieSlice*, Qt::MouseButtons)), drilldownChart, SLOT(handleSliceClicked(QPieSlice*))); drilldownChart->changeSeries(yearSeries); QChartView* chartView = new QChartView(drilldownChart); chartView->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); window.setCentralWidget(chartView); window.resize(800, 600); window.show(); return a.exec(); } #include "main.moc"