#ifndef BARCHARTITEM_H #define BARCHARTITEM_H #include "chartitem_p.h" #include "qbarseries.h" #include #include #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class Bar; class BarValue; class QChartAxisCategories; class QChart; typedef QHash BarLayout; class BarChartItem : public QObject, public ChartItem { Q_OBJECT public: BarChartItem(QBarSeries *series, ChartPresenter *presenter); virtual ~BarChartItem(); // Common implemantation of different presenters. Not to be instantiated. // TODO: combine this with BarPresenter and derive other presenters from it? public: // From QGraphicsItem void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget); QRectF boundingRect() const; // TODO: Consider the domain for layoutChanged. May be use case, may not be. If it is, then the derived classes need to implement it virtual void dataChanged(); // data of series has changed -> need to recalculate bar sizes private slots: virtual void layoutChanged(); // layout has changed -> need to recalculate bar sizes public: BarLayout calculateLayout(); void applyLayout(const BarLayout &layout); void setLayout(const BarLayout &layout); protected: void initAxisLabels(); public slots: void handleModelChanged(int index); void handleDomainChanged(qreal minX, qreal maxX, qreal minY, qreal maxY); void handleGeometryChanged(const QRectF& size); void handleLayoutChanged(); // Internal slots void showToolTip(QPoint pos, QString tip); // shows tooltip (if enabled) protected: // TODO: consider these. int mHeight; // Layout spesific int mWidth; qreal mBarWidth; qreal mDomainMinX; qreal mDomainMaxX; qreal mDomainMinY; qreal mDomainMaxY; bool mLayoutSet; // True, if component has been laid out. // Not owned. QBarSeries* mSeries; QList mBars; QList mFloatingValues; }; QTCOMMERCIALCHART_END_NAMESPACE #endif // BARCHARTITEM_H