#ifndef BARCHARTSERIES_H #define BARCHARTSERIES_H #include "qchartseries.h" QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QBarCategory; class QBarSet; class BarChartModel; // Container for series class QTCOMMERCIALCHART_EXPORT QBarChartSeries : public QChartSeries { Q_OBJECT public: QBarChartSeries(QBarCategory *category, QObject* parent=0); virtual QChartSeriesType type() const { return QChartSeries::SeriesTypeBar; } void addBarSet(QBarSet *set); // Takes ownership of set void removeBarSet(QBarSet *set); // Releases ownership, doesn't delete set int countSets(); int countCategories(); QBarSet* nextSet(bool getFirst=false); // Returns first set, if called with true QBarSet *setAt(int index); QList legend(); // Returns legend of series (ie. names of all sets in series) public: // TODO: Functions below this are not part of api and will be moved // to private implementation, when we start using it // TODO: TO PIMPL ---> QString label(int category); qreal min(); qreal max(); qreal valueAt(int set, int category); qreal percentageAt(int set, int category); qreal categorySum(int category); qreal maxCategorySum(); BarChartModel& model(); // <--- TO PIMPL signals: void changed(int index); // TODO: internal signals, these to private implementation. // TODO: TO PIMPL ---> void floatingValuesEnabled(bool enabled); void toolTipEnabled(bool enabled); void separatorsEnabled(bool enabled); void showToolTip(QPoint pos, QString tip); // <--- TO PIMPL public Q_SLOTS: void enableFloatingValues(bool enabled=true); // enables floating values on top of bars void enableToolTip(bool enabled=true); // enables tooltips void enableSeparators(bool enabled=true); // enables separators between categories protected: BarChartModel* mModel; }; QTCOMMERCIALCHART_END_NAMESPACE #endif // BARCHARTSERIES_H