/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc ** All rights reserved. ** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** ** This file is part of the Qt Commercial Charts Add-on. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE$ ** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use ** contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qlegend.h" #include "qlegend_p.h" #include "qabstractseries.h" #include "qabstractseries_p.h" #include "qchart_p.h" #include "legendmarker_p.h" #include "qxyseries.h" #include "qlineseries.h" #include "qareaseries.h" #include "qscatterseries.h" #include "qsplineseries.h" #include "qbarseries.h" #include "qstackedbarseries.h" #include "qpercentbarseries.h" #include "qbarset.h" #include "qpieseries.h" #include "qpieseries_p.h" #include "qpieslice.h" #include "chartpresenter_p.h" #include #include #include #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \class QLegend \brief part of QtCommercial chart API. \mainclass QLegend is a graphical object, whics displays legend of the chart. Legend state is updated by QChart, when series have been changed. By default, legend is drawn by QChart, but user can set a new parent to legend and handle the drawing manually. User isn't supposed to create or delete legend objects, but can reference it via QChart class. \image examples_percentbarchart_legend.png \sa QChart */ /*! \qmlclass Legend QLegend \brief Legend is part of QtCommercial Chart QML API. Legend is a graphical object, whics displays legend of the chart. Legend state is updated by ChartView, when series have been changed. Legend is used via ChartView class. For example: \code ChartView { legend.visible: true legend.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom // Add a few series... } \endcode \image examples_percentbarchart_legend.png */ /*! \property QLegend::alignment \brief The alignment of the legend. Legend paints on the defined position in the chart. The following alignments are supported: Qt::AlignTop, Qt::AlignBottom, Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::AlignRight. If you set more than one flag the result is undefined. */ /*! \qmlproperty Qt.Alignment Legend::alignment \brief The alignment of the legend. Legend paints on the defined position in the chart. The following alignments are supported: Qt.AlignTop, Qt.AlignBottom, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignRight. If you set more than one flag the result is undefined. */ /*! \property QLegend::backgroundVisible Whether the legend background is visible or not. */ /*! \qmlproperty bool Legend::backgroundVisible Whether the legend background is visible or not. */ /*! \property QLegend::color The color of the legend, i.e. the background (brush) color. Note that if you change the color of the legend, the style of the legend brush is set to Qt::SolidPattern. */ /*! \qmlproperty color Legend::color The color of the legend, i.e. the background (brush) color. */ /*! \property QLegend::borderColor The border color of the legend, i.e. the line color. */ /*! \qmlproperty color Legend::borderColor The border color of the legend, i.e. the line color. */ /*! \fn void QLegend::alignmentChanged(Qt::Alignment) Emitted when the \a alignment of the legend changes. */ /*! \fn void QLegend::backgroundVisibleChanged(bool) The visibility of the legend background changed to \a visible. */ /*! \fn void QLegend::colorChanged(QColor) The color of the legend background changed to \a color. */ /*! \fn void QLegend::borderColorChanged(QColor) The border color of the legend background changed to \a color. */ /*! \fn qreal QLegend::minWidth() const Returns minimum width of the legend */ /*! \fn qreal QLegend::minHeight() const Returns minimum height of the legend */ /*! Constructs the legend object and sets the parent to \a parent */ QLegend::QLegend(QChart *chart):QGraphicsWidget(chart), d_ptr(new QLegendPrivate(chart->d_ptr->m_presenter,chart,this)) { setZValue(ChartPresenter::LegendZValue); setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape); QObject::connect(chart->d_ptr->m_dataset,SIGNAL(seriesAdded(QAbstractSeries*,Domain*)),d_ptr.data(),SLOT(handleSeriesAdded(QAbstractSeries*,Domain*))); QObject::connect(chart->d_ptr->m_dataset,SIGNAL(seriesRemoved(QAbstractSeries*)),d_ptr.data(),SLOT(handleSeriesRemoved(QAbstractSeries*))); QObject::connect(chart->d_ptr->m_dataset,SIGNAL(seriesUpdated(QAbstractSeries*)),d_ptr.data(),SLOT(handleSeriesUpdated(QAbstractSeries*))); } /*! Destroys the legend object. Legend is always owned by a QChart, so an application should never call this. */ QLegend::~QLegend() { } /*! Paints the legend to given \a painter. Paremeters \a option and \a widget arent used. */ void QLegend::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(option) Q_UNUSED(widget) if(!d_ptr->m_backgroundVisible) return; painter->setOpacity(opacity()); painter->setPen(d_ptr->m_pen); painter->setBrush(d_ptr->m_brush); painter->drawRoundRect(rect(),d_ptr->roundness(rect().width()),d_ptr->roundness(rect().height())); } /*! Bounding rect of legend. */ QRectF QLegend::boundingRect() const { return d_ptr->m_rect; } /*! Sets the \a brush of legend. Brush affects the background of legend. */ void QLegend::setBrush(const QBrush &brush) { if (d_ptr->m_brush != brush) { d_ptr->m_brush = brush; update(); } } /*! Returns the brush used by legend. */ QBrush QLegend::brush() const { return d_ptr->m_brush; } void QLegend::setColor(QColor color) { QBrush b = d_ptr->m_brush; if (b.style() != Qt::SolidPattern || b.color() != color) { b.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); b.setColor(color); setBrush(b); emit colorChanged(color); } } QColor QLegend::color() { return d_ptr->m_brush.color(); } /*! Sets the \a pen of legend. Pen affects the legend borders. */ void QLegend::setPen(const QPen &pen) { if (d_ptr->m_pen != pen) { d_ptr->m_pen = pen; update(); } } /*! Returns the pen used by legend */ QPen QLegend::pen() const { return d_ptr->m_pen; } void QLegend::setBorderColor(QColor color) { QPen p = d_ptr->m_pen; if (p.color() != color) { p.setColor(color); setPen(p); emit borderColorChanged(color); } } QColor QLegend::borderColor() { return d_ptr->m_pen.color(); } void QLegend::setAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment) { if(d_ptr->m_alignment!=alignment) { d_ptr->m_alignment = alignment; d_ptr->updateLayout(); alignmentChanged(alignment); } } Qt::Alignment QLegend::alignment() const { return d_ptr->m_alignment; } /*! Detaches the legend from chart. Chart won't change layout of the legend. */ void QLegend::detachFromChart() { d_ptr->m_attachedToChart = false; } /*! Attaches the legend to chart. Chart may change layout of the legend. */ void QLegend::attachToChart() { d_ptr->attachToChart(); } /*! Returns true, if legend is attached to chart. */ bool QLegend::isAttachedToChart() { return d_ptr->m_attachedToChart; } /*! Sets the visibility of legend background to \a visible */ void QLegend::setBackgroundVisible(bool visible) { if(d_ptr->m_backgroundVisible != visible) { d_ptr->m_backgroundVisible = visible; update(); emit backgroundVisibleChanged(visible); } } /*! Returns the visibility of legend background */ bool QLegend::isBackgroundVisible() const { return d_ptr->m_backgroundVisible; } /*! \internal \a event see QGraphicsWidget for details */ void QLegend::resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *event) { const QRectF& rect = QRectF(QPoint(0,0),event->newSize()); QGraphicsWidget::resizeEvent(event); if(d_ptr->m_rect != rect) { d_ptr->m_rect = rect; d_ptr->updateLayout(); } } /*! \internal \a event see QGraphicsWidget for details */ void QLegend::hideEvent(QHideEvent *event) { QGraphicsWidget::hideEvent(event); setEnabled(false); d_ptr->updateLayout(); } /*! \internal \a event see QGraphicsWidget for details */ void QLegend::showEvent(QShowEvent *event) { QGraphicsWidget::showEvent(event); setEnabled(true); d_ptr->updateLayout(); } qreal QLegend::minWidth() const { return d_ptr->m_minWidth; } qreal QLegend::minHeight() const { return d_ptr->m_minHeight; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QLegendPrivate::QLegendPrivate(ChartPresenter* presenter, QChart *chart, QLegend *q): q_ptr(q), m_presenter(presenter), m_chart(chart), m_markers(new QGraphicsItemGroup(q)), m_alignment(Qt::AlignTop), m_brush(QBrush()), m_pen(QPen()), m_offsetX(0), m_offsetY(0), m_minWidth(0), m_minHeight(0), m_width(0), m_height(0), m_diameter(5), m_attachedToChart(true), m_backgroundVisible(false) { } QLegendPrivate::~QLegendPrivate() { } void QLegendPrivate::setOffset(qreal x, qreal y) { bool scrollHorizontal = true; switch(m_alignment) { case Qt::AlignTop: case Qt::AlignBottom: { scrollHorizontal = true; break; } case Qt::AlignLeft: case Qt::AlignRight: { scrollHorizontal = false; break; } } // If detached, the scrolling direction is vertical instead of horizontal and vice versa. if (!m_attachedToChart) { scrollHorizontal = !scrollHorizontal; } // Limit offset between m_minOffset and m_maxOffset if (scrollHorizontal) { if(m_width<=m_rect.width()) return; if (x != m_offsetX) { m_offsetX = qBound(m_minOffsetX, x, m_maxOffsetX); m_markers->setPos(-m_offsetX,m_rect.top()); } } else { if(m_height<=m_rect.height()) return; if (y != m_offsetY) { m_offsetY = qBound(m_minOffsetY, y, m_maxOffsetY); m_markers->setPos(m_rect.left(),-m_offsetY); } } } QPointF QLegendPrivate::offset() const { return QPointF(m_offsetX,m_offsetY); } void QLegendPrivate::updateLayout() { if (!m_attachedToChart) { updateDetachedLayout(); return; } m_offsetX=0; QList items = m_markers->childItems(); if(items.isEmpty()) return; m_minWidth=0; m_minHeight=0; switch(m_alignment) { case Qt::AlignTop: case Qt::AlignBottom: { QPointF point = m_rect.topLeft(); m_width = 0; foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, items) { if (item->isVisible()) { item->setPos(point.x(),m_rect.height()/2 -item->boundingRect().height()/2); const QRectF& rect = item->boundingRect(); qreal w = rect.width(); m_minWidth=qMax(m_minWidth,w); m_minHeight=qMax(m_minHeight,rect.height()); m_width+=w; point.setX(point.x() + w); } } if(m_widthsetPos(m_rect.width()/2-m_width/2,m_rect.top()); } else { m_markers->setPos(m_rect.topLeft()); } m_height=m_minHeight; } break; case Qt::AlignLeft: case Qt::AlignRight: { QPointF point = m_rect.topLeft(); m_height = 0; foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, items) { if (item->isVisible()) { item->setPos(point); const QRectF& rect = item->boundingRect(); qreal h = rect.height(); m_minWidth=qMax(m_minWidth,rect.width()); m_minHeight=qMax(m_minHeight,h); m_height+=h; point.setY(point.y() + h); } } if(m_heightsetPos(m_rect.left(),m_rect.height()/2-m_height/2); } else { m_markers->setPos(m_rect.topLeft()); } m_width=m_minWidth; } break; } m_minOffsetX = 0; m_minOffsetY = 0; m_maxOffsetX = m_width - m_rect.width(); m_maxOffsetY = m_height - m_rect.height(); m_presenter->updateLayout(); } void QLegendPrivate::updateDetachedLayout() { // Detached layout is different. // In detached mode legend may have multiple rows and columns, so layout calculations // differ a log from attached mode. // Also the scrolling logic is bit different. m_offsetX=0; m_offsetY=0; QList items = m_markers->childItems(); if(items.isEmpty()) return; m_minWidth = 0; m_minHeight = 0; switch (m_alignment) { case Qt::AlignTop: { QPointF point = m_rect.topLeft(); m_width = 0; m_height = 0; for (int i=0; iisVisible()) { const QRectF& rect = item->boundingRect(); qreal w = rect.width(); qreal h = rect.height(); m_minWidth = qMax(m_minWidth,w); m_minHeight = qMax(m_minHeight,rect.height()); m_height = qMax(m_height,h); item->setPos(point.x(),point.y()); point.setX(point.x() + w); if (point.x() + w > m_rect.topLeft().x() + m_rect.width()) { // Next item would go off rect. point.setX(m_rect.topLeft().x()); point.setY(point.y() + h); if (i+1 < items.count()) { m_height += h; } } } } m_markers->setPos(m_rect.topLeft()); m_width = m_minWidth; m_minOffsetX = 0; m_minOffsetY = 0; m_maxOffsetX = m_width - m_rect.width(); m_maxOffsetY = m_height - m_rect.height(); } break; case Qt::AlignBottom: { QPointF point = m_rect.bottomLeft(); m_width = 0; m_height = 0; for (int i=0; iisVisible()) { const QRectF& rect = item->boundingRect(); qreal w = rect.width(); qreal h = rect.height(); m_minWidth = qMax(m_minWidth,w); m_minHeight = qMax(m_minHeight,rect.height()); m_height = qMax(m_height,h); item->setPos(point.x(),point.y() - h); point.setX(point.x() + w); if (point.x() + w > m_rect.bottomLeft().x() + m_rect.width()) { // Next item would go off rect. point.setX(m_rect.bottomLeft().x()); point.setY(point.y() - h); if (i+1 < items.count()) { m_height += h; } } } } m_markers->setPos(m_rect.topLeft()); m_width = m_minWidth; m_minOffsetX = 0; m_minOffsetY = qMin(m_rect.topLeft().y(), m_rect.topLeft().y() - m_height + m_rect.height()); m_maxOffsetX = m_width - m_rect.width(); m_maxOffsetY = 0; } break; case Qt::AlignLeft: { QPointF point = m_rect.topLeft(); m_width = 0; m_height = 0; qreal maxWidth = 0; for (int i=0; iisVisible()) { const QRectF& rect = item->boundingRect(); qreal w = rect.width(); qreal h = rect.height(); m_minWidth = qMax(m_minWidth,rect.width()); m_minHeight = qMax(m_minHeight,h); maxWidth = qMax(maxWidth,w); item->setPos(point.x(),point.y()); point.setY(point.y() + h); if (point.y() + h > m_rect.topLeft().y() + m_rect.height()) { // Next item would go off rect. point.setX(point.x() + maxWidth); point.setY(m_rect.topLeft().y()); if (i+1 < items.count()) { m_width += maxWidth; maxWidth = 0; } } } } m_width += maxWidth; m_markers->setPos(m_rect.topLeft()); m_height = m_minHeight; m_minOffsetX = 0; m_minOffsetY = 0; m_maxOffsetX = m_width - m_rect.width(); m_maxOffsetY = m_height - m_rect.height(); } break; case Qt::AlignRight: { QPointF point = m_rect.topRight(); m_width = 0; m_height = 0; qreal maxWidth = 0; for (int i=0; iisVisible()) { const QRectF& rect = item->boundingRect(); qreal w = rect.width(); qreal h = rect.height(); m_minWidth = qMax(m_minWidth,rect.width()); m_minHeight = qMax(m_minHeight,h); maxWidth = qMax(maxWidth,w); item->setPos(point.x() - w,point.y()); point.setY(point.y() + h); if (point.y() + h > m_rect.topLeft().y() + m_rect.height()) { // Next item would go off rect. point.setX(point.x() - maxWidth); point.setY(m_rect.topLeft().y()); if (i+1 < items.count()) { m_width += maxWidth; maxWidth = 0; } } } } m_width += maxWidth; m_markers->setPos(m_rect.topLeft()); m_height = m_minHeight; m_minOffsetX = qMin(m_rect.topLeft().x(), m_rect.topLeft().x() - m_width + m_rect.width()); m_minOffsetY = 0; m_maxOffsetX = 0; m_maxOffsetY = m_height - m_rect.height(); } break; default: break; } } void QLegendPrivate::attachToChart() { m_attachedToChart = true; q_ptr->setParent(m_chart); } int QLegendPrivate::roundness(qreal size) { return 100*m_diameter/int(size); } void QLegendPrivate::handleSeriesAdded(QAbstractSeries *series, Domain *domain) { Q_UNUSED(domain) QList markers = series->d_ptr->createLegendMarker(q_ptr); foreach(LegendMarker* marker, markers) m_markers->addToGroup(marker); QObject::connect(series, SIGNAL(visibleChanged()), this, SLOT(handleSeriesVisibleChanged())); if(series->type() == QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypePie) { QPieSeries *pieSeries = static_cast(series); QObject::connect(pieSeries, SIGNAL(added(QList)), this, SLOT(handleUpdatePieSeries())); QObject::connect(pieSeries, SIGNAL(removed(QList)), this, SLOT(handleUpdatePieSeries())); } updateLayout(); } void QLegendPrivate::handleSeriesRemoved(QAbstractSeries *series) { QList items = m_markers->childItems(); foreach (QGraphicsItem *markers, items) { LegendMarker *marker = static_cast(markers); if (marker->series() == series) { delete marker; } } if(series->type() == QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypePie) { QPieSeries *pieSeries = static_cast(series); QObject::disconnect(pieSeries, SIGNAL(added(QList)), this, SLOT(handleUpdatePieSeries())); QObject::disconnect(pieSeries, SIGNAL(removed(QList)), this, SLOT(handleUpdatePieSeries())); } updateLayout(); } void QLegendPrivate::handleSeriesUpdated(QAbstractSeries *series) { // TODO: find out which markers are are added or removed. Update them // TODO: better implementation handleSeriesRemoved(series); Domain domain; handleSeriesAdded(series, &domain); } void QLegendPrivate::handleUpdatePieSeries() { //TODO: reimplement to be optimal QPieSeries* series = qobject_cast (sender()); Q_ASSERT(series); handleSeriesRemoved(series); handleSeriesAdded(series, 0); } void QLegendPrivate::handleSeriesVisibleChanged() { QAbstractSeries* series = qobject_cast (sender()); QList items = m_markers->childItems(); foreach (QGraphicsItem *markers, items) { LegendMarker *marker = static_cast(markers); if (marker->series() == series) { marker->setVisible(!marker->isVisible()); } } updateLayout(); } #include "moc_qlegend.cpp" #include "moc_qlegend_p.cpp" QTCOMMERCIALCHART_END_NAMESPACE