#include "barpresenter.h" #include "bar_p.h" #include "barlabel_p.h" #include "barvalue_p.h" #include "qbarset.h" #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE BarPresenter::BarPresenter(QBarChartSeries *series, QGraphicsItem *parent) : BarPresenterBase(series, parent) { mBarDefaultWidth = 15; } void BarPresenter::layoutChanged() { // Scale bars to new layout // Layout for bars: if (mSeries->countSets() <= 0) { qDebug() << "No sets in model!"; return; } if (childItems().count() == 0) { qDebug() << "WARNING: BarPresenter::layoutChanged called before graphics items are created!"; return; } // TODO: better way to auto-layout? // Use reals for accurancy (we might get some compiler warnings... :) int categoryCount = mSeries->countCategories(); int setCount = mSeries->countSets(); qreal tW = mWidth; qreal tH = mHeight; qreal tM = mSeries->max(); qreal scale = (tH/tM); qreal tC = categoryCount+1; qreal xStepPerSet = (tW/tC); // Scaling. int itemIndex(0); int labelIndex(0); for (int category=0; category < categoryCount; category++) { qreal xPos = xStepPerSet * category + ((tW + mBarDefaultWidth*setCount)/(categoryCount*2)); qreal yPos = mHeight; for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) { qreal barHeight = mSeries->valueAt(set,category) * scale; Bar* bar = mBars.at(itemIndex); // TODO: width settable per bar? bar->resize(mBarDefaultWidth, barHeight); bar->setBrush(mSeries->setAt(set)->brush()); bar->setPos(xPos, yPos-barHeight); itemIndex++; xPos += mBarDefaultWidth; } // TODO: Layout for labels, remove magic number xPos = xStepPerSet * category + ((tW + mBarDefaultWidth*setCount)/(categoryCount*2)); BarLabel* label = mLabels.at(labelIndex); label->setPos(xPos, mHeight + 20); labelIndex++; } // Position floating values itemIndex = 0; for (int category=0; category < mSeries->countCategories(); category++) { qreal xPos = xStepPerSet * category + ((tW + mBarDefaultWidth*setCount)/(categoryCount*2)); qreal yPos = mHeight; for (int set=0; set < mSeries->countSets(); set++) { qreal barHeight = mSeries->valueAt(set,category) * scale; BarValue* value = mFloatingValues.at(itemIndex); // TODO: remove hard coding, apply layout value->resize(100,50); value->setPos(xPos, yPos-barHeight/2); value->setPen(QPen(QColor(255,255,255,255))); if (mSeries->valueAt(set,category) != 0) { value->setValueString(QString::number(mSeries->valueAt(set,category))); } else { value->setValueString(QString("")); } itemIndex++; xPos += mBarDefaultWidth; } } mLayoutDirty = true; } #include "moc_barpresenter.cpp" QTCOMMERCIALCHART_END_NAMESPACE