#include "stackedbargroup.h" #include "bar.h" #include "barlabel_p.h" #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE StackedBarGroup::StackedBarGroup(StackedBarChartSeries& series, QGraphicsItem *parent) : ChartItem(parent) ,mSeries(series) ,mLayoutSet(false) ,mLayoutDirty(true) ,mBarDefaultWidth(20) // TODO: remove hard coding, when we have layout code ready ,mTheme(0) { dataChanged(); } void StackedBarGroup::setSize(const QSizeF& size) { // qDebug() << "StackedBarGroup::setSize"; mWidth = size.width(); mHeight = size.height(); layoutChanged(); mLayoutSet = true; } void StackedBarGroup::setPlotDomain(const PlotDomain& data) { qDebug() << "StackedBarGroup::setPlotDomain"; // TODO: } void StackedBarGroup::themeChanged(ChartTheme *theme) { mTheme = theme; } void StackedBarGroup::setBarWidth( int w ) { mBarDefaultWidth = w; } int StackedBarGroup::addColor( QColor color ) { int colorIndex = mColors.count(); mColors.append(color); return colorIndex; } void StackedBarGroup::resetColors() { mColors.clear(); } void StackedBarGroup::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { if (!mLayoutSet) { qDebug() << "QBarChart::paint called without layout set. Aborting."; return; } if (mLayoutDirty) { // Layout or data has changed. Need to redraw. foreach(QGraphicsItem* i, childItems()) { i->paint(painter,option,widget); } mLayoutDirty = false; //TODO: draw labels. } } QRectF StackedBarGroup::boundingRect() const { return QRectF(0,0,mWidth,mHeight); } void StackedBarGroup::dataChanged() { qDebug() << "QBarChart::dataChanged mSeries"; // Find out maximum and minimum of all series mMax = mSeries.max(); mMin = mSeries.min(); // Delete old bars // Is this correct way to delete childItems? foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, childItems()) { delete item; } // Create new graphic items for bars int totalItems = mSeries.countTotalItems(); for (int i=0; iset(text); childItems().append(label); } // TODO: if (autolayout) { layoutChanged() } or something mLayoutDirty = true; } void StackedBarGroup::layoutChanged() { // Scale bars to new layout // Layout for bars: if (mSeries.countRows() <= 0) { // Nothing to do. return; } // TODO: better way to auto-layout // Use reals for accurancy (we might get some compiler warnings... :) qreal maxSum = mSeries.maxColumnSum(); qreal h = mHeight; qreal scale = (h / maxSum); int count = mSeries.countColumns(); int itemIndex(0); qreal tW = mWidth; qreal tC = count+1; qreal xStep = (tW/tC); qreal xPos = ((tW/tC) - mBarDefaultWidth / 2); int labelIndex = mSeries.countColumns() * mSeries.countRows(); for (int column = 0; column < mSeries.countColumns(); column++) { qreal yPos = h; for (int row=0; row < mSeries.countRows(); row++) { qreal barHeight = mSeries.valueAt(row, column) * scale; Bar* bar = reinterpret_cast (childItems().at(itemIndex)); // TODO: width settable per bar? // TODO: how to get color for series(x) from theme? // mTheme->themeForSeries(); bar->resize(mBarDefaultWidth, barHeight); bar->setColor(mColors.at(row)); bar->setPos(xPos, yPos-barHeight); itemIndex++; yPos -= barHeight; } // TODO: Layout for labels, remove magic number BarLabel* label = reinterpret_cast (childItems().at(labelIndex)); label->setPos(xPos, mHeight + 20); labelIndex++; xPos += xStep; } mLayoutDirty = true; } QTCOMMERCIALCHART_END_NAMESPACE