/*! \class Widget \brief Ui for the application. \internal */ #include "widget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_USE_NAMESPACE Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { setGeometry(100, 100, 1000, 600); // right panel layout countrieslist = new QListWidget; countrieslist->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection); yearslist = new QListWidget; yearslist->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); for (int i = 1990; i < 2011; i++) yearslist->addItem(QString("%1").arg(i)); QPushButton* refreshButton = new QPushButton(tr("Refresh")); connect(refreshButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(refreshChart())); QPushButton* printButton = new QPushButton(tr("Print chart")); connect(printButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(printChart())); QVBoxLayout* rightPanelLayout = new QVBoxLayout; rightPanelLayout->addWidget(countrieslist); rightPanelLayout->addWidget(yearslist); rightPanelLayout->addWidget(refreshButton); rightPanelLayout->addWidget(printButton); rightPanelLayout->setStretch(0, 1); rightPanelLayout->setStretch(1, 0); // main layout chartArea = new QChartView(this); chartArea->setChartTitle("GDP by country"); QGridLayout* mainLayout = new QGridLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(chartArea, 0, 0); mainLayout->addLayout(rightPanelLayout, 0, 1); mainLayout->setColumnStretch(0,1); setLayout(mainLayout); // connect to the database db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName("gdpData"); if(!db.open()) { qDebug() << "could not open database. SQLite db file missing (?)"; return; } // get the list of all countires and regions. QSqlQuery query; query.exec("SELECT DISTINCT country FROM gdp2"); // add the countries to the country filter while (query.next()) { countrieslist->addItem(query.value(0).toString()); } // hide axis X labels QChartAxis* axis = chartArea->axisX(); axis->setLabelsVisible(false); // newAxis.setLabelsOrientation(QChartAxis::LabelsOrientationSlide); } Widget::~Widget() { // db.close(); } /*! refreshes the chart */ void Widget::refreshChart() { // chartArea-> // selected countries items list is not sorted. copy the values to QStringlist and sort them. QStringList selectedCountriesStrings; QList selectedCountriesItems = countrieslist->selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedCountriesItems.size(); i++) selectedCountriesStrings.append(selectedCountriesItems[i]->text()); selectedCountriesStrings.sort(); // use the sorted selected coutries list to initialize BarCategory QBarCategory* category = new QBarCategory; for (int i = 0; i < selectedCountriesStrings.size(); i++) *category << selectedCountriesStrings[i]; QBarChartSeries* series0 = new QBarChartSeries(category); // prepare the selected counries SQL query QString countriesQuery = "country IN ("; for (int i = 0; i < selectedCountriesStrings.size(); i++) { countriesQuery.append("'" + selectedCountriesStrings[i] + "'"); if ( i < selectedCountriesStrings.size() - 1) countriesQuery.append(","); else countriesQuery.append(")"); } QSqlQuery query; // selected years items list is not sorted. copy the values to QList and sort them. QList selectedYearsInts; QList selectedYearsItems = yearslist->selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedYearsItems.size(); i++) selectedYearsInts.append(selectedYearsItems[i]->text().toInt()); qSort(selectedYearsInts); // perform a query for each selected year for (int i = 0; i < selectedYearsInts.size(); i++) { query.exec("SELECT country,gdpvalue FROM gdp2 where year=" + QString("%1").arg(selectedYearsInts[i]) + " AND " + countriesQuery); QBarSet* barSet = new QBarSet; // while (query.next()) { // qDebug() << query.value(0).toString() << " : " << query.value(1).toString(); // } query.first(); // the data for some of the coutries for some years might be missing. // QBarChart needs bars to have same size for (int k = 0; k < selectedCountriesStrings.size(); k++) { if (selectedCountriesStrings[k] == query.value(0).toString()) { *barSet << query.value(1).toReal(); qDebug() << query.value(0).toString() << query.value(1).toReal() << " : " << QString("%1").arg(selectedYearsInts[i]); query.next(); } else { // data missing, put 0 *barSet << 0.0f; qDebug() << "Putting 0 for Bosnia" << " : " << QString("%1").arg(selectedYearsInts[i]); } } series0->addBarSet(barSet); } // add the serie to the chart chartArea->addSeries(series0); } void Widget::printChart() { QPrinter printer; // QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution); printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat); printer.setOrientation(QPrinter::Landscape); printer.setOutputFileName("print.pdf"); QPainter painter; painter.begin(&printer); chartArea->render(&painter); }