/*! \page index.html \title QtCommercial Charts \keyword All Classes TODO: restructure the document QtCommercial Charts introduction... For example, to create a chart with line series using a widget based application: \snippet ../example/chartview/main.cpp 1 \image chartview_example.jpg Showing a few more series: \snippet ../example/chartview/main.cpp 3 \image chartview_example_pie.jpg \snippet ../example/chartview/main.cpp 4 \image chartview_example_scatter.jpg \snippet ../example/chartview/main.cpp 5 \image chartview_example_bar.jpg If you need to give a more professional touch to your chart you can switch to one of the pre-defined themes: \snippet ../example/chartview/main.cpp 2 \image chartview_example_theme.jpg \raw HTML
List of classes
\endraw */