TARGET = qtcommercialchartqml QT += declarative !include( ../plugins.pri ) { error( "Couldn't find the plugins.pri file!" ) } contains(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) { # TODO: QtQuick2 not supported by the implementation currently DEFINES += QTQUICK2 } CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { mac: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,_debug) win32: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,d) } # enable building debug and release at the same time CONFIG += debug_and_release # On windows by default build both debug and release at the same time win32:CONFIG += build_all SOURCES += \ plugin.cpp \ declarativechart.cpp \ declarativexypoint.cpp \ declarativexyseries.cpp \ declarativelineseries.cpp \ declarativesplineseries.cpp \ declarativeareaseries.cpp \ declarativescatterseries.cpp \ declarativepieseries.cpp \ declarativebarseries.cpp HEADERS += \ declarativechart.h \ declarativexypoint.h \ declarativexyseries.h \ declarativelineseries.h \ declarativesplineseries.h \ declarativeareaseries.h \ declarativescatterseries.h \ declarativepieseries.h \ declarativebarseries.h TARGETPATH = QtCommercial/Chart target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS]/$$TARGETPATH qmldir.files += $$PWD/qmldir qmldir.path += $$[QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS]/$$TARGETPATH INSTALLS += target qmldir FILE = $$PWD/qmldir win32:{FILE = $$replace(FILE, "/","\\")} QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$QMAKE_COPY $$FILE $$CHART_BUILD_PLUGIN_DIR