/*! \example examples/stackedbarchart \title StackedBarChart Example \subtitle The example shows how to create simple stacked bar chart. Stacked bar chart shows the data in sets as bars that are stacked on top of each other. The stacking is done per category. \image stackedbarchart.png First we define categories. \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 1 Data that barchart visualizes, is defined by QBarSet instances. Here we create some sets and append data we want to visulaize to them. \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 2 To combine the sets and categories to a chart, we need to create QBarSeries instance. When creating the QBarSeries, the categories must be known. Sets can be added later. For example purposes the sets are added to series here. \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 3 We want our barchart to behave so, that when mouse is hovered over bar, the name of set which the bar represents is shown as tooltip. Also when we click the bar, floating values for the set are toggled. Floating values are the data values that are drawn on top of bars. \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 4 Here we create the view and add our series to it. Also we set the title and theme we want our chart to use \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 5 For barchart, we don't need X-axis to be visible, so it can be disabled. \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 6 */